private void serverSelectionChanged(object sender) { databases.Items.Clear(); ArrayList sortedDBs = new ArrayList(); String currentDBServer = textBox_Server.Text; String currentDBServerPort = ""; if (textBox_Port.Text == "") { if (databaseServers.SelectedItem != null) currentDBServerPort = ((ComboBoxServer)databaseServers.SelectedItem).Port; else currentDBServerPort = textBox_Port.Text; textBox_Port.Text = currentDBServerPort; } else currentDBServerPort = textBox_Port.Text; TextBlockStatus.Text = "Verfügbare Datenbanken werden in " + currentDBServer + " gesucht."; if (comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString() == DBPOSTGRES) { this.databases.Items.Clear(); this.hisProduct.Items.Clear(); this.comboBoxEncoding.Items.Clear(); DBConnection pgConnection = new DBConnection(DBConnection.DBType.Postgres); NpgsqlConnection sqlConx = (NpgsqlConnection)pgConnection.openPGConnection(currentDBServer, "postgres", currentDBServerPort, getHisProduct(), false); if (sqlConx == null) { TextBlockStatus.Text = "Datenbank Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!"; return; } DataTable tblDatabases = sqlConx.GetSchema("Databases"); DataView view = tblDatabases.DefaultView; view.Sort = "database_name"; sqlConx.Close(); foreach (DataRowView row in view) { try { String dbName = row["database_name"].ToString().Trim(); String dbOwner = row["owner"].ToString().Trim(); String dbEncoding = row["encoding"].ToString().Trim(); if ((dbName != "postgres") && (dbName != "template0") && (dbName != "template1") && (dbName != "latin1")) { sortedDBs.Add(new ComboBoxDatabase(dbName, dbOwner, dbEncoding)); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message); return; } } } else if (comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString() == DBINFORMIX) { if (databaseServers.SelectedItem == null) return; String currentInformixServer = ((ComboBoxServer)databaseServers.SelectedItem).InformixServer; if (!SQLHosts.EntryExists(currentInformixServer)) { SQLHosts.CreateEntry(currentInformixServer, currentDBServer, currentDBServerPort); } try { DBConnection ifxConnection = new DBConnection(DBConnection.DBType.Informix); IfxConnection conn = (IfxConnection)ifxConnection.openIfxConnection(currentDBServer, currentInformixServer, "sysmaster", currentDBServerPort, getHisProduct(), "", false); if (conn == null) { TextBlockStatus.Text = "Datenbank Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!"; return; } String commandText = "SELECT, sysdatabases.owner, sysdbslocale.dbs_collate " + "FROM sysdbslocale INNER JOIN sysdatabases ON = sysdbslocale.dbs_dbsname " + "ORDER BY;"; IfxDataReader reader = (IfxDataReader)ifxConnection.readQuery(commandText); // reader.HasRows was returning FALSE on some machines when there were rows returned while ((reader != null) && reader.Read()) { String dbName = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); String dbOwner = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); String dbEncoding = reader[2].ToString().Trim(); if (!dbName.StartsWith("sys")) { sortedDBs.Add(new ComboBoxDatabase(dbName, dbOwner, dbEncoding)); } } conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } catch (IfxException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed opening connection: " + ex); TextBlockStatus.Text = "Datenbank Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!"; return; } catch (TypeInitializationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed opening connection: " + ex); TextBlockStatus.Text = "Datenbank Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!"; return; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed opening connection: " + ex); TextBlockStatus.Text = "Datenbank Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!"; return; } } this.databases.Items.Clear(); foreach (ComboBoxDatabase db in sortedDBs) { this.databases.Items.Add(db); } // filter when called normally if (sender != null) textBox_filterDBs_TextChanged(null, null); TextBlockStatus.Text = "Server " + currentDBServer + " hat " + databases.Items.Count + " Datenbanken verfügbar."; }
private DBConnection DBConnectionSetup() { if ((databases.SelectedItem == null) || ((databaseServers.SelectedItem == null) && (this.textBox_Server.Text == ""))) return null; String dbServerName = textBox_Server.Text; String dbServerPort = textBox_Port.Text; String dbName = ((ComboBoxDatabase)(databases.SelectedItem)).Name; DBConnection dbconn = new DBConnection((comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString() == DBPOSTGRES) ? DBConnection.DBType.Postgres : DBConnection.DBType.Informix); if (comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString() == DBPOSTGRES) { dbconn.openPGConnection(dbServerName, dbName, dbServerPort, getHisProduct(), false); } else { String ifxServerName = ((ComboBoxServer)(databaseServers.SelectedItem)).InformixServer; String currentInformixLocale = ((ComboBoxDatabase)databases.SelectedItem).Encoding; dbconn.openIfxConnection(dbServerName, ifxServerName, dbName, dbServerPort, getHisProduct(), currentInformixLocale, false); } return dbconn; }
private void findUserDBs(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { databaseServers_Loaded(null, null); })); List<Win32.NetApi32.SERVER_INFO_101> serverList = Win32.NetApi32.GetServerList(Win32.NetApi32.SV_101_TYPES.SV_TYPE_ALL); foreach (Win32.NetApi32.SERVER_INFO_101 server in serverList) { if (worker.CancellationPending) break; String nameToShow = server.sv101_comment; if (nameToShow.Contains("UB1")) { // this test takes too long DBConnection pgConnection = new DBConnection(DBConnection.DBType.Postgres); if (pgConnection.openPGConnection(server.sv101_name, "postgres", textBox_Port.Text, "", true) != null) { nameToShow = nameToShow.Replace("UB1", ""); nameToShow = nameToShow.Trim('-', ' '); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { databaseServers.Items.Add(new ComboBoxServer(server.sv101_name, textBox_Port.Text, nameToShow)); }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background, null); pgConnection.closeConnection(); } } } }
private void createNewEntry() { if ((comboBoxDBType.SelectedIndex == -1) || ((databaseServers.SelectedIndex == -1) && textBox_Server.Text == "")|| (databases.SelectedIndex == -1) || (hisProduct.SelectedIndex == -1) || (comboBoxEncoding.SelectedIndex == -1) || (textBoxConnectionName.Text.Trim() == "")) { MessageBox.Show("Fehlende Eingabe!"); return; } try { String setSearchPathTo = ""; String dbName = ((ComboBoxDatabase)(databases.SelectedItem)).Name; String dbServerName = textBox_Server.Text; String dbServerPort = textBox_Port.Text; String hisProductName = getHisProduct(); String entryName = textBoxConnectionName.Text.Trim(); if (entryName.Length > 30) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("Name zu lang!"); return; } if (ODBCManager.DSNExists(entryName)) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("ODBC Eintrag " + entryName + " exisitiert schon! Fortfahren?", "Warnung", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (res == MessageBoxResult.No) return; } if (RegistryManager.EntryExists(hisProductName, entryName, dbServerName)) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("Registry Eintrag " + dbName + " exisitiert schon! Fortfahren?", "Warnung", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (res == MessageBoxResult.No) return; } if (comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString() == DBPOSTGRES) { // create odbc connection DBConnection pgConnection = new DBConnection(DBConnection.DBType.Postgres); NpgsqlConnection con = (NpgsqlConnection)pgConnection.openPGConnection(dbServerName, dbName, dbServerPort, getHisProduct(), false); // if a namespace 'mbs' exists, then we have a hisrm database and need to set the search path String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname IN ('mbs', 'sva4')"; NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con); NpgsqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); if (int.Parse(reader[0].ToString()) > 0) { if ((hisProduct.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(HISMBSGX)) || (hisProduct.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(HISFSVGX))) setSearchPathTo = "mbs"; else if (hisProduct.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(HISSVAGX)) setSearchPathTo = "sva4"; else if (hisProduct.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(HISCOBGX)) setSearchPathTo = "cob"; } reader.Close(); string user = ""; pgConnection.createUserAndPasswordString(getHisProduct(), ref user); String driverName; if (comboBoxEncoding.SelectedItem.ToString() == PGANSI) driverName = PGANSI; else driverName = PGUNICODE; bool retval = ODBCManager.CreateDSN(entryName, dbServerName, driverName, true, dbName, dbServerPort, user, setSearchPathTo); if (!retval) { TextBlockStatus.Text = "fail: ODBCManager.CreateDSN"; return; } // add lang to db, if necessary command = new NpgsqlCommand(@"CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION make_plpgsql() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler VALIDATOR plpgsql_validator; ALTER LANGUAGE plpgsql OWNER TO postgres; $$; SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_language WHERE lanname='plpgsql' ) THEN NULL ELSE make_plpgsql() END; DROP FUNCTION make_plpgsql();", con); int returnCode = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } else if (comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString() == DBINFORMIX) { String host = dbServerName; dbServerName = ((ComboBoxServer)(databaseServers.SelectedItem)).InformixServer; } // create registry entries RegistryManager.CreateEntry(hisProductName, entryName, dbServerName, dbName, comboBoxDBType.SelectedItem.ToString()); TextBlockStatus.Text = "Datenbank " + dbName + " für die Benutzung mit GX erfolgreich eingerichtet; Verfügbar über Eintrag " + entryName + "."; MessageBox.Show(TextBlockStatus.Text, "Erfolgreich eingerichtet"); // reload list for immediate deletion of new database comboBox_delete_Loaded(null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { TextBlockStatus.Text = ex.Message; return; } }