public bool Update(string Name, string Description) { db.SetConnection(); string sSQL = ""; bool updated = false; if (Unique(Name, Description)) { return(false); } DataTable dt = GetRows(Name); // must be unknown or at least one with same name because unique did not fire if (dt != null) { DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("description = " + SQLSpecific.QVal(Description)); if (dr.Length < 1) // desc changed for an existing type { sSQL = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + "[description] = " + SQLSpecific.QVal(Description) + " WHERE " + SQLSpecific.QValCompare("name", Name, true); updated = db.Execute(sSQL); } } else // totally new type name { sSQL = "Insert into " + table + " ([name], [description]) " + " Values (" + SQLSpecific.QVal(Name) + "," + SQLSpecific.QVal(Description) + ")"; updated = db.Execute(sSQL); } return(updated); }
public bool Delete(string Id) { db.SetConnection(); string s = "DELETE FROM " + table + " where " + SQLSpecific.QValCompare("name", Id, true); return(db.Execute(s)); }
private DataTable BasicSelect(string Name, string Desc) { db.SetConnection(); string sSQL = "SELECT name " + " FROM " + table + " Where " + SQLSpecific.QValCompare("name", Name, true) + " AND "; sSQL += SQLSpecific.QValCompare("description", Desc, true); DataTable dt = db.DT(sSQL); return(dt); }
public DataTable GetRows(string Name) { string sSQL = "SELECT * " + " FROM " + table + " Where " + SQLSpecific.QValCompare("name", Name, true); DataTable dt = db.DT(sSQL); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt); } else { return(null); } }
public long PrimaryKey(string Id) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) { return(-1); } db.SetConnection(); string s = "SELECT id FROM " + table + " where " + SQLSpecific.QValCompare("name", Id, true); string r = db.Scalar(s); long l = -1; if (!Int64.TryParse(r, out l)) { l = -1; } return(l); }