        //Verify S3 message
        public bool VerifyS3Message(byte[] s3Message)
            //Convert S3 message from byte array into the compatible structure
            object S3MessageObj = new DataStructs.SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE();

            Utils.ByteArrayToStructure(s3Message, ref S3MessageObj);
            DataStructs.SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE S3Message = (DataStructs.SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE)S3MessageObj;

            //Locate the data index in the message
            int dataInd = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DataStructs.SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE)) - 1 + 32;

            //Copy S3 message data from the received message into the S3 strucure data field
            S3Message.data = new byte[s3Message.Length - dataInd];
            Array.Copy(s3Message, dataInd, S3Message.data, 0, S3Message.data.Length);

            //Prepare data for HMAC
            byte[] dataForHmac = new byte[s3Message.Length - S3Message.S3Icv.Length];
            Array.Copy(s3Message, S3Message.S3Icv.Length, dataForHmac, 0, dataForHmac.Length);

            //Verify HMAC
            CdgResult retStat = CdgResult.CdgValid;
            CdgStatus status;

            status = CryptoDataGenWrapper_1_1.VerifyHmac(dataForHmac, dataForHmac.Length, S3Message.S3Icv, DataStructs.SIGMA_MAC_LEN, SMK, DataStructs.SIGMA_SMK_LENGTH, ref retStat);
            if (status != CdgStatus.CdgStsOk || retStat != CdgResult.CdgValid)

            //Check whether BK exists in the signed message, as a part of the S3 message validation
            byte[] GaGbSig = new byte[DataStructs.EPID_SIG_LEN];
            if (!DoesBKExist(S3Message, ref GaGbSig))

            //groupCert contains the SIGMA1_0 certificate for the specific EPID group ID
            byte[] groupCert = Utils.GetSpecificEpidCertificate_SIGMA_1_0((uint)groupID);
            //epidParamsCert contains the mathematic parameters
            byte[] epidParamsData = File.ReadAllBytes(DataStructs.PRODUCTION_SIGNED_BIN_PARAMS_CERT_FILE);

            //Verify message. In case that a revocation list is used - the dll function will also check that the platform was not revoked.
            status = CryptoDataGenWrapper_1_1.MessageVerifyPch(groupCert, groupCert.Length, epidParamsData, GaGb, GaGb.Length, null, 0, GaGbSig, GaGbSig.Length, out retStat, null);

            if (status != CdgStatus.CdgStsOk || retStat != CdgResult.CdgValid)

        private bool validateSignature(byte[] adaptedMessage, byte[] signature)
            //groupCert contains the SIGMA1_0 certificate for the specific EPID group ID
            byte[] groupCert = Utils.GetSpecificEpidCertificate_SIGMA_1_0((uint)groupID);
            //epidParamsCert contains the mathematic parameters
            byte[] epidParamsCert = File.ReadAllBytes(DataStructs.DEBUG_SIGNED_BIN_PARAMS_CERT_FILE);

            // taskInfoArray is a data structure defined in the DAL implementation. It is prepended to the message by DAL prior to signing,
            // and so has to be prepened by us prior to verification
            byte[] taskInfoArray    = Utils.StructureToByteArray(DataStructs.GetTaskInfo());
            byte[] infoNonceMessage = new byte[taskInfoArray.Length + adaptedMessage.Length]; //TaskInfo || Nonce || Message

            taskInfoArray.CopyTo(infoNonceMessage, 0);                     //concatenate the info to infoNonceMessage
            adaptedMessage.CopyTo(infoNonceMessage, taskInfoArray.Length); //concatenate the adapted message(including the nonce) to infoNonceMessage

            //Verify the signature
            //When we call the MessageVerifyPch function, we can send
            //baseName - the basename that will be signed as part of the signature
            //privateKeyRevList - list of the platforms that were revoked based on the platform’s private key
            //SignatureRevList - list of the platforms that were revoked based on the signature generated by the platform
            //GroupRevList - list of the EPID groups that were revoked based on the group public key
            //as parameters.
            CdgResult retStatus;
            CdgStatus status = CryptoDataGenWrapper_1_1.MessageVerifyPch(groupCert, groupCert.Length, epidParamsCert, infoNonceMessage, infoNonceMessage.Length, null, 0, signature, signature.Length, out retStatus, null, null, null);

            if (status != CdgStatus.CdgStsOk)
            if (retStatus != CdgResult.CdgValid)
        public void handleClientComm(object client)
                TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)client;
                Socket    socket    = tcpClient.Client;
                clientConnected = socket.Connected;
                while (clientConnected)
                    byte[] dataSize = new byte[4];
                    int    received, size, total, dataLeft;

                    //receive adapted message(message prepared for verification)
                    received = socket.Receive(dataSize, 0, 4, 0);
                    size     = BitConverter.ToInt32(dataSize, 0);
                    total    = 0;
                    dataLeft = size;
                    byte[] adaptedMessage = new byte[size];

                    while (total < size)
                        received = socket.Receive(adaptedMessage, total, dataLeft, 0);
                        if (received == 0)
                        total    += received;
                        dataLeft -= received;

                    //receive signature
                    received = socket.Receive(dataSize, 0, 4, 0);
                    size     = BitConverter.ToInt32(dataSize, 0);
                    total    = 0;
                    dataLeft = size;
                    byte[] signature = new byte[size];

                    while (total < size)
                        received = socket.Receive(signature, total, dataLeft, 0);
                        if (received == 0)
                        total    += received;
                        dataLeft -= received;

                    //receive EPID groupID
                    byte[] groupIDByteArray = new byte[4];
                    socket.Receive(groupIDByteArray, 0, 4, 0);
                    int groupID = Utils.ByteArrayToInt(groupIDByteArray);

                    //groupCert contains the SIGMA1_0 certificate for the specific EPID group ID
                    byte[] groupCert = Utils.GetSpecificEpidCertificate_SIGMA_1_0((uint)groupID);
                    //epidParamsCert contains the mathematic parameters
                    byte[] epidParamsCert = File.ReadAllBytes(DataStructs.DEBUG_SIGNED_BIN_PARAMS_CERT_FILE);

                    // taskInfoArray is a data structure defined in the DAL implementation. It is prepended to the message by DAL prior to signing,
                    // and so has to be prepended by us prior to verification
                    byte[] taskInfoArray    = Utils.StructureToByteArray(DataStructs.GetTaskInfo());
                    byte[] infoNonceMessage = new byte[taskInfoArray.Length + adaptedMessage.Length]; //TaskInfo || Nonce || Message

                    taskInfoArray.CopyTo(infoNonceMessage, 0);                     //concatenate the info to infoNonceMessage
                    adaptedMessage.CopyTo(infoNonceMessage, taskInfoArray.Length); //concatenate the adapted message(including the nonce) to infoNonceMessage

                    //Verify the signature
                    //When we call the MessageVerifyPch function, we can send
                    //baseName - the basename that will be signed as part of the signature
                    //privateKeyRevList - list of the platforms that were revoked based on the platform’s private key
                    //SignatureRevList - list of the platforms that were revoked based on the signature generated by the platform
                    //GroupRevList - list of the EPID groups that were revoked based on the group public key
                    //as parameters.
                    CdgResult retStatus;
                    CdgStatus status = CryptoDataGenWrapper_1_1.MessageVerifyPch(groupCert, groupCert.Length, epidParamsCert, infoNonceMessage, infoNonceMessage.Length, null, 0, signature, signature.Length, out retStatus, null, null, null);

                    int res;
                    if (status != CdgStatus.CdgStsOk)
                        res = ERROR;
                    if (retStatus != CdgResult.CdgValid)
                        res = VERIFYNG_FAILED;
                        res = VERIFYNG_SUCCESS;

                    byte[] result = new byte[4];
                    result = BitConverter.GetBytes(res);
                    //Send the signature verification result to the client
                Console.WriteLine("EPID Signing Sample Client disconnected.\n");
            catch (Exception ex)