private DataTable GetLotteryNumberAnalyse_Save(DataTable dtScheme) { if (dtScheme == null) { return null; } try { dtScheme.Columns.Add("BetCount", Type.GetType("System.String")); dtScheme.Columns.Add("BetWay", Type.GetType("System.String")); } catch { } foreach (DataRow dr in dtScheme.Rows) { string LotteryNumber = ""; int BetCount = 0;// 投注场次 string Odds = "";// 投注赔率 try { LotteryNumber = dr["LotteryNumber"].ToString(); Odds = dr["Odds"].ToString(); } catch { continue; } string LotteryNumberResult = ""; // 处理后的结果 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LotteryNumber)) { continue; } if (LotteryNumber.Split(';').Length != 3) { continue; } string PlayType, Content, Way = ""; try { PlayType = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[0]; Content = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[1]; Way = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[2]; } catch { continue; } // 解析Content string[] MatchsAndResult = Content.Substring(1, Content.Length - 1).Split('|'); // MatchID string MatchIDs = ""; // 胜平负 string result = ""; // 周一001 string MatchNumber = ""; foreach (string val in MatchsAndResult) { MatchIDs += val.Split('(')[0] + ","; // 去掉尾部')' result += val.Split('(')[1].Substring(0, val.Split('(')[1].Length - 1) + ","; } if (MatchIDs.EndsWith(",")) { MatchIDs = MatchIDs.Substring(0, MatchIDs.Length - 1); } if (result.EndsWith(",")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); } if (result.EndsWith(")")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MatchIDs)) { continue; } // 通过MatchID 查找内容 DataTable dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("StopSellingTime , MatchNumber", "id in (" + MatchIDs + ")", ""); if (dtMatch == null) { continue; } if (dtMatch.Rows.Count < 1) { continue; } foreach (DataRow mdr in dtMatch.Rows) { if (mdr["MatchNumber"] != null) { MatchNumber += mdr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + ","; } dr["EndTime"] = mdr["StopSellingTime"].ToString(); } if (MatchNumber.EndsWith(",")) { MatchNumber = MatchNumber.Substring(0, MatchNumber.Length - 1); } // 得到投注场次 BetCount = MatchIDs.Split(',').Length; // 拼接LotteryNumber for (int x = 0; x < MatchIDs.Split(',').Length; x++) { string m = MatchNumber.Split(',')[x]; string r = GetResult(result.Split(',')[x], PlayType); string o = Odds.Split('|')[x]; LotteryNumberResult += (m + "[" + r + "]" + o + " "); } Way = Way.Split(']')[0].Substring(1); Way = Way.Substring(0, Way.Length - 1); dr["BetWay"] = GetWay(Way); dr["LotteryNumber"] = LotteryNumberResult; dr["BetCount"] = BetCount + ""; string day = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["DateTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); dr["DateTime"] = day + ""; //dr["score"] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["score"]); } return dtScheme; }
protected void btnOkoooDownload_txt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = new DAL.Views.V_Isuses().Open("", "[ID] = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(ddlIsuse.SelectedValue), ""); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } string FileName = dt.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + ".txt"; dt = new DAL.Views.V_SchemeSchedules().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(ddlIsuse.SelectedValue) + " and Schedule >= 100 and QuashStatus = 0 and Buyed = 0", "[Money] desc"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "没有数据。"); return; } HttpResponse response; response = Page.Response; response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + FileName); Response.ContentType = "application/ms-txt"; response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); string CacheKey = "JCZC_Scheme_Bind"; DataTable dtMatch = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey); if (dtMatch == null) { dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("ID, MatchNumber, StopSellingTime", "", ""); if (dtMatch == null) { return; } if (dtMatch.Rows.Count < 1) { return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtMatch, 3600); } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string LotteryNumber = dr["LotteryNumber"].ToString(); int PlayTypeID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dr["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), 0); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); string[] strs = LotteryNumber.Split('\n'); string[] strNumbers = null; string CanonicalNumber = ""; if (strs == null) return; if (strs.Length == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strs[i])) { continue; } strNumbers = new SLS.Lottery()[Shove._Convert.StrToInt(PlayTypeID.ToString().Substring(0, PlayTypeID.ToString().Length - 2), 72)].ToSingle(strs[i], ref CanonicalNumber, PlayTypeID); if (strNumbers == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < strNumbers.Length; j++) { al.Add(strNumbers[j]); } } string[] LotteryNumbers = new string[al.Count]; StringBuilder sbLotteryNumbers = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { if (i == al.Count) { sbLotteryNumbers.Append(al[i].ToString()); } else { sbLotteryNumbers.Append(al[i].ToString() + "\n"); } LotteryNumbers[i] = al[i].ToString(); } int Multiple = 0; string Number = ""; string BuyWays = ""; foreach (string str in LotteryNumbers) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { continue; } if (str.Split(';').Length < 3) { continue; } try { Multiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(str.Split(';')[2].Substring(1, str.Split(';')[2].Length - 2).Substring(2), 1); } catch { } Number = str.Split(';')[1].Substring(1, str.Split(';')[1].Length - 2); string[] Numbers = Number.Split('|'); if (Numbers.Length == 1) { BuyWays = "单关"; } else { BuyWays = Numbers.Length.ToString() + "串1"; } long MatchID = 0; response.Write(dr["SchemeNumber"].ToString() + "," + PlayTypeName(PlayTypeID) + ",T,"); for (int i = 0; i < Numbers.Length; i++) { if (Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") < 0) { continue; } MatchID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Numbers[i].Substring(0, Numbers[i].IndexOf("(")), 1); DataRow[] drMatch = dtMatch.Select("ID=" + MatchID.ToString()); if (drMatch.Length < 1) { continue; } response.Write("(" + GetMatchNumber(drMatch[0]["MatchNumber"].ToString()) + ">" + Getesult(PlayTypeID, Numbers[i].Substring(Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") + 1, Numbers[i].IndexOf(")") - Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") - 1)) + ")"); } response.Write("," + BuyWays + "," + Multiple + "," + (2 * Multiple).ToString() + "\r\n"); } } response.End(); }
private void BindData() { long SchemeID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("id"), -1); if (SchemeID < 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.Unknow, "参数错误", this.GetType().FullName); return; } DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Schemes().Open("InitiateUserID,LotteryNumber, PlayTypeID", "SiteID = " + _Site.ID.ToString() + " and [ID] = " + SchemeID.ToString(), ""); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().FullName); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.Unknow, "参数错误", this.GetType().FullName); return; } long InitiateUserID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dt.Rows[0]["InitiateUserID"].ToString(), -1); //既不是发起人,也不在招股对象之内 if (_User != null && !_User.isCanViewSchemeContent(SchemeID)) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.Unknow, "对不起,您不在此方案的招股对象之内。", this.GetType().FullName); return; } string LotteryNumber = dt.Rows[0]["LotteryNumber"].ToString(); if (Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dt.Rows[0]["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), -1) > 7200 && Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dt.Rows[0]["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), -1) < 7300) { string CacheKey = "JCZC_Scheme_Bind"; DataTable dtMatch = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey); if (dtMatch == null) { dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("ID, MatchNumber, StopSellingTime", "", ""); if(dtMatch == null) { return; } if (dtMatch.Rows.Count < 1) { return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtMatch, 3600); } string CanonicalNumber = ""; int PlayTypeID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dt.Rows[0]["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), 7201); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); string[] strs = LotteryNumber.Split('\n'); if (strs == null) return; if (strs.Length == 0) return; string CacheKeyNumbers = "Home_Web_DownloadSchemeFile_" + SchemeID.ToString(); string[] LotteryNumbers = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsString(CacheKeyNumbers, "").Split('\n'); string[] strNumbers = null; if (LotteryNumbers.Length < 2) { for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strs[i])) { continue; } strNumbers = new SLS.Lottery()[Shove._Convert.StrToInt(PlayTypeID.ToString().Substring(0, PlayTypeID.ToString().Length - 2), 72)].ToSingle(strs[i], ref CanonicalNumber, PlayTypeID); if (strNumbers == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < strNumbers.Length; j++) { al.Add(strNumbers[j]); } } LotteryNumbers = new string[al.Count]; StringBuilder sbLotteryNumbers = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { if (i == al.Count) { sbLotteryNumbers.Append(al[i].ToString()); } else { sbLotteryNumbers.Append(al[i].ToString() + "\n"); } LotteryNumbers[i] = al[i].ToString(); } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKeyNumbers, sbLotteryNumbers.ToString(), 3600); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<table width=\"60%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" class=\"BgBlue\">"); sb.Append("<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"BlueLightBg WhiteWords\">"); sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\"><strong>序号</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td><strong>过关场次</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\"><strong>过关方式</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\"><strong>注数</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\"><strong>投注金额(元)</strong></td></tr>"); string Number = ""; int No = 0; string BuyWays = ""; int Multiple = 0; int LotID = 0; int PlayID = 0; PlayID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(LotteryNumbers[0].Split(';')[0], 7201); LotID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(PlayID.ToString().Substring(0, 2), 72); DateTime EndTime = DateTime.Now; int pageindex = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("p"))) { pageindex = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("p").ToString(), 1); } int perPageRowCount = 30; if (pageindex < 1) { pageindex = 1; } foreach (string str in LotteryNumbers) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { continue; } No++; if (str.Split(';').Length < 3) { continue; } try { Multiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(str.Split(';')[2].Substring(1, str.Split(';')[2].Length - 2).Substring(2), 1); } catch { } if ((No < (pageindex - 1) * perPageRowCount) || No > (pageindex) * perPageRowCount) { continue; } sb.Append("<tr align=\"center\" class=\"" + ((No % 2 == 0) ? "BlueWord WhiteBg" : "BlueLightBg2 BlueWord") + "\">"); sb.Append("<td>" + No.ToString() + "</td>"); Number = str.Split(';')[1].Substring(1, str.Split(';')[1].Length - 2); string[] Numbers = Number.Split('|'); //if (Numbers.Length < 2) //{ // continue; //} sb.Append("<td height=\"20\">"); if (Numbers.Length == 1) { BuyWays = "单关"; } else { BuyWays = Numbers.Length.ToString() + "串1"; } long MatchID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Numbers.Length; i++) { if (Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") < 0) { continue; } MatchID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Numbers[i].Substring(0, Numbers[i].IndexOf("(")), 1); DataRow[] dr = dtMatch.Select("ID=" + MatchID.ToString()); if (dr.Length < 1) { continue; } sb.Append(dr[0]["MatchNumber"].ToString() + "->" + PF.Getesult(PlayID.ToString(), Numbers[i].Substring(Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") + 1, Numbers[i].IndexOf(")") - Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") - 1)) + ";"); } sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td height=\"20\">" + BuyWays + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>1</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + (2 * Multiple).ToString() + "</td></tr>"); } sb.Append("</table>"); labLotteryNumber.Text = sb.ToString(); StringBuilder sbpage = new StringBuilder(); int rowCount = No; int pageCount = rowCount % perPageRowCount == 0 ? rowCount / perPageRowCount : rowCount / perPageRowCount + 1; if (SchemeID < 0) { sbpage.Append("<div id=\"Pagination\" class=\"yahoo\" style=\"width: auto;\"><span id=\"first\"><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx\">首页</a></span>"); if (pageindex == 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">« 上一页</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?p=" + (pageindex - 1).ToString() + "\">« 上一页</a></span>"); } for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { if (i == pageindex - 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"current\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</span>"); continue; } if ((i < pageindex + 4 || i < 9) && (i > pageindex - 6 || i > pageCount - 10)) { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?p=" + (i + 1).ToString() + "\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</a>"); } } if (pageindex == pageCount) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">下一页 »</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?p=" + (pageindex + 1).ToString() + "\">下一页 »</a></span>"); } sbpage.Append("<span id=\"last\" value=\"" + pageCount.ToString() + "\"><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?p=" + (pageCount).ToString() + "\">尾页</a></span><span class=\"jilu\">共" + pageCount.ToString() + "页," + No.ToString() + "条记录</span></div>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<div id=\"Pagination\" class=\"yahoo\" style=\"width: auto;\"><span id=\"first\"><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "\">首页</a></span>"); if (pageindex == 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">« 上一页</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (pageindex - 1).ToString() + "\">« 上一页</a></span>"); } for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { if (i == pageindex - 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"current\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</span>"); continue; } if ((i < pageindex + 4 || i < 9) && (i > pageindex - 6 || i > pageCount - 10)) { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (i + 1).ToString() + "\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</a>"); } } if (pageindex == pageCount) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">下一页 »</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (pageindex + 1).ToString() + "\">下一页 »</a></span>"); } sbpage.Append("<span id=\"last\" value=\"" + pageCount.ToString() + "\"><a href=\"DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (pageCount).ToString() + "\">尾页</a></span><span class=\"jilu\">共" + pageCount.ToString() + "页," + No.ToString() + "条记录</span></div>"); } labLotteryNumber.Text += sbpage.ToString(); } else { LotteryNumber = PF.GetScriptResTable(LotteryNumber); if (LotteryNumber.IndexOf("table") < 0) { LotteryNumber = Shove._Convert.ToHtmlCode(LotteryNumber); } labLotteryNumber.Text = (LotteryNumber == "") ? "未找到相关数据。" : (LotteryNumber + " "); } }
private void Bind(long SchemeID) { string LotteryNumber = ""; string[] LotteryNumbers = null; string CacheKey = "JCZC_Scheme_Bind"; DataTable dtMatch = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey); if (SchemeID < 0) { string FileName = Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value; try { LotteryNumber = File.ReadAllText(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\" + FileName + ".txt"); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LotteryNumber)) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "传递的参数错误,请重新发起操作!"); return; } LotteryNumbers = LotteryNumber.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'); if (dtMatch == null) { dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_PassRate().Open("MatchID, MatchNumber, StopSellTime", "", ""); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LotteryNumber)) { string SchemeInfo = ""; try { SchemeInfo = File.ReadAllText(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "SchemeInfo\\" + SchemeID.ToString() + ".txt"); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SchemeInfo)) { DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Schemes().Open("", "ID=" + SchemeID.ToString(), ""); if (dt == null) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "传递的参数错误,请重新发起操作!"); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "传递的参数错误,请重新发起操作!"); return; } LotteryNumber = dt.Rows[0]["LotteryNumber"].ToString(); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); string[] strs = LotteryNumber.Split('\n'); if (strs == null) return; if (strs.Length == 0) return; string CanonicalNumber = ""; int PlayTypeID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dt.Rows[0]["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), 7201); string CacheKeyNumbers = "Home_Web_DownloadSchemeFile_" + SchemeID.ToString(); LotteryNumbers = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsString(CacheKeyNumbers, "").Split('\n'); string[] strNumbers = null; if (LotteryNumbers.Length < 2) { for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strs[i])) { continue; } strNumbers = new SLS.Lottery()[Shove._Convert.StrToInt(PlayTypeID.ToString().Substring(0, PlayTypeID.ToString().Length - 2), 72)].ToSingle(strs[i], ref CanonicalNumber, PlayTypeID); if (strNumbers == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < strNumbers.Length; j++) { al.Add(strNumbers[j]); } } LotteryNumbers = new string[al.Count]; StringBuilder sbLotteryNumbers = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { if (i == al.Count) { sbLotteryNumbers.Append(al[i].ToString()); } else { sbLotteryNumbers.Append(al[i].ToString() + "\n"); } LotteryNumbers[i] = al[i].ToString(); } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKeyNumbers, sbLotteryNumbers.ToString(), 3600); } if (dtMatch == null) { dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("ID as MatchID, MatchNumber, StopSellingTime as StopSellTime", "", ""); } } else { LotteryNumber = SchemeInfo.Substring(0, SchemeInfo.LastIndexOf('$') - 1); LotteryNumbers = LotteryNumber.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'); if (dtMatch == null) { dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_PassRate().Open("MatchID, MatchNumber, StopSellTime", "MatchID in (" + SchemeInfo.Substring(SchemeInfo.LastIndexOf('$')) + ")", ""); } } } if (dtMatch == null) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "传递的参数错误,请重新发起操作!"); return; } if (dtMatch.Rows.Count < 1) { return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtMatch, 3600); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<table width=\"60%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" class=\"BgBlue\">"); sb.Append("<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"BlueLightBg WhiteWords\">"); sb.Append("<td width=\"8%\"><strong>序号</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td><strong>过关场次</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\"><strong>过关方式</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\"><strong>注数</strong></td>"); sb.Append("<td width=\"10%\"><strong>投注金额(元)</strong></td></tr>"); string Number = ""; int No = 0; string BuyWays = ""; int Multiple = 0; int LotID = 0; int PlayID = 0; PlayID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(LotteryNumbers[0].Split(';')[0], 7201); LotID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(PlayID.ToString().Substring(0, 2), 72); DateTime EndTime = DateTime.Now; int pageindex = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("p"))) { pageindex = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("p").ToString(), 1); } int perPageRowCount = 30; if (pageindex < 1) { pageindex = 1; } foreach (string str in LotteryNumbers) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { continue; } No++; if (str.Split(';').Length < 3) { continue; } try { Multiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(str.Split(';')[2].Substring(1, str.Split(';')[2].Length - 2).Substring(2), 1); } catch { } if ((No < (pageindex - 1) * perPageRowCount) || No > (pageindex) * perPageRowCount) { continue; } sb.Append("<tr align=\"center\" class=\"" + ((No % 2 == 0) ? "BlueWord WhiteBg" : "BlueLightBg2 BlueWord") + "\">"); sb.Append("<td>" + No.ToString() + "</td>"); Number = str.Split(';')[1].Substring(1, str.Split(';')[1].Length - 2); string[] Numbers = Number.Split('|'); if (Numbers.Length < 2) { continue; } sb.Append("<td height=\"20\">"); BuyWays = Numbers.Length.ToString() + "串1"; long MatchID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Numbers.Length; i++) { if (Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") < 0) { continue; } MatchID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Numbers[i].Substring(0, Numbers[i].IndexOf("(")), 1); DataRow[] dr = dtMatch.Select("MatchID=" + MatchID.ToString()); if (dr.Length < 1) { continue; } sb.Append(dr[0]["MatchNumber"].ToString() + "->" + PF.Getesult(PlayID.ToString(), Numbers[i].Substring(Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") + 1, Numbers[i].IndexOf(")") - Numbers[i].IndexOf("(") - 1)) + ";"); } sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td height=\"20\">" + BuyWays + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>1</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + (2 * Multiple).ToString() + "</td></tr>"); } sb.Append("</table>"); labLotteryNumber.Text = sb.ToString(); StringBuilder sbpage = new StringBuilder(); int rowCount = No; int pageCount = rowCount % perPageRowCount == 0 ? rowCount / perPageRowCount : rowCount / perPageRowCount + 1; if (SchemeID < 0) { sbpage.Append("<div id=\"Pagination\" class=\"yahoo\" style=\"width: auto;\"><span id=\"first\"><a href=\"Scheme.aspx\">首页</a></span>"); if (pageindex == 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">« 上一页</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?p=" + (pageindex - 1).ToString() + "\">« 上一页</a></span>"); } for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { if (i == pageindex - 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"current\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</span>"); continue; } if ((i < pageindex + 4 || i < 9) && (i > pageindex - 6 || i > pageCount - 10)) { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"Scheme.aspx?p=" + (i + 1).ToString() + "\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</a>"); } } if (pageindex == pageCount) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">下一页 »</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?p=" + (pageindex + 1).ToString() + "\">下一页 »</a></span>"); } sbpage.Append("<span id=\"last\" value=\"" + pageCount.ToString() + "\"><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?p=" + (pageCount).ToString() + "\">尾页</a></span><span class=\"jilu\">共" + pageCount.ToString() + "页," + No.ToString() + "条记录</span></div>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<div id=\"Pagination\" class=\"yahoo\" style=\"width: auto;\"><span id=\"first\"><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?id="+ SchemeID.ToString() +"\">首页</a></span>"); if (pageindex == 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">« 上一页</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (pageindex - 1).ToString() + "\">« 上一页</a></span>"); } for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { if (i == pageindex - 1) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"current\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</span>"); continue; } if ((i < pageindex + 4 || i < 9) && (i > pageindex - 6 || i > pageCount - 10)) { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"Scheme.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (i + 1).ToString() + "\">" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</a>"); } } if (pageindex == pageCount) { sbpage.Append("<span class=\"disabled\">下一页 »</span>"); } else { sbpage.Append("<span><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (pageindex + 1).ToString() + "\">下一页 »</a></span>"); } sbpage.Append("<span id=\"last\" value=\"" + pageCount.ToString() + "\"><a href=\"Scheme.aspx?id=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&p=" + (pageCount).ToString() + "\">尾页</a></span><span class=\"jilu\">共" + pageCount.ToString() + "页," + No.ToString() + "条记录</span></div>"); } labLotteryNumber.Text += sbpage.ToString(); }
private DataTable GetUserNewBetContent(DataTable dtNewUserMessage) { try { dtNewUserMessage.Columns.Add("BetWay", Type.GetType("System.String")); dtNewUserMessage.Columns.Add("BetCount", Type.GetType("System.String")); } catch { } foreach (DataRow dr in dtNewUserMessage.Rows) { string LotteryNumber = ""; int BetCount = 0;// 投注场次 string Odds = "";// 投注赔率 try { LotteryNumber = dr["LotteryNumber"].ToString(); Odds = dr["Odds"].ToString(); } catch { continue; } string LotteryNumberResult = ""; // 处理后的结果 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LotteryNumber)) { continue; } if (LotteryNumber.Split(';').Length != 3) { continue; } string PlayType, Content, Way = ""; try { PlayType = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[0]; Content = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[1]; Way = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[2]; } catch { continue; } // 解析Content string[] MatchsAndResult = Content.Substring(1, Content.Length - 1).Split('|'); // MatchID string MatchIDs = ""; // 胜平负 string result = ""; // 周一001 string MatchNumber = ""; foreach (string val in MatchsAndResult) { MatchIDs += val.Split('(')[0] + ","; // 去掉尾部')' result += val.Split('(')[1].Substring(0, val.Split('(')[1].Length - 1) + ","; } if (MatchIDs.EndsWith(",")) { MatchIDs = MatchIDs.Substring(0, MatchIDs.Length - 1); } if (result.EndsWith(",")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); } if (result.EndsWith(")")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MatchIDs)) { continue; } // 通过MatchID 查找内容 DataTable dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("MatchNumber", "id in (" + MatchIDs + ")", ""); if (dtMatch == null) { continue; } if (dtMatch.Rows.Count < 1) { continue; } foreach (DataRow mdr in dtMatch.Rows) { if (mdr["MatchNumber"] != null) { MatchNumber += mdr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + ","; } } if (MatchNumber.EndsWith(",")) { MatchNumber = MatchNumber.Substring(0, MatchNumber.Length - 1); } // 得到投注场次 BetCount = MatchIDs.Split(',').Length; // 拼接LotteryNumber for (int x = 0; x < MatchIDs.Split(',').Length; x++) { string m = MatchNumber.Split(',')[x]; string r = GetResult(result.Split(',')[x], PlayType); string o = Odds.Split('|')[x]; LotteryNumberResult += (m + "[" + r + "]" + o + " "); } Way = Way.Split(']')[0].Substring(1); Way = Way.Substring(0, Way.Length - 1); dr["BetWay"] = GetWay(Way); dr["LotteryNumber"] = LotteryNumberResult; dr["BetCount"] = BetCount + ""; } return dtNewUserMessage; }
public static string GetScriptResTable(string val) { try { string way = GetPassWay(val); //得到过关方式 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); val = val.Trim(); int Istart, Ilen; GetStrScope(val, "[", "]", out Istart, out Ilen); string matchlist = val.Substring(Istart + 1, Ilen - 1); string type = val.Split(';')[0]; if (type.Substring(0, 2) != "72" && type.Substring(0, 2) != "73") { return val; } int PlayTypeID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(val.Split(';')[0], 7201); if (type.Substring(0, 2) == "72") { sb.Append("<div class=\"tdbback\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"tablelay\">"); sb.Append("<th scope='col' width='60'>赛事编号</th>"); sb.Append("<th scope='col' width='100'>联赛</th><th scope='col' width='150'>主队 VS 客队</th>"); sb.Append("<th scope='col' width='150'>预计停售时间</th><th scope='col' width='50'>设胆</th><th scope='col'>投注内容</th><th scope='col'>赛果</th>"); } else { sb.Append("<div class=\"tdbback\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"tablelay\">"); sb.Append("<th scope='col' width='60'>赛事编号</th>"); sb.Append("<th scope='col' width='100'>联赛</th><th scope='col' width='150'>客队 VS 主队</th>"); sb.Append("<th scope='col' width='150'>预计停售时间</th><th scope='col' width='50'>设胆</th><th scope='col'>投注内容</th><th scope='col'>赛果</th>"); } string Matchids = ""; string[] ArrRes = null; string MatchListDan = ""; string MatchidsDan = ""; DataTable dtMatch = new DataTable(); dtMatch.Columns.Add("MatchID", typeof(System.String)); dtMatch.Columns.Add("PlayType", typeof(System.String)); if (val.Split(';').Length == 4) { MatchListDan = matchlist.Split(']')[0]; matchlist = matchlist.Split('[')[1]; foreach (string match in MatchListDan.Split('|')) { DataRow dr = dtMatch.NewRow(); dr["MatchID"] = match.Split('(')[0]; dr["PlayType"] = match.Split('(')[1].Substring(0, match.Split('(')[1].LastIndexOf(')')); MatchidsDan += match.Split('(')[0] + ","; Matchids += match.Split('(')[0] + ","; dtMatch.Rows.Add(dr); dtMatch.AcceptChanges(); } if (MatchidsDan.EndsWith(",")) { MatchidsDan = MatchidsDan.Substring(0, MatchidsDan.Length - 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MatchidsDan)) { return val; } } foreach (string match in matchlist.Split('|')) { DataRow dr = dtMatch.NewRow(); dr["MatchID"] = match.Split('(')[0]; dr["PlayType"] = match.Split('(')[1].Substring(0, match.Split('(')[1].LastIndexOf(')')); Matchids += match.Split('(')[0] + ","; dtMatch.Rows.Add(dr); dtMatch.AcceptChanges(); } if (Matchids.EndsWith(",")) { Matchids = Matchids.Substring(0, Matchids.Length - 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Matchids)) { return val; } DataTable table = null; if (type.Substring(0, 2) == "72") { string SQL = "game,mainteam +'VS'+guestteam teamname,MatchNumber,DATEADD(minute, (select SystemEndAheadMinute from T_PlayTypes where id = " + PlayTypeID + ") * -1, StopSellingTime) date, id"; switch (PlayTypeID) { case 7201: { SQL += ", SPFResult as Result"; } break; case 7202: { SQL += ", ZQBFResult as Result"; } break; case 7203: { SQL += ",ZJQSResult as Result "; } break; case 7204: { SQL += ", BQCResult as Result "; } break; } table = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open(SQL, "id in (" + Matchids + ")", ""); } else { string SQL = "game,guestteam +'VS'+mainteam teamname,MatchNumber,DATEADD(minute, (select SystemEndAheadMinute from T_PlayTypes where id = " + PlayTypeID + ") * -1, StopSellingTime) date, id"; switch (PlayTypeID) { case 7301: { SQL += ", SFResult as Result"; } break; case 7302: { SQL += ", RFSFResult as Result"; } break; case 7303: { SQL += ",SFCResult as Result "; } break; case 7304: { SQL += ", DXResult as Result "; } break; } table = new DAL.Tables.T_MatchBasket().Open(SQL, "id in (" + Matchids + ")", ""); } if (table == null) { return val; } if (table.Rows.Count < 1) { return val; } string res = ""; string Result = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { sb.Append("<tr class=\"trbg2\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>" + dr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + "</td><td>" + dr["game"].ToString() + "</td><td>" + dr["teamname"].ToString() + "</td><td>" + Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["date"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString()).ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>"); if (MatchidsDan.IndexOf(dr["id"].ToString()) >= 0) { sb.Append("是"); } sb.Append("</td>"); res = dtMatch.Select("MatchID='" + dr["id"].ToString() + "'")[0]["PlayType"].ToString(); ArrRes = res.Split(','); sb.Append("<td>"); foreach (string r in ArrRes) { Result = Getesult(type, r); if (Result.Equals(dr["Result"].ToString())) { Result = "<span class=\"red eng\">" + Result + "</span>"; } sb.Append(Result + " "); } sb.Append("</td><td><span class=\"red eng\">" + dr["Result"].ToString() + "</span>"); sb.Append("</td></tr>"); } sb.Append("</table></div>"); sb.Append("<div style=\"text-align:center;width:660px;\">过关方式:" + way + "</div>"); return sb.ToString(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { new Log("TWZT").Write(ex.Message); return val; } }
/// <summary> /// 处理 方案 /// </summary> /// <param name="dtNewUserMessage"></param> private void GetUserNewBetContent(DataTable dtNewUserMessage) { try { dtNewUserMessage.Columns.Add("BetWay", Type.GetType("System.String")); dtNewUserMessage.Columns.Add("BetCount", Type.GetType("System.String")); } catch { } foreach (DataRow dr in dtNewUserMessage.Rows) { string LotteryNumber = ""; int BetCount = 0;// 投注场次 string Odds = "";// 投注赔率 try { LotteryNumber = dr["LotteryNumber"].ToString(); Odds = dr["Odds"].ToString(); } catch { continue; } string LotteryNumberResult = ""; // 处理后的结果 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LotteryNumber)) { continue; } if (LotteryNumber.Split(';').Length != 3) { continue; } string PlayType, Content, Way = ""; try { PlayType = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[0]; Content = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[1]; Way = LotteryNumber.Split(';')[2]; } catch { continue; } // 解析Content string[] MatchsAndResult = Content.Substring(1, Content.Length - 1).Split('|'); // MatchID string MatchIDs = ""; // 胜平负 string result = ""; // 周一001 string MatchNumber = ""; foreach (string val in MatchsAndResult) { MatchIDs += val.Split('(')[0] + ","; // 去掉尾部')' result += val.Split('(')[1].Substring(0, val.Split('(')[1].Length - 1) + ","; } if (MatchIDs.EndsWith(",")) { MatchIDs = MatchIDs.Substring(0, MatchIDs.Length - 1); } if (result.EndsWith(",")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); } if (result.EndsWith(")")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MatchIDs)) { continue; } // 通过MatchID 查找内容 DataTable dtMatch = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("MatchNumber", "id in (" + MatchIDs + ")", ""); if (dtMatch == null) { continue; } if (dtMatch.Rows.Count < 1) { continue; } foreach (DataRow mdr in dtMatch.Rows) { if (mdr["MatchNumber"] != null) { MatchNumber += mdr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + ","; } } if (MatchNumber.EndsWith(",")) { MatchNumber = MatchNumber.Substring(0, MatchNumber.Length - 1); } // 得到投注场次 BetCount = MatchIDs.Split(',').Length; // 拼接LotteryNumber for (int x = 0; x < MatchIDs.Split(',').Length; x++) { string m = MatchNumber.Split(',')[x]; string r = GetResult(result.Split(',')[x], PlayType); string o = Odds.Split('|')[x]; LotteryNumberResult += (m + "[" + r + "]" + o + " "); } Way = Way.Split(']')[0].Substring(1); Way = Way.Substring(0, Way.Length - 1); dr["BetWay"] = GetWay(Way); dr["LotteryNumber"] = LotteryNumberResult; dr["BetCount"] = BetCount + ""; } // 筛选 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(datetime)) { DataTable dtt = new DataTable(); dtt = dtNewUserMessage.Clone();//拷贝框架 if (userName.Equals("输入用户名")) { userName = ""; } DataRow[] drs = dtNewUserMessage.Select("DateTime > '" + datetime + " 0:00:00' and DateTime < '" + datetime + " 23:59:59' and Name like '%" + userName + "%'"); for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { dtt.ImportRow((DataRow)drs[i]);//这一句再确认一下。呵呵 } dtNewUserMessage = dtt; } SetPagePaging(dtNewUserMessage); }
public string GetScriptResTable(string val) { try { val = val.Trim(); int Istart, Ilen; GetStrScope(val, "[", "]", out Istart, out Ilen); string matchlist = val.Substring(Istart + 1, Ilen - 1); string type = val.Split(';')[0]; if (type.Substring(0, 2) != "72" && type.Substring(0, 2) != "73") { return val; } string Matchids = ""; string MatchListDan = ""; if (val.Split(';').Length == 4) { MatchListDan = matchlist.Split(']')[0]; foreach (string match in MatchListDan.Split('|')) { Matchids += match.Split('(')[0] + ","; } } foreach (string match in matchlist.Split('|')) { Matchids += match.Split('(')[0] + ","; } if (Matchids.EndsWith(",")) { Matchids = Matchids.Substring(0, Matchids.Length - 1); } DataTable table = null; if (type.Substring(0, 2) == "72") { table = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("StopSellingTime", "id in (" + Matchids + ")", " StopSellingTime "); } else { table = new DAL.Tables.T_MatchBasket().Open("StopSellingTime", "id in (" + Matchids + ")", " StopSellingTime"); } if (table.Rows.Count < 1) { return ""; } DataTable dtPlayType = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "ID=" + type.Substring(0, 4), ""); if (dtPlayType == null) { return ""; } if (dtPlayType.Rows.Count < 1) { return ""; } return Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["StopSellingTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString()).AddMinutes(Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtPlayType.Rows[0]["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString(), 0) * -1).ToString(); } catch { return ""; } }