public DataTable getLoginByAccount(string account, string pwd) { string sql = @"SELECT, u.UserName, u.deptID, u.marsk, d.DeptName, d.DeptNumber FROM mesusers u LEFT JOIN mesdepts d ON d.DeptNumber = u.deptID WHERE u.account = '" + account + @"' AND u.PASSWORD = '******'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (MiddleWare == "1") { dt = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } else { dt = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } return(dt); }
public int writePMToData(DataTable dt) { string sqlValue = ""; // devUUID, devNumber, buyDate, devName, devMode, userDept, userDate, userName, mark for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sqlValue = sqlValue + "(\"" + dt.Rows[i]["devUUID"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["devNumber"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["buyDate"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["devName"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["devMode"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["userDept"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["userDate"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["userName"].ToString() + "\",\"" + dt.Rows[i]["mark"].ToString() + "\" ),"; } sqlValue = sqlValue.Substring(0, sqlValue.Length - 1) + ";"; string sqlstr = @"INSERT INTO pdamanager (devUUID, devNumber, buyDate, devName, devMode, userDept, userDate, userName, mark ) VALUES " + sqlValue; int result = 0; if (MiddleWare == "1") { result = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlstr); } else { result = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlstr); } return(result); }
public DataTable getLocation(string org) { string sql = @"SELECT tagLocation FROM mesworktagscans WHERE tagOrg = 'SAA' AND tagLocation != '' AND tagLocation IS NOT NULL GROUP BY tagLocation" ; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (MiddleWare == "1") { dt = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } else { dt = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } return(dt); }
public DataTable getSubinv(string org, int searchType) { string sql = ""; if (searchType == 1) { sql = "SELECT subinv from location WHERE org ='" + org + @"' and subinv like '%HD%' GROUP BY subinv"; } else { sql = "SELECT subinv from location WHERE org ='" + org + @"' and subinv not like '%HD%' GROUP BY subinv"; } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (MiddleWare == "1") { dt = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } else { dt = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } return(dt); }
public DataTable getFsgTagNumber( ) { string sql = @"SELECT tagnumber FROM ( SELECT b1.tagnumber, b1.con_no, ROUND( c.con_no, 2 ), b1.location, b1.cust_id, c.po, c.buyer_item, c.color_code, c.size1, c.qty,, b1.subinv, b1.lastscantime, b2.completed_no, IF ( isnull( b2.qty ), IF ( isnull( b2.completed_no ), NULL, c.qty ), b2.qty ), c.gtn_po, c.corg, c.pprfno, b1.updatedate, c.main_line AS po_line FROM tag_stock_info b1 LEFT JOIN con_no c ON b1.cust_id = c.cust_id AND b1.con_no = c.serial_from LEFT JOIN tag_inf b2 ON b1.tagnumber = b2.tagnumber AND c.buyer_item = b2.buyer_item AND c.color_code = b2.color_code AND c.size1 = b2.size1 WHERE 1 = 1 AND = 'TOP' AND c.po IS NULL AND b1.cust_id = 'NIKE' AND b1.lastScanTime > '2020-12-31' ) a GROUP BY tagnumber" ; // DataTable result = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (MiddleWare == "1") { dt = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } else { dt = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); } return(dt); //return result; }
public int delDoubleRows() { string sql = @" DELETE FROM nikeconnect WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM ( SELECT id FROM nikeconnect a WHERE ( a.PONumber, a.TradingCompanyPO, a.POItem, a.OGACDate, a.Plant ) IN ( SELECT PONumber, TradingCompanyPO, POItem, OGACDate, Plant FROM nikeconnect GROUP BY PONumber, TradingCompanyPO, POItem, OGACDate, Plant HAVING count(*) > 1 ) ) a ) AND ID NOT IN ( SELECT FROM ( SELECT max( ID ) id FROM nikeconnect GROUP BY PONumber, TradingCompanyPO, POItem, OGACDate, Plant HAVING count(*)> 1 ) b )" ; int result = 0; if (MiddleWare == "1") { result = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } else { result = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } return(result); }
public int insetNikeDataToFsgConDetail(DataTable dt) { string values = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { values = values + "('" + dt.Rows[i]["id"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["Cust_id"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["Serial_From"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["Buyer_Item"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["Item_desc"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["color_code"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["Size1"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["con_Qty"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["qty"] + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["pprfno"] + "'),"; } values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1); string sql = @"INSERT INTO con_detail ( id, Cust_id, Serial_From, Buyer_Item, Item_desc, color_code, Size1, con_Qty, qty, pprfno ) VALUES " + values; // int result = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); sql = sql + @" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=VALUES(id), Cust_id=VALUES(Cust_id),Serial_From=VALUES(Serial_From) ,Buyer_Item=VALUES(Buyer_Item) ,Item_desc=VALUES(Item_desc),color_code=VALUES(color_code) ,Size1=VALUES(Size1) ,con_Qty=VALUES(con_Qty) ,qty=VALUES(qty) ,pprfno=VALUES(pprfno) " ; int result = 0; if (MiddleWare != "1") { result = MyCatfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } else { result = Mysqlfsg_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } return(result); }