/// <summary> /// 刷新全部信息 /// </summary> public void refreshAll() { if (amo != null) { GridView1.DataSource = amo; } else { List <Amount> dcs = new DAL.AmountDAO().getAllAmounts(); GridView1.DataSource = dcs; } GridView1.DataBind(); refreEmpty(); }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> wheresql = new List <string>(); List <Amount> ins = null; if (ListBox1.Text != "") //判断物品类别是否选择 { if (ListBox2.Text != "") { if (ListBox3.Text != "") { wheresql.Add(" and goods.goodsTypeNum='" + ListBox3.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } else { wheresql.Add(" and goods.goodsTypeNum='" + ListBox2.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } } else { wheresql.Add(" and goods.goodsTypeNum='" + ListBox1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } } if (DropDownList1.Text != "") //判断库柜是否选择 { wheresql.Add(" and goods.goodsnum='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } ins = new DAL.AmountDAO().getAmountsByWhere(wheresql); amo = ins; GridView1.DataSource = ins; GridView1.DataBind(); new Warehouse.Tools.AddSysLog().addlog("1", "在库汇总", "查询"); refreEmpty(); }
protected void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //添加出库按钮点击事件 { cleaTitle(); Button b = sender as Button; if (TextBox7.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox8.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox9.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox10.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox11.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox12.Text.Trim() == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('所有信息不能为空!')</script>"); } else { bool condition = true; //记录输入的东西是否符合条件,全都正确为true Inin i = new DAL.IninDAO().getInsById(TextBox7.Text.Trim()); if (i == null) { condition = false; Label14.Text = "没有查询到此入库"; } Goods g = new DAL.GoodsDAO().getGoodsByNum(TextBox8.Text.Trim()); Amount am = null; if (g == null) { condition = false; Label16.Text = "没有查询到此物品"; } else { List <string> sql = new List <string>(); sql.Add(" and positionNum ='" + i.PositionNum + "'"); sql.Add(" and GoodsNum='" + g.GoodsNum + "'"); am = new DAL.AmountDAO().getAmountsByWherePoAndGo(sql); if (am == null) { condition = false; Label16.Text = "此物品在此库位无存货"; } else if (am.Amounts <= 0) { condition = false; Label16.Text = "此物品在此库位无存货"; } } int outamount; try { outamount = int.Parse(TextBox9.Text.Trim()); if (outamount <= 0) { condition = false; outamount = 0; Label18.Text = "输入格式错误,请输入大于0的整数"; } else if (am != null) { if (am.Amounts < outamount) { condition = false; outamount = 0; Label18.Text = "库存数量小于出货数量"; } } } catch { condition = false; outamount = 0; Label18.Text = "输入格式错误,请输入整数"; } Receiver re = new DAL.ReceiverDAO().getReceiverByNum(TextBox10.Text.Trim()); if (re == null) { condition = false; Label20.Text = "没有查询到此收货商"; } if (TextBox11.Text.Length >= 100) { condition = false; Label22.Text = "输入长度必须小于100"; } DateTime dt; try { dt = DateTime.Parse(TextBox12.Text.Trim()); if (b.Text != "确认修改") { if (dt < DateTime.Now) { condition = false; Label24.Text = "输入日期必须大于等于今天的日期"; } } } catch { condition = false; dt = DateTime.Parse("2018-8-8"); Label24.Text = "输入日期的格式不正确"; } if (condition) { if (b.Text != "确认修改") { Batch bt = new Batch(); bt.BatchNum = new Warehouse.Tools.batchNum().protect_batchNumByWPB("收货"); bt.ProorrecNum = TextBox10.Text.Trim(); bt.Condition = "准备"; bt.OutorinType = "出库"; bool batchsucc = new DAL.BatchDao().addBatch(bt); new Warehouse.Tools.AddSysLog().addlog("1", "批次", "添加"); Outout oo = new Outout(); oo.PositionNum = i.PositionNum; oo.GoodsNum = TextBox8.Text.Trim(); oo.OutAmount = outamount; oo.Remark = TextBox11.Text.Trim(); oo.Date = dt; bool outoutsucc = new DAL.OutoutDAO().addOut(oo); if (batchsucc && outoutsucc) { new Warehouse.Tools.AddSysLog().addlog("1", "未完成出库", "添加"); ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "msg", "alert('添加成功!');", true); addOut.Visible = true; refreAllOut(); clea(); } else { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "msg", "alert('添加失败!');", true); } } else { Outout oo = new Outout(); oo.PositionNum = TextBox1.Text.Trim(); oo.GoodsNum = TextBox2.Text.Trim(); oo.OutAmount = outamount; oo.Remark = TextBox5.Text.Trim(); oo.Date = dt; oo.OuID = outID; oo.BatchNum = outBatch; oo.UserId = "1"; bool ininsucc = new DAL.OutoutDAO().updateOut(oo); if (ininsucc) { new Warehouse.Tools.AddSysLog().addlog("1", "未完成出库", "修改"); ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "msg", "alert('修改成功!');", true); addIn.Visible = false; GridView2.Visible = true; refreAllIn(); outID = null; outBatch = null; clea(); } else { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "msg", "alert('修改失败!');", true); } } } else { } } }