public void ReloadStoryboard() { if (Storyboard == null) { return; } Storyboard.Dispose(); Storyboard.Renderer.Dispose(); foreach (var(id, note) in Chart.Model.note_map.Select(it => (it.Key, it.Value))) { note.PasteFrom(originalChartModel.note_map[id]); } Storyboard = new Cytoid.Storyboard.Storyboard(this, File.ReadAllText(StoryboardPath)); Storyboard.Parse(); Storyboard.Initialize(); }
public async UniTask Initialize(bool startAutomatically = true) { ObjectPool = new ObjectPool(this); // Decide game mode var mode = Context.SelectedGameMode; if (mode == GameMode.Unspecified) { if (EditorGameMode != GameMode.Unspecified) { mode = EditorGameMode; } else { throw new Exception("Game mode not specified"); } } if (mode == GameMode.Tier) { var tierState = Context.TierState; if (tierState == null) { await Context.LevelManager.LoadLevelsOfType(LevelType.Tier); tierState = new TierState(MockData.Season.tiers[0]); Context.TierState = tierState; } if (tierState.IsFailed || tierState.IsCompleted) { // Reset tier state tierState = new TierState(tierState.Tier); Context.TierState = tierState; } tierState.CurrentStageIndex++; Level = tierState.Tier.Meta.stages[Context.TierState.CurrentStageIndex].ToLevel(LevelType.Tier); Difficulty = Difficulty.Parse(Level.Meta.charts.Last().type); } else if (mode == GameMode.GlobalCalibration) { // Load global calibration level Level = await Context.LevelManager.LoadOrInstallBuiltInLevel(BuiltInData.GlobalCalibrationModeLevelId, LevelType.Temp); Difficulty = Level.Meta.GetEasiestDifficulty(); // Initialize global calibrator globalCalibrator = new GlobalCalibrator(this); } else { if (Context.SelectedLevel == null && Application.isEditor) { // Load test level await Context.LevelManager.LoadFromMetadataFiles(LevelType.User, new List <string> { $"{Context.UserDataPath}/{EditorDefaultLevelDirectory}/level.json" }); Context.SelectedLevel = Context.LevelManager.LoadedLocalLevels.Values.First(); Context.SelectedDifficulty = Context.SelectedLevel.Meta.GetHardestDifficulty(); } Level = Context.SelectedLevel; Difficulty = Context.SelectedDifficulty; } onGameReadyToLoad.Invoke(this); await Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); // Load chart print("Loading chart"); var chartMeta = Level.Meta.GetChartSection(Difficulty.Id); var chartPath = "file://" + Level.Path + chartMeta.path; string chartText; using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(chartPath)) { await request.SendWebRequest(); if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError) { Debug.LogError(request.error); throw new Exception($"Failed to download chart from {chartPath}"); } chartText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(; } var mods = new HashSet <Mod>(Context.SelectedMods); if (Application.isEditor && EditorForceAutoMod) { mods.Add(Mod.Auto); } Chart = new Chart( chartText, mods.Contains(Mod.FlipX) || mods.Contains(Mod.FlipAll), mods.Contains(Mod.FlipY) || mods.Contains(Mod.FlipAll), true, Context.Player.Settings.UseExperimentalNoteAr, mods.Contains(Mod.Fast) ? 1.5f : (mods.Contains(Mod.Slow) ? 0.75f : 1), camera.orthographicSize ); ChartLength = Chart.Model.note_list.Max(it => it.end_time); foreach (var type in (NoteType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(NoteType))) { ObjectPool.UpdateNoteObjectCount(type, Chart.MaxSamePageNoteCountByType[type] * 3); } // Load audio print("Loading audio"); AudioListener.pause = false; if (Context.AudioManager == null) { await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => Context.AudioManager != null); } Context.AudioManager.Initialize(); var audioPath = "file://" + Level.Path + Level.Meta.GetMusicPath(Difficulty.Id); var loader = new AudioClipLoader(audioPath); await loader.Load(); if (loader.Error != null) { Debug.LogError(loader.Error); throw new Exception($"Failed to download audio from {audioPath}"); } Music = Context.AudioManager.Load("Level", loader.AudioClip, false, false, true); MusicLength = Music.Length; // Load storyboard StoryboardPath = Level.Path + (chartMeta.storyboard != null ? chartMeta.storyboard.path : "storyboard.json"); if (File.Exists(StoryboardPath)) { // Initialize storyboard // TODO: Why File.ReadAllText() works but not UnityWebRequest? // (UnityWebRequest downloaded text could not be parsed by Newtonsoft.Json) try { var storyboardText = File.ReadAllText(StoryboardPath); Storyboard = new Cytoid.Storyboard.Storyboard(this, storyboardText); Storyboard.Parse(); await Storyboard.Initialize(); print($"Loaded storyboard from {StoryboardPath}"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); Debug.LogError("Could not load storyboard."); } } // Load hit sound if (Context.Player.Settings.HitSound != "none") { var resource = await Resources.LoadAsync <AudioClip>("Audio/HitSounds/" + Context.Player.Settings.HitSound); Context.AudioManager.Load("HitSound", resource as AudioClip, isResource: true); } // State & config State = new GameState(this, mode, mods); Context.GameState = State; if (Application.isEditor) { Debug.Log("Chart checksum: " + State.ChartChecksum); } Config = new GameConfig(this); // Touch handlers if (mode != GameMode.GlobalCalibration && !State.Mods.Contains(Mod.Auto)) { inputController.EnableInput(); } // System config Application.targetFrameRate = 120; Context.SetAutoRotation(false); // Update last played time Level.Record.LastPlayedDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; Level.SaveRecord(); // Initialize note pool ObjectPool.Initialize(); IsLoaded = true; if (mode != GameMode.GlobalCalibration) { Context.ScreenManager.ChangeScreen(OverlayScreen.Id, ScreenTransition.None); } onGameLoaded.Invoke(this); levelInfoParent.transform.RebuildLayout(); if (startAutomatically) { StartGame(); } }