 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CreatePaymentRequest" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ClientReferenceInformation">ClientReferenceInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="ProcessingInformation">ProcessingInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="IssuerInformation">IssuerInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentInformation">PaymentInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="OrderInformation">OrderInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="BuyerInformation">BuyerInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="RecipientInformation">RecipientInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="DeviceInformation">DeviceInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="MerchantInformation">MerchantInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="AggregatorInformation">AggregatorInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="ConsumerAuthenticationInformation">ConsumerAuthenticationInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="PointOfSaleInformation">PointOfSaleInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="MerchantDefinedInformation">The object containing the custom data that the merchant defines. .</param>
 /// <param name="InstallmentInformation">InstallmentInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="TravelInformation">TravelInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="PromotionInformation">PromotionInformation.</param>
 public CreatePaymentRequest(Ptsv2paymentsClientReferenceInformation ClientReferenceInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsClientReferenceInformation), Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformation ProcessingInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformation), Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation IssuerInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation), Ptsv2paymentsPaymentInformation PaymentInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsPaymentInformation), Ptsv2paymentsOrderInformation OrderInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsOrderInformation), Ptsv2paymentsBuyerInformation BuyerInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsBuyerInformation), Ptsv2paymentsRecipientInformation RecipientInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsRecipientInformation), Ptsv2paymentsDeviceInformation DeviceInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsDeviceInformation), Ptsv2paymentsMerchantInformation MerchantInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsMerchantInformation), Ptsv2paymentsAggregatorInformation AggregatorInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsAggregatorInformation), Ptsv2paymentsConsumerAuthenticationInformation ConsumerAuthenticationInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsConsumerAuthenticationInformation), Ptsv2paymentsPointOfSaleInformation PointOfSaleInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsPointOfSaleInformation), List <Ptsv2paymentsMerchantDefinedInformation> MerchantDefinedInformation = default(List <Ptsv2paymentsMerchantDefinedInformation>), Ptsv2paymentsInstallmentInformation InstallmentInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsInstallmentInformation), Ptsv2paymentsTravelInformation TravelInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsTravelInformation), Ptsv2paymentsPromotionInformation PromotionInformation = default(Ptsv2paymentsPromotionInformation))
     this.ClientReferenceInformation        = ClientReferenceInformation;
     this.ProcessingInformation             = ProcessingInformation;
     this.IssuerInformation                 = IssuerInformation;
     this.PaymentInformation                = PaymentInformation;
     this.OrderInformation                  = OrderInformation;
     this.BuyerInformation                  = BuyerInformation;
     this.RecipientInformation              = RecipientInformation;
     this.DeviceInformation                 = DeviceInformation;
     this.MerchantInformation               = MerchantInformation;
     this.AggregatorInformation             = AggregatorInformation;
     this.ConsumerAuthenticationInformation = ConsumerAuthenticationInformation;
     this.PointOfSaleInformation            = PointOfSaleInformation;
     this.MerchantDefinedInformation        = MerchantDefinedInformation;
     this.InstallmentInformation            = InstallmentInformation;
     this.TravelInformation                 = TravelInformation;
     this.PromotionInformation              = PromotionInformation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformation" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PaymentSolution">Type of digital payment solution for the transaction. Possible Values:   - &#x60;visacheckout&#x60;: Visa Checkout. This value is required for Visa Checkout transactions. For details, see &#x60;payment_solution&#x60; field description in [Visa Checkout Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/VCO_SCMP_API/html/)  - &#x60;001&#x60;: Apple Pay.  - &#x60;004&#x60;: Cybersource In-App Solution.  - &#x60;005&#x60;: Masterpass. This value is required for Masterpass transactions on OmniPay Direct. For details, see \&quot;Masterpass\&quot; in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/CC_Svcs_SCMP_API/html/)  - &#x60;006&#x60;: Android Pay.  - &#x60;007&#x60;: Chase Pay.  - &#x60;008&#x60;: Samsung Pay.  - &#x60;012&#x60;: Google Pay.  - &#x60;013&#x60;: Cybersource P2PE Decryption  - &#x60;014&#x60;: Mastercard credential on file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token.  - &#x60;015&#x60;: Visa credential on file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token. .</param>
 /// <param name="ReconciliationId">Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request. * For Payouts: max length for FDCCompass is String (22). .</param>
 /// <param name="LinkId">Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request. Set this value to the ID that was returned in the reply message from the original authorization request.  This value is used for:  - Partial authorizations - Split shipments  For details, see &#x60;link_to_request&#x60; field description in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/CC_Svcs_SCMP_API/html/) .</param>
 /// <param name="ReportGroup">Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports. This field is supported only for **Worldpay VAP**.  For details, see &#x60;report_group&#x60; field description in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/CC_Svcs_SCMP_API/html/) .</param>
 /// <param name="VisaCheckoutId">Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order. Visa Checkout provides a unique order ID for every transaction in the Visa Checkout **callID** field. .</param>
 /// <param name="PurchaseLevel">Set this field to 3 to indicate that the request includes Level III data..</param>
 /// <param name="IndustryDataType">Indicates that the transaction includes industry-specific data.  Possible Values: - &#x60;airline&#x60; - &#x60;restaurant&#x60; - &#x60;lodging&#x60; - &#x60;auto_rental&#x60; - &#x60;transit&#x60; - &#x60;healthcare_medical&#x60; - &#x60;healthcare_transit&#x60; - &#x60;transit&#x60;  #### Card Present, Airlines and Auto Rental You must set this field to &#x60;airline&#x60; in order for airline data to be sent to the processor. For example, if this field is not set to &#x60;airline&#x60; or is not included in the request, no airline data is sent to the processor.  You must set this field to &#x60;restaurant&#x60; in order for restaurant data to be sent to the processor. When this field is not set to &#x60;restaurant&#x60; or is not included in the request, no restaurant data is sent to the processor.  You must set this field to &#x60;auto_rental&#x60; in order for auto rental data to be sent to the processor. For example, if this field is not set to &#x60;auto_rental&#x60; or is not included in the request, no auto rental data is sent to the processor.  Restaurant data is supported only on CyberSource through VisaNet. .</param>
 /// <param name="Issuer">Issuer.</param>
 /// <param name="AuthorizationOptions">AuthorizationOptions.</param>
 /// <param name="CaptureOptions">CaptureOptions.</param>
 /// <param name="LoanOptions">LoanOptions.</param>
 /// <param name="PayByPointsIndicator">Flag that indicates if the transaction is pay by points transaction true: Transaction uses loyalty points false: Transaction does not use loyalty points Default: false .</param>
 public Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformation(string PaymentSolution = default(string), string ReconciliationId = default(string), string LinkId = default(string), string ReportGroup = default(string), string VisaCheckoutId = default(string), string PurchaseLevel = default(string), string IndustryDataType = default(string), Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation Issuer = default(Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation), Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationAuthorizationOptions AuthorizationOptions = default(Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationAuthorizationOptions), Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationCaptureOptions CaptureOptions = default(Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationCaptureOptions), Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationLoanOptions LoanOptions = default(Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationLoanOptions), bool?PayByPointsIndicator = default(bool?))
     this.PaymentSolution      = PaymentSolution;
     this.ReconciliationId     = ReconciliationId;
     this.LinkId               = LinkId;
     this.ReportGroup          = ReportGroup;
     this.VisaCheckoutId       = VisaCheckoutId;
     this.PurchaseLevel        = PurchaseLevel;
     this.IndustryDataType     = IndustryDataType;
     this.Issuer               = Issuer;
     this.AuthorizationOptions = AuthorizationOptions;
     this.CaptureOptions       = CaptureOptions;
     this.LoanOptions          = LoanOptions;
     this.PayByPointsIndicator = PayByPointsIndicator;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformation" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PaymentSolution">Type of digital payment solution for the transaction. Possible Values:   - **visacheckout**: Visa Checkout. This value is required for Visa Checkout transactions. See Visa Checkout Using the SCMP API.  - **005**: Masterpass. This value is required for Masterpass transactions on OmniPay Direct. See \&quot;Masterpass,\&quot; page 153. .</param>
 /// <param name="ReconciliationId">Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request. * For Payouts: max length for FDCCompass is String (22). .</param>
 /// <param name="LinkId">Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request. Set this value to the ID that was returned in the reply message from the original authorization request.  This value is used for:   - Partial authorizations: See \&quot;Partial Authorizations,\&quot; page 88.  - Split shipments: See \&quot;Split Shipments,\&quot; page 210. .</param>
 /// <param name="ReportGroup">Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports. This field is supported only for **Worldpay VAP**.  See \&quot;Report Groups,\&quot; page 234. .</param>
 /// <param name="VisaCheckoutId">Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order. Visa Checkout provides a unique order ID for every transaction in the Visa Checkout **callID** field.  For more details, see Visa Checkout Using the SCMP API. .</param>
 /// <param name="PurchaseLevel">Set this field to 3 to indicate that the request includes Level III data..</param>
 /// <param name="Issuer">Issuer.</param>
 /// <param name="AuthorizationOptions">AuthorizationOptions.</param>
 /// <param name="CaptureOptions">CaptureOptions.</param>
 public Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformation(string PaymentSolution = default(string), string ReconciliationId = default(string), string LinkId = default(string), string ReportGroup = default(string), string VisaCheckoutId = default(string), string PurchaseLevel = default(string), Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation Issuer = default(Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation), Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationAuthorizationOptions AuthorizationOptions = default(Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationAuthorizationOptions), Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationCaptureOptions CaptureOptions = default(Ptsv2paymentsidcapturesProcessingInformationCaptureOptions))
     this.PaymentSolution      = PaymentSolution;
     this.ReconciliationId     = ReconciliationId;
     this.LinkId               = LinkId;
     this.ReportGroup          = ReportGroup;
     this.VisaCheckoutId       = VisaCheckoutId;
     this.PurchaseLevel        = PurchaseLevel;
     this.Issuer               = Issuer;
     this.AuthorizationOptions = AuthorizationOptions;
     this.CaptureOptions       = CaptureOptions;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Ptsv2paymentsidreversalsProcessingInformation" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PaymentSolution">Type of digital payment solution for the transaction. Possible Values:   - &#x60;visacheckout&#x60;: Visa Checkout. This value is required for Visa Checkout transactions. For details, see &#x60;payment_solution&#x60; field description in [Visa Checkout Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/VCO_SCMP_API/html/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm)  - &#x60;001&#x60;: Apple Pay.  - &#x60;004&#x60;: Cybersource In-App Solution.  - &#x60;005&#x60;: Masterpass. This value is required for Masterpass transactions on OmniPay Direct. For details, see \&quot;Masterpass\&quot; in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/CC_Svcs_SCMP_API/html/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm)  - &#x60;006&#x60;: Android Pay.  - &#x60;007&#x60;: Chase Pay.  - &#x60;008&#x60;: Samsung Pay.  - &#x60;012&#x60;: Google Pay. .</param>
 /// <param name="ReconciliationId">Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request. * For Payouts: max length for FDCCompass is String (22). .</param>
 /// <param name="LinkId">Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request. Set this value to the ID that was returned in the reply message from the original authorization request.  This value is used for:  - Partial authorizations - Split shipments  For details, see &#x60;link_to_request&#x60; field description in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/CC_Svcs_SCMP_API/html/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm) .</param>
 /// <param name="ReportGroup">Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports. This field is supported only for **Worldpay VAP**.  For details, see &#x60;report_group&#x60; field description in [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/CC_Svcs_SCMP_API/html/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm) .</param>
 /// <param name="VisaCheckoutId">Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order. Visa Checkout provides a unique order ID for every transaction in the Visa Checkout **callID** field.  For details, see the &#x60;vc_order_id&#x60; field description in [Visa Checkout Using the SCMP API.](https://apps.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/VCO_SCMP_API/html/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm) .</param>
 /// <param name="Issuer">Issuer.</param>
 public Ptsv2paymentsidreversalsProcessingInformation(string PaymentSolution = default(string), string ReconciliationId = default(string), string LinkId = default(string), string ReportGroup = default(string), string VisaCheckoutId = default(string), Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation Issuer = default(Ptsv2paymentsIssuerInformation))
     this.PaymentSolution  = PaymentSolution;
     this.ReconciliationId = ReconciliationId;
     this.LinkId           = LinkId;
     this.ReportGroup      = ReportGroup;
     this.VisaCheckoutId   = VisaCheckoutId;
     this.Issuer           = Issuer;