private void bt_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Frm_Report a = new Frm_Report(); string from_date = "", to_date = ""; from_date = Frm_MC_Chargeback.gldtFrom; to_date = Frm_MC_Chargeback.gldtTo; Ref_no_2nd = tbRef_no.Text; string sql = "", err = ""; #region arbitration 2nd presentment if (rbArbitration.Checked == true) { Frm_MC_Arbitration_2nd_Presentment b = new Frm_MC_Arbitration_2nd_Presentment(); b.Show(); } #endregion arbitration 2nd presentment #region reversal 2nd presentment if (rbReversal2nd.Checked == true) { if (Frm_main.admin_flag) { sql = " select a.microfilm_ref_number as Ref_no,a.card_number as Card_no,a.card_account_number,a.cr_account_number,"; } else { sql = " select a.microfilm_ref_number as Ref_no, substr(a.card_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.card_number,-4) as Card_no, substr(a.card_account_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.card_account_number,-4) card_account_number,substr(a.cr_account_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_number,-4) cr_account_number,"; } sql += "a.trace_audit_number as Trace_no,a.authorization_number as Auth_no,a.transaction_date as Trans_date,"; sql += "a.transaction_amount as Trans_amt,a.transaction_currency as Trans_cur,a.billing_amount as Billing_amt,"; sql += "a.billing_currency as Bill_cur,a.settlement_amount as Settle_amt,a.settlement_currency as Settle_cur,"; sql += "a.function_code as Func_code, (select transaction_wording from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "trans_def_stand where transaction_code = a.transaction_code) Trans_code,"; sql += "a.chargeback_status,a.reversal_flag,a.reversal_reason_code"; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "transaction_hist a"; sql += " where a.function_code = 206"; sql += " and a.microfilm_ref_number = '" +Ref_no_2nd+ "'"; sql += " and a.reversal_flag = 'R'"; sql += " and a.issuer_bank_code = '970428'"; sql += " and a.acquirer_bank_code <> '970428'"; sql += " and trunc(a.date_create) >= trunc(to_date('" + from_date + "','mm/dd/yyyy'))"; sql += " and trunc(a.date_create) <= trunc(to_date('" + to_date + "','mm/dd/yyyy'))"; DataTable dtt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err); if (err != "") { MessageBox.Show(err); return; } else { if (dtt.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No data found!!!"); return; } else { a.type = "MC_Reversal_2nd_Presentment"; a.thoiGian = "Từ ngày: " + from_date + " đến ngày " + to_date; a.title = "DANH SÁCH GIAO DỊCH REVERSAL SECOND PRESNETMENT"; a.dt = dtt; a.ShowDialog(); } } } #endregion reversal 2nd presentment }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 1st presentment if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 == 1)//1st presentment { Frm_MC_1st_Presentment a = new Frm_MC_1st_Presentment(); gldtFrom = dtFrom.Text.Trim(); gldtTo = dtTo.Text.Trim(); combox = "1"; a.ShowDialog(); } #endregion 1st presentment #region Retrieval Request if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 == 2)//Retrieval Request { Frm_MC_Retrieval_Request_1st_Presentment a = new Frm_MC_Retrieval_Request_1st_Presentment(); gldtFrom = dtFrom.Text.Trim(); gldtTo = dtTo.Text.Trim(); combox = "2"; a.ShowDialog(); } #endregion Retrieval Request #region 1st chargeback if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 == 3)//1st chargeback { Frm_MC_Chargeback_1st_Presentment a = new Frm_MC_Chargeback_1st_Presentment(); gldtFrom = dtFrom.Text.Trim(); gldtTo = dtTo.Text.Trim(); combox = "3"; a.ShowDialog(); } #endregion 1st chargeback #region 2nd presentment if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 == 4)//2nd presentment { Frm_MC_2nd_Presentment a = new Frm_MC_2nd_Presentment(); gldtFrom = dtFrom.Text.Trim(); gldtTo = dtTo.Text.Trim(); combox = "4"; a.ShowDialog(); } #endregion 2nd presentment #region arbitration chargeback if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 == 5) // Arbitration chargeback { Frm_MC_Arbitration_2nd_Presentment a = new Frm_MC_Arbitration_2nd_Presentment(); gldtFrom = dtFrom.Text.Trim(); gldtTo = dtTo.Text.Trim(); combox = "5"; a.ShowDialog(); } #endregion arbitration chargeback #region reprot fee if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 == 6) // Report Fee { Frm_Report a = new Frm_Report(); string sql = "", err = ""; sql = "select h.ipi_additional_data4_desc file_ID,k.ifd_transaction_amt as Trans_amt,k.ifd_curr_code_txn_cd as Trans_cur, " + "k.ifd_original_amt as Original_amt,k.ifd_curr_original_txn_cd as Original_cur,k.ifd_recon_amt as Recon_amt,k.ifd_curr_code_recon_cd as Recon_cur," + "k.ifd_convertion_rate_cd as Convert_rate,k.ifd_function_code_num as Func_code,k.ifd_reason_code_num as Rea_code, " + "k.ifd_msg_reversal_indicator_cd as Reversal,k.ifd_processing_status as Process_status " + "from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "ipm_fees_detail_t k," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "ipm_incoming_header h " + "where 1 = 1 " + "and k.ifd_job_id = h.ipi_job_id " + "and trunc(k.date_create) >= trunc(to_date('" + dtFrom.Text.Trim() + "','mm/dd/yyyy')) " + "and trunc(k.date_create) <= trunc(to_date('" + dtTo.Text.Trim() + "','mm/dd/yyyy')) " + "order by file_ID,Recon_cur "; DataTable dtt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err); if (err != "") { MessageBox.Show(err); return; } else { if (dtt.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No data found!!!"); return; } else { a.type = "MC_Report_Fee"; a.thoiGian = "Từ ngày: " + dtFrom.Text.Trim() + " đến ngày " + dtTo.Text.Trim(); a.title = "DANH SÁCH REPORT FEE"; a.dt = dtt; combox = "6"; a.ShowDialog(); } } } #endregion reprot fee }