static void Main(string[] args) { string fighter = ""; List <Fighter> list = new List <Fighter>(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to text based Battle Royal!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Please select game mode using the arrow keys. (Select with enter):"); // adds the main menue for game mode var mode = new Menu(); mode.options = new[] { "Solo VS AI", "Player VS Player" }; mode.Render(); if (mode.getSelected() == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You selected 'Solo VS AI'"); var player = new Fighter(); var foe = new Fighter(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to make a new fighter or try an exisiting one?"); var useExsistingdData = new Menu(); useExsistingdData.options = new[] { "Make New Fighter", "Browse exsisting Fighters" }; useExsistingdData.Render(); if (useExsistingdData.getSelected() == 0) { player = player.Create(); } if (useExsistingdData.getSelected() == 1) { player = player.Load(player); } // AI opponent mode Console.WriteLine("Would you like to have a random AI selected, or choose your own?"); var aiType = new Menu(); aiType.options = new[] { "Generate Random AI", "Let me pick AI manualy" }; aiType.Render(); if (aiType.getSelected() == 0) { foe = foe.LoadRandom(aiType, foe, player); } if (aiType.getSelected() == 1) { foe = foe.Load(foe); } // Launch the game Player VS AI var match = new Game(player, foe); gameInstance = match;, foe, "1P"); while (true) { var rematch = new Menu(); rematch.options = new[] { "Rematch", "Quit" }; Console.WriteLine("Would you like a rematch?"); rematch.Render(); if (rematch.getSelected() == 1) { break; } player.fighterStatus = null; foe.fighterStatus = null;, foe, "1P"); } } // closes "Selected AI" if (mode.getSelected() == 1) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You selected 'Player VS Player'"); Console.WriteLine(); var player1 = new Fighter(); = "player1"; player1 = player1.pvpMenus(player1); var player2 = new Fighter(); = "player2"; player2 = player2.pvpMenus(player2); var match = new Game(player1, player2); gameInstance = match;, player2, "2P"); while (true) { var rematch = new Menu(); rematch.options = new[] { "Rematch", "Quit" }; Console.WriteLine("Would you like a rematch?"); rematch.Render(); if (rematch.getSelected() == 1) { break; } player1.fighterStatus = null; player2.fighterStatus = null;, player2, "2P"); } } }
public void play(Fighter player, Fighter foe, string mode) { if ( == { += " the Second"; } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("How long would you like the match?"); var gameLength = new Menu(); gameLength.options = new[] { "Short (50HP each)", "Medium (100HP each)", "Long (200HP each)", "Custom (Chose the HP yourself)" }; gameLength.Render(); switch (gameLength.getSelected()) { case 0: = 50; player.maxHealth = 50; foe.maxHealth = 50; = 50; break; case 1: = 100; player.maxHealth = 100; foe.maxHealth = 100; = 100; break; case 2: = 200; player.maxHealth = 100; foe.maxHealth = 100; = 200; break; case 3: var health = ""; int hp; while (!int.TryParse(health, out hp)) { Console.Clear(); if (health != "") { Console.WriteLine($"'{health}' is not a valid number"); } Console.WriteLine("Please enter the desired health bellow (only numbers):"); health = Console.ReadLine(); } = Int32.Parse(health); player.maxHealth = Int32.Parse(health); foe.maxHealth = Int32.Parse(health); = Int32.Parse(health); break; } fighterReset1 = new List <FighterStatus>(); writeFighter(player, "name"); Console.Write(" VS "); writeFighter(foe, "name"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("FIGHT!"); Console.ReadLine(); fighterReset1.Add(new FighterStatus("Heal", 4)); fighterReset1.Add(new FighterStatus("Rage", 0)); fighterReset1.Add(new FighterStatus("Rage soak", 0)); fighterReset2.Add(new FighterStatus("Heal", 4)); fighterReset2.Add(new FighterStatus("Rage", 0)); fighterReset2.Add(new FighterStatus("Rage soak", 0)); player.fighterStatus = new List <FighterStatus>(fighterReset1); foe.fighterStatus = new List <FighterStatus>(fighterReset2); while (true) { if ( < 1) { break; } if ( < 1) { break; } if (mode == "1P") { Rnd(player, foe); FoeAttack(foe, player); Console.ReadLine(); continue; } Rnd(player, foe); if ( < 1) { break; } if ( < 1) { break; } Rnd(foe, player); } if ( > { writeFighter(player, "name"); Console.Write(" wins over "); writeFighter(foe, "name"); Console.Write(" with "); writeFighter(player, "health"); Console.Write("HP left!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("CONGRATUALATIONS!"); Console.ResetColor(); } if ( < { writeFighter(foe, "name"); Console.Write(" wins over "); writeFighter(player, "name"); Console.Write(" with "); writeFighter(foe, "health"); Console.Write("HP left!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("Better luck next time!"); Console.ResetColor(); } }
public void Rnd(Fighter fighter, Fighter target) { Console.Clear(); if ( == { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.WriteLine($"{}: {}HP"); if ( == { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.WriteLine($"{}: {}HP"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(); if (fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Rage").statusDuration > 0) { var rageAttackIndex = fighter.attacks.FindIndex(attackEffect => attackEffect.effect == "Rage"); fighter.attacks[rageAttackIndex].invokeAttacks(fighter, target); Console.ReadLine(); return; } if (fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Prone") != null) { if (fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Prone").statusDuration == 1) { Console.WriteLine(""); writeFighter(fighter, "name"); Console.Write("'s starts to get back on their feet..."); fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Prone").statusDuration = 2; Console.ReadLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine(""); writeFighter(fighter, "name"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.Write(" is back up again!"); fighter.fighterStatus.Remove(fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Prone")); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("What will "); writeFighter(fighter, "name"); Console.Write(" do?"); var selectAction = new Menu(); Console.ReadLine(); selectAction.options = new[] { $"{fighter.attacks[0].attack} ({fighter.attacks[0].effect})", $"{fighter.attacks[1].attack} ({fighter.attacks[1].effect})", $"{fighter.attacks[2].attack} ({fighter.attacks[2].effect})", $"{fighter.attacks[3].attack} ({fighter.attacks[3].effect})", "Do nothing", "Give up" }; selectAction.Render(); if (selectAction.getSelected() < 4) { if (fighter.attacks[selectAction.getSelected()].effect == "Heal") { if ( == fighter.maxHealth) { Console.WriteLine(""); writeFighter(fighter, "name"); Console.Write("'s health is already full!"); Console.ReadLine(); Rnd(fighter, target); return; } if (fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Heal").statusDuration < 1) { Console.WriteLine("You're out of Heals!"); Console.ReadLine(); Rnd(fighter, target); return; } fighter.attacks[selectAction.getSelected()].invokeAttacks(fighter, target); return; } } if (fighter.findStatus(fighter, "Stunned") != null && selectAction.getSelected() < 4) { if (fighter.attacks[selectAction.getSelected()].StunCheck(fighter, target)) { return; } } switch (selectAction.getSelected()) { case 0: fighter.attacks[0].invokeAttacks(fighter, target); break; case 1: fighter.attacks[1].invokeAttacks(fighter, target); break; case 2: fighter.attacks[2].invokeAttacks(fighter, target); break; case 3: fighter.attacks[3].invokeAttacks(fighter, target); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine(""); writeFighter(fighter, "name"); Console.Write(" chose not to attack."); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine(""); writeFighter(fighter, "name"); Console.Write(" surrendered!"); = 0; break; } Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); }
public void FoeAttack(Fighter foe, Fighter target) { if ( < 1) { return; } int attackIndex = foe.randomAttack; if (foe.attacks[attackIndex].effect == "Heal") { if ( == foe.maxHealth) { FoeAttack(foe, target); return; } if (foe.findStatus(foe, "Heal").statusDuration < 1) { FoeAttack(foe, target); return; } foe.attacks[attackIndex].invokeAttacks(foe, target); return; } if (foe.findStatus(foe, "Stunned") != null) { if (foe.attacks[attackIndex].StunCheck(foe, target)) { return; } } if (foe.findStatus(foe, "Rage").statusDuration > 0) { var rageAttackIndex = foe.attacks.FindIndex(attackEffect => attackEffect.effect == "Rage"); foe.attacks[rageAttackIndex].invokeAttacks(foe, target); return; } if (foe.findStatus(foe, "Prone") != null) { if (foe.findStatus(foe, "Prone").statusDuration == 1) { writeFighter(foe, "name"); Console.Write("{'s starts to get back on their feet..."); foe.findStatus(foe, "Prone").statusDuration = 2; Console.ReadLine(); return; } writeFighter(foe, "name"); Console.Write(" is back up again!"); foe.fighterStatus.Remove(foe.findStatus(foe, "Prone")); Console.ReadLine(); return; } switch (attackIndex) { case 0: foe.attacks[0].invokeAttacks(foe, target); break; case 1: foe.attacks[1].invokeAttacks(foe, target); break; case 2: foe.attacks[2].invokeAttacks(foe, target); break; case 3: foe.attacks[3].invokeAttacks(foe, target); break; } }
public Game(Fighter player, Fighter opponent) { this.player = player; this.opponent = opponent; }
public Fighter Create() { Console.WriteLine("Please type down your fighter bellow:"); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Type down 4 attacks {} should know. (Add one at a time):"); List <string> attackList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var attack = Console.ReadLine(); attackList.Add(attack); Console.WriteLine($"{attack}, added!"); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.Clear(); foreach (var attack in attackList) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine($"What do you want {attack} to do?:"); var attackType = new Menu(); attackType.options = new[] { "Attack (enemy -10 HP)", "Heal (player +20 HP, 4 uses/match)", "Stun (Target has 33% to miss his attack, 4 rounds)", "Guard (Player takes 50% less from next attack)", "Trip (Target has a 50% chance to lose 2 attacks.)", "Dodge (Player has 33% to take 0HP damage from next attack)", "Rage (Player waits 1 rnd, then combines his attacks with the damage received)" }; attackType.Render(); if (attackType.comfirm($"{attack} should {attackType.options[attackType.position]}?")) { Console.WriteLine($"{attack} set to {attackType.options[attackType.position]}"); string effect = ""; switch (attackType.position) { case 0: effect = "Tackle"; break; case 1: effect = "Heal"; break; case 2: effect = "Stun"; break; case 3: effect = "Guard"; break; case 4: effect = "Trip"; break; case 5: effect = "Dodge"; break; case 6: effect = "Rage"; break; } attacks.Add(new Attack(attack, effect)); break; } Console.Clear(); } } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to change any attacks?"); var attackEdit = new Menu(); attackEdit.options = new[] { $"Attack: {attacks[0].attack} Effect: {attacks[0].effect}", $"Attack: {attacks[1].attack} Effect: {attacks[1].effect}", $"Attack: {attacks[2].attack} Effect: {attacks[2].effect}", $"Attack: {attacks[3].attack} Effect: {attacks[3].effect}", "Save and Continue." }; attackEdit.Render(); if (attackEdit.position == 4) { // skriv var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(attacks); File.WriteAllText($"attacks/{}.json", json); break; } while (true) { Console.WriteLine($"What do you want {attacks[attackEdit.position].attack} to do?:"); var attackType = new Menu(); attackType.options = new[] { "Attack (enemy -10 HP)", "Heal (player +20 HP, 4 uses/match)", "Stun (Target has 33% to miss his attack, 4 rounds)", "Guard (Player takes 50% less from next attack)", "Trip (Target has a 50% chance to lose 2 attacks.)", "Dodge (Player has 33% to take 0HP damage from next attack)", "Rage (Player waits 1 rnd, then combines his attacks with the damage received)" }; attackType.Render(); if (attackType.comfirm($"{attacks[attackEdit.position].attack} should {attackType.options[attackType.position]}")) { Console.WriteLine($"{attacks[attackEdit.position].attack} set to {attackType.options[attackType.position]}"); string effect = ""; switch (attackType.position) { case 0: effect = "Tackle"; break; case 1: effect = "Heal"; break; case 2: effect = "Stun"; break; case 3: effect = "Guard"; break; case 4: effect = "Trip"; break; case 5: effect = "Dodge"; break; case 6: effect = "Rage"; break; } attacks[attackEdit.position] = new Attack(attacks[attackEdit.position].attack, effect); break; } Console.Clear(); } } Console.WriteLine("Fighter saved!"); Fighter player = new Fighter(); = name; player.attacks = attacks; return(player); }