        //public ErrorItem ParseNmpError( string errStr )
        //    // ******
        //    var errorParts = errStr.Split( ';' );
        //    if( errorParts.Length < 4 ) {
        //        return null;
        //    }
        //    // ******
        //    var locationInfo = errorParts [ 2 ];
        //    var parts = locationInfo.Split( ',' );
        //    if( 3 != parts.Length ) {
        //        return null;
        //    }
        //    // ******
        //    try {
        //        // ******
        //        ErrorItem errorItem = new ErrorItem { };
        //        errorItem.Line = Int32.Parse( parts [ 0 ].Substring( parts [ 0 ].IndexOf( '=' ) + 1 ) );
        //        errorItem.Column = Int32.Parse( parts [ 1 ].Substring( parts [ 1 ].IndexOf( '=' ) + 1 ) );
        //        if( parts [ 2 ].Contains( "File" ) ) {
        //            var fn = parts [ 2 ].Substring( parts [ 2 ].IndexOf( '"' ) );
        //            errorItem.FileName = fn.Substring( 1, fn.Length - 2 );
        //        }
        //        else {
        //            errorItem.FileName = parts [ 2 ];
        //        }
        //        // ******
        //        errorItem.ErrorText = errStr;
        //        // ******
        //        return errorItem;
        //    }
        //    catch {
        //        return null;
        //    }

        Error: while handling a .net object; exception: unable to locate an implementation of "Replace" where arguments match (or can be converted from):
        "" (values passed: )
        Tried matching:
        String.Replace( Char, Char )
        String.Replace( String, String );
        Line=7, Col=2, File "D:\Work\New 2014\Projects\gitsharper\Sharp-ToolRunner\UnitTests\Src\TestData\Nmp4\NmpError1.nmp4";
        Error in:
        Invocation stack:
        Invocation stack ends

        public bool Split()
            const string regExGetLineCol = @"Line=(\d*?)[, ]*?Col=(\d*?)\s*?,";

            // ******
            Regex rx = new Regex( regExGetLineCol );
            Match match2 = rx.Match( errorString );
            if( !match2.Success ) {
                return false;
            var groups2 = match2.Groups;

            int line;
            if( !int.TryParse( groups2 [ 1 ].Value, out line ) ) {
                return false;

            int col;
            if( !int.TryParse( groups2 [ 2 ].Value, out col ) ) {
                return false;

            errorItem = new ErrorItem( false, -1 ) {
                FileName = filePath,
                ErrorText = errorString,
                Line = line,
                Column = col

            // ******
            return true;
        ParseError: Unrecognised input in D:\Work\New 2014\Projects\gitsharper\Sharp-ToolRunner\UnitTests\Src\TestData\Less\tool-runner.in.txt on line 3, column 2:
        2 	background : blue;
        3 	@ @
        4 }

        Unrecognised input in D:\Work\New 2014\Projects\gitsharper\Sharp-ToolRunner\UnitTests\Src\TestData\Less\tool-runner.in.txt on
        line 3,
        column 2:

        err type :
        err message with embeded/trailing line and column	:
        block of code surrounding the error

        public bool Split()
            const string regExSplitError = @"(?s)\A(.*?):(.*?)\n(.*$)";
            const string regExGetLineCol = @"line\s*?(\d*?)[, ]*?column\s*?(\d*?)\s*?:";

            // ******
            Regex rx = new Regex( regExSplitError );
            Match match = rx.Match( errorString );

            // ******
            // only require first 3 matches
            if( !match.Success ) {
                return false;

            // ******
            // group[0] represents the overall capture
            // group[1] error type
            // group[2] error explanation
            // group[3] file listing where error occurs
            var groups = match.Groups;
            //var errorType = groups [ 1 ].Value.Trim();
            var errorMsg = groups [ 2 ].Value.Trim();
            //var remainder = groups [ 3 ].Value;

            // ... runner.in.txt on line 3, column 2:
            Regex rx2 = new Regex( regExGetLineCol );
            Match match2 = rx2.Match( errorMsg );
            if( !match2.Success ) {
                return false;
            var groups2 = match2.Groups;

            int line;
            if( !int.TryParse( groups2 [ 1 ].Value, out line ) ) {
                return false;

            int col;
            if( !int.TryParse( groups2 [ 2 ].Value, out col ) ) {
                return false;

            errorItem = new ErrorItem( false, -1 ) {
                FileName = filePath,
                ErrorText = errorString,
                Line = line,
                Column = col

            // ******
            return true;