static void UpdateColliderToProfile(HumanBodyBones bone, Collider collider, RagdollProfile.BoneProfile boneProfile, Vector3 headOffset, float initialHeadOffsetFromChest) { //change physic material collider.sharedMaterial = boneProfile.colliderMaterial; //head if (bone == HumanBodyBones.Head) { //adjust the head collider based on headRadius and head Offset SphereCollider sphere = collider as SphereCollider; sphere.radius = boneProfile.colliderRadius; // EDU: CHANGE TO ALWAYS SAME VALUE //sphere.radius = 0.3f; = new Vector3(headOffset.x, boneProfile.colliderRadius + headOffset.y, headOffset.z); } //breast box colliders else if (bone == HumanBodyBones.Chest || bone == HumanBodyBones.Hips) { BoxCollider box = collider as BoxCollider; Vector3 center =; Vector3 size = box.size; if (bone == HumanBodyBones.Chest) { //adjust the chest collider, so it's top reaches the head collider joint Bounds chestBounds = new Bounds(center, size); Vector3 max = chestBounds.max; max.y = initialHeadOffsetFromChest + headOffset.y; chestBounds.max = max; center =; size = chestBounds.size; } //adjust chest and hips Z thickness and offset //maybe some models are 'fatter' than others center.z = boneProfile.boxZOffset; size.z = boneProfile.boxZSize; = center; box.size = size; } //adjust the radius of the arms and leg capsules else { CapsuleCollider capsule = collider as CapsuleCollider; capsule.radius = boneProfile.colliderRadius; } }
static void UpdateRigidbodyToProfile(Rigidbody rigidbody, RagdollProfile.BoneProfile boneProfile) { //set rigidbody values for bone rigidbody.maxAngularVelocity = boneProfile.maxAngularVelocity; rigidbody.angularDrag = boneProfile.angularDrag; rigidbody.angularDrag = boneProfile.drag; rigidbody.mass = boneProfile.mass; rigidbody.interpolation = boneProfile.interpolation; rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = boneProfile.collisionDetection; //setting thebone default so it can be changed at runtime rigidbody.maxDepenetrationVelocity = boneProfile.maxDepenetrationVelocity; }
/* * Adjust Ragdoll component values per bone to reflect the supplied * Ragdoll profile (default profile if none is supplied) */ public static void UpdateBonesToProfileValues(Dictionary <HumanBodyBones, RagdollTransform> bones, RagdollProfile profile, float initialHeadOffsetFromChest) { if (bones == null) { return; } if (profile == null) { return; } Vector3 headOffset = profile.headOffset; //clamp head offset (values too high or too low become unstable for some reason) headOffset.y = Mathf.Clamp(headOffset.y, -initialHeadOffsetFromChest + .1f, 2); for (int i = 0; i < bonesCount; i++) { RagdollProfile.BoneProfile boneProfile = profile.boneData[humanBones[i]]; HumanBodyBones hBodyBone = humanBones[i]; RagdollTransform bone = bones[hBodyBone]; //set rigidbody values for bone UpdateRigidbodyToProfile(bone.rigidbody, boneProfile); //adjust collider values for bone UpdateColliderToProfile(hBodyBone, bone.collider, boneProfile, headOffset, initialHeadOffsetFromChest); //set joint values if (bone.joint) { UpdateJointToProfile(hBodyBone, bone.joint, boneProfile, headOffset); } } }
static void UpdateJointToProfile(HumanBodyBones bone, ConfigurableJoint joint, RagdollProfile.BoneProfile boneProfile, Vector3 headOffset) { // joint.projectionMode = JointProjectionMode.PositionAndRotation; joint.connectedMassScale = boneProfile.connectedMassScale; joint.massScale = boneProfile.massScale; joint.xMotion = joint.yMotion = joint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited; //adjust anchor for head offset if (bone == HumanBodyBones.Head) { if (joint.anchor != headOffset) { joint.anchor = headOffset; } } //adjust axes (changing every fram was slow, so checking if same value first) if (joint.axis != boneProfile.axis1) { joint.axis = boneProfile.axis1; } if (joint.secondaryAxis != boneProfile.axis2) { joint.secondaryAxis = boneProfile.axis2; } //adjust limits (0 if forceOff is enabled) var l = joint.lowAngularXLimit; l.limit = boneProfile.forceOff ? 0 : boneProfile.angularXLimit.x; l.contactDistance = 45; joint.lowAngularXLimit = l; l = joint.highAngularXLimit; l.limit = boneProfile.forceOff ? 0 : boneProfile.angularXLimit.y; l.contactDistance = 45; joint.highAngularXLimit = l; l = joint.angularYLimit; l.limit = boneProfile.forceOff ? 0 : boneProfile.angularYLimit; l.contactDistance = 45; joint.angularYLimit = l; l = joint.angularZLimit; l.limit = boneProfile.forceOff ? 0 : boneProfile.angularZLimit; l.contactDistance = 45; joint.angularZLimit = l; }