static void SetDefaultFonts(MessageStyle selectedStyle) { if (selectedStyle.bodyTextFont == null) { selectedStyle.bodyTextFont = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; } if (selectedStyle.titleFont == null) { selectedStyle.titleFont = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; } if (selectedStyle.buttonFont == null) { selectedStyle.buttonFont = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a message box with the given style. Title, message and button text is optional, as this will be taken from the style itself but you can override if you want. /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedStyle">A MessageStyle Object</param> /// <param name="customTitle">Overrides title text in style</param> /// <param name="customMessage">Overrides message text in style</param> /// <param name="customButtonText">Overrides button text text in style</param> public static void CreateMessageBox(MessageStyle selectedStyle = null, string customTitle = "", string customMessage = "", string customButtonText = "") { if (selectedStyle == null) { selectedStyle = defaultStyle; } CheckForCanvas(); SetDefaultFonts(selectedStyle); //Window GameObject newWindow = new GameObject(); newWindow.transform.parent = messageBoxCanvas.transform; = "Dynamic Message Box"; Image windowImage = newWindow.AddComponent <Image>(); windowImage.color = selectedStyle.backgroundColour; if (selectedStyle.backgroundImage != null) { windowImage.sprite = selectedStyle.backgroundImage; } RectTransform windowRect = windowImage.rectTransform; windowRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); windowRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2((Screen.width * selectedStyle.MessageBoxWidth), (Screen.height * selectedStyle.MessageBoxHeight)); //TitleText GameObject newText = new GameObject(); newText.transform.parent = newWindow.transform; = "Dynamic Message Box Title"; Text text = newText.AddComponent <Text>(); text.text = selectedStyle.titleText; text.color = selectedStyle.titleColour; text.resizeTextForBestFit = true; RectTransform titleRect = newText.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); titleRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(windowRect.rect.width, windowRect.rect.height / 5); titleRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, (0 + (windowRect.rect.height / 2)) - (titleRect.rect.height / 2)); text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; text.font = selectedStyle.titleFont; //Button GameObject newButton = new GameObject(); newButton.transform.parent = newWindow.transform; = "Dynamic Message Box Button"; Image buttonImage = newButton.AddComponent <Image>(); Button button = newButton.AddComponent <Button>(); button.targetGraphic = buttonImage; button.colors = selectedStyle.buttonColours; RectTransform buttonRect = newButton.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); buttonRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(windowRect.rect.width * selectedStyle.buttonWidth, windowRect.rect.height / 10); buttonRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, (0 - (windowRect.rect.height / 2)) + (buttonRect.rect.height / 2)); if (selectedStyle.buttonBackground != null) { buttonImage.sprite = selectedStyle.buttonBackground; } //Button Fuctionality DynamicMessageBox dmb = newWindow.AddComponent <DynamicMessageBox>(); dmb.buttonObj = newButton; //ButtonText GameObject newButtonText = new GameObject(); newButtonText.transform.parent = newButton.transform; = "Dynamic Message Box Button Text"; Text buttonText = newButtonText.AddComponent <Text>(); buttonText.font = selectedStyle.buttonFont; buttonText.text = selectedStyle.buttonTextText; buttonText.color = selectedStyle.buttonTextColour; RectTransform buttonTextRect = newButtonText.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); buttonTextRect.sizeDelta = buttonRect.sizeDelta; buttonTextRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); buttonText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; buttonText.resizeTextForBestFit = true; //Body Text GameObject newBodyText = new GameObject(); newBodyText.transform.parent = newWindow.transform; = "Dynamic Message Box Body Text"; Text bodyText = newBodyText.AddComponent <Text>(); bodyText.text = selectedStyle.bodyTextText; bodyText.font = selectedStyle.bodyTextFont; bodyText.color = selectedStyle.bodyTextColour; bodyText.resizeTextMaxSize = 30; bodyText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; bodyText.resizeTextForBestFit = true; RectTransform bodyTextRect = newBodyText.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); float bodyTextHeight = windowRect.rect.height - titleRect.rect.height - buttonRect.rect.height; bodyTextRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(windowRect.rect.width, bodyTextHeight); bodyTextRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); //Check for text override if (customTitle != "") { text.text = customTitle; } if (customMessage != "") { bodyText.text = customMessage; } if (customButtonText != "") { buttonText.text = customButtonText; } }