internal static Menu PrepareMenu(ModToggleDelegates toggleDelegates)
            return(new Menu("Custom Knight", new Element[] {
                Blueprints.CreateToggle(toggleDelegates, "Custom Skins", "", "Enabled", "Disabled"),
                new HorizontalOption(
                    "Swapper", "Apply skin to bosses, enemies & areas",
                    new string[] { "Disabled", "Enabled" },
                    (setting) => { CustomKnight.toggleSwap(setting == 1); },
                    () => CustomKnight.swapManager.enabled ? 1 : 0,
                    Id: "SwapperEnabled"),
                new HorizontalOption(
                    "Select Skin", "The skin will be used for current save and any new saves.",
                    (setting) => { selectedSkin = setting; },
                    () => selectedSkin,
                    Id: "SelectSkinOption"),
                new MenuButton("PreloadButton", "Will Preload objects for modifying events", (_) => TogglePreloads(), Id: "PreloadButton"),
                new MenuRow(
                    new List <Element> {
                    Blueprints.NavigateToMenu("Skin List", "Opens a list of Skins", () => SkinsList.GetMenu(MenuRef.menuScreen)),
                    new MenuButton("Apply Skin", "Apply The currently selected skin.", (_) => ApplySkin()),
                    Id: "ApplyButtonGroup"
                    XDelta = 400f

                new TextPanel("To Add more skins, copy the skins into your Skins folder."),
                new MenuRow(
                    new List <Element> {
                    new MenuButton("Open Folder", "Open skins folder", (_) => OpenSkins()),
                    new MenuButton("Fix / Reload", "Fix skin structure and reload", (_) => FixSkins()),
                    new MenuButton("Need Help?", "Join the HK Modding Discord", (_) => OpenLink("")),
                    Id: "HelpButtonGroup"
                    XDelta = 425f
                new MenuRow(
                    new List <Element> {
                    new MenuButton("Dump", "Dumps the sprites that Swapper supports (Expect lag)", (_) => ToggleDumping(), Id: "DumpButton"),
                    //new MenuButton("Generate Cache","Generates Cache for Everything (Can take hours)",(_)=>DumpAll(),Id:"DumpAllButton"),
                    //new MenuButton("Need Help?","Join the HK Modding Discord",(_)=>OpenLink("")),
                    Id: "AdditonalButtonGroup"
                    XDelta = 425f
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets all the installed skins (includes mod provided skins).
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>an <c>ISelectableSkin[]</c> that represents all the installed skins</returns>
 public static ISelectableSkin[] GetInstalledSkins()