        /// <summary>
        /// Auto maps all members for the given type. If a member
        /// is mapped again it will override the existing map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options for auto mapping.</param>
        public virtual void AutoMap(AutoMapOptions options)
            var type = GetGenericType();

            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                throw new ConfigurationException("Types that inherit IEnumerable cannot be auto mapped. " +
                                                 "Did you accidentally call GetRecord or WriteRecord which " +
                                                 "acts on a single record instead of calling GetRecords or " +
                                                 "WriteRecords which acts on a list of records?");

            var mapParents = new LinkedList <Type>();

            if (options.ShouldUseConstructorParameters(type))
                // This type doesn't have a parameterless constructor so we can't create an
                // instance and set it's member. Constructor parameters need to be created
                // instead. Writing only uses getters, so members will also be mapped
                // for writing purposes.
                AutoMapConstructorParameters(this, options, mapParents);

            AutoMapMembers(this, options, mapParents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Auto maps the given map using constructor parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The map to auto map.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for auto mapping.</param>
        /// <param name="mapParents">The list of parents for the map.</param>
        /// <param name="indexStart">The index starting point.</param>
        protected virtual void AutoMapConstructorParameters(ClassMap map, AutoMapOptions options, LinkedList <Type> mapParents, int indexStart = 0)
            var type        = map.GetGenericType();
            var constructor = options.GetConstructor(map.ClassType);
            var parameters  = constructor.GetParameters();

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                var typeConverterType = TypeConverterFactory.Current.GetConverter(parameter.ParameterType).GetType();

                var parameterMap = new ParameterMap(parameter);

                var memberTypeInfo     = parameter.ParameterType.GetTypeInfo();
                var isDefaultConverter = typeConverterType == typeof(DefaultTypeConverter);
                if (isDefaultConverter && (memberTypeInfo.HasParameterlessConstructor() || memberTypeInfo.IsUserDefinedStruct()))
                    // If the type is not one covered by our type converters
                    // and it has a parameterless constructor, create a
                    // reference map for it.

                    if (options.IgnoreReferences)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Configuration '{nameof( options.IgnoreReferences )}' can't be true " +
                                                            "when using types without a default constructor. Constructor parameters " +
                                                            "are used and all members including references must be used.");

                    if (CheckForCircularReference(parameter.ParameterType, mapParents))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"A circular reference was detected in constructor paramter '{parameter.Name}'." +
                                                            "Since all parameters must be supplied for a constructor, this parameter can't be skipped.");

                    var refMapType = typeof(DefaultClassMap <>).MakeGenericType(parameter.ParameterType);
                    var refMap     = (ClassMap)ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(refMapType);
                    var refOptions = options.Copy();
                    refOptions.IgnoreReferences = false;
                    AutoMapMembers(refMap, options, mapParents, Math.Max(map.GetMaxIndex() + 1, indexStart));

                    var referenceMap = new ParameterReferenceMap(parameter, refMap);
                    if (options.PrefixReferenceHeaders)

                    parameterMap.ReferenceMap = referenceMap;
                else if (options.ShouldUseConstructorParameters(parameter.ParameterType))
                    var constructorMapType = typeof(DefaultClassMap <>).MakeGenericType(parameter.ParameterType);
                    var constructorMap     = (ClassMap)ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(constructorMapType);
                    var constructorOptions = options.Copy();
                    constructorOptions.IgnoreReferences = false;
                    // Need to use Max here for nested types.
                    AutoMapConstructorParameters(constructorMap, constructorOptions, mapParents, Math.Max(map.GetMaxIndex() + 1, indexStart));

                    parameterMap.ConstructorTypeMap = constructorMap;
                    parameterMap.Data.TypeConverterOptions = TypeConverterOptions.Merge(new TypeConverterOptions(), options.TypeConverterOptionsFactory.GetOptions(parameter.ParameterType), parameterMap.Data.TypeConverterOptions);
                    parameterMap.Data.Index = map.GetMaxIndex() + 1;

