public void FilledRectangle(Brush brush, GridSquare currentGridsquare, int yOffset, int xOffset) { g.FillRectangle(brush, (currentGridsquare.min.X + (xGridSquareSize*xOffset)+ 1), (currentGridsquare.min.Y + (yGridSquareSize * yOffset) + 1), xGridSquareSize - 1, yGridSquareSize - 1); }
public void FilledEllipse(Brush brush, GridSquare currentGridsquare, int yOffset, int xOffset) { g.FillEllipse(brush, (currentGridsquare.min.X + (xGridSquareSize * xOffset) + 1), (currentGridsquare.min.Y + (yGridSquareSize * yOffset) + 1), xGridSquareSize - 2, yGridSquareSize - 2); }
public void Ellipse(Pen pen, GridSquare currentGridsquare, int yOffset, int xOffset) { g.DrawEllipse(pen, (currentGridsquare.min.X + (xGridSquareSize * xOffset) + 1), (currentGridsquare.min.Y + (yGridSquareSize * yOffset) + 1), xGridSquareSize - 2, yGridSquareSize - 2); }
private void DrawGrid(Drawer draw, GridSquare[,] GridSquares) { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { //vertical lines draw.VerticalLine(draw.with.blackPen, panelSize, i); //horizontal lines draw.HorizontalLine(draw.with.blackPen, panelSize, i); } // filling a 2D array with blank gridSquares // these will store information about that square for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { GridSquares[x, y] = new GridSquare(new Point(x * xGridSquareSize, y * yGridSquareSize), new Point((x * xGridSquareSize) + xGridSquareSize, (y * yGridSquareSize) + yGridSquareSize)); } } }
private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!gameRunning) { //Enable the player panel so the game can begin (also needs to be enabled to draw) playerPanel.Enabled = true; enemyPanel.Enabled = true; DrawGrid(playerDraw, playerGridSquares); // draw a grid on the player's panel DrawGrid(enemyDraw, enemyGridSquares); // draw a grid on the enemy's panel currentPlayerGridsquare = null; startButton.Text = "Connect to Opponent"; startButton.Enabled = false; startButton.Visible = false; } if(gameRunning) { startButton.Enabled = false; startButton.Visible = false; listBox.Enabled = false; listBox.Visible = false; attackOpponentLabel.Visible = true; placeShipsLabel.Visible = false; try { log.Text += "Waiting for opponent ... "; log.ScrollToCaret(); // LOG! // (these 3 lines start the game) socket = new TcpClient("", 2000); Thread sockets = new Thread(() => TCPRead(socket)); sockets.Start(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("server at " + "" + " down"); log.Text += "\n\nThe server at is down."; // LOG! log.ScrollToCaret(); } } }
private void DrawShip(int size) { currentShipCode = size; // clear if (currentPlayerGridsquare != null) { for (int i = 0; i < currentPlayerGridsquare.size; i++) { if(rotatePrevious==false) { //got an out of bounds exception on the next if. This should prevent that (and it did) if (((int)((currentPlayerGridsquare.min.Y / yGridSquareSize) + i)) <= 9) { //currently only accounting for y going down starting from head if (playerGridSquares[(int)(currentPlayerGridsquare.min.X / xGridSquareSize), (int)((currentPlayerGridsquare.min.Y / yGridSquareSize) + i)].set != true) { playerDraw.FilledRectangle(playerDraw.with.whiteBrush, currentPlayerGridsquare, i,0); } } } if (rotatePrevious == true) { //got an out of bounds exception on the next if. This should prevent that (and it did) if (((int)((currentPlayerGridsquare.min.X / xGridSquareSize) + i)) <= 9) { //currently only accounting for y going down starting from head if (playerGridSquares[(int)((currentPlayerGridsquare.min.X / xGridSquareSize) + i), (int)(currentPlayerGridsquare.min.Y / yGridSquareSize)].set != true) { playerDraw.FilledRectangle(playerDraw.with.whiteBrush, currentPlayerGridsquare, 0,i); } } } } } // On some machines the player grid squares are drawn a bit too big so cut the indexs to avoid out of range errors // This can't break the game because if the mouse was that far away for the origin they wanted the last square anyways int xGridSquareIndex = (int)(mousePosition.X / xGridSquareSize); if (xGridSquareIndex > 9) xGridSquareIndex = 9; int yGridSquareIndex = (int)(mousePosition.Y / yGridSquareSize); if (yGridSquareIndex > 9) yGridSquareIndex = 9; // set new current currentPlayerGridsquare = playerGridSquares[xGridSquareIndex, yGridSquareIndex]; //the amount after the head if (size == 31 || size == 32) size = 3; currentPlayerGridsquare.size = size; if(rotateNext==false)//draw vertical { // draw new if (yGridSquareIndex + (size - 1) <= 9 && checkForSetSquares(rotateNext)) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { playerDraw.Ellipse(playerDraw.with.greenPen, currentPlayerGridsquare, i,0); } currentPlayerGridsquare.ok = true; // ready to be set / placed } else { //this if prevents drawing a no go marker over an existing (currently set) grid square if (currentPlayerGridsquare.set != true) { playerDraw.Ellipse(playerDraw.with.redPen, currentPlayerGridsquare, 0,0); currentPlayerGridsquare.ok = false; // not ready to be set / placed } } } if (rotateNext == true)//draw horizontal { // draw new if (xGridSquareIndex + (size - 1) <= 9 && checkForSetSquares(rotateNext)) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { playerDraw.Ellipse(playerDraw.with.greenPen, currentPlayerGridsquare,0, i); } currentPlayerGridsquare.ok = true; // ready to be set / placed } else { //this if prevents drawing a no go marker over an existing (currently set) grid square if (currentPlayerGridsquare.set != true) { playerDraw.Ellipse(playerDraw.with.redPen, currentPlayerGridsquare, 0,0); currentPlayerGridsquare.ok = false; // not ready to be set / placed } } } rotatePrevious = rotateNext; }