public static ScheduleItem Parse(CQ element) { var speaker = element.Find(".before_hour_text").Text(); string speakerUrl = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(speaker) ? element.Find(".event_header").Attr("href") : null; string title = element.Find(".event_header").Text(); string startTimeText = element.Find(".top_hour span").First().Text(); string endTimeText = element.Find(".bottom_hour span").First().Text(); var startTime = TimeSpan.ParseExact(startTimeText, "g", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var endTime = TimeSpan.ParseExact(endTimeText, "g", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return new ScheduleItem(title, speaker, speakerUrl, startTime, endTime); }
private static IEnumerable<ScheduleItem> FromTable(CQ tableElement) { var itemElements = tableElement.Find("tbody tr .event .event_container"); for (int i = 0; i < itemElements.Length; i++) { var item = itemElements.Eq(i); yield return ScheduleItem.Parse(item); } }
public static IHtmlString CustomXhtmlString(this HtmlHelper helper, XhtmlString value) { var htmlString = helper.XhtmlString(value).ToHtmlString(); var headline = LocalizationService.Current .GetString("/views/common/linklist/headline"); var cq = new CQ(htmlString, HtmlParsingMode.Document); cq.Find("").Each(list => { var box = CQ.CreateFragment( "<div class=\"link-list\">" + "<h4><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\"></span> " + headline + "</h4></div>"); list.RemoveClass("link-list"); box.Append(list.OuterHTML); list.Cq().ReplaceWith(box); }); return new MvcHtmlString(cq.Find("body").Html()); }
public static Dictionary<string, string> GetInputFields(CQ dom) { Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (var v in dom.Find("input")) { var value = v.Cq().Attr("value"); var key = v.Cq().Attr("name"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { if (!result.ContainsKey(key)) { result.Add(key, value); } else { result[key] = value; } } } // Get all selects foreach (var s in dom.Select("select")) { var select = s.Cq(); var key = select.Attr("name"); foreach (var option in select.Children("option")) { var opt = option.Cq(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opt.Attr("selected"))) { if (!result.ContainsKey(key)) { result.Add(key, opt.Val()); } else { result[key] = opt.Val(); } } } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Parses volume information based on its title element. /// </summary> /// <param name="hEl"></param> public Volume(CQ ul) { ul.Find("li").Each((el) => { var link = new CQ(el).Find("a").First(); if (link.Count() == 0) return; var name = Regex.Replace(link.Attr("href"), "^.+title=", ""); if (name.Contains("Illustrations") && _illustrationsPage == null) { _illustrationsPage = new IllustrationsPage(name); } else { _chapters.Add(new Chapter(name, link.Text())); } }); }
private static ParsedRSSFeedLink ParseLink(IDomObject linkNode) { ParsedRSSFeedLink parsedRSSFeedLink; CQ linkCq = new CQ(linkNode.Clone()); CQ aCq = linkCq.Find("a"); if (aCq.Any()) { ParsedRSSFeedLink parsedRSSFeedLink1 = new ParsedRSSFeedLink { LinkURL = aCq.Attr<string>("href"), LinkTitle = aCq.First().Text() }; ParsedRSSFeedLink link = parsedRSSFeedLink1; aCq.FirstElement().Remove(); link.Description = linkCq.Text().Trim(); parsedRSSFeedLink = link; } else { parsedRSSFeedLink = null; } return parsedRSSFeedLink; }
private string PrepareHtml(string html) { // Make title if (!Notitle) { html = "<h2>" + Title + "</h2>" + html; } html = "<span class=\"invisible chapterstart\">" + (Noheader ? "" : Title) + "</span>" + html; // Make sure page break is set if (Pagebreak) { html = "<span class=\"invisible pagebreak\"></span>" + html; } CQ dom = CQ.CreateFragment("<div class=\"content\">" + html + "</div>"); // Remove next/prev table dom.Find("table:contains('Forward'):contains('Back')").Last().Remove(); // Find images foreach(IDomElement aNode in dom.Find("a.image")) { var a = new CQ(aNode); var img = new CQ(a.Find("img")); var src = img.Attr("src").Replace("/thumb", ""); src = Regex.Replace(src, @"[.](jpg|png|gif)\/.+$", @".$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var image = new Image(src, new Uri(Wiki)) {Sashie = true}; CQ node = a.Closest(".thumb").Add(a).First(); if (_images.Count == 0 && EntryPicture) { // We can view it as a full-fledged image since we don't need to worry about text-flow image.Sashie = false; dom.Before(image.Html); } else { node.Before(image.Html); //node.After("<span class=\"image-stopper\"></span>"); } node.Remove(); _images.Add(image); } // Catch references foreach (IDomElement supNode in dom.Find("sup.reference")) { var sup = new CQ(supNode); CQ footnote = "<span class=\"fn\"></span>"; CQ oldFootnote = dom.Find("#" + sup.Attr("id").Replace("_ref-", "_note-")); footnote.Html(oldFootnote.Find(".reference-text").Html()); oldFootnote.Remove(); sup.Before(footnote).Remove(); } // Remove possible reference title dom.Find(".references").Prev(":header").Remove(); // Remove edit links dom.Find(".editsection, #toc").Remove(); // Make smart quotes dom.Find("p:contains('\"'), p:contains(\"'\"), li:contains('\"'), li:contains(\"'\")").Each((el) => { CQ p = new CQ(el); string pHtml = p.Html(); // Replace quotes if (Regex.Matches(pHtml, """).Count % 2 == 0) { pHtml = Regex.Replace(pHtml, ""(.+?)"", "“$1”"); } else { Console.WriteLine("NOTICE: possible quotes problem ({0})", pHtml.Trim()); } // Replace single quotes (\b doesn't work) pHtml = Regex.Replace(pHtml, "(?<!\\w)'(.+?)'(?!\\w)", "‘$1’"); // Replace apostrophes pHtml = Regex.Replace(pHtml, "'", "’"); p.Html(pHtml); }); // Parse Ruby dom.Find("span > span > span").Each(el => { var rubySpan = new CQ(el); if(rubySpan.Css("position") == "relative" && rubySpan.Css("left") == "-50%") { var textSpan = rubySpan.Parent().Siblings("span"); var containerSpan = textSpan.Parent(); if (textSpan.Length == 1 && containerSpan.Css("white-space") == "nowrap") { // Okay, this is ruby. var ruby = new CQ("<ruby>"); ruby.Html(textSpan.Html()); ruby.Append(new CQ("<rp>(</rp>")); ruby.Append(new CQ("<rt>").Html(rubySpan.Html())); ruby.Append(new CQ("<rp>)</rp>")); containerSpan.ReplaceWith( ruby ); } } }); // Hakomari specific foreach (IDomElement star in dom.Find("p:contains(✵)")) { star.InnerHTML = "<img src=\"" + (new Uri( Helper.GetAssetsPath() + "blackstar.jpg" )) + "\">"; } return dom.Render(); }
private bool DetermineIfMessageIsCloseVoteRequest(CQ messageContentsNode) { //message contains "cv-pls", "cv-plz", or "close", and has a link var triggerPhrases = new[] { "cv-pls", "cv-plz", "close" }; var text = messageContentsNode.Text(); var hasTriggerPhrase = triggerPhrases .Select(x => text.Contains(x)) .Any(x => x); var hasLink = messageContentsNode.Find("a").Any(); return hasTriggerPhrase && hasLink; }
private static IEnumerable<ScheduleTableDay> GetScheduleTableDays(CQ pageQuery) { var titleElement = pageQuery.Find("h1"); var tableElement = pageQuery.Find("#all-events table.tt_timetable"); yield return new ScheduleTableDay { TitleElement = titleElement, TableElement = tableElement }; }
private static IEnumerable<string> GetHeaders(CQ tableElement) { var headers = tableElement.Find("thead tr th").Skip(1).ToList(); var headerTexts = headers.Select(x => (x.InnerText ?? string.Empty).Trim()); return headerTexts; }
static string ParseBlockTitle(CQ head) { return head.Find("div.block-events-head").Children().Remove().End().Text().Trim(); }