        static bool majority(Bitmap_p bm1, int x, int y)
            int i;
            int a;
            int ct;

            for (i = 2; i < 5; i++)
                ct = 0;
                for (a = -i + 1; a <= i - 1; a++)
                    ct += bm1.at(x + a, y + i - 1) ? 1 : -1;
                    ct += bm1.at(x + i - 1, y + a - 1) ? 1 : -1;
                    ct += bm1.at(x + a - 1, y - i) ? 1 : -1;
                    ct += bm1.at(x - i, y + a) ? 1 : -1;
                if (ct > 0)
                else if (ct < 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute a path in the binary matrix.
        /// Start path at the point (x0,x1), which must be an upper left corner
        /// of the path. Also compute the area enclosed by the path. Return a
        /// new path_t object, or NULL on error (note that a legitimate path
        /// cannot have length 0).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Matrix">Binary Matrix</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <param name="x">x index in the source Matrix</param>
        /// <param name="y">y index in the source Matrix</param>
        Path findPath(Bitmap_p bm1, Point point)
            Path path = new Path();
            int  x    = point.X;
            int  y    = point.Y;
            int  dirx = 0;
            int  diry = 1;
            int  tmp  = -1;

            path.sign = bm.at(point.X, point.Y) ? "+" : "-";

            while (true)
                path.pt.Add(new Point(x, y));
                if (x > path.maxX)
                    path.maxX = x;
                if (x < path.minX)
                    path.minX = x;
                if (y > path.maxY)
                    path.maxY = y;
                if (y < path.minY)
                    path.minY = y;

                x         += dirx;
                y         += diry;
                path.area -= x * diry;

                if (x == point.X && y == point.Y)

                bool l = bm1.at(x + (dirx + diry - 1) / 2, y + (diry - dirx - 1) / 2);
                bool r = bm1.at(x + (dirx - diry - 1) / 2, y + (diry + dirx - 1) / 2);

                if (r && !l)
                    if ((turnpolicy == TurnPolicy.right) ||
                        (((turnpolicy == TurnPolicy.black) && (path.sign == "+"))) ||
                        (((turnpolicy == TurnPolicy.white) && (path.sign == "-"))) ||
                        (((turnpolicy == TurnPolicy.majority) && (majority(bm1, x, y)))) ||
                        ((turnpolicy == TurnPolicy.minority && !majority(bm1, x, y))))
                        tmp  = dirx;
                        dirx = -diry;
                        diry = tmp;
                        tmp  = dirx;
                        dirx = diry;
                        diry = -tmp;
                else if (r)
                    tmp  = dirx;
                    dirx = -diry;
                    diry = tmp;
                else if (!l)
                    tmp  = dirx;
                    dirx = diry;
                    diry = -tmp;