private static void GetPlaylistImplFromJson(RunToolHelper runner, string url, string json, string txtPath) { // we could also use JsonReaderWriterFactory instead runner.Trace("process returned successfully. parsing json..."); var parts = new List <string>(Utils.SplitByString(json, "\"id\": \"")); parts.RemoveAt(0); var linesOut = new List <string>(); foreach (var part in parts) { var proposedId = Utils.SplitByString(part, "\"")[0]; if (proposedId.Length >= 10 && proposedId.Length <= 12 && !proposedId.Contains(" ")) { linesOut.Add("" + proposedId); runner.Trace("Found " + "" + proposedId); } } if (linesOut.Count == 0) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("did not find any videos in this playlist."); } runner.Trace("Successfully found " + linesOut.Count + " ids."); File.WriteAllLines(txtPath, linesOut); }
private ProcessStartInfo MakeTaskCombineAudioVideo(string audioFile, string videoFile, string output) { var args = new List <string>(); args.Add("-nostdin"); args.Add("-i"); args.Add(videoFile); args.Add("-i"); args.Add(audioFile); args.Add("-c:v"); args.Add("copy"); args.Add("-c:a"); args.Add("copy"); args.Add(output); _runner.Trace("Saving to " + output); var info = new ProcessStartInfo(); info.FileName = CsDownloadVidFilepaths.GetFfmpeg(); info.Arguments = Utils.CombineProcessArguments(args.ToArray()); info.CreateNoWindow = true; info.RedirectStandardError = true; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; info.UseShellExecute = false; return(info); }
private void SplitWithFadeout(string inputFile, List <double> splitPoints, string sFadeLength) { const int sampleRate = 44100; string outFilename = inputFile + "_fadeout.m4a"; if (!double.TryParse(sFadeLength, out double fadeLength) || fadeLength <= 0) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("Invalid fadelength, expected a number of " + "seconds like 4"); } else if (splitPoints.Count == 0) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("Enter a time, in seconds"); } else if (splitPoints.Count != 1) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("It looks like you have entered more than " + "one time point. Please enter just one time, in seconds."); } else if (!inputFile.EndsWith(".m4a")) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("We currently only support adding fadeout " + "for m4a files (if you have a .mp4 song, please rename it to .m4a first)."); } else if (File.Exists(outFilename)) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("Output file already exists " + outFilename); } // preemptively make sure we have a path to qaac. CsDownloadVidFilepaths.GetQaac(); // run all in a separate thread, so that UI remains responsive. _runner.RunInThread(() => { var log = ""; new AddFadeoutUsingRawAacData().Go(inputFile, sampleRate, splitPoints[0], fadeLength, outFilename, ref log); _runner.TraceFiltered(log.Replace("\n", Utils.NL)); _runner.Trace(File.Exists(outFilename) ? "Successfully saved to " + outFilename : "Error(s) occurred"); }); }
public void Go(RunToolHelper run) { var prefix = this.GetPrefix(); Directory.CreateDirectory("./tools"); var pathCurrentZip = "./tools/".Replace("%", prefix); var pathCurrentDir = "./tools/%dir".Replace("%", prefix); var pathOldZip = "./tools/".Replace("%", prefix); var pathOldDir = "./tools/%dir-old".Replace("%", prefix); var pathIncomingZip = "./tools/".Replace("%", prefix); var pathIncomingDir = "./tools/%dir-incoming".Replace("%", prefix); // check before calling Delete(), since we want this to work even if // dir is currently empty run.Trace("Deleting temporary files"); if (File.Exists(pathIncomingZip)) { File.Delete(pathIncomingZip); } if (Directory.Exists(pathIncomingDir)) { Directory.Delete(pathIncomingDir, true); } var url = this.GetUrl(); run.Trace("Downloading from " + url); DownloadFile(url, pathIncomingZip); if (!File.Exists(pathIncomingZip)) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("No file was downloaded. " + url); } if (new FileInfo(pathIncomingZip).Length < 500 * 1024) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("File downloaded was too small, " + "expect > 500k. " + pathIncomingZip); } var currentHash = Utils.GetSha512(pathCurrentZip); var incomingHash = Utils.GetSha512(pathIncomingZip); if (currentHash == incomingHash) { run.Trace("We seem to have the latest version -- already up to date!"); return; } run.Trace("Extracting from zip file..."); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(pathIncomingZip, pathIncomingDir); run.Trace("Removing unneeded files..."); var dir = pathIncomingDir + "/youtube-dl-master/youtube_dl/extractor"; this.DoPostProcessing(dir, pathIncomingDir); run.Trace("Found a newer version!"); run.Trace("Moving from current to old"); if (File.Exists(pathOldZip)) { File.Delete(pathOldZip); } if (Directory.Exists(pathOldDir)) { Directory.Delete(pathOldDir, true); } if (File.Exists(pathCurrentZip)) { File.Move(pathCurrentZip, pathOldZip); } if (Directory.Exists(pathCurrentDir)) { Directory.Move(pathCurrentDir, pathOldDir); } run.Trace("Moving incoming to current"); File.Move(pathIncomingZip, pathCurrentZip); Directory.Move(pathIncomingDir, pathCurrentDir); }
void MediaJoin(string[] lines, string outFormat) { var parentDirs = (from part in lines select Path.GetDirectoryName(part)).Distinct(); if (parentDirs.Count() != 1) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("Input files must be in same directory."); } var fileExts = (from part in lines select Path.GetExtension(part)).Distinct(); if (fileExts.Count() != 1) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("Files have different extensions."); } var tmpList = parentDirs.First() + Utils.Sep + "temp_csdownloadvid_list.txt"; if (File.Exists(tmpList)) { File.Delete(tmpList); Utils.AssertTrue(!File.Exists(tmpList)); } foreach (var part in lines) { var file = "file " + EscapeStringForFfmpeg(part) + "\n"; File.AppendAllText(tmpList, file); } outFormat = outFormat == "auto" ? fileExts.ToArray()[0] : outFormat; var output = lines[0] + "_out" + outFormat; if (File.Exists(output)) { throw new CsDownloadVidException("File already exists " + output); } var args = new List <string>(); args.Add("-nostdin"); args.Add("-f"); args.Add("concat"); args.Add("-safe"); // many versions of ffmpeg think windows full paths are unsafe args.Add("0"); // perhaps better to set current directory + use relative paths args.Add("-i"); args.Add(tmpList); args.Add("-acodec"); args.Add("copy"); args.Add("-vcodec"); args.Add("copy"); args.Add(output); _runner.Trace("Saving to " + output); var info = new ProcessStartInfo(); info.FileName = CsDownloadVidFilepaths.GetFfmpeg(); info.Arguments = Utils.CombineProcessArguments(args.ToArray()); info.CreateNoWindow = true; info.RedirectStandardError = true; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; info.UseShellExecute = false; _runner.RunProcessSync(info, "Join Media"); if (File.Exists(tmpList)) { File.Delete(tmpList); } }
private void LoadFormats_StartProc(string urlToGet, ProcessStartInfo info) { string log = ""; string stderr = ""; string stdout = ""; bool succeeded = false; Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = info; p.Start(); p.ErrorDataReceived += (o, eparam) => { stderr += eparam.Data; }; p.BeginErrorReadLine(); p.WaitForExit(); log += "\nRan " + info.FileName + " " + info.Arguments; stdout = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); if (p.ExitCode == 0) { succeeded = true; } else { log += "\nStdout:" + stdout; log += "\nStderr:" + stderr; } _runner.TraceFiltered(log.Replace("\n", Utils.NL)); if (succeeded) { LoadFormats_ToUI(urlToGet, stdout); } else { Utils.MessageErr("Could not get formats"); _runner.Trace("Could not get formats"); } }