// // Summary: // Displays a message box that has a message, title bar caption, button, and // icon; and that accepts a default message box result and returns a result. // // Parameters: // messageBoxText: // A System.String that specifies the text to display. // // caption: // A System.String that specifies the title bar caption to display. // // button: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxButton value that specifies which button or buttons // to display. // // icon: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxImage value that specifies the icon to display. // // defaultResult: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxResult value that specifies the default result // of the message box. // // Returns: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxResult value that specifies which message box // button is clicked by the user. public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string text, string caption, String detailsHeader, String details, bool dontAskAgainVisible, string dontAskAgainText, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon) { var mbcModel = new MessageBoxControlModel { DontAskAgainVisible = dontAskAgainVisible, MessageBoxImage = icon, Text = text, ExpanderHeader = detailsHeader, ExpanderDetails = details, DontAskAgainText = dontAskAgainText }; var mbcontrol = new MessageBoxControl(mbcModel); var m = new Model { MessageBoxButton = button, Title = caption, Content = mbcontrol }; var fx = new FxMessageWindow(m); fx.Owner = owner; fx.ShowInTaskbar = false; fx.ShowDialog(); return(fx.Result); }
// // Summary: // Displays a message box that has a message, title bar caption, button, and // icon; and that accepts a default message box result and returns a result. // // Parameters: // messageBoxText: // A System.String that specifies the text to display. // // caption: // A System.String that specifies the title bar caption to display. // // button: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxButton value that specifies which button or buttons // to display. // // icon: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxImage value that specifies the icon to display. // // defaultResult: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxResult value that specifies the default result // of the message box. // // Returns: // A System.Windows.MessageBoxResult value that specifies which message box // button is clicked by the user. public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner,string text, string caption,String detailsHeader,String details,bool dontAskAgainVisible,string dontAskAgainText, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon) { var mbcModel = new MessageBoxControlModel { DontAskAgainVisible = dontAskAgainVisible, MessageBoxImage = icon, Text = text, ExpanderHeader = detailsHeader, ExpanderDetails = details, DontAskAgainText = dontAskAgainText }; var mbcontrol = new MessageBoxControl(mbcModel); var m = new Model {MessageBoxButton = button, Title = caption, Content = mbcontrol}; var fx = new FxMessageWindow(m); fx.Owner = owner; fx.ShowInTaskbar = false; fx.ShowDialog(); return fx.Result; }