public TabGroupBase Add(TabGroupBase value)
            // Use base class to process actual collection operation
            base.List.Add(value as object);

            return value;
        public bool Contains(TabGroupBase value)
            // Value comparison
            foreach(String s in base.List)
                if (value.Equals(s))
                    return true;

            return false;
		protected void InternalConstruct(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent)
		    // Assign initial values
		    _tabbedGroups = tabbedGroups;
		    _parent = parent;
		    _unique = _count++;
		    // Defaults
		    _tag = null;
		    _space = 100m;
		    _minSize = new Size(_tabbedGroups.DefaultGroupMinimumWidth,
		internal void MoveActiveToNearestFromLeaf(TabGroupBase oldLeaf) {
			// Must have a reference to begin movement
			if (oldLeaf != null) {
				// Find the parent sequence of leaf, remember that a 
				// leaf must be contained within a sequence instance
				TabGroupSequence tgs = oldLeaf.Parent as TabGroupSequence;
				// Must be valid, but had better check anyway
				if (tgs != null) {
					// Move relative to given base in the sequence
					MoveActiveInSequence(tgs, oldLeaf);
        public TabGroupLeaf(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent)
            : base(tabbedGroups, parent)
            // Create our managed tab control instance
            _tabControl = new Controls.TabControl();

            // We need page drag to begin when mouse dragged a small distance
            _tabControl.DragFromControl = false;

            // We need to monitor attempts to drag into the tab control
            _dragEntered           = false;
            _tabControl.AllowDrop  = true;
            _tabControl.DragDrop  += new DragEventHandler(OnControlDragDrop);
            _tabControl.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(OnControlDragEnter);
            _tabControl.DragLeave += new EventHandler(OnControlDragLeave);

            // Need notification when page drag begins
            _tabControl.PageDragStart += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragStart);
            _tabControl.PageDragMove  += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragMove);
            _tabControl.PageDragEnd   += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragEnd);
            _tabControl.PageDragQuit  += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragQuit);

            // Hook into tab page collection events
            _tabControl.TabPages.Cleared  += new CollectionClear(OnTabPagesCleared);
            _tabControl.TabPages.Inserted += new CollectionChange(OnTabPagesInserted);
            _tabControl.TabPages.Removed  += new CollectionChange(OnTabPagesRemoved);

            // Hook into page level events
            _tabControl.GotFocus     += new EventHandler(OnGainedFocus);
            _tabControl.PageGotFocus += new EventHandler(OnGainedFocus);
            _tabControl.ClosePressed += new EventHandler(OnClose);

            // Manager only created at start of drag operation
            _targetManager = null;


            // Setup the correct 'HideTabsMode' for the control

            // Define the default setup of TabControl and allow developer to customize
        public TabGroupLeaf(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent)
            : base(tabbedGroups, parent)
            // Create our managed tab control instance
            _tabControl = new Controls.TabControl();

            // We need page drag to begin when mouse dragged a small distance
            _tabControl.DragFromControl = false;

            // We need to monitor attempts to drag into the tab control
            _dragEntered = false;
            _tabControl.AllowDrop = true;
            _tabControl.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(OnControlDragDrop);
            _tabControl.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(OnControlDragEnter);
            _tabControl.DragLeave += new EventHandler(OnControlDragLeave);

            // Need notification when page drag begins
            _tabControl.PageDragStart += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragStart);
            _tabControl.PageDragMove += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragMove);
            _tabControl.PageDragEnd += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragEnd);
            _tabControl.PageDragQuit += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragQuit);

            // Hook into tab page collection events
            _tabControl.TabPages.Cleared += new CollectionClear(OnTabPagesCleared);
            _tabControl.TabPages.Inserted += new CollectionChange(OnTabPagesInserted);
            _tabControl.TabPages.Removed += new CollectionChange(OnTabPagesRemoved);

            // Hook into page level events
            _tabControl.GotFocus += new EventHandler(OnGainedFocus);
            _tabControl.PageGotFocus += new EventHandler(OnGainedFocus);
            _tabControl.ClosePressed += new EventHandler(OnClose);

            // Manager only created at start of drag operation
            _targetManager = null;


            // Setup the correct 'HideTabsMode' for the control

            // Define the default setup of TabControl and allow developer to customize
		protected TabGroupLeaf RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupBase tgb, bool forwards) {
			int count = tgs.Count;
			int index = tgs.IndexOf(tgb);
			// Are we look for entries after the provided one?
			if (forwards) {
				for(int i=index+1; i<count; i++) {
					// Is this the needed leaf node?
					if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
						return tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
					else {
						TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);
						if (leaf != null)
							return leaf;
			else {
				// Now try each entry before that given
				for(int i=index-1; i>=0; i--) {
					// Is this the needed leaf node?
					if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
						return tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
					else {
						TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);
						if (leaf != null)
							return leaf;
			// Still no luck, try our own parent
			if (tgs.Parent != null)
				return RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence, tgs, forwards);
				return null;
		protected void MoveActiveInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupBase child) {
			int count = tgs.Count;
			int index = tgs.IndexOf(child);
			// First try each entry after that given
			for(int i=index+1; i<count; i++) {
				// Is this the needed leaf node?
				if (tgs[i].IsLeaf) {
					// Make it active, and finish
					ActiveLeaf = tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
				else {
					// Need to make a recursive check inside group
					if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, true))
			// Now try each entry before that given
			for(int i=index-1; i>=0; i--) {
				// Is this the needed leaf node?
				if (tgs[i].IsLeaf) {
					// Make it active, and finish
					ActiveLeaf = tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
				else {
					// Need to make a recursive check inside group
					if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, false))
			// Still no luck, try our own parent
			if (tgs.Parent != null)
				MoveActiveInSequence(tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence, tgs);
 internal void SetParent(TabGroupBase tgb)
     _parent = tgb;
		internal void GroupRemoved(TabGroupBase tgb)
			// Only modify leaf count when not suspended
			if (_suspendLeafCount == 0)
				// Decrease count of leafs entries for each leaf that exists
				// which in the hierarchy that is being removed
				if (tgb.IsLeaf)

					// Was last leaf removed?
					if (_numLeafs == 0)
						// If at least one leaf then set the value manually so that when the
						// new one is created and set as active it does not try to process the
						// old value that has already been destroyed.
						if (_atLeastOneLeaf)
							// Need to get rid of active leaf value
							ActiveLeaf = null;
					TabGroupSequence tgs = tgb as TabGroupSequence;
					// Recurse into processing each child item
					for(int i=0; i<tgs.Count; i++)
				// Mark layout as dirty
				if (_autoCalculateDirty)
					_dirty = true;
 protected void MoveActiveInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupBase child)
     int count = tgs.Count;
     int index = tgs.IndexOf(child);
     // First try each entry after that given
     for(int i=index+1; i<count; i++)
         // Is this the needed leaf node?
         if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
             // Make it active, and finish
             ActiveLeaf = tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
             // Need to make a recursive check inside group
             if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, true))
     // Now try each entry before that given
     for(int i=index-1; i>=0; i--)
         // Is this the needed leaf node?
         if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
             // Make it active, and finish
             ActiveLeaf = tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
             // Need to make a recursive check inside group
             if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, false))
     // Still no luck, try our own parent
     if (tgs.Parent != null)
         MoveActiveInSequence(tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence, tgs);
        protected TabGroupBase Add(TabGroupBase group)
            // Remember reference

            // First group added to sequence?
            if (_children.Count == 1)
                // Add new child control
                // Create a resizing bar
                ResizeBar bar = new ResizeBar(_direction, this);

                // Append resize bar between existing entries and new entry

                // Append new group control

            if (!_tabbedGroups.Initializing)
                // Allocate space for the new child

                // Update child layout to reflect new proportional spacing values

            // Mark layout as dirty
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCalculateDirty)
                _tabbedGroups.Dirty = true;

            return group;
 public TabGroupSequence(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent, Direction direction)
     : base(tabbedGroups, parent)
     InternalConstruct(null, direction);
 public int IndexOf(TabGroupBase value)
     // Find the 0 based index of the requested entry
     return base.List.IndexOf(value);
 public void AddRange(TabGroupBase[] values)
     // Use existing method to add each array entry
     foreach(TabGroupBase item in values)
 public void Remove(TabGroupBase group)
     // Convert from reference to index to use existing RemoveAt implementation
 public TabGroupSequence(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent)
     : base(tabbedGroups, parent)
     InternalConstruct(null, Direction.Horizontal);
 public void Insert(int index, TabGroupBase value)
     // Use base class to process actual collection operation
     base.List.Insert(index, value as object);
        internal void Replace(TabGroupBase orig, TabGroupBase replace)
            // Find array position of old item
            int origPos = _children.IndexOf(orig);

            // Transfer across the space occupied
            replace.RealSpace = orig.RealSpace;

            // Is this the only Window entry?
            if (_children.Count == 1)
                // Remove Window from appearance

                // Use helper method to circumvent form Close bug
                ControlHelper.RemoveAt(_control.Controls, 0);
                int pos = 0;

                // Calculate position of Window to remove
                if (origPos != 0)
                    pos = origPos * 2 - 1;

                // Remove Window and bar

                // Use helper method to circumvent form Close bug
                ControlHelper.RemoveAt(_control.Controls, pos);
                ControlHelper.RemoveAt(_control.Controls, pos);

            // Inserting at start of collection?
            if (origPos == 0)
                if (_children.Count > 1)
                    // Create a resizing bar
                    ResizeBar bar = new ResizeBar(_direction, this);

                    // Append resize bar between existing entries and new entry

                    // Reposition the bar and group to start of collection
                    _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(bar, 0);

                // Append new group control

                // Reposition the bar and group to start of collection
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(replace.GroupControl, 0);
                // Create a resizing bar
                ResizeBar bar = new ResizeBar(_direction, this);

                // Append resize bar between existing entries and new entry

                // Append new group control

                // Find correct index taking into account number of resize bars
                int	pos = origPos * 2 - 1;

                // Reposition the bar and Window to correct relative ordering
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(bar, pos++);
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(replace.GroupControl, pos);

            // Update parentage

            // Replace the entry
            _children[origPos] = replace;

            // Update child layout to reflect new proportional spacing values

            // Mark layout as dirty
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCalculateDirty)
                _tabbedGroups.Dirty = true;
 public void Remove(TabGroupBase value)
     // Use base class to process actual collection operation
     base.List.Remove(value as object);
        protected void AllocateSpace(TabGroupBase newGroup)
            // Is this the only group?
            if (_children.Count == 1)
                // Give it all the space
                newGroup.Space = 100m;
                // Calculate how much space it should have
                Decimal newSpace = 100m / _children.Count;

                // How much space should we steal from each of the others
                Decimal reduceSpace = newSpace / (_children.Count - 1);

                // Actual space acquired so far
                Decimal allocatedSpace = 0m;

                foreach(TabGroupBase group in _children)
                    // Only process existing entries, not the new one
                    if (group != newGroup)
                        // How much space does the group currently have
                        Decimal currentSpace = group.Space;

                        // How much space to steal from it
                        Decimal xferSpace = reduceSpace;

                        // If group has less space then we want, just steal all it has
                        if (currentSpace < xferSpace)
                            xferSpace = currentSpace;

                        // Transfer the space across
                        currentSpace -= xferSpace;

                        // Round the sensible number of decimal places
                        currentSpace = Decimal.Round(currentSpace, SPACE_PRECISION);

                        // Update window with new space allocation
                        group.Space = currentSpace;

                        // Total up total space of all entries except new one
                        allocatedSpace += currentSpace;

                // Assign all remaining space to new entry
                newGroup.Space = 100m - allocatedSpace;
 internal void SetParent(TabGroupBase tgb)
     _parent = tgb;
 protected TabGroupLeaf RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupBase tgb, bool forwards)
     int count = tgs.Count;
     int index = tgs.IndexOf(tgb);
     // Are we look for entries after the provided one?
     if (forwards)
         for(int i=index+1; i<count; i++)
             // Is this the needed leaf node?
             if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
                 return tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
                 TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);
                 if (leaf != null)
                     return leaf;
         // Now try each entry before that given
         for(int i=index-1; i>=0; i--)
             // Is this the needed leaf node?
             if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
                 return tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
                 TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);
                 if (leaf != null)
                     return leaf;
     // Still no luck, try our own parent
     if (tgs.Parent != null)
         return RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence, tgs, forwards);
         return null;
 public TabGroupBase(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent)
     InternalConstruct(tabbedGroups, parent);
 protected void Notify(TabGroupBase.NotifyCode notifyCode)
     // Propogate change notification only is we have a root sequence
     if (_root != null)
        protected void DeltaGroupSpace(TabGroupBase group, int vector)
            Rectangle clientRect = _control.ClientRectangle;

            // Space available for allocation
            int space;

            // New pixel length of the modified group
            int newLength = vector;

            if (_direction == Direction.Vertical)
                space = clientRect.Height;

                // New pixel size is requested change plus original
                // height minus the minimal size that is always added
                newLength += group.GroupControl.Height;
                newLength -= group.MinimumSize.Height;
                space = clientRect.Width;

                // New pixel size is requested change plus original
                // width minus the minimal size that is always added
                newLength += group.GroupControl.Width;
                newLength -= group.MinimumSize.Width;

            int barSpace = 0;

            // Create temporary array of working values
            int[] positions = new int[_control.Controls.Count];

            // Pass 1, allocate all the space needed for each ResizeBar and the
            //         minimal amount of space that each Window requests.
            AllocateMandatorySizes(ref positions, ref barSpace, ref space);

            // What is the new percentage it needs?
            Decimal newPercent = 0m;

            // Is there any room to allow a percentage calculation
            if ((newLength > 0) && (space > 0))
                newPercent = (Decimal)newLength / (Decimal)space * 100m;

            // What is the change in area
            Decimal reallocate = newPercent - group.Space;

            // Find the group after this one
            TabGroupBase nextGroup = _children[_children.IndexOf(group) + 1];

            if ((nextGroup.Space - reallocate) < 0m)
                reallocate = nextGroup.Space;

            // Modify the Window in question
            group.Space += reallocate;

            // Reverse modify the Window afterwards
            nextGroup.Space -= reallocate;

            // Update the visual appearance
 internal void MoveActiveToNearestFromLeaf(TabGroupBase oldLeaf)
     // Must have a reference to begin movement
     if (oldLeaf != null)
         // Find the parent sequence of leaf, remember that a 
         // leaf must be contained within a sequence instance
         TabGroupSequence tgs = oldLeaf.Parent as TabGroupSequence;
         // Must be valid, but had better check anyway
         if (tgs != null)
             // Move relative to given base in the sequence
             MoveActiveInSequence(tgs, oldLeaf);
        protected TabGroupBase Insert(int index, TabGroupBase group)
            // Range check index
            if (index < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, "Insert index must be at least 0");

            if (index >= _children.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, "Cannot insert after end of current entries");

            // Remember reference
            _children.Insert(index, group);

            // Create a resizing bar
            ResizeBar bar = new ResizeBar(_direction, this);

            // Append resize bar between existing entries and new entry

            // Append new group control

            // Inserting at start of collection?
            if (index == 0)
                // Reposition the bar and group to start of collection
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(bar, 0);
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(group.GroupControl, 0);
                // Find correct index taking into account number of resize bars
                int	pos = index * 2 - 1;

                // Reposition the bar and Window to correct relative ordering
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(bar, pos++);
                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(group.GroupControl, pos);

            // Allocate space for the new child

            // Update child layout to reflect new proportional spacing values

            // Mark layout as dirty
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCalculateDirty)
                _tabbedGroups.Dirty = true;

            return group;
 public TabGroupBase(TabbedGroups tabbedGroups, TabGroupBase parent)
     InternalConstruct(tabbedGroups, parent);
 public int IndexOf(TabGroupBase group)
     return _children.IndexOf(group);