         * Removes all the foliage instances of the type from the data.
        public void RemoveType(int typeHash)
            bool anyRemoved  = false;
            int  cellsPurged = 0;

            foreach (FoliageCellData data in m_FoliageData.Values)
                if (data.m_TypeHashLocationsEditor.Remove(typeHash))
                    anyRemoved = true;

                foreach (FoliageCellSubdividedData subdivData in data.m_FoliageDataSubdivided.Values)
                    if (subdivData.m_TypeHashLocationsEditor.Remove(typeHash))
                        anyRemoved = true;

            if (anyRemoved)
                FoliageLog.i("Removed type instance from: " + cellsPurged + " cells.");

                // Recalc the bounds
         * Removes any empty data from the list. Called before disk writing so that we're sure that
         * we are not going to test for any empty cells at runtime.
        public void RemoveEmptyData()
            HashSet <int> emptyCells       = null;
            HashSet <int> emptyCellsSubdiv = null;

            // Iterate cells
            foreach (var cell in m_FoliageData)
                if (IsCellEmpty(cell.Value))
                    if (emptyCells == null)
                        emptyCells = new HashSet <int>();


                if (emptyCellsSubdiv != null)

                // Iterate sub-cells too
                foreach (var cellSubdiv in cell.Value.m_FoliageDataSubdivided)
                    if (IsSubCellEmpty(cellSubdiv.Value))
                        if (emptyCellsSubdiv == null)
                            emptyCellsSubdiv = new HashSet <int>();


                if (emptyCellsSubdiv != null && emptyCellsSubdiv.Count > 0)
                    foreach (int key in emptyCellsSubdiv)

            // Remove the empty cells
            if (emptyCells != null)
                foreach (int key in emptyCells)

            FoliageLog.i("Removed: " + (emptyCells != null ? emptyCells.Count : 0) + " empty cells and: " + (emptyCellsSubdiv != null ? emptyCellsSubdiv.Count : 0) + " empty subdivided cells.");
        private void Awake()
            // Extract the planes methods
            MethodInfo info = typeof(GeometryUtility).GetMethod("Internal_ExtractPlanes", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(Plane[]), typeof(Matrix4x4) }, null);

            ExtractPlanes = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <Plane[], Matrix4x4>), info) as Action <Plane[], Matrix4x4>;

            // Matrices init
                m_MtxLODTemp       = new Matrix4x4[FoliageGlobals.RENDER_MAX_LOD_COUNT][];
                m_MtxLODTempShadow = new Matrix4x4[FoliageGlobals.RENDER_BATCH_SIZE][];

                // Fill the matrices with the identity
                for (int i = 0; i < FoliageGlobals.RENDER_MAX_LOD_COUNT; i++)
                    m_MtxLODTemp[i]       = new Matrix4x4[FoliageGlobals.RENDER_BATCH_SIZE];
                    m_MtxLODTempShadow[i] = new Matrix4x4[FoliageGlobals.RENDER_BATCH_SIZE];

                    for (int mtx = 0; mtx < FoliageGlobals.RENDER_BATCH_SIZE; mtx++)
                        m_MtxLODTemp[i][mtx]       = Matrix4x4.identity;
                        m_MtxLODTempShadow[i][mtx] = Matrix4x4.identity;

            // Set the system data
            if (!m_Settings.m_WindTransform)
                FoliageLog.i("Wind transform not found, defaulting to 'Camera.main.transform'!");
                m_Settings.m_WindTransform = Camera.main.transform;

            if (!m_Settings.m_UsedCameraCulling)
                FoliageLog.i("Culling camera not found, defaulting to 'Camera.main'!");
                m_Settings.m_UsedCameraCulling = Camera.main;

            // Get shader data

            // Used for maximum distance
            m_ShaderIDCritiasFoliageDistance    = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_MaxFoliageTypeDistance");
            m_ShaderIDCritiasFoliageDistanceSqr = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_MaxFoliageTypeDistanceSqr");

            // Used for LOD distance
            m_ShaderIDCritiasFoliageLOD    = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_FoliageMaxDistanceLOD");
            m_ShaderIDCritiasFoliageLODSqr = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_FoliageMaxDistanceLODSqr");

            // Used for the indirect buffer
            m_ShaderIDCritiasInstanceBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_InstancePositionBuffer");

            // Used for the positions
            m_ShaderIDCritiasBendPosition = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_Bend_Position");
            m_ShaderIDCritiasBendDistance = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_Bend_Distance");
            m_ShaderIDCritiasBendScale    = Shader.PropertyToID("CRITIAS_Bend_Scale");
        private static void ExtractFromRootObject(FoliagePainterEditTime painter, GameObject root, bool disable, bool delete)
            FoliageLog.Assert(root.transform.parent == null, "Must have root object!");

            List <GameObject> foliageInstances = new List <GameObject>();

            RecursivelyExtract(root, foliageInstances);

            int extracted = 0;

            // Process them and add them
            for (int i = foliageInstances.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                GameObject proto = foliageInstances[i];

                GameObject protoPrefab = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(proto) as GameObject;

                if (painter.HasFoliageType(protoPrefab) == false)

                int             hash     = painter.GetFoliageTypeHash(protoPrefab);
                FoliageInstance instance = new FoliageInstance();

                // Populate the data

                // Get the world data
                Vector3    worldPosition = proto.transform.position;
                Vector3    worldScale    = proto.transform.localScale;
                Quaternion worldRotation = proto.transform.rotation;

                instance.m_Position = worldPosition;
                instance.m_Scale    = worldScale;
                instance.m_Rotation = worldRotation;

                // Add the foliage instance
                painter.AddFoliageInstance(hash, instance, root.name);

                // Auto disable
                if (disable)

                // Auto delete
                if (delete)

            FoliageLog.i("Extracted objects: " + extracted + " from: " + root.name);
         * Update the foliage types.
        public void UpdateFoliageTypes(List <FoliageType> foliageTypes)
            m_MaxDistanceGrass = 0;
            m_MaxDistanceTree  = 0;
            m_MaxDistanceAll   = 0;

            foreach (FoliageType type in foliageTypes)
                if (type.IsGrassType == true && type.m_RenderInfo.m_MaxDistance > m_MaxDistanceGrass)
                    m_MaxDistanceGrass = type.m_RenderInfo.m_MaxDistance;
                else if (type.IsGrassType == false && type.m_RenderInfo.m_MaxDistance > m_MaxDistanceTree)
                    m_MaxDistanceTree = type.m_RenderInfo.m_MaxDistance;

                m_FoliageTypes.Add(type.m_Hash, type);

            m_FoliageTypesArray = foliageTypes.ToArray();

            // Update the maximum grass distance
            m_MaxDistanceGrass    = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaxDistanceGrass, 0, FoliageGlobals.FOLIAGE_MAX_GRASS_DISTANCE);
            m_MaxDistanceGrassSqr = m_MaxDistanceGrass * m_MaxDistanceGrass;

            m_MaxDistanceTree    = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaxDistanceTree, 0, FoliageGlobals.FOLIAGE_MAX_TREE_DISTANCE);
            m_MaxDistanceTreeSqr = m_MaxDistanceTree * m_MaxDistanceTree;

            m_MaxDistanceAll    = Mathf.Max(m_MaxDistanceGrass, m_MaxDistanceTree);
            m_MaxDistanceAllSqr = m_MaxDistanceAll * m_MaxDistanceAll;

            // Cell recursion count based on the maximum value of all values
            m_CellNeighborCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(m_MaxDistanceAll / FoliageGlobals.CELL_SIZE);

            FoliageLog.i("Neighbor cell count: " + m_CellNeighborCount);
        void Update()
            FoliageLog.Assert(m_FoliageData != null);
            // Camera used for culling
            m_CurrentFrameCameraCull = m_Settings.m_UsedCameraCulling;

            // Camera used for drawing
            m_CurrentFrameCameraDraw = m_Settings.m_UsedCameraDrawing;
            m_CurrentFrameLayer      = LayerMask.NameToLayer(m_Settings.m_UsedLayer);

            // Extract the planes
            ExtractPlanes(m_CameraPlanes, m_CurrentFrameCameraCull.projectionMatrix * m_CurrentFrameCameraCull.worldToCameraMatrix);

            // Set the position
            m_CurrentFrameCameraPosition = m_CurrentFrameCameraCull.transform.position;

            // Set the bend position
            m_CurrentFrameBendPosition = m_Settings.m_BendTransform != null ? m_Settings.m_BendTransform.position : m_CurrentFrameCameraPosition;

            // Current cell position

            m_CurrentFrameAllowIndirect = m_Settings.m_AllowDrawInstancedIndirect;


            // Copy the wind for SpeedTree types
            for (int i = 0; i < m_FoliageTypesArray.Length; i++)
                if (m_FoliageTypesArray[i].IsSpeedTreeType)

            bool  applyShadowCorrection       = m_Settings.m_ApplyShadowPoppingCorrection;
            float shadowCorrectionDistanceSqr = m_Settings.m_ShadowPoppingCorrection * m_Settings.m_ShadowPoppingCorrection;

            // We iterate only as many cells as we need
            FoliageCell.IterateNeighboring(currentCell, m_CellNeighborCount, (int hash) =>
                FoliageCellDataRuntime data;

                if (m_FoliageData.m_FoliageData.TryGetValue(hash, out data))
                    // If it is within distance and in the frustum
                    float distanceSqr = data.m_Bounds.SqrDistance(m_CurrentFrameCameraPosition);

                    // Check for the maximum distance
                    if (distanceSqr <= m_MaxDistanceAllSqr && GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(m_CameraPlanes, data.m_Bounds))
                        // Process the big cells if we are withing the tree distance
                        if (distanceSqr <= m_MaxDistanceTreeSqr)
                            ProcessCellTree(data, distanceSqr, applyShadowCorrection, shadowCorrectionDistanceSqr, false);

                        // Process subdivided cells only if we have instancing enabled and only if it is within the distance proximity for grass
                        if (distanceSqr <= m_MaxDistanceGrassSqr && m_Settings.m_DrawInstanced)

                    else if (distanceSqr <= shadowCorrectionDistanceSqr)
                        ProcessCellTree(data, distanceSqr, applyShadowCorrection, shadowCorrectionDistanceSqr, true);

            if (Time.frameCount % 300 == 0)
                FoliageLog.i(string.Format("Proc cells:{0} Proc subdiv cells: {1} Proc tree instances: {2} Proc draw calls: {3}",
         * Rebuild the hierarchy that contains the type. Must be used when we make a type that was
         * a tree into a grass (therefore having to use the subdivided cells) or vice-versa.
         * Will preserve labeling data.
        public void RebuildType(int typeHash, bool subdivided)
            Dictionary <string, List <FoliageInstance> > instances = new Dictionary <string, List <FoliageInstance> >();

            foreach (FoliageCellData data in m_FoliageData.Values)
                if (data.m_TypeHashLocationsEditor.ContainsKey(typeHash))
                    var labeledData = data.m_TypeHashLocationsEditor[typeHash];

                    // Get all the data from the cells
                    foreach (var labeled in labeledData)
                        string label = labeled.Key;

                        if (instances.ContainsKey(label) == false)
                            instances.Add(label, new List <FoliageInstance>());


                foreach (FoliageCellSubdividedData subdivData in data.m_FoliageDataSubdivided.Values)
                    if (subdivData.m_TypeHashLocationsEditor.ContainsKey(typeHash))
                        var labeledData = subdivData.m_TypeHashLocationsEditor[typeHash];

                        // Get all the data from the subdivided cells
                        foreach (var labeled in labeledData)
                            string label = labeled.Key;

                            if (instances.ContainsKey(label) == false)
                                instances.Add(label, new List <FoliageInstance>());


            if (instances.Count > 0)
                // Clear the old added data

                int count = 0;

                foreach (var labeledInstances in instances)
                    string label = labeledInstances.Key;
                    List <FoliageInstance> inst = labeledInstances.Value;

                    count += inst.Count;

                    // Add back the instances
                    AddInstances(typeHash, inst, subdivided, label);

                FoliageLog.i("Relocated: " + count + " instanced.");
        public static void ConfigurePrefab(GameObject foliage, out FoliageTypeBuilder outBuilder, out bool outAnyError)
            PrefabType type = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(foliage);

            if (type != PrefabType.ModelPrefab && type != PrefabType.Prefab)
                FoliageLog.e("The prefab type of: " + foliage.name + " is: '" + type + "'! Must be a 'ModelPrefab' or a 'Prefab'!");
                outAnyError = true;

            string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(foliage);

            FoliageLog.i("Path of added foliage type: " + path);

            FoliageTypeBuilder builder = new FoliageTypeBuilder();

            // Build all it's required data
            builder.m_PaintInfo  = new FoliageTypePaintInfo();
            builder.m_RenderInfo = new FoliageTypeRenderInfo();

            bool anyWeirdGrassError = false;

            // Attempt to auto-configure the foliage for the easiest possible user interaction
            if (path.EndsWith(".spm"))
                // We have a SpeedTree
                LODGroup lodGroup = foliage.GetComponent <LODGroup>();

                if (lodGroup != null)
                    if (lodGroup.lodCount == 1)
                        FoliageLog.i("Detected a SpeedTree grass, since it has 1 LOD!");
                        builder.m_Type            = EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_GRASS;
                        builder.m_EnableCollision = false;

                        if (foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>() == null)
                            anyWeirdGrassError = true;
                            FoliageLog.e("SpeedTree grass without any MeshRenderer detected!");
                        FoliageLog.i("Detected a SpeedTree tree, since it has 1+ LODS!");
                        builder.m_Type            = EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE;
                        builder.m_EnableCollision = foliage.GetComponentInChildren <Collider>() != null ? true : false;

                        if (foliage.GetComponentInChildren <BillboardRenderer>() != null)
                            builder.m_Type = EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE_BILLBOARD;

                        if (foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>() == null)
                            anyWeirdGrassError = true;
                            FoliageLog.e("SpeedTree tree without any MeshRenderer detected!");

                    // Set the bounds
                    builder.m_Bounds = lodGroup.GetLODs()[0].renderers[0].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;
                    FoliageLog.e("Weird, we have a SpeedTree without a lod group. Anything wrong here? Please fix.");

                    anyWeirdGrassError = true;
                    builder.m_Bounds   = foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;
                LODGroup lodGroup = foliage.GetComponent <LODGroup>();

                if (lodGroup != null && lodGroup.lodCount > 1)
                    FoliageLog.i("Detected an object tree!");
                    builder.m_Type            = EFoliageType.OTHER_TREE;
                    builder.m_EnableCollision = foliage.GetComponentInChildren <Collider>() != null ? true : false;

                    if (foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>() == null)
                        anyWeirdGrassError = true;
                        FoliageLog.e("Object tree without any MeshRenderer detected!");

                    // Set the bounds
                    builder.m_Bounds = lodGroup.GetLODs()[0].renderers[0].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;
                    FoliageLog.i("Detected an object grass!");
                    builder.m_Type            = EFoliageType.OTHER_GRASS;
                    builder.m_EnableCollision = false;

                    if (foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>() == null)
                        anyWeirdGrassError = true;
                        FoliageLog.e("Object grass without any LOD group or MeshRenderer detected!");

                    // Set the bounds
                    builder.m_Bounds = foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

            LODGroup group = foliage.GetComponent <LODGroup>();

            if (group != null && group.lodCount > 0)
                LOD[] lods = group.GetLODs();

                for (int i = 0; i < lods.Length; i++)
                    Renderer[] rends = lods[i].renderers;

                    if (rends == null || rends.Length != 1)
                        anyWeirdGrassError = true;
                        FoliageLog.e("Detected object with a lod without any renderers on it or with more than one renderer attached to it!");

            if (anyWeirdGrassError)
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Found error for foliage: " + foliage.name + "! Could not add to system! Check the log for more info!", "Ok");
                FoliageLog.e("Found error for foliage: " + foliage.name + "! Could not add to system!");
                // Set the prefab
                builder.m_Prefab       = foliage;
                builder.m_PaintEnabled = true;

                switch (builder.m_Type)
                case EFoliageType.OTHER_GRASS:
                case EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_GRASS:
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_CastShadow  = false;
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_MaxDistance = 30;

                case EFoliageType.OTHER_TREE:
                case EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE:
                case EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE_BILLBOARD:
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_CastShadow  = true;
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_MaxDistance = 100;

            switch (builder.m_Type)
            case EFoliageType.OTHER_GRASS:
            case EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_GRASS:
                builder.m_PaintInfo.m_SurfaceAlign = true;

            case EFoliageType.OTHER_TREE:
            case EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE_BILLBOARD:
            case EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE:
                builder.m_PaintInfo.m_SurfaceAlign = false;

            if (anyWeirdGrassError == false)
                if (builder.m_Type == EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_GRASS || builder.m_Type == EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE || builder.m_Type == EFoliageType.SPEEDTREE_TREE_BILLBOARD)
                    // Get a hue
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Hue   = foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial.GetColor("_HueVariation");
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Color = foliage.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial.GetColor("_Color");

                    if (builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Hue == new Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
                        builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Hue = Color.white;

                    if (builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Color == new Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
                        builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Color = Color.white;
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Hue   = Color.white;
                    builder.m_RenderInfo.m_Color = Color.white;

            outAnyError = anyWeirdGrassError;
            outBuilder  = builder;
        private void Update()
            if (!m_Settings.m_WatchedTransform)

            m_CameraPosTemp = m_Settings.m_WatchedTransform.position;

            float x = m_CameraPosTemp.x - m_LastPosition.x;
            float y = m_CameraPosTemp.y - m_LastPosition.y;
            float z = m_CameraPosTemp.z - m_LastPosition.z;

            float distWalked = x * x + y * y + z * z;

            // If we didn't walked enough, return
            if (distWalked > m_Settings.m_CollisionRefreshDistance * m_Settings.m_CollisionRefreshDistance)
                // Update last position
                m_LastPosition = m_CameraPosTemp;

                m_Layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(m_Settings.m_UsedLayer);

                // Reset counter
                m_DataIssuedActiveColliders = 0;

                // Reset all the cache's data
                foreach (CollisionCache cache in m_Cache.Values)
                    if (cache != null)

                // Set the current cell

                // Refresh eveything
                float collDistSqr = m_Settings.m_CollisionDistance * m_Settings.m_CollisionDistance;

                // Iterate cells
                FoliageCell.IterateNeighboring(currentCell, 1, (int hash) =>
                    FoliageCellDataRuntime data;

                    if (m_FoliageData.m_FoliageData.TryGetValue(hash, out data))
                        // If it is within distance and in the frustum
                        float distanceSqr = data.m_Bounds.SqrDistance(m_LastPosition);

                        if (distanceSqr <= collDistSqr)
                            ProcessCell(data, collDistSqr);

            if (Time.frameCount % 300 == 0)
                FoliageLog.i("Issued colliders: " + m_DataIssuedActiveColliders);
        protected override bool DrawWizardGUI()
            // Have a size of 1 always
            if (m_Extract.Count == 0)

            // Objects to extract
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Objects to extract trees from: ");
            using (new ScopedLayout(() => { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); }, EBeginMode.BEGIN_HORIZONTAL))
                bool lastNonNull = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_Extract.Count; i++)
                    GameObject extr = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_Extract[i], typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;

                    if (extr != null)
                        if (extr.GetComponent <Terrain>() != null)
                            FoliageLog.i("Terrain detected!");
                            m_Extract[i] = extr;
                            if (extr.transform.parent == null)
                                FoliageLog.i("Tree holder detected!");
                                m_Extract[i] = extr;
                                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning!", "You can only extract foliage from terrains and objects that are at the root of the hierarchy!", "Ok");

                    if (i == m_Extract.Count - 1 && m_Extract[i] != null)
                        lastNonNull = true;

                // If the last item is not null, then make it larger
                if (lastNonNull)

            // Settings
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Settings: ");
            using (new ScopedLayout(() => { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); }, EBeginMode.BEGIN_VERTICAL))
                using (new ScopedLayout(() => { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); }, EBeginMode.BEGIN_HORIZONTAL))
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent(
                                                   "Auto Extract Types (Terrain Only)",
                                                   "If this is checked and we are extracting foliage from a terrain then the system will atempt to create automatically " +
                                                   "the foliage types that it requires. It will not work for for objects that are not terrains!"),

                    m_AutoExtractPrototypes = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_AutoExtractPrototypes, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));

                m_DisableAfterExtraction = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent(
                                                                      "Disable After Extraction",
                                                                      "If we should disable the trees after we extracted them from the terrain or object. This will disable the extracted objects " +
                                                                      "with 'SetActive(false)' and will set 'Terrain.drawTreesAndFoliage' to false."),
                                                                  m_DisableAfterExtraction, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

                bool deleteAfterExtraction = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent(
                                                                        "Delete After Extraction",
                                                                        "If this is checked it will delete all the objects that were extracter. Will delete the extracted trees and all the extracted " +
                                                                        "tree instances from the terrains. not advisable!"),
                                                                    m_DeleteAfterExtraction, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

                if (m_DeleteAfterExtraction != deleteAfterExtraction)
                    if (deleteAfterExtraction)
                        bool sure = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning",
                                                                "Setting this to true will delete all the extracted trees and foliage! " +
                                                                "Not recomended if you want to try multiple iterations! Are you sure?",
                                                                "Yes", "No");

                        if (sure)
                            m_DeleteAfterExtraction = true;
                        m_DeleteAfterExtraction = deleteAfterExtraction;

        private static void ExtractDetailsFromTerrain(FoliagePainter painter, Terrain terrain, List <FoliageDetailExtracterMapping> mappings, bool disable, bool delete)
            string label = FoliageGlobals.LABEL_TERRAIN_DETAILS_EXTRACTED + terrain.name;

            FoliagePainterEditTime edit = painter.GetEditTime;

            int detailMapSizeW = terrain.terrainData.detailWidth;
            int detailMapSizeH = terrain.terrainData.detailHeight;

            float patchSizeW = terrain.terrainData.size.x / detailMapSizeW;
            float patchSizeH = terrain.terrainData.size.z / detailMapSizeH;

            int extracted = 0;

            // Extract the types for all the mapping
            for (int m = 0; m < mappings.Count; m++)
                int   layer   = mappings[m].m_DetailLayer;
                int   mapping = mappings[m].m_FoliageTypeHash;
                float density = mappings[m].m_ExtractedDensity;

                FoliageLog.Assert(painter.HasFoliageType(mapping), "Must have foliage hash!!");

                // Get the foliage type
                FoliageType     type  = painter.GetFoliageTypeByHash(mapping);
                DetailPrototype proto = terrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes[layer];

                // If we should align to the surface
                bool    followTerrainNormal = type.m_PaintInfo.m_SurfaceAlign;
                Vector2 alignPercentage     = type.m_PaintInfo.m_SurfaceAlignInfluence;

                // Get the terrain data
                int[,] data = terrain.terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0, 0, detailMapSizeW, detailMapSizeH, layer);

                // Iterate data
                for (int i = 0; i < detailMapSizeH; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < detailMapSizeW; j++)
                        // j,i not i,j
                        int count = data[j, i];

                        if (count > 0)
                            // Minimum 1 never 0
                            count = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.CeilToInt(count * density), 1, count + 1);

                            // Map from local space cell space to local terrain space
                            Vector2 cellMin = new Vector2(patchSizeW * i, patchSizeH * j);
                            Vector2 cellMax = cellMin + new Vector2(patchSizeW, patchSizeH);

                            for (int d = 0; d < count; d++)
                                Vector3 randomInCell;
                                randomInCell.x = Random.Range(cellMin.x, cellMax.x);
                                randomInCell.z = Random.Range(cellMin.y, cellMax.y);
                                randomInCell.y = 0;

                                randomInCell = FoliageTerrainUtilities.TerrainLocalToTerrainNormalizedPos(randomInCell, terrain);
                                float y = FoliageTerrainUtilities.TerrainHeight(randomInCell, terrain);

                                // Build the rotation
                                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;

                                if (followTerrainNormal)
                                    Quaternion slopeOrientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(FoliageTerrainUtilities.TerrainNormal(randomInCell, terrain)) * Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);

                                    // How much we orient towards the slope
                                    rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(rotation, slopeOrientation,
                                                                Random.Range(alignPercentage.x, alignPercentage.y));

                                // Rotate around the Y axis
                                rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0);

                                // Random in cell in world position
                                randomInCell   = FoliageTerrainUtilities.TerrainNormalizedToWorldPos(randomInCell, terrain);
                                randomInCell.y = y;

                                Vector3 scale;
                                float   x = Random.Range(proto.minWidth, proto.maxWidth);
                                scale.x = x;
                                scale.z = x;
                                scale.y = Random.Range(proto.minHeight, proto.maxHeight);

                                // Construct a foliage instance based on the foliage type data
                                FoliageInstance instance = new FoliageInstance();

                                // Build the foliage data based on the type
                                instance.m_Position = randomInCell;
                                instance.m_Rotation = rotation;
                                instance.m_Scale    = scale;

                                // Instantiate at a random pos in that cell
                                edit.AddFoliageInstance(mapping, instance, label);

                        // If we should delete
                        if (delete)
                            data[j, i] = 0;
                } // End detail array iteration

                // If we deleted set the new detail layer data
                if (delete)
                    terrain.terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, layer, data);
            } // End types iteration

            // If we should disable the trees and foliage draw
            if (disable)
                terrain.drawTreesAndFoliage = false;

            // If we deleted anything we need to save
            if (delete)

            FoliageLog.i("Extracted details: " + extracted + " from: " + terrain.name);
        private static void ExtractFromTerrain(FoliagePainter painterRaw, FoliagePainterEditTime painter, Terrain terrain, bool autoExtract, bool disable, bool delete)
            string label = FoliageGlobals.LABEL_TERRAIN_EXTRACTED + terrain.name;

            // Ensure that we have all the required foliage types
            List <TreeInstance> terrainTreeInstances = new List <TreeInstance>(terrain.terrainData.treeInstances);

            TreePrototype[] terrainTreePrototypes = terrain.terrainData.treePrototypes;

            // Attempt to build the prefab's that we don't have
            if (autoExtract)
                AutoExtractTypes(painter, terrain);

            int extracted = 0;

            for (int i = terrainTreeInstances.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                GameObject proto = terrainTreePrototypes[terrainTreeInstances[i].prototypeIndex].prefab;

                if (painter.HasFoliageType(proto) == false)

                int         hash = painter.GetFoliageTypeHash(proto);
                FoliageType type = painterRaw.GetFoliageTypeByHash(hash);

                FoliageInstance instance = new FoliageInstance();

                // Populate the data

                // Get the world data
                float   YOffset       = Random.Range(type.m_PaintInfo.m_YOffset.x, type.m_PaintInfo.m_YOffset.y);
                Vector3 worldPosition = FoliageTerrainUtilities.TerrainNormalizedToWorldPos(terrainTreeInstances[i].position, terrain) + new Vector3(0, YOffset, 0); // YOffset too
                Vector3 worldScale    = new Vector3(terrainTreeInstances[i].widthScale, terrainTreeInstances[i].heightScale, terrainTreeInstances[i].widthScale);
                Vector3 worldRotation = new Vector3(0, terrainTreeInstances[i].rotation * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0);

                instance.m_Position = worldPosition;
                instance.m_Scale    = worldScale;
                instance.m_Rotation = Quaternion.Euler(worldRotation.x, worldRotation.y, worldRotation.z);

                // Add the foliage instance
                painter.AddFoliageInstance(hash, instance, label);

                // Delete the instance from the terrain if we have to
                if (delete)

            if (disable)
                terrain.drawTreesAndFoliage = false;

            // If we should delete then delete the instance
            if (delete)
                terrain.terrainData.treeInstances = terrainTreeInstances.ToArray();

            FoliageLog.i("Extracted objects: " + extracted + " from: " + terrain.name);
        void OnWizardCreate()
            if (m_TerrainsExtract.Count > 0)
                if (m_TerrainsExtract.Count > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < m_TerrainsExtract.Count; i++)
                        if (HasSameDetails(m_TerrainsExtract[0].GetComponent <Terrain>(), m_TerrainsExtract[i].GetComponent <Terrain>()) == false)
                            FoliageLog.e("Missing type when verified! Don't modify the types/details while extracting details!");

                Terrain           terrain = m_TerrainsExtract[0].GetComponent <Terrain>();
                DetailPrototype[] proto   = terrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes;

                List <FoliageDetailExtracterMapping> mappings = new List <FoliageDetailExtracterMapping>();

                // Build all the extracting data
                for (int i = 0; i < m_PrototypesData.Length; i++)
                    var data = m_PrototypesData[i];

                    if (data.m_ShouldExtract == true && data.m_NoneMapping == false)
                        FoliageDetailExtracterMapping mapping = new FoliageDetailExtracterMapping();
                        mapping.m_DetailLayer      = data.m_DetailLayer;
                        mapping.m_FoliageTypeHash  = data.m_FoliageHashMapping;
                        mapping.m_ExtractedDensity = data.m_ExtractedDensity;


                if (mappings.Count > 0)
                    // Check that we have all the types and nothing has been tampered between the create
                    for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Count; i++)
                        if (m_Painter.HasFoliageType(mappings[i].m_FoliageTypeHash) == false)
                            FoliageLog.e("Missing type when created! Don't modify the types while extracting details!");

                        if (mappings[i].m_DetailLayer < 0 || mappings[i].m_DetailLayer >= proto.Length)
                            FoliageLog.e("Missing type when created! Don't modify the types while extracting details!");

                    // Proceed with the extraction
                    m_Callback(mappings, m_TerrainsExtract, m_DisableAfterExtraction, m_DeleteAfterExtraction);
                    FoliageLog.i("Nothing to extract!");
                FoliageLog.i("Nothing to extract!");