public void MoveCardToTarget(CardView card, CardContainer target, List <Task <object> > taskList, double animationDuration = Double.MaxValue, bool rotate = false, bool transferCard = true)
            if (animationDuration == Double.MaxValue)
                animationDuration = MainPage.AnimationSpeeds.Medium;
            Point ptTo = SetupCardForMove(card, target, rotate, transferCard);

            card.AnimateToTaskList(ptTo, rotate, animationDuration, taskList);
            if (transferCard)
        public void MoveCardToTarget(List <Task <object> > taskList, CardView card, CardContainer target, double animationDuration = Double.MaxValue, bool rotate = false, bool transferCard = true)
            if (this.Items.Contains(card) == false)
                //Debug.WriteLine("Attempting to move Card {0} from {1} to {2} and it is not in {1}", card.CardName, this.FriendlyName, target.FriendlyName);

            if (animationDuration == Double.MaxValue)
                animationDuration = MainPage.AnimationSpeeds.Medium;
            Point ptTo = SetupCardForMove(card, target, rotate, transferCard);

            card.AnimateToTaskList(ptTo, rotate, animationDuration, taskList);
        public async Task UpdateCardLayout(MoveCardOptions options, List <Task <object> > tasks, double animationDuration, bool rotate)
            if (animationDuration == Double.MaxValue)
                animationDuration = 250;

            if (this.Items.Count == 0)

            bool localWhenAll = false;
            List <Task <object> > taskList = tasks;

            if (tasks == null && options == MoveCardOptions.MoveAllAtSameTime)
                localWhenAll = true;
                taskList     = new List <Task <object> >();

            int prevZIndex = Canvas.GetZIndex(this.Items[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++)
                CardView         card = this.Items[i];
                GeneralTransform gt   = this.TransformToVisual(card);
                Point            ptTo = gt.TransformPoint(this.GetCardTopLeft(i));
                card.AnimationPosition = ptTo;
                card.AnimateToTaskList(ptTo, false, animationDuration, taskList);
                if (_layout == CardLayout.PlayedOverlapped)
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(card, prevZIndex++);

            if (options == MoveCardOptions.MoveAllAtSameTime && localWhenAll)
                await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
            else if (options == MoveCardOptions.MoveOneAtATime)
        public void UpdateCardLayout(List <Task <object> > taskList, double animationDuration = Double.MaxValue, bool rotate = false)
            if (animationDuration == Double.MaxValue)
                animationDuration = 50;

            if (this.Items.Count == 0)

            int prevZIndex = Canvas.GetZIndex(this.Items[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++)
                CardView         card = this.Items[i];
                GeneralTransform gt   = this.TransformToVisual(card);
                Point            ptTo = gt.TransformPoint(this.GetCardTopLeft(i));
                card.AnimationPosition = ptTo;
                card.AnimateToTaskList(ptTo, false, animationDuration, taskList);
                if (rotate)
                    card.AnimateRotation += 360;

                if (_layout == CardLayout.PlayedOverlapped)
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(card, prevZIndex++);
