public static string WriteApplicationToFile(SavedAppications applications, string pathToFile)
     FileStream overWriteFile = new FileStream(pathToFile, FileMode.Create);
     StreamWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(overWriteFile);
     SavedAppications reFormatted = new SavedAppications();
     reFormatted.TemplateName = applications.TemplateName;
     reFormatted.SavedWindows = new List<SavedWindow>(
         applications.SavedWindows.OrderBy(x => x.WindowPositionNumber)); ;
     string toObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(applications);
     return pathToFile;
 private void setProperties(SavedAppications x)
     TemplateName = x.TemplateName;
     // ohh i have to match this shit... iF it exists.
     // TODO: I may want to wrap the processes thing in its own model to separate my concersn more...
     // But I already have a list of active windows... How Do I compare these things together? What should I do?
     // Two things that I think this needs to do now:
     // First one is to load up applications that are currently not ON
     // Second resize what is on to their appropriate areas... Wow this just got cool
 private SavedAppications createSavedApplicationFromCurrentState()
     SavedAppications applications = new SavedAppications();
     applications.TemplateName = this.TemplateName;
     var list2 = new List<SavedWindow>(_SavedProcesses.AsEnumerable());
     applications.SavedWindows = list2;
     return applications;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the string where we wrote the file
 /// </summary>
 public static string WriteApplicationsToStaticFile(SavedAppications applications)
     string pathToFile = String.Format(pathStringUnPopulated(), applications.TemplateName);
     return WriteApplicationToFile(applications, pathToFile);