 public void Reset()
     mOpenList   = new BinaryHeap();
     mGrid       = new BinaryGrid();
     mGeneration = 1;
     mSolution   = null;
     mGoal       = null;
 public void Reset()
     _grid = new BinaryGrid <RouteNode>();
     _solution = null;
     _goal     = null;
        //Add a node to a parent node, ignoring if impassable or already closed,
        //adding if new, updating if new and better route
        private RouteNode AddAdjacentNode(int dx, int dy, int cost, RouteNode parent)
            int x       = parent.X + dx;
            int y       = parent.Y + dy;
            int newCost = parent.MovementCost + cost;

            //Get terrain cost. -1 is not passable, 0 no cost, 1,2,3 etc higher cost
            int terraincost = GetTerrainCost(x, y);

            if (terraincost == -1)

            //Check if item has been added to the grid already
            RouteNode existing = (RouteNode)mGrid.Item(x, y);

            if (existing != null)
                if (!existing.Closed && newCost < existing.MovementCost)
                    existing.MovementCost = newCost;
                    existing.TotalCost    = existing.MovementCost + existing.Heuristic;
                    existing.Parent       = parent;


            //Create a new node
            RouteNode node = new RouteNode();

            node.Parent = parent;

            node.X = x;
            node.Y = y;

            node.MovementCost = newCost;                //Add the cost to the parent cost
            node.Heuristic    = GetHeuristic(node);
            node.TotalCost    = node.MovementCost + node.Heuristic;

            //Add terrain cost
            node.MovementCost += terraincost;
            node.TotalCost    += terraincost;

            //Set generation
            node.Generation = mGeneration;

            //Add to the open list and the grid

        //Add a node to a parent node, ignoring if impassable or already closed,
        //adding if new, updating if new and better route
        private void AddAdjacentNode(int dx, int dy, int cost, RouteNode parent)
            int x       = parent.X + dx;
            int y       = parent.Y + dy;
            int newCost = parent.MovementCost + cost;

            //Get terrain cost. -1 is not passable, 0 no cost, 1,2,3 etc higher cost
            int terraincost = GetTerrainCost(x, y);

            if (terraincost == -1)

            //Check if item has been added to the grid already
            RouteNode existing = _grid.Get(x, y);

            if (existing != null)
                if (!existing.Closed && newCost < existing.MovementCost)
                    existing.MovementCost = newCost;
                    existing.TotalCost    = newCost + existing.Heuristic;
                    existing.Parent       = parent;

                    if (_movementList.Contains(existing))

            //Create a new node
            RouteNode node = new RouteNode();

            node.X = x;
            node.Y = y;

            //Set the parent after the location so that the Direction can be set correctly
            node.Parent = parent;

            node.MovementCost = newCost;        //Add the cost to the parent cost
            node.Heuristic    = GetHeuristic(node);
            node.TotalCost    = newCost + node.Heuristic;


            //Add to the grid
            _grid.Add(x, y, node);
        public List <PointF> GetRoute(PointF begin, PointF end)
            //Move the begin and end onto the grid
            Point beginAligned = Point.Round(begin);
            Point endAligned   = Point.Round(end);

            beginAligned = new Point((beginAligned.X / _grain) * _grain, (beginAligned.Y / _grain) * _grain);
            endAligned   = new Point((endAligned.X / _grain) * _grain, (endAligned.Y / _grain) * _grain);

            //Recreate the rectangles surrounding the shapes in the model
            if (_terrain.Count == 0)
                CreateTerrain(beginAligned, endAligned);

            //Check for exclusions
            if (Start != null && End != null)
                Rectangle startRect = RectangleToGrid(GetInflatedRectangle(Start));
                Rectangle endRect   = RectangleToGrid(GetInflatedRectangle(End));

                startRect.Inflate(_grain, _grain);
                endRect.Inflate(_grain, _grain);

                //If rectangles intersect or are adjacent then just make connector
                if (startRect.IntersectsWith(endRect) || Geometry.AreAdjacent(startRect, endRect))
                    return(MakeConnector(begin, end));

            //Check to see if a route must be calculated, or just a connector shape created
            if (_terrain != null && !_terrain.IsEmpty)
                RouteNode start = _nodeFactory.Create();
                RouteNode goal  = _nodeFactory.Create();


                if (CalculateNodes(start, goal))
                    List <PointF> solution = GetSolution();
                    if (solution != null && solution.Count > 1)
                        AlignSolution(solution, begin, end);

            return(MakeConnector(begin, end));
        //Pops the most recent lowest f cost node off the heap
        private RouteNode GetNextNode()
            RouteNode pop = (RouteNode)mOpenList.Pop();

            if (mOpenList.Count < 2)

            RouteNode peek = (RouteNode)mOpenList.Peek();

        //Calculates the distance as the best guess distance to move to goal.
        //Must not be greater than possible distance

        //More accurately the heurisitc must be the cost of getting to the current node + the shortest distance estimate to complete
        //However we take the movement cost into account later using the routenode's total cost

        //We can use the shortest straight line distance to the goal as the second part of the heuristic.
        //or simply calculate the orthoganal distance
        private int GetHeuristic(RouteNode current)
            //double x2 = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(_goal.X - current.X), 2);
            //double y2 = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(_goal.Y - current.Y), 2);
            //return Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(x2 + y2));

            int x = Math.Abs(_goal.X - current.X);
            int y = Math.Abs(_goal.Y - current.Y);

            return(x + y);
        public ArrayList GetRoute(PointF begin, PointF end)
            //Move the begin and end onto the grid
            Point beginAligned = Point.Round(begin);
            Point endAligned   = Point.Round(end);

            beginAligned = new Point((beginAligned.X / mGrain) * mGrain, (beginAligned.Y / mGrain) * mGrain);
            endAligned   = new Point((endAligned.X / mGrain) * mGrain, (endAligned.Y / mGrain) * mGrain);

            //Recreate the rectangles surrounding the shapes in the container
            if (mTerrain == null)
                CreateTerrain(beginAligned, endAligned);

            RouteNode start = new RouteNode(beginAligned.X, beginAligned.Y);
            RouteNode goal  = new RouteNode(endAligned.X, endAligned.Y);

            //Check for exclusions
            if (Start != null && End != null)
                Rectangle startRect = RectangleToGrid(GetInflatedRectangle(Start));
                Rectangle endRect   = RectangleToGrid(GetInflatedRectangle(End));

                startRect.Inflate(mGrain, mGrain);
                endRect.Inflate(mGrain, mGrain);

                //If rectangles intersect or are adjacent then just make connector
                if (startRect.IntersectsWith(endRect) || Geometry.AreAdjacent(startRect, endRect))
                    return(MakeConnector(begin, end));

            //Check to see if a route must be calculated, or just a connector shape created
            if (mTerrain != null && !mTerrain.IsEmpty)
                if (CalculateNodes(start, goal))
                    ArrayList solution = GetSolution();
                    if (solution != null && solution.Count > 1)
                        AlignSolution(solution, begin, end);

            return(MakeConnector(begin, end));
        //Returns the next node in the open list
        private RouteNode PopNode()
            //Move more nodes onto the movement list if there are none
            if (_movementList.Count == 0)
                RouteNode node = _openList.Pop();

                //Keep moving nodes with the same totalcost onto the movement list
                //So that they can be sorted by movement cost
                while (_openList.Count > 0 && node.TotalCost == _openList.TotalCost)
 //Pushes the node supplied onto the correct list
 private void PushNode(RouteNode node)
     //Add to the movement or open list
     //Add to movement if both counts zero
     if (_movementList.Count == 0 && _openList.Count == 0)
     //Decide when movement list count > zero
     else if (_movementList.Count > 0)
         if (node.TotalCost <= _movementList.TotalCost)
             //Move all nodes from the movement list to the open list that are greater than the totalcost of the new node
             if (node.TotalCost < _movementList.TotalCost)
                 while (_movementList.Peek() != null)
     //openlist count > 0
         if (node.TotalCost < _openList.TotalCost)
        private bool CalculateNodes(RouteNode start, RouteNode goal)
            mGoal = goal;

            //Set up the movement costs and heuristic (manhattan distance)
            start.MovementCost = 0;
            start.Heuristic    = GetHeuristic(start);
            start.TotalCost    = start.Heuristic;          //Since movement cost is 0

            //Add the start node to the open list

            int movementcost = mGrain * mModifier;

            //Keep looping until goal is found or there are no more open nodes
            while (mOpenList.Count > 0)
                //Remove from open list
                RouteNode parent = GetNextNode();                       // pops node off open list based on cost and generation

                //Check to see if we have found the goal node
                //if (parent.Near(goal, mGrain))
                if (parent.Equals(goal))
                    mSolution = parent;

                //Close the node
                parent.Closed = true;

                //Add or check four adjacent squares to the open list
                AddAdjacentNode(mGrain, 0, movementcost, parent);
                AddAdjacentNode(0, mGrain, movementcost, parent);
                AddAdjacentNode(0, -mGrain, movementcost, parent);
                AddAdjacentNode(-mGrain, 0, movementcost, parent);

		//Calculates the manhattan distance as the best guess distance to move to goal. 
		//Must not be greater than possible distance
		//We use a unit of 10 for each 1 unit of movement
		private int GetHeuristic(RouteNode current)
			return mModifier * (Math.Abs(mGoal.X - current.X) + Math.Abs(mGoal.Y - current.Y));
		//Add a node to a parent node, ignoring if impassable or already closed,
		//adding if new, updating if new and better route
		private RouteNode AddAdjacentNode(int dx, int dy, int cost, RouteNode parent)
			int x = parent.X + dx;
			int y = parent.Y + dy;
			int newCost = parent.MovementCost + cost;
			//Get terrain cost. -1 is not passable, 0 no cost, 1,2,3 etc higher cost
			int terraincost = GetTerrainCost(x, y);
			if (terraincost == -1) return null;			
			//Check if item has been added to the grid already
			RouteNode existing = (RouteNode) mGrid.Item(x, y);
			if (existing != null) 
				if (!existing.Closed && newCost < existing.MovementCost)
					existing.MovementCost = newCost;
					existing.TotalCost = existing.MovementCost + existing.Heuristic;
					existing.Parent = parent;

				return existing;

			//Create a new node
			RouteNode node = new RouteNode();
			node.Parent = parent;

			node.X = x;
			node.Y = y;

			node.MovementCost = newCost;	//Add the cost to the parent cost
			node.Heuristic = GetHeuristic(node);
			node.TotalCost = node.MovementCost + node.Heuristic;

			//Add terrain cost
			node.MovementCost += terraincost;
			node.TotalCost += terraincost;

			//Set generation
			node.Generation = mGeneration;
			mGeneration ++;

			//Add to the open list and the grid

			return node;
		private bool CalculateNodes(RouteNode start, RouteNode goal)
			mGoal = goal;

			//Set up the movement costs and heuristic (manhattan distance)
			start.MovementCost = 0;
			start.Heuristic = GetHeuristic(start);
			start.TotalCost = start.Heuristic; //Since movement cost is 0

			//Add the start node to the open list

			int movementcost = mGrain * mModifier;

			//Keep looping until goal is found or there are no more open nodes
			while (mOpenList.Count > 0)
				//Remove from open list
				RouteNode parent = GetNextNode();	// pops node off open list based on cost and generation			
				//Check to see if we have found the goal node
				//if (parent.Near(goal, mGrain)) 
				if (parent.Equals(goal)) 
					mSolution = parent;
					return true;

				//Close the node
				parent.Closed = true;
				//Add or check four adjacent squares to the open list
				AddAdjacentNode(mGrain, 0, movementcost, parent);
				AddAdjacentNode(0, mGrain, movementcost, parent);
				AddAdjacentNode(0, -mGrain, movementcost, parent);
				AddAdjacentNode(-mGrain, 0, movementcost, parent);

			return false;
		//Creates the solution from the calculated nodes as vectors
		public ArrayList GetSolution()
			///Add an additional node to the end if the solution didnt match the goal
			if (mSolution.Equals(mGoal) || mSolution.Parent == null)
				mGoal = mSolution;
				//If in line then add the goal as a node to the solution, else move the solution node
				if (mSolution.X == mGoal.X || mSolution.Y == mGoal.Y)
					mGoal.Parent = mSolution;
					RouteNode extra = new RouteNode();
					extra.Parent = mSolution; 

					//Set node coordinates
					extra.X = (mSolution.X == mSolution.Parent.X) ? mSolution.X : mGoal.X;
					extra.Y = (mSolution.Y == mSolution.Parent.Y) ? mSolution.Y : mGoal.Y;
					//Link the goal to the new node and add it
					mGoal.Parent = extra;

			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
			RouteNode previous = mGoal;
			RouteNode node = mGoal.Parent;
			list.Add(new PointF(previous.X, previous.Y));

			//Only one or two items
			if (node == null || node.Parent == null) return list;

			while (node.Parent != null)
				if (!((previous.X == node.Parent.X) || (previous.Y == node.Parent.Y)))
					list.Insert(0, new PointF(node.X, node.Y));
					previous = node;
				node = node.Parent;

			//Add the start node
			PointF start = new PointF(node.X, node.Y);
			if (!start.Equals((PointF) list[0])) list.Insert(0, start);
			return list;
		public ArrayList GetRoute(PointF begin, PointF end)
			//Move the begin and end onto the grid
			Point beginAligned = Point.Round(begin);
			Point endAligned = Point.Round(end);

			beginAligned = new Point((beginAligned.X / mGrain) * mGrain, (beginAligned.Y / mGrain) * mGrain);
			endAligned = new Point((endAligned.X / mGrain) * mGrain, (endAligned.Y / mGrain) * mGrain);

			//Recreate the rectangles surrounding the shapes in the container
			if (mTerrain == null) CreateTerrain(beginAligned, endAligned);	

			RouteNode start = new RouteNode(beginAligned.X, beginAligned.Y);
			RouteNode goal = new RouteNode(endAligned.X, endAligned.Y);

			//Check for exclusions
			if (Start != null && End != null)
				Rectangle startRect = RectangleToGrid(GetInflatedRectangle(Start));
				Rectangle endRect = RectangleToGrid(GetInflatedRectangle(End));

				startRect.Inflate(mGrain, mGrain);
				endRect.Inflate(mGrain, mGrain);

				//If rectangles intersect or are adjacent then just make connector
				if (startRect.IntersectsWith(endRect) || Geometry.AreAdjacent(startRect, endRect))
					return MakeConnector(begin, end);

			//Check to see if a route must be calculated, or just a connector shape created
			if (mTerrain != null && !mTerrain.IsEmpty) 
				if (CalculateNodes(start, goal)) 
					ArrayList solution = GetSolution();
					if (solution != null && solution.Count > 1) 
						AlignSolution(solution, begin, end);
						return solution;

			return MakeConnector(begin, end);
		public void Reset()
			mOpenList = new BinaryHeap();
			mGrid = new BinaryGrid();
			mGeneration = 1;
			mSolution = null;
			mGoal = null;
 public bool Near(RouteNode node, int grain)
     return(Math.Abs(node.X - X) < grain && Math.Abs(node.Y - Y) < grain);
 public bool Equals(RouteNode node)
     return(node.X == X && node.Y == Y);
		public bool Equals(RouteNode node)
			return (node.X == X && node.Y == Y);
        private bool CalculateNodes(RouteNode start, RouteNode goal)
            _goal = goal;

            //Set up the movement costs and heuristic
            start.MovementCost = 0;
            start.Heuristic    = GetHeuristic(start);
            start.TotalCost    = start.Heuristic;    //Since movement cost is 0
            start.Direction    = NodeDirection.Down; //Set manually to down

            //Add the start node to the movement list

            //Keep looping until goal is found or there are no more open nodes
            while (_movementList.Count > 0 || _openList.Count > 0)
                //Remove from open list
                RouteNode parent = PopNode();   // pops node off open list based on total cost

                //Check to see if we have found the goal node
                //if (parent.Near(goal, mGrain))
                if (parent.Equals(goal))
                    _solution = parent;

                //Close the node
                parent.Closed = true;

                //Add or check four adjacent squares to the open list
                //The nodes that are added last will pop off first off the binary heap
                if (parent.Direction == NodeDirection.Down)
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, -_grain, _grain, parent); //up
                    AddAdjacentNode(-_grain, 0, _grain, parent); //left
                    AddAdjacentNode(_grain, 0, _grain, parent);  //right
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, _grain, _grain, parent);  //down
                else if (parent.Direction == NodeDirection.Right)
                    AddAdjacentNode(-_grain, 0, _grain, parent); //left
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, -_grain, _grain, parent); //up
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, _grain, _grain, parent);  //down
                    AddAdjacentNode(_grain, 0, _grain, parent);  //right
                else if (parent.Direction == NodeDirection.Left)
                    AddAdjacentNode(_grain, 0, _grain, parent);  //right
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, -_grain, _grain, parent); //up
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, _grain, _grain, parent);  //down
                    AddAdjacentNode(-_grain, 0, _grain, parent); //left
                else if (parent.Direction == NodeDirection.Up)
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, _grain, _grain, parent);  //down
                    AddAdjacentNode(_grain, 0, _grain, parent);  //right
                    AddAdjacentNode(-_grain, 0, _grain, parent); //left
                    AddAdjacentNode(0, -_grain, _grain, parent); //up

        //Creates the solution from the calculated nodes as vectors
        public ArrayList GetSolution()
            ///Add an additional node to the end if the solution didnt match the goal
            if (mSolution.Equals(mGoal) || mSolution.Parent == null)
                mGoal = mSolution;
                //If in line then add the goal as a node to the solution, else move the solution node
                if (mSolution.X == mGoal.X || mSolution.Y == mGoal.Y)
                    mGoal.Parent = mSolution;
                    RouteNode extra = new RouteNode();
                    extra.Parent = mSolution;

                    //Set node coordinates
                    extra.X = (mSolution.X == mSolution.Parent.X) ? mSolution.X : mGoal.X;
                    extra.Y = (mSolution.Y == mSolution.Parent.Y) ? mSolution.Y : mGoal.Y;

                    //Link the goal to the new node and add it
                    mGoal.Parent = extra;

            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            RouteNode previous = mGoal;
            RouteNode node     = mGoal.Parent;

            list.Add(new PointF(previous.X, previous.Y));

            //Only one or two items
            if (node == null || node.Parent == null)

            while (node.Parent != null)
                if (!((previous.X == node.Parent.X) || (previous.Y == node.Parent.Y)))
                    list.Insert(0, new PointF(node.X, node.Y));
                    previous = node;
                node = node.Parent;

            //Add the start node
            PointF start = new PointF(node.X, node.Y);

            if (!start.Equals((PointF)list[0]))
                list.Insert(0, start);

		public bool Near(RouteNode node, int grain)
			return (Math.Abs(node.X - X) < grain && Math.Abs(node.Y - Y) < grain);
 //Calculates the manhattan distance as the best guess distance to move to goal.
 //Must not be greater than possible distance
 //We use a unit of 10 for each 1 unit of movement
 private int GetHeuristic(RouteNode current)
     return(mModifier * (Math.Abs(mGoal.X - current.X) + Math.Abs(mGoal.Y - current.Y)));