public override void Draw(Graphics g)
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            Pen pen;

            if (DrawPen == null)
                pen = new Pen(Color, PenWidth);
                DrawingPens.SetCurrentPen(ref pen, PenType, EndCap);
                pen = (Pen)DrawPen.Clone();
            GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

            gp.AddLine(startPoint, endPoint);
            // Rotate the path about it's center if necessary
            if (Rotation != 0)
                RectangleF pathBounds = gp.GetBounds();
                Matrix     m          = new Matrix();
                m.RotateAt(Rotation, new PointF(pathBounds.Left + (pathBounds.Width / 2), pathBounds.Top + (pathBounds.Height / 2)), MatrixOrder.Append);
            g.DrawPath(pen, gp);
        public override void Draw(Graphics g)
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            Pen pen;

            if (DrawPen == null)
                pen = new Pen(Color, PenWidth);
                DrawingPens.SetCurrentPen(ref pen, PenType, EndCap);
                pen = DrawPen.Clone() as Pen;

            Point[] pts = new Point[pointArray.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.Count; i++)
                Point px = (Point)pointArray[i];
                pts[i] = px;
            byte[] types = new byte[pointArray.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.Count; i++)
                types[i] = (byte)PathPointType.Line;
            GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath(pts, types);

            // Rotate the path about it's center if necessary
            if (Rotation != 0)
                RectangleF pathBounds = gp.GetBounds();
                Matrix     m          = new Matrix();
                m.RotateAt(Rotation, new PointF(pathBounds.Left + (pathBounds.Width / 2), pathBounds.Top + (pathBounds.Height / 2)), MatrixOrder.Append);
            g.DrawPath(pen, gp);
            //g.DrawCurve(pen, pts);
            if (pen != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g)
            Pen   pen;
            Brush b = new SolidBrush(FillColor);

            if (DrawPen == null)
                pen = new Pen(Color, PenWidth);
                DrawingPens.SetCurrentPen(ref pen, PenType, EndCap);
                pen = (Pen)DrawPen.Clone();

            GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

            // Rotate the path about it's center if necessary
            if (Rotation != 0)
                RectangleF pathBounds = gp.GetBounds();
                Matrix     m          = new Matrix();
                m.RotateAt(Rotation, new PointF(pathBounds.Left + (pathBounds.Width / 2), pathBounds.Top + (pathBounds.Height / 2)), MatrixOrder.Append);

            if (Filled)
                g.FillPath(b, gp);
            g.DrawPath(pen, gp);

        /// <summary>
        /// Set state of controls.
        /// Function is called at idle time.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetStateOfControls()
            // Select active tool
            toolStripButtonPointer.Checked   = !drawArea.Panning && (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Pointer);
            toolStripButtonRectangle.Checked = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Rectangle);
            toolStripButtonEllipse.Checked   = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Ellipse);
            toolStripButtonArrow.Checked     = drawArea.EndCap == LineCap.ArrowAnchor && (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Line);
            toolStripButtonLine.Checked      = drawArea.EndCap != LineCap.ArrowAnchor && (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Line);
            toolStripButtonPencil.Checked    = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Polygon);

            pointerToolStripMenuItem.Checked   = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Pointer);
            rectangleToolStripMenuItem.Checked = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Rectangle);
            ellipseToolStripMenuItem.Checked   = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Ellipse);
            lineToolStripMenuItem.Checked      = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Line);
            pencilToolStripMenuItem.Checked    = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Polygon);

            switch (drawArea.LineWidth)
            case -1: this.toolStripDropDownButtonLineThickness.Text = "Thinnest"; break;

            case 2: this.toolStripDropDownButtonLineThickness.Text = "Thin"; break;

            case 5: this.toolStripDropDownButtonLineThickness.Text = "Thick"; break;

            case 10: this.toolStripDropDownButtonLineThickness.Text = "Thicker"; break;

            case 15: this.toolStripDropDownButtonLineThickness.Text = "Thickest"; break;

            this.toolStripDropDownButtonPenType.Text = DrawingPens.GetPenTypeAsString(drawArea.PenType);

            tsbLineColor.BackColor = drawArea.LineColor;
            tsbFillColor.BackColor = drawArea.FillColor;

            int  x               = drawArea.TheLayers.ActiveLayerIndex;
            bool objects         = (drawArea.TheLayers[x].Graphics.Count > 0);
            bool selectedObjects = (drawArea.TheLayers[x].Graphics.SelectionCount > 0);

            // File operations
            saveToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = objects;
            //toolStripButtonSave.Enabled = objects;
            saveAsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = objects;

            // Edit operations
            deleteToolStripMenuItem.Enabled      = selectedObjects;
            deleteAllToolStripMenuItem.Enabled   = objects;
            selectAllToolStripMenuItem.Enabled   = objects;
            unselectAllToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = objects;
            moveToFrontToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = selectedObjects;
            moveToBackToolStripMenuItem.Enabled  = selectedObjects;
            propertiesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled  = selectedObjects;

            // Undo, Redo
            undoToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = drawArea.CanUndo;
            toolStripButtonUndo.Enabled   = drawArea.CanUndo;

            redoToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = drawArea.CanRedo;
            toolStripButtonRedo.Enabled   = drawArea.CanRedo;

            // Status Strip
            //tslCurrentLayer.Text = drawArea.TheLayers[x].LayerName;
            //tslNumberOfObjects.Text = drawArea.TheLayers[x].Graphics.Count.ToString();
            //tslPanPosition.Text = drawArea.PanX + ", " + drawArea.PanY;
            //tslRotation.Text = drawArea.Rotation + " deg";
            //tslZoomLevel.Text = (Math.Round(drawArea.Zoom * 100)) + " %";

            // Pan button
            tsbPanMode.Checked = drawArea.Panning;
        public override void Draw(Graphics g)
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            Pen pen;

            if (DrawPen == null)
                pen = new Pen(Color, PenWidth);
                DrawingPens.SetCurrentPen(ref pen, PenType, EndCap);
                pen = DrawPen.Clone() as Pen;

            // Convert the array of points to a GraphicsPath object so lines are mitered correctly at the intersections
            // (not to mention the object is drawn faster then drawing individual lines)
            Point[] pts = new Point[pointArray.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.Count; i++)
                Point px = (Point)pointArray[i];
                pts[i] = px;
            byte[] types = new byte[pointArray.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.Count; i++)
                types[i] = (byte)PathPointType.Line;
            GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath(pts, types);

            // Rotate the path about it's center if necessary
            if (Rotation != 0)
                RectangleF pathBounds = gp.GetBounds();
                Matrix     m          = new Matrix();
                m.RotateAt(Rotation, new PointF(pathBounds.Left + (pathBounds.Width / 2), pathBounds.Top + (pathBounds.Height / 2)), MatrixOrder.Append);
            g.DrawPath(pen, gp);
            //g.DrawCurve(pen, pts);
            //// For DrawBeziers() to work, the pts array must have a minimum of 4 points.
            //// The pts array may have more than 4 points, but if so, then after the first 4 points, remaining points must be in sets of 3 for the call to work.
            //// The following code will adjust the pts array to properly fit these requirements.
            //int numPoints = pts.Length;
            //if (numPoints - 4 <= 0)
            //    // Cannot call DrawBeziers() so return, drawing nothing.
            //    gp.Dispose();
            //    pen.Dispose();
            //    return;
            //while ((numPoints - 4) % 3 != 0 && numPoints - 4 > 0)
            //    // Chop off the last point from the pts array
            //    numPoints--;
            //    Array.Resize(ref pts, numPoints);
            //g.DrawBeziers(pen, pts);
            if (pen != null)