		protected void FileSelectedCallback (string path)
			m_fileBrowser = null;
			fileBrowserEnabled = false;

			m_textPath = path;
			if (m_textPath != "" && m_textPath != null) {
				if (selectionType == ".craft") {
					#if EXPORT
					if (downloadState == downloadStateType.UPLOAD_FILESELECTION)
						downloadState = downloadStateType.UPLOAD;
					downloadState = downloadStateType.GUI;
					craftURL = "file://" + m_textPath;
					thisCI.configuration.lastImportDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (m_textPath);
			if (m_textPath != "" && m_textPath != null) {
				if (selectionType == ".png|.jpg") {
					#if EXPORT
					downloadState = downloadStateType.UPLOAD;
					pictureUrl = "file://" + m_textPath;
					//CI.configuration.lastImportDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (m_textPath);
			//Log.Info ("downloadState: " + downloadState.ToString ());

			downloadState = downloadStateType.GUI;
		public void OnGUI ()
			GUI.skin = HighLogic.Skin;

			if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint || Event.current.isMouse)
				DrawCall(); // Your current on preDrawQueue code
			#if EXPORT
			Awake ();

			//	InputLockManager.SetControlLock((ControlTypes.EDITOR_LOCK | ControlTypes.EDITOR_GIZMO_TOOLS), "CraftImportLock");

			if (m_fileBrowser != null) {
				if (!fileBrowserEnabled) {
					m_fileBrowser = null;
					downloadState = downloadStateType.GUI;

					//this one closes the dropdown if you click outside the window elsewhere
					//	styleItems.CloseOnOutsideClick();

				} else {

					//	GUI.skin = HighLogic.Skin;
					#if true
					GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle (HighLogic.Skin.textField);

					s.onNormal = HighLogic.Skin.textField.onNormal;

					//			s.fontSize = 15;
					s.name = "listitem";
					s.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
					//s.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
					//s.fixedHeight = 50;
					s.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageLeft;
					GUI.skin.customStyles [0] = s;
					m_fileBrowser.Window (GetInstanceID ());

			try {
				if (this.Visible ()) {
//					Rect bounds2 = GUILayout.Window (GetInstanceID (), bounds, Window, CI.TITLE, HighLogic.Skin.window);
					if (resetWinPos) {
						bounds = new Rect (Screen.width - WIDTH, Screen.height / 2 - HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
						resetWinPos = false;
					bounds = GUILayout.Window (GetInstanceID (), bounds, Window, CI.TITLE, HighLogic.Skin.window);
				#if EXPORT
					if (_image != null) {
						imgbounds = new Rect (imgbounds.xMin, imgbounds.yMin, displayres, displayres + 30);
						imgbounds = GUILayout.Window (GetInstanceID () + 1, imgbounds, imgWindow, CI.TITLE + " Upload Image Preview", HighLogic.Skin.window);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Log.Error ("exception: " + e.Message);
		void getFile (string title, string suffix, string dir = "")
			fileBrowserEnabled = true;
			selectionType = suffix;

			#if false
			GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
			GUILayout.Label ("Select Craft File: ", GUILayout.Width (100));
			//GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();

			GUILayout.Label (m_textPath ?? "none selected");

			GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
			//if (!m_directoryImage) Log.Info ("getFile 1 m_directoryImage is null");
			if (GUILayout.Button ("  ...    ", GUILayout.ExpandWidth (false))) {
				Log.Info ("creating m_fileBrowser");
			m_fileBrowser = new FileBrowser (
				new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - BR_WIDTH / 2, Screen.height / 2 - BR_HEIGHT / 2, BR_WIDTH, BR_HEIGHT),

			if (!m_directoryImage) {
				m_directoryImage = new Texture2D (38, 38, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
				if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture (CI.TEXTURE_DIR + "CI-folder"))
					m_directoryImage = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture (CI.TEXTURE_DIR + "CI-folder", false);
			if (!m_fileImage) {
				m_fileImage = new Texture2D (38, 38, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
				if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture (CI.TEXTURE_DIR + "CI-file"))
					m_fileImage = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture (CI.TEXTURE_DIR + "CI-file", false);
			// Linux change may needed here
			m_fileBrowser.SelectionPattern = "*" + suffix;
			m_fileBrowser.DirectoryImage = m_directoryImage;
			m_fileBrowser.FileImage = m_fileImage;
			m_fileBrowser.showDrives = thisCI.configuration.showDrives;
			m_fileBrowser.ShowNonmatchingFiles = false;

			if (dir != "") {
				m_fileBrowser.SetNewDirectory (dir);
			} else {
				if (m_textPath != "")
					m_fileBrowser.SetNewDirectory (m_textPath);

			#if false
			if (m_fileBrowser != null)
				Log.Info("3 m_fileBrowser not null");
			GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
			GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
			GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
			GUILayout.Label (" ");
			GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
			GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
			if (GUILayout.Button ("OK", GUILayout.Width (125.0f))) {;
				fileBrowserEnabled = false;
				downloadState = downloadStateType.GUI;
				if (m_textPath != "")
					craftURL = "file://" + m_textPath;
				//m_fileBrowser = null;

			if (GUILayout.Button ("Cancel", GUILayout.Width (125.0f))) {
//				Log.Info ("Cancel2");
				fileBrowserEnabled = false;
				downloadState = downloadStateType.GUI;
				//m_fileBrowser = null;
			GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
			GUI.DragWindow ();
			if (m_fileBrowser != null)
				Log.Info("m_fileBrowser not null");