/// <summary> /// Creates a synchronized (thread-safe) wrapper for a /// <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// An <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> wrapper that is synchronized (thread-safe). /// </returns> public static PaymentItemCollection Synchronized(PaymentItemCollection list) { if (list == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("list"); } return(new SyncPaymentItemCollection(list)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a read-only wrapper for a /// <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// An <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> wrapper that is read-only. /// </returns> public static PaymentItemCollection ReadOnly(PaymentItemCollection list) { if (list == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("list"); } return(new ReadOnlyPaymentItemCollection(list)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="PaymentItemCollection"/>. /// </summary> public virtual object Clone() { PaymentItemCollection newColl = new PaymentItemCollection(m_count); Array.Copy(m_array, 0, newColl.m_array, 0, m_count); newColl.m_count = m_count; newColl.m_version = m_version; return(newColl); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the elements of another <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> to the current <c>PaymentItemCollection</c>. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">The <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> whose elements should be added to the end of the current <c>PaymentItemCollection</c>.</param> /// <returns>The new <see cref="PaymentItemCollection.Count"/> of the <c>PaymentItemCollection</c>.</returns> public virtual int AddRange(PaymentItemCollection x) { if (m_count + x.Count >= m_array.Length) { EnsureCapacity(m_count + x.Count); } Array.Copy(x.m_array, 0, m_array, m_count, x.Count); m_count += x.Count; m_version++; return(m_count); }
public override int AddRange(PaymentItemCollection x) { int result = 0; rwLock.AcquireWriterLock(timeout); try { result = collection.AddRange(x); } finally { rwLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } return(result); }
internal SyncPaymentItemCollection(PaymentItemCollection list) : base(Tag.Default) { rwLock = new System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock(); collection = list; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>Enumerator</c> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="tc"></param> internal Enumerator(PaymentItemCollection tc) { m_collection = tc; m_index = -1; m_version = tc.m_version; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> class /// that contains elements copied from the specified <c>PaymentItemCollection</c>. /// </summary> /// <param name="c">The <c>PaymentItemCollection</c> whose elements are copied to the new collection.</param> public PaymentItemCollection(PaymentItemCollection c) { m_array = new PaymentItem[c.Count]; AddRange(c); }
public override int AddRange(PaymentItemCollection x) { throw new NotSupportedException("This is a Read Only Collection and can not be modified"); }
internal ReadOnlyPaymentItemCollection(PaymentItemCollection list) : base(Tag.Default) { m_collection = list; }