        static bool displayNotesPlayed = false;      //Stores whether the notes that the user played should be displayed or not

        #region Form Triggered Methods

        public frmTest(midiFile _inputMidi, databaseInterface _databaseInterface)
            currentMidiFile   = _inputMidi; //new midiFile(_inputMidi.devision, _inputMidi.tempo, _inputMidi.timeSig, _inputMidi.keySig, _inputMidi.listOfNotes, _inputMidi.Instrument, _databaseInterface, out bool error, out string errorString);
            databaseInterface = _databaseInterface;
            currentMidiFile.GenerateMusicPage(picDisplay.Width, picDisplay.Height, 0, ckbFingering.Checked, false, out Bitmap pageToDisplay, out nextFirstStaff, out string errorString);
            picDisplay.Image = pageToDisplay;
        public frmViewMusic(midiFile inputFile)
            string errorString;

            loadedMidiFile = inputFile;


            //Load bitmaps
            loadedMidiFile.GenerateMusicPage(picDisplay.Width, picDisplay.Height, 0, false, false, out Bitmap pageToDisplay, out int nextLine, out errorString);
            picDisplay.Image = pageToDisplay;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the MIDI file into the midiFile class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="midiStream">The Stream that should be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="outputMidiFile">The MIDI File class that will be outputted filled with data</param>
        /// <param name="errorString">In case the file could not be parsed, then this will contain the error</param>
        /// <returns>Returns whether the parse was sucsessful</returns>
        private bool ParseMidiFile(Stream midiStream, string instrument, out midiFile outputMidiFile, out string errorString)
            #region Variables
            byte currentbyte;        //Stores the current byte being processed
            byte statusCarry;        //Stores the last status byte for use by status carry
            bool end = false;        //Has the end of the file been reached?
            uint chunkType;
            uint currentChunkLength; //Stores the length of the current chunk
            outputMidiFile = null;   //Stores the parsed midiFile
            errorString    = null;   //Stores any error messages that are generated

            List <Note> listOfNotes; //List to store the parsed notes

            ushort format;           //Stores the Midi file's format. (The program can only deal with format 0 MIDI files)
            ushort numOfTracks;      //Store the number of track chuhnks to be found in the file. Should be 1 for Format 0 files
            ushort division;         //Store the pace of the MIDI file

            #region Parse Head Chunk

            #region Get data from stream

            //Chunk Type (4 bytes) - Will be either "MThd" for the head chunk or "MTrk" for track chunk in ASCII.
            chunkType = (uint)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 24) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 16) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));       //Gets the chunk type

            //Length (4 bytes) - In Head chunk, should always be 6
            currentChunkLength = (uint)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 24) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 16) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));    //Convert the 4 bytes into 1 integer. First byte times by 16^6 plus the second byte times 16^4 and so on

            //Format (2 byte) - Should be either 0, 1 or 2. This program can only deal with format 0 MIDI Files
            format = (ushort)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));

            //Number of Tracks (2 bytes) - Should be 1 for format 0 MIDI files
            numOfTracks = (ushort)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));

            //Division (2 bytes) - Stores the speed and the tempo of the MIDI File. Can either store the Number of delta time units in a crochet, or the number of frames per second and the number of ticks per frame. Outlined below.
            division = (ushort)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));

            /* Bit:     | 15 |    14 - 8    |   7 - 0   |
             *          |  0 |     Ticks per crochet    |
             *          |  1 |-frames/second|ticks/frame|

            #region Validate data

            //Make sure all aspects of the head chunks are valid, if they are not, then output an error and return that the parse failed
            if (chunkType != 0x4d546864)
                errorString = "Head Chunk title not found";
            else if (currentChunkLength != 6)
                errorString = "Head Chunk invalid length";
            else if (format != 0)
                errorString = "Format not valid";
            else if (numOfTracks != 1)
                errorString = "Invalid number of Track Chunks";
            else if (division > 0x8000)
                errorString = "Invalid division format";



            #region Parse Track Chunk

            //Chunk Type (4 bytes) - Will be either "MThd" for the head chunk or "MTrk" for track chunk in ASCII.
            chunkType = (uint)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 24) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 16) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));       //Gets the chunk type

            //Length (4 bytes)
            currentChunkLength = (uint)((midiStream.ReadByte() << 24) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 16) | (midiStream.ReadByte() << 8) | (midiStream.ReadByte()));    //Convert the 4 bytes into 1 integer. First byte times by 16^6 plus the second byte times 16^4 and so on

            //If the chunk type is not the track chunk, then display the error and exit the function
            if (chunkType != 0x4d54726b)
                errorString = "Could not find Track Chunk";

            //Read MIDI Track Data. If the track data could not be read properly, end the function
            if (!ReadTrackData(midiStream, currentChunkLength, out listOfNotes, out errorString))


            //Create the new midiFile and assign it the values that have been read from the stream
            outputMidiFile = new midiFile(division, null, null, null, listOfNotes, instrument, new databaseInterface(dbConnectionString), out bool error, out errorString);

            //Un-grey out the buttons to allow the people to choose other forms
            btnLookAtMusic.Enabled = true;

            btnTest.Enabled = true;
