public void AfFactGame() { try { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); Console.Clear(); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Welcome to the Facts page"); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "=========================================\n"); Random rand = new Random(); int factNo = rand.Next(interestingFacts.Length); string fact = interestingFacts[factNo]; ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "\n\n\n" + fact); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "\n\n\n Press any key to return to the Random facts menu"); Console.ReadKey(); RanFctPg(); } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchFormat(); RanFctPg(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchAll(); RanFctPg(); } }
} // opens the random facts menu public void AboutUs() { try { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n This Console Application was Developed by Emmanuel Oluyale \n"); Console.WriteLine(" An initiative of Mr Moshood \n"); Console.WriteLine(" NIIT.\n\n"); Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to return to main page"); Console.ReadKey(); DisplayMenu(); } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchFormat(); AboutUs(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchAll(); AboutUs(); } } // opens the about us page
} // starts the african countries game menu public void RanFctPg() { try { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); int det; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Random Facts page"); Console.WriteLine("=========================================\n"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the associated number to choose an option\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Give me an African fact"); Console.WriteLine("2. Return to Main page"); Console.WriteLine("3. Quit"); det = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (det > 3 || det == 0) { ml.IfState(3); RanFctPg(); } switch (det) { case 1: AfFactGame(); break; case 2: DisplayMenu(); break; case 3: ml.Exit(); break; } } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchFormat(); RanFctPg(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchAll(); RanFctPg(); } } // opens the random facts menu
public void DisplayMenu() { try { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); int det; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the African countries game Main page"); Console.WriteLine("========================================================\n"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the associated number to choose an option\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Play African countries game"); Console.WriteLine("2. Randomized Fact page"); Console.WriteLine("3. Learn the countries"); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, "4. Play Countries of the world"); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, "5. Check Highest score"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("6. About us"); Console.WriteLine("7. Quit"); det = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (det > 7 || det == 0) { ml.IfState(7); DisplayMenu(); } switch (det) { case 1: AfConGame(); break; case 2: RanFctPg(); break; case 3: PracticeCountries(); break; case 4: ml.proVersionMessage(); DisplayMenu(); break; case 5: ml.proVersionMessage(); DisplayMenu(); break; case 6: AboutUs(); break; case 7: ml.Exit(); break; } } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchFormat(); DisplayMenu(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchAll(); DisplayMenu(); } } // Displays the main menu
public void PlayGame() { try { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); Program p = new Program(); bool det = false; int score = 0; bool c = false; string wordUp; string word; string[] ArrayerUp = new string[Arrayer.Length]; string[] compare = new string[Arrayer.Length]; Console.Clear(); do { det = false; ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, " Enter the name of a Country in " + namer + " or press \"quit\" to resign\n"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; word = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); wordUp = word.ToUpper(); if (wordUp == "QUIT") { break; } for (int i = 0; i < compare.Length; i++)// To verify that user don't entered any word more than once. { if (wordUp == compare[i]) { c = true; } } if (c) { ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta, "You have already entered: " + word); } for (int i = 0; i < Arrayer.Length; i++) { ArrayerUp[i] = Arrayer[i].ToUpper(); } foreach (string country in ArrayerUp) { if (wordUp == country) { if (!c) { score += 5; for (int i = 0; i < compare.Length; i++) { //if ((compare[i] == "" || compare[i] == null)) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(compare[i])) { compare[i] = wordUp; ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Green, "CORRECT"); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, word + " is in " + namer + "\n\n"); break; } } } det = true; } } if (!det) { ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Red, "INCORRECT"); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, word + " is not in " + namer + "\n\n"); } } while (true); Console.Clear(); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "\nYour Total Score is: " + score); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Enter any key to return to African Countries Game menu"); Console.ReadKey(); p.AfConGame(); } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); Program p = new Program(); ml.CatchFormat(); p.AfricanCon(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); Program p = new Program(); ml.CatchAll(); p.AfricanCon(); } } // opens the all African countries game
public void PracticeCountries() { try { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); int det; Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; //ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta,"Welcome to the African countries game",resetFcolor:true, //returnFcolor:ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Practice African countries menu"); Console.WriteLine("========================================================\n"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the associated number to choose an option\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Learn all African countries"); Console.WriteLine("2. Learn all North African countries"); Console.WriteLine("3. Learn all East African countries"); Console.WriteLine("4. Learn all West African countries"); Console.WriteLine("5. Learn all South African countries"); Console.WriteLine("6. Learn all Central African countries"); Console.WriteLine("7. Return to Main Menu"); det = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (det > 7 || det == 0) { Console.Clear(); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Red, "Only Numbers 1 through 7 are allowed as input"); ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta, "Press any key to return to the Menu "); Console.ReadKey(); DisplayMenu(); } string[] regionArr = allCountries; string regionName = "all the Countries in Africa"; switch (det) { case 1: regionArr = allCountries; regionName = "all the Countries in Africa"; break; case 2: regionArr = northAfrican; regionName = "all the North African Countries in Africa"; break; case 3: regionArr = eastAfrican; regionName = "all the East African Countries in Africa"; break; case 4: regionArr = westAfrican; regionName = "all the West African Countries in Africa"; break; case 5: regionArr = southAfrican; regionName = "all the South African Countries in Africa"; break; case 6: regionArr = centralAfrican; regionName = "all the Central African Countries in Africa"; break; case 7: DisplayMenu(); break; } if (det < 7) { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("\n\nThese are " + regionName); Console.WriteLine("=====================================================\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < regionArr.Length; i++) { ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, i + ". " + regionArr[i]); } ml.PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "\n\n press any key to return to the Menu"); Console.ReadKey(); PracticeCountries(); } } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchFormat(); AfConGame(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchAll(); AfConGame(); } }
} // Displays the main menu public void AfConGame() { try { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); int det; Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; //PrintColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta,"Welcome to the African countries game",resetFcolor:true, //returnFcolor:ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the African countries game"); Console.WriteLine("=============================================\n"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the associated number to choose an option\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Play all African countries"); Console.WriteLine("2. Play all North African countries"); Console.WriteLine("3. Play all East African countries"); Console.WriteLine("4. Play all West African countries"); Console.WriteLine("5. Play all South African countries"); Console.WriteLine("6. Play all Central African countries"); Console.WriteLine("7. Return to Menu"); det = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (det > 7 || det == 0) { ml.IfState(7); DisplayMenu(); } switch (det) { case 1: AfricanCon(); break; case 2: NorthAfricanCon(); break; case 3: EastAfricanCon(); break; case 4: WestAfricanCon(); break; case 5: SouthAfricanCon(); break; case 6: CentralAfricanCon(); break; case 7: DisplayMenu(); break; } } catch (FormatException) { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchFormat(); AfConGame(); } catch { MethodLibrary ml = new MethodLibrary(); ml.CatchAll(); AfConGame(); } } // starts the african countries game menu