public void TestAPIManager() { Manager manager = this.manager; Assert.IsTrue(manager != null); foreach (string dbName in manager.AllDatabaseNames) { Database db = manager.GetDatabase(dbName); Log.I(TAG, "Database '" + dbName + "':" + db.DocumentCount + " documents"); } var options = new ManagerOptions(); options.ReadOnly = true; options.CallbackScheduler = new SingleTaskThreadpoolScheduler(); var roManager = new Manager(new DirectoryInfo(manager.Directory), options); Assert.IsTrue(roManager != null); var nonExistantDatabase = roManager.GetDatabase("foo"); Assert.IsNull(nonExistantDatabase); var dbNames = manager.AllDatabaseNames; Assert.IsFalse(dbNames.Contains<String>("foo")); Assert.IsTrue(dbNames.Contains(DefaultTestDb)); }
/// <exception cref="Couchbase.Lite.CouchbaseLiteException"></exception> public virtual void TestLoadDBPerformance() { long startMillis = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); string[] bigObj = new string[GetSizeOfDocument()]; for (int i = 0; i < GetSizeOfDocument(); i++) { bigObj[i] = _propertyValue; } for (int j = 0; j < GetNumberOfShutAndReloadCycles(); j++) { //Force close and reopen of manager and database to ensure cold //start before doc creation try { TearDown(); manager = new Manager(new LiteTestContext(), Manager.DefaultOptions); database = manager.GetExistingDatabase(DefaultTestDb); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.E(Tag, "DB teardown", ex); Fail(); } for (int k = 0; k < GetNumberOfDocuments(); k++) { //create a document IDictionary<string, object> props = new Dictionary<string, object>(); props.Put("bigArray", bigObj); Body body = new Body(props); RevisionInternal rev1 = new RevisionInternal(body, database); Status status = new Status(); try { rev1 = database.PutRevision(rev1, null, false, status); } catch (Exception t) { Log.E(Tag, "Document creation failed", t); Fail(); } } } Log.V("PerformanceStats", Tag + "," + Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis () - startMillis).ToString() + "," + GetNumberOfDocuments() + "," + GetSizeOfDocument () + ",," + GetNumberOfShutAndReloadCycles()); }
//SERVER & DOCUMENTS /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestAPIManager() { Manager manager = this.manager; NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(manager != null); foreach (string dbName in manager.GetAllDatabaseNames()) { Database db = manager.GetDatabase(dbName); Log.I(Tag, "Database '" + dbName + "':" + db.GetDocumentCount() + " documents"); } ManagerOptions options = new ManagerOptions(); options.SetReadOnly(true); Manager roManager = new Manager(new FilePath(manager.GetDirectory()), options); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(roManager != null); Database db_1 = roManager.GetDatabase("foo"); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(db_1); IList<string> dbNames = manager.GetAllDatabaseNames(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dbNames.Contains("foo")); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dbNames.Contains(DefaultTestDb)); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestUpgradeOldDatabaseFiles() { string directoryName = "test-directory-" + Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); string normalFilesDir = GetRootDirectory().GetAbsolutePath(); string fakeFilesDir = string.Format("%s/%s", normalFilesDir, directoryName); FilePath directory = new FilePath(fakeFilesDir); if (!directory.Exists()) { bool result = directory.Mkdir(); if (!result) { throw new IOException("Unable to create directory " + directory); } } FilePath oldTouchDbFile = new FilePath(directory, string.Format("old%s", Manager. DatabaseSuffixOld)); oldTouchDbFile.CreateNewFile(); FilePath newCbLiteFile = new FilePath(directory, string.Format("new%s", Manager.DatabaseSuffix )); newCbLiteFile.CreateNewFile(); FilePath migratedOldFile = new FilePath(directory, string.Format("old%s", Manager .DatabaseSuffix)); migratedOldFile.CreateNewFile(); base.StopCBLite(); manager = new Manager(new FilePath(GetRootDirectory(), directoryName), Manager.DefaultOptions ); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(migratedOldFile.Exists()); //cannot rename old.touchdb in old.cblite, old.cblite already exists NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(oldTouchDbFile.Exists()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(newCbLiteFile.Exists()); FilePath dir = new FilePath(GetRootDirectory(), directoryName); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, dir.ListFiles().Length); base.StopCBLite(); migratedOldFile.Delete(); manager = new Manager(new FilePath(GetRootDirectory(), directoryName), Manager.DefaultOptions ); //rename old.touchdb in old.cblite, previous old.cblite already doesn't exist NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(migratedOldFile.Exists()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(oldTouchDbFile.Exists() == false); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(newCbLiteFile.Exists()); dir = new FilePath(GetRootDirectory(), directoryName); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, dir.ListFiles().Length); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Couchbase.Lite.Database"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path.</param> /// <param name="manager">Manager.</param> internal Database(String path, Manager manager) { Debug.Assert(System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(path)); //path must be absolute Path = path; Name = FileDirUtils.GetDatabaseNameFromPath(path); Manager = manager; DocumentCache = new LruCache<string, Document>(MaxDocCacheSize); UnsavedRevisionDocumentCache = new Dictionary<string, WeakReference>(); // FIXME: Not portable to WinRT/WP8. ActiveReplicators = new List<Replication>(); AllReplicators = new List<Replication> (); _changesToNotify = new AList<DocumentChange>(); StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToMillisecondsSinceEpoch (); MaxRevTreeDepth = DefaultMaxRevs; }
/// <summary>Constructor</summary> internal Database(String path, Manager manager) { #if PORTABLE Debug.Assert((path.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))); #else Debug.Assert((path.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); #endif //path must be absolute Path = path; Name = FileDirUtils.GetDatabaseNameFromPath(path); Manager = manager; DocumentCache = new LruCache<string, Document>(MaxDocCacheSize); // TODO: Make Synchronized ICollection ActiveReplicators = new HashSet<Replication>(); AllReplicators = new HashSet<Replication>(); ChangesToNotify = new AList<DocumentChange>(); StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToMillisecondsSinceEpoch (); MaxRevTreeDepth = DefaultMaxRevs; }
private static Replication SetupReplication(Manager manager, bool continuous, bool createTarget, Uri remoteUri, bool isPull, string user, string password) { if (remoteUri == null) { return null; } var databaseName = remoteUri.Segments.Last(); var authenticator = default(IAuthenticator); if (user != null && password != null) { Logger.I("Listener", "Setting session credentials for user '{0}'", user); authenticator = AuthenticatorFactory.CreateBasicAuthenticator(user, password); } if (isPull) { Logger.I("Listener", "Pulling from <{0}> --> {1}", remoteUri, databaseName); } else { Logger.I("Listener", "Pushing {0} --> <{1}>", databaseName, remoteUri); } var db = manager.GetExistingDatabase(databaseName); if (isPull && db == null) { db = manager.GetDatabase(databaseName); } if (db == null) { Logger.E("Listener", "Couldn't open database {0}", databaseName); return null; } var repl = isPull ? db.CreatePullReplication(remoteUri) : db.CreatePushReplication(remoteUri); repl.Continuous = continuous; repl.CreateTarget = createTarget; repl.Authenticator = authenticator; repl.Changed += (sender, e) => { Logger.I("Listener", "*** Replicator status changed ({0} {1}/{2}) ***", e.Status, e.CompletedChangesCount, e.ChangesCount); if(e.LastError != null) { Logger.W("Listener", "*** Replicator reported error ***", e); } else if(e.Status == ReplicationStatus.Stopped) { Logger.I("Listener", "*** Replicator finished ***"); } }; repl.Start(); return repl; }
public void TestReadOnlyDb() { CreateDocuments(database, 10); database.Close(); var options = new ManagerOptions(); options.ReadOnly = true; var readOnlyManager = new Manager(new DirectoryInfo(manager.Directory), options); database = readOnlyManager.GetExistingDatabase(database.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(database); var e = Assert.Throws<CouchbaseLiteException>(() => CreateDocuments(database, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Forbidden, e.Code); database.Close(); var dbOptions = new DatabaseOptions(); dbOptions.ReadOnly = true; database = manager.OpenDatabase(database.Name, dbOptions); Assert.IsNotNull(database); e = Assert.Throws<CouchbaseLiteException>(() => CreateDocuments(database, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Forbidden, e.Code); database.Close(); dbOptions.ReadOnly = false; database = manager.OpenDatabase(database.Name, dbOptions); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => CreateDocuments(database, 1)); }
internal void UpdateIndex() { Log.V(Database.Tag, "Re-indexing view " + Name + " ..."); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Map != null)); if (Id < 0) { var msg = string.Format("View.Id < 0"); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, new Status(StatusCode.NotFound)); } Database.BeginTransaction(); var result = new Status(StatusCode.InternalServerError); Cursor cursor = null; try { var lastSequence = LastSequenceIndexed; var dbMaxSequence = Database.LastSequenceNumber; if (lastSequence == dbMaxSequence) { // nothing to do (eg, kCBLStatusNotModified) var msg = String.Format("lastSequence ({0}) == dbMaxSequence ({1}), nothing to do", lastSequence, dbMaxSequence); Log.D(Database.Tag, msg); result.SetCode(StatusCode.Ok); return; } // First remove obsolete emitted results from the 'maps' table: var sequence = lastSequence; if (lastSequence < 0) { var msg = string.Format("lastSequence < 0 ({0})", lastSequence); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, new Status(StatusCode.InternalServerError)); } if (lastSequence == 0) { // If the lastSequence has been reset to 0, make sure to remove // any leftover rows: var whereArgs = new string[] { Sharpen.Extensions.ToString(Id) }; Database.StorageEngine.Delete("maps", "view_id=@", whereArgs); } else { // Delete all obsolete map results (ones from since-replaced // revisions): var args = new [] { Id.ToString(), lastSequence.ToString(), lastSequence.ToString() }; Database.StorageEngine.ExecSQL( "DELETE FROM maps WHERE view_id=@ AND sequence IN (" + "SELECT parent FROM revs WHERE sequence>@ " + "AND parent>0 AND parent<=@)", args); } var deleted = 0; cursor = Database.StorageEngine.RawQuery("SELECT changes()", null); // TODO: Convert to ADO params. cursor.MoveToNext(); deleted = cursor.GetInt(0); cursor.Close(); // find a better way to propagate this back // Now scan every revision added since the last time the view was // indexed: var selectArgs = new[] { Convert.ToString(lastSequence) }; cursor = Database.StorageEngine.RawQuery("SELECT revs.doc_id, sequence, docid, revid, json FROM revs, docs " + "WHERE sequence>@ AND current!=0 AND deleted=0 " + "AND revs.doc_id = docs.doc_id " + "ORDER BY revs.doc_id, revid DESC", CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, selectArgs); cursor.MoveToNext(); var lastDocID = 0L; while (!cursor.IsAfterLast()) { long docID = cursor.GetLong(0); if (docID != lastDocID) { // Only look at the first-iterated revision of any document, // because this is the // one with the highest revid, hence the "winning" revision // of a conflict. lastDocID = docID; // Reconstitute the document as a dictionary: sequence = cursor.GetLong(1); string docId = cursor.GetString(2); if (docId.StartsWith("_design/", StringCompare.IgnoreCase)) { // design docs don't get indexed! cursor.MoveToNext(); continue; } var revId = cursor.GetString(3); var json = cursor.GetBlob(4); var properties = Database.DocumentPropertiesFromJSON( json, docId, revId, false, sequence, EnumSet.NoneOf <TDContentOptions>() ); if (properties != null) { // Call the user-defined map() to emit new key/value // pairs from this revision: Log.V(Database.Tag, " call map for sequence=" + System.Convert.ToString(sequence )); // This is the emit() block, which gets called from within the // user-defined map() block // that's called down below. var enclosingView = this; var thisSequence = sequence; var map = Map; if (map == null) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException("Map function is missing."); } EmitDelegate emitBlock = (key, value) => { // TODO: Do we need to do any null checks on key or value? try { var keyJson = Manager.GetObjectMapper().WriteValueAsString(key); var valueJson = value == null ? null : Manager.GetObjectMapper().WriteValueAsString(value); Log.V(Database.Tag, String.Format(" emit({0}, {1})", keyJson, valueJson)); var insertValues = new ContentValues(); insertValues.Put("view_id", enclosingView.Id); insertValues["sequence"] = thisSequence; insertValues["key"] = keyJson; insertValues["value"] = valueJson; enclosingView.Database.StorageEngine.Insert("maps", null, insertValues); } catch (Exception e) { Log.E(Database.Tag, "Error emitting", e); } }; map(properties, emitBlock); } } cursor.MoveToNext(); } // Finally, record the last revision sequence number that was // indexed: ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(); updateValues["lastSequence"] = dbMaxSequence; var whereArgs_1 = new string[] { Sharpen.Extensions.ToString(Id) }; Database.StorageEngine.Update("views", updateValues, "view_id=@", whereArgs_1); // FIXME actually count number added :) Log.V(Database.Tag, "...Finished re-indexing view " + Name + " up to sequence " + System.Convert.ToString(dbMaxSequence) + " (deleted " + deleted + " added " + "?" + ")"); result.SetCode(StatusCode.Ok); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e, new Status(StatusCode.DbError)); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.Close(); } if (!result.IsSuccessful()) { Log.W(Database.Tag, "Failed to rebuild view " + Name + ": " + result.GetCode()); } if (Database != null) { Database.EndTransaction(result.IsSuccessful()); } } }
public void TestSharedMapBlocks() { var path = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(RootDirectory.FullName, "API_SharedMapBlocks")); var mgr = new Manager(path, Manager.DefaultOptions); var db = mgr.GetDatabase("db"); db.Open(); db.SetFilter("phil", (r, p) => true); db.SetValidation("val", (p1, p2) => true); var view = db.GetView("view"); var ok = view.SetMapReduce((p1, p2)=>{ return; }, (a, b, c) => { return null; }, "1"); Assert.IsNotNull(ok, "Couldn't set map/reduce"); var map = view.Map; var reduce = view.Reduce; var filter = db.GetFilter("phil"); var validation = db.GetValidation("val"); var result = mgr.RunAsync("db", (database)=> { Assert.IsNotNull(database); var serverView = database.GetExistingView("view"); Assert.IsNotNull(serverView); Assert.AreEqual(database.GetFilter("phil"), filter); Assert.AreEqual(database.GetValidation("val"), validation); Assert.AreEqual(serverView.Map, map); Assert.AreEqual(serverView.Reduce, reduce); return true; }); result.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // blocks until async task has run db.Close(); mgr.Close(); }
public void TestUpgradeOldDatabaseFiles() { var testDirName = "test-directory-" + Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); var rootDirPath = RootDirectory.FullName; var testDirPath = Path.Combine(rootDirPath, testDirName); var testDirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(testDirPath); var dbStream = GetAsset("withattachments.cblite"); var destStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(testDirPath, "withattachments" + Manager.DatabaseSuffix)); dbStream.CopyTo(destStream); dbStream.Dispose(); destStream.Dispose(); var attStream = GetAsset("attachment.blob"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(testDirPath, "withattachments/attachments")); destStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(testDirPath, "withattachments/attachments/356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab.blob")); attStream.CopyTo(destStream); destStream.Dispose(); attStream.Dispose(); StopCBLite(); manager = new Manager(testDirInfo, Manager.DefaultOptions); var db = manager.GetDatabaseWithoutOpening("withattachments", true); int version = DatabaseUpgraderFactory.SchemaVersion(db.Path); Assert.IsTrue(version >= 101, "Upgrade failed"); Assert.IsFalse(Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(testDirPath, "withattachments/attachments")), "Failed to remove old attachments dir"); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(testDirPath, "withattachments attachments")), "Failed to create new attachments dir"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var timeoutStr = "90000"; var options = new OptionSet() { { "push", "push replication", v => _isPush = v == "push" }, { "pull", "pull replication", v => _isPull = v == "pull" }, { "f|file=", "CBLite file path", v => _path = v }, { "u|url=", "URL to replicate with", v => _url = v }, { "t|timeout=", "Set the timeout for HTTP requests in milliseconds (default is 90000)", v => timeoutStr = v }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => _showHelp = v != null }, }; List<string> extra; try { extra = options.Parse(args); if (extra.Count == 1) { // Should be just a file path. Will validate below. _path = extra[0]; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Write("cbreplicate: "); OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: e.Message ); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Try `cbreplicate --help' for more information."); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.InvalidOptions; return; } if (_showHelp || args.Length == 0) { var writer = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder("usage: cb-replicate [options] [file path]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(writer); _helpText = writer.ToString(); writer.Close(); ShowHelp(); return; } int timeout; if(Int32.TryParse(timeoutStr, out timeout)) { Manager.DefaultOptions.RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeout); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_path)) { OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: "The path to the database was empty text or all whitespace.{0}", args: Environment.NewLine ); ShowHelp(); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.PathIsNullOrEmpty; return; } FileInfo file; if (!File.Exists(_path)) { // See if they gave us a relative path. _path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, _path); if (!File.Exists(_path) && _isPush) { OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: "The path {0} is not valid. A valid CBLite database is required for push replication", args: _path ); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.PathDoesNotExist; return; } } file = new FileInfo(_path); var man = new Manager(file.Directory, Manager.DefaultOptions); try { _db = _isPull ? man.GetDatabase(file.Name.Split('.')[0]) : man.GetExistingDatabase(file.Name.Split('.')[0]); } catch (Exception ex) { OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: "Error opening the database: {0}{1}", args: new[] { ex.Message, Environment.NewLine } ); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.CannotOpenDatabase; return; } if (_db == null) { OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: "No CBLite db found at '{0}'. Push replication requires and existing CBLite database.", args: _path ); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.PathDoesNotExist; return; } if (_isPush) { try { Push(); } catch (Exception ex) { OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: "Unhandled exception during push replication: {0}", args: ex.Message ); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.UnhandledException; return; } } else if (_isPull) { try { Pull(); } catch (Exception ex) { OutputUsingColor( color: ConsoleColor.Red, format: "Unhandled exception during pull replication: {0}", args: ex.Message ); Environment.ExitCode = (int)Exit.UnhandledException; return; } } bool doneWaiting; Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => { if (e.Cancel) { _done = _mre.Set(); } }; do { doneWaiting = _mre.WaitOne(100); } while(!_done || !doneWaiting); }
public Database(string path, Manager manager) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((path.StartsWith("/"))); //path must be absolute this.path = path; = FileDirUtils.GetDatabaseNameFromPath(path); this.manager = manager; this.changeListeners = Sharpen.Collections.SynchronizedList(new AList<Database.ChangeListener >()); this.docCache = new LruCache<string, Document>(MaxDocCacheSize); this.startTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); this.changesToNotify = new AList<DocumentChange>(); this.activeReplicators = Sharpen.Collections.SynchronizedSet(new HashSet<Replication >()); this.allReplicators = Sharpen.Collections.SynchronizedSet(new HashSet<Replication >()); }
public CouchbaseLiteFacade() { _manager = Manager.SharedInstance; _database = _manager.GetDatabase(DB_NAME + DateTime.Now.GetHashCode()); }
public void Test09LoadDB() { RunTest("Test09LoadDB", (parameters) => { var numDocs = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[NUMDOCS_KEY]); var docSize = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[DOCSIZE_KEY]); var docs = new Document[numDocs]; database.RunInTransaction(() => { var props = CreateTestProperties(docSize); for (var i = 0; i < docs.Length; i++) { var doc = database.CreateDocument(); doc.PutProperties(props); docs[i] = doc; } return true; }); var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); database.Close(); manager.Close(); var path = new DirectoryInfo(GetServerPath() + "/tests"); manager = new Manager(path, Manager.DefaultOptions); database = manager.GetDatabase(DefaultTestDb); stopwatch.Stop(); return stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; }); }
public void TestUpgradeOldDatabaseFiles() { var testDirName = "test-directory-" + Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); var rootDirPath = GetRootDirectory().FullName; var testDirPath = Path.Combine(rootDirPath, testDirName); var testDirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(testDirPath); var oldTouchDb = Path.Combine(testDirPath, "old" + Manager.DatabaseSuffixOld); File.Create(oldTouchDb); var newCbLiteDb = Path.Combine(testDirPath, "new" + Manager.DatabaseSuffix); File.Create(newCbLiteDb); var migratedOldFile = Path.Combine(testDirPath, "old" + Manager.DatabaseSuffix); File.Create(migratedOldFile); StopCBLite(); manager = new Manager(testDirInfo, Manager.DefaultOptions); var oldTouchDbInfo = new FileInfo(oldTouchDb); var newCbLiteDbInfo = new FileInfo(newCbLiteDb); var migratedOldInfo = new FileInfo(migratedOldFile); Assert.IsTrue(migratedOldInfo.Exists); //cannot rename old.touchdb in old.cblite, old.cblite already exists Assert.IsTrue(oldTouchDbInfo.Exists); Assert.IsTrue(newCbLiteDbInfo.Exists); Assert.AreEqual(3, testDirInfo.GetFiles().Length); StopCBLite(); migratedOldInfo.Delete(); manager = new Manager(testDirInfo, Manager.DefaultOptions); oldTouchDbInfo = new FileInfo(oldTouchDb); newCbLiteDbInfo = new FileInfo(newCbLiteDb); migratedOldInfo = new FileInfo(migratedOldFile); //rename old.touchdb in old.cblite, previous old.cblite already doesn't exist Assert.IsTrue(migratedOldInfo.Exists); Assert.IsFalse(oldTouchDbInfo.Exists); Assert.IsTrue(newCbLiteDbInfo.Exists); Assert.AreEqual(2, testDirInfo.GetFiles().Length); }
private Status ParseReplicationProperties(IDictionary <string, object> properties, out bool isPush, out bool createTarget, IDictionary <string, object> results) { // isPush = false; createTarget = false; var sourceDict = ParseSourceOrTarget(properties, "source"); var targetDict = ParseSourceOrTarget(properties, "target"); var source = sourceDict.Get("url") as string; var target = targetDict.Get("url") as string; if (source == null || target == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } createTarget = properties.Get("create_target") is bool && (bool)properties.Get("create_target"); IDictionary <string, object> remoteDict = null; bool targetIsLocal = Manager.IsValidDatabaseName(target); if (Manager.IsValidDatabaseName(source)) { //Push replication if (targetIsLocal) { // This is a local-to-local replication. Turn the remote into a full URL to keep the // replicator happy: Database targetDb; if (createTarget) { targetDb = Manager.SharedInstance.GetDatabase(target); } else { targetDb = Manager.SharedInstance.GetExistingDatabase(target); } if (targetDb == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } targetDict["url"] = "http://localhost:20000" + targetDb.DbDirectory; } remoteDict = targetDict; if (results.ContainsKey("database")) { results["database"] = GetExistingDatabase(source); } isPush = true; } else if (targetIsLocal) { //Pull replication remoteDict = sourceDict; if (results.ContainsKey("database")) { Database db; if (createTarget) { db = GetDatabase(target); if (db == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.DbError)); } } else { db = GetExistingDatabase(target); } results["database"] = db; } } else { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadId)); } Uri remote = new Uri(remoteDict["url"] as string); if (!remote.Scheme.Equals("http") && !remote.Scheme.Equals("https") && !remote.Scheme.Equals("cbl")) { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } var database = results.Get("database"); if (database == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound)); } if (results.ContainsKey("remote")) { results["remote"] = remote; } if (results.ContainsKey("headers")) { results["headers"] = remoteDict.Get("headers"); } if (results.ContainsKey("authorizer")) { var auth = remoteDict.Get("auth") as IDictionary <string, object>; if (auth != null) { //var oauth = auth["oauth"] as IDictionary<string, object>; var persona = auth.Get("persona") as IDictionary <string, object>; var facebook = auth.Get("facebook") as IDictionary <string, object>; //TODO: OAuth /*if (oauth != null) { * string consumerKey = oauth.Get("consumer_key") as string; * string consumerSec = oauth.Get("consumer_secret") as string; * string token = oauth.Get("token") as string; * string tokenSec = oauth.Get("token_secret") as string; * string sigMethod = oauth.Get("signature_method") as string; * results["authorizer"] = * }*/ if (persona != null) { string email = persona.Get("email") as string; results["authorizer"] = new PersonaAuthorizer(email); } else if (facebook != null) { string email = facebook.Get("email") as string; results["authorizer"] = new FacebookAuthorizer(email); } else { Log.To.Sync.W(TAG, "Invalid authorizer settings {0}", new SecureLogJsonString(auth, LogMessageSensitivity.Insecure)); } } } // Can't specify both a filter and doc IDs if (properties.ContainsKey("filter") && properties.ContainsKey("doc_ids")) { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } return(new Status(StatusCode.Ok)); }
internal Database(string directory, string name, Manager manager, bool readOnly) { Debug.Assert(Path.IsPathRooted(directory)); //path must be absolute DbDirectory = directory; Name = name ?? FileDirUtils.GetDatabaseNameFromPath(DbDirectory); Manager = manager; DocumentCache = new LruCache<string, Document>(MAX_DOC_CACHE_SIZE); _readonly = readOnly; // FIXME: Not portable to WinRT/WP8. ActiveReplicators = new List<Replication>(); AllReplicators = new List<Replication>(); _changesToNotify = new List<DocumentChange>(); Scheduler = new TaskFactory(new SingleTaskThreadpoolScheduler()); StartTime = (ulong)DateTime.UtcNow.TimeSinceEpoch().TotalMilliseconds; }
public static Database CreateEmptyDBAtPath(string path, Manager manager) { if (!FileDirUtils.RemoveItemIfExists(path)) { return null; } Database result = new Database(path, manager); FilePath af = new FilePath(result.GetAttachmentStorePath()); //recursively delete attachments path if (!FileDirUtils.DeleteRecursive(af)) { return null; } if (!result.Open()) { return null; } return result; }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestChangeUUID() { Manager mgr = new Manager(new FilePath(GetRootDirectory(), "ChangeUUID"), Manager .DefaultOptions); Database db = mgr.GetDatabase("db"); db.Open(); string pub = db.PublicUUID(); string priv = db.PrivateUUID(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(pub.Length > 10); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(priv.Length > 10); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("replaceUUIDs failed", db.ReplaceUUIDs()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(pub.Equals(db.PublicUUID())); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(priv.Equals(db.PrivateUUID())); mgr.Close(); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> protected void StartCBLite() { string serverPath = GetServerPath(); var path = new DirectoryInfo(serverPath); if (path.Exists) path.Delete(true); path.Create(); var testPath = path.CreateSubdirectory("tests"); manager = new Manager(testPath, Manager.DefaultOptions); }
/// <summary> /// Make sure that a database's map/reduce functions are shared with the shadow database instance /// running in the background server. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Make sure that a database's map/reduce functions are shared with the shadow database instance /// running in the background server. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestSharedMapBlocks() { Manager mgr = new Manager(new FilePath(GetRootDirectory(), "API_SharedMapBlocks") , Manager.DefaultOptions); Database db = mgr.GetDatabase("db"); db.Open(); db.SetFilter("phil", new _ReplicationFilter_931()); db.SetValidation("val", new _Validator_938()); View view = db.GetView("view"); bool ok = view.SetMapReduce(new _Mapper_945(), new _Reducer_950(), "1"); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull("Couldn't set map/reduce", ok); Mapper map = view.GetMap(); Reducer reduce = view.GetReduce(); ReplicationFilter filter = db.GetFilter("phil"); Validator validation = db.GetValidation("val"); Future result = mgr.RunAsync("db", new _AsyncTask_965(filter, validation, map, reduce )); result.Get(); // blocks until async task has run db.Close(); mgr.Close(); }
public void TestChangeUUID() { var path = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(RootDirectory.FullName, "ChangeUUID")); var mgr = new Manager(path, Manager.DefaultOptions); var db = mgr.GetDatabase("db"); db.Open(); var pub = db.PublicUUID(); var priv = db.PrivateUUID(); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Length > 10); Assert.IsTrue(priv.Length > 10); Assert.IsTrue(db.ReplaceUUIDs(), "replaceUUIDs failed"); Assert.IsFalse(pub.Equals(db.PublicUUID())); Assert.IsFalse(priv.Equals(db.PrivateUUID())); mgr.Close(); }
public SimpleModel(Manager manager, string dbName) { _db = manager.GetDatabase(dbName); }
public override IDisposable OpenDB() { var manager = new Manager(new DirectoryInfo(this.Path), ManagerOptions.Default); manager.StorageType = "ForestDB"; return this.db = manager.GetDatabase("cbdb"); }
private void InitializeDatabase() { { Debug.WriteLine("Initializeing CouchbaseLite"); try { Log.SetDefaultLoggerWithLevel(SourceLevels.Verbose); _dbPath = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory); Log.I(TAG, "Creating manager in " + _dbPath); Debug.WriteLine("Creating manager in " + _dbPath); _manager = new Manager(_dbPath, ManagerOptions.Default); Debug.WriteLine("Creating database " + DB_NAME); Log.I(TAG, "Creating database " + DB_NAME); _database = _manager.GetDatabase(DB_NAME); } catch (Exception ex) { var msg = "Could not load database in path " + _dbPath.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(msg); } } }
internal Database(string path, string name, Manager manager) { Debug.Assert(System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(path)); //path must be absolute Path = path; Name = name ?? FileDirUtils.GetDatabaseNameFromPath(path); Manager = manager; DocumentCache = new LruCache<string, Document>(MAX_DOC_CACHE_SIZE); UnsavedRevisionDocumentCache = new Dictionary<string, WeakReference>(); // FIXME: Not portable to WinRT/WP8. ActiveReplicators = new List<Replication>(); AllReplicators = new List<Replication> (); _changesToNotify = new List<DocumentChange>(); Scheduler = new TaskFactory(new SingleTaskThreadpoolScheduler()); StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToMillisecondsSinceEpoch (); }
private Status ParseReplicationProperties(IDictionary <string, object> properties, out bool isPush, out bool createTarget, IDictionary <string, object> results) { // isPush = false; createTarget = false; var sourceDict = ParseSourceOrTarget(properties, "source"); var targetDict = ParseSourceOrTarget(properties, "target"); var source = sourceDict.GetCast <string>("url"); var target = targetDict.GetCast <string>("url"); if (source == null || target == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } createTarget = properties.GetCast <bool>("create_target", false); IDictionary <string, object> remoteDict = null; bool targetIsLocal = Manager.IsValidDatabaseName(target); if (Manager.IsValidDatabaseName(source)) { //Push replication if (targetIsLocal) { // This is a local-to-local replication. It is not supported on .NET. return(new Status(StatusCode.NotImplemented)); } remoteDict = targetDict; if (results.ContainsKey("database")) { results["database"] = GetExistingDatabase(source); } isPush = true; } else if (targetIsLocal) { //Pull replication remoteDict = sourceDict; if (results.ContainsKey("database")) { Database db; if (createTarget) { db = GetDatabase(target); if (db == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.DbError)); } } else { db = GetExistingDatabase(target); } results["database"] = db; } } else { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadId)); } Uri remote; if (!Uri.TryCreate(remoteDict.GetCast <string>("url"), UriKind.Absolute, out remote)) { Log.To.Router.W(TAG, "Unparseable replication URL <{0}> received", remoteDict.GetCast <string>("url")); return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } if (!remote.Scheme.Equals("http") && !remote.Scheme.Equals("https") && !remote.Scheme.Equals("ws") && !remote.Scheme.Equals("wss")) { Log.To.Router.W(TAG, "Replication URL <{0}> has unsupported scheme", remote); return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } var split = remote.PathAndQuery.Split('?'); if (split.Length != 1) { Log.To.Router.W(TAG, "Replication URL <{0}> must not contain a query", remote); return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } var path = split[0]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || path == "/") { Log.To.Router.W(TAG, "Replication URL <{0}> missing database name", remote); return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } var database = results.Get("database"); if (database == null) { return(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound)); } if (results.ContainsKey("remote")) { results["remote"] = remote; } if (results.ContainsKey("headers")) { results["headers"] = remoteDict.Get("headers") ?? new Dictionary <string, string>(); } if (results.ContainsKey("authorizer")) { var auth = remoteDict.Get("auth") as IDictionary <string, object>; if (auth != null) { var persona = auth.Get("persona") as IDictionary <string, object>; var facebook = auth.Get("facebook") as IDictionary <string, object>; if (persona != null) { string email = persona.Get("email") as string; results["authorizer"] = new PersonaAuthorizer(email); } else if (facebook != null) { string email = facebook.Get("email") as string; results["authorizer"] = new FacebookAuthorizer(email); } else { Log.To.Sync.W(TAG, "Invalid authorizer settings {0}", new SecureLogJsonString(auth, LogMessageSensitivity.Insecure)); } } } // Can't specify both a filter and doc IDs if (properties.ContainsKey("filter") && properties.ContainsKey("doc_ids")) { return(new Status(StatusCode.BadRequest)); } return(new Status(StatusCode.Ok)); }