//Actually does the draw.
 private void DoDraw(int X, int Y, VMWareSVGAII vgaDriver, uint[][] mouseCol, bool allowBlack)
     for (ushort x = 0; x < 20; x++)
         for (ushort y = 0; y < 20; y++)
             if (allowBlack || mouseCol[y][x] != 0)
                 vgaDriver.SetPixel((ushort)(X + x), (ushort)(Y + y), mouseCol[y][x]);
        //Draws the mouse
        public void Draw(VMWareSVGAII vgaDriver)
            //If the mouse hasn't moved, don't reset.
            if (lastDrawX != X || lastDrawY != Y)
                //Clear the old mouse draw location.
                DoDraw(lastDrawX, lastDrawY, vgaDriver, lastDrawPosCols, true);

                //Store the existing colours where the mouse will now be.
                for (ushort x = 0; x < 20; x++)
                    for (ushort y = 0; y < 20; y++)
                        lastDrawPosCols[y][x] = vgaDriver.GetPixel((ushort)(X + x), (ushort)(Y + y));

                //Updtae the last draw mouse position to the new position
                lastDrawX = X;
                lastDrawY = Y;

            //Draw the mouse in it's current position - ensure it's always on top.
            DoDraw(X, Y, vgaDriver, mouseCols, false);