public async Task OnConnectedAsync(FramingConnection connection)
            var inputPipe   = connection.Input;
            var modeDecoder = new ServerModeDecoder();

                await modeDecoder.ReadModeAsync(inputPipe);
            catch (CommunicationException e)
                // see if we need to send back a framing fault
                string framingFault;
                if (FramingEncodingString.TryGetFaultString(e, out framingFault))
                    // TODO: Timeouts
                    await connection.SendFaultAsync(framingFault, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan /*GetRemainingTimeout()*/,
                                                    ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults.MaxViaSize + ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults.MaxContentTypeSize);

                return; // Completing the returned Task causes the connection to be closed if needed and cleans everything up.

            connection.FramingMode = modeDecoder.Mode;
            await _next(connection);

            // One .NET Framework, with the way that AspNetCore closes a connection, it sometimes doesn't send the
            // final bytes if those bytes haven't been sent yet. Delaying completeing the connection to compensate.
            await Task.Delay(5);

            // AspNetCore 2.1 doesn't close the connection. 2.2+ does so these lines can eventually be rmoved.
        public async Task OnConnectedAsync(FramingConnection connection)
            using (_appLifetime.ApplicationStopped.Register(() =>
                IConnectionReuseHandler reuseHandler = null;
                    var inputPipe   = connection.Input;
                    var modeDecoder = new ServerModeDecoder();
                        if (!await modeDecoder.ReadModeAsync(inputPipe))
                            break; // Input pipe closed
                    catch (CommunicationException e)
                        // see if we need to send back a framing fault
                        string framingFault;
                        if (FramingEncodingString.TryGetFaultString(e, out framingFault))
                            // TODO: Timeouts
                            await connection.SendFaultAsync(framingFault, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan /*GetRemainingTimeout()*/,
                                                            ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults.MaxViaSize + ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults.MaxContentTypeSize);

                        return; // Completing the returned Task causes the connection to be closed if needed and cleans everything up.

                    connection.FramingMode = modeDecoder.Mode;
                    await _next(connection);

                    // Unwrap the connection.
                    // TODO: Investigate calling Dispose on the wrapping stream to improve cleanup. nb: .NET Framework does not call Dispose.
                    connection.Transport = connection.RawTransport;
                    // connection.ServiceDispatcher is null until later middleware layers are executed.
                    if (reuseHandler == null)
                        reuseHandler = connection.ServiceDispatcher.Binding.GetProperty <IConnectionReuseHandler>(new BindingParameterCollection());
                } while (await reuseHandler.ReuseConnectionAsync(connection, _appLifetime.ApplicationStopping));

                // On .NET Framework, with the way that AspNetCore closes a connection, it sometimes doesn't send the
                // final bytes if those bytes haven't been sent yet. Delaying completeing the connection to compensate.
                await Task.Delay(5);

            // AspNetCore 2.1 doesn't close the connection. 2.2+ does so these lines can eventually be removed.
        public async Task OnConnectedAsync(FramingConnection connection)
            var decoder = new ServerSessionDecoder(ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults.MaxViaSize, ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults.MaxContentTypeSize);
            ReadOnlySequence <byte> buffer;

            while (decoder.CurrentState != ServerSessionDecoder.State.PreUpgradeStart)
                var readResult = await connection.Input.ReadAsync();

                buffer = readResult.Buffer;

                while (buffer.Length > 0)
                    int bytesDecoded;
                        bytesDecoded = decoder.Decode(buffer);
                    catch (CommunicationException e)
                        // see if we need to send back a framing fault
                        string framingFault;
                        if (FramingEncodingString.TryGetFaultString(e, out framingFault))
                            // TODO: Drain the rest of the data and send a fault then close the connection
                            //byte[] drainBuffer = new byte[128];
                            //    Connection, framingFault, drainBuffer, GetRemainingTimeout(),
                            //    MaxViaSize + MaxContentTypeSize);

                    if (bytesDecoded > 0)
                        buffer = buffer.Slice(bytesDecoded);

                    if (decoder.CurrentState == ServerSessionDecoder.State.PreUpgradeStart)
                        // We now know the Via address (which endpoint the client is connecting to).
                        // The connection now needs to be handled by the correct endpoint which can
                        // handle upgrades etc.
                        break; //exit loop


            connection.ServerSessionDecoder = decoder;

            await _next(connection);
        internal async Task <bool> ReadModeAsync(PipeReader inputPipe)
            ReadOnlySequence <byte> buffer;

            while (true)
                var readResult = await inputPipe.ReadAsync();

                if (readResult.IsCompleted)

                buffer = readResult.Buffer;

                while (buffer.Length > 0)
                    int bytesDecoded;
                        bytesDecoded = Decode(buffer);
                    catch (CommunicationException e)
                        // see if we need to send back a framing fault
                        string framingFault;
                        if (FramingEncodingString.TryGetFaultString(e, out framingFault))
                            // TODO: Drain the rest of the data and send a fault then close the connection
                            //byte[] drainBuffer = new byte[128];
                            //    Connection, framingFault, drainBuffer, GetRemainingTimeout(),
                            //    MaxViaSize + MaxContentTypeSize);

                    if (bytesDecoded > 0)
                        buffer = buffer.Slice(bytesDecoded);

                    if (CurrentState == State.Done)
