public static void Save() { if (sessionStatistics.Count <= 1) { return; } Statistics stats = Statistics.SumUpAverage(sessionStatistics); stats.UserId = StudentRepository.Logged.Id; stats.Date = toDate; //update if the database contains today's statistics if (hasToDayStatistics) { Database.Update(stats, constraint: $"where Date = '{toDate}' and userId = {StudentRepository.Logged.Id}"); //replace with updated statistics everytime you save. var tarStat = statistics.Where(s => s.Date == toDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (tarStat != null) { statistics.Remove(tarStat); statistics.Add(stats); } } else { Database.Insert(stats); hasToDayStatistics = true; statistics.Add(stats); } }
public static Statistics GetAverage() { return(Statistics.SumUpAverage(sessionStatistics)); }