public Minimap(Device device, DeviceContext dc, int minimapWidth, int minimapHeight, Terrain terrain, CameraBase viewCam) { _dc = dc; _minimapViewport = new Viewport(0, 0, minimapWidth, minimapHeight); CreateMinimapTextureViews(device, minimapWidth, minimapHeight); _terrain = terrain; SetupOrthoCamera(); _viewCam = viewCam; // frustum vb will contain four corners of view frustum, with first vertex repeated as the last var vbd = new BufferDescription( VertexPC.Stride * 5, ResourceUsage.Dynamic, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.Write, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0 ); _frustumVB = new Buffer(device, vbd); _edgePlanes = new[] { new Plane(1, 0, 0, -_terrain.Width / 2), new Plane(-1, 0, 0, _terrain.Width / 2), new Plane(0, 1, 0, -_terrain.Depth / 2), new Plane(0, -1, 0, _terrain.Depth / 2) }; ScreenPosition = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.75f); Size = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f); }
public TerrainRenderer(Material material, Terrain terrain) { _material = material; _patches = new List<Patch>(); _terrain = terrain; World = Matrix.Identity; }
public Unit(BasicModelInstance model, MapTile mp, Terrain terrain) { _modelInstance = model; MapTile = mp; _terrain = terrain; _position = mp.WorldPos; _position.Y += HeightOffset; Time = 0.0f; _activeWP = 0; Moving = false; MovePrc = 0; Speed = 1.0f; }
public void CreateMesh(Terrain terrain, Rectangle r, Device device) { _patchBounds = r; if (_vb != null) { Util.ReleaseCom(ref _vb); _vb = null; } var halfWidth = 0.5f * terrain.Width; var halfDepth = 0.5f * terrain.Depth; var patchWidth = terrain.Width / (terrain.NumPatchVertCols - 1); var patchDepth = terrain.Depth / (terrain.NumPatchVertRows - 1); var vertWidth = terrain.Info.CellSpacing; var vertDepth = terrain.Info.CellSpacing; var du = 1.0f / (terrain.NumPatchVertCols - 1) / Terrain.CellsPerPatch; var dv = 1.0f / (terrain.NumPatchVertRows - 1) / Terrain.CellsPerPatch; _verts = new List<TerrainCP>(); var min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue); var max = new Vector3(float.MinValue); for (int z = r.Top, z0 = 0; z <= r.Bottom; z++, z0++) { var zp = halfDepth - r.Top / Terrain.CellsPerPatch * patchDepth - z0 * vertDepth; for (int x = r.Left, x0 = 0; x <= r.Right; x++, x0++) { var xp = -halfWidth + r.Left / Terrain.CellsPerPatch * patchWidth + x0 * vertWidth; var pos = new Vector3(xp, terrain.Height(xp, zp), zp); min = Vector3.Minimize(min, pos); max = Vector3.Maximize(max, pos); var uv = new Vector2(r.Left * du + x0 * du, r.Top * dv + z0 * dv); var v = new TerrainCP(pos, uv, new Vector2()); _verts.Add(v); } } Bounds = new BoundingBox(min, max); var vbd = new BufferDescription( TerrainCP.Stride * _verts.Count, ResourceUsage.Immutable, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0 ); _vb = new Buffer(device, new DataStream(_verts.ToArray(), false, false), vbd); }
private void AddUIElements() { _panel = new FlowLayoutPanel { Dock = DockStyle.Top, AutoSize = true, FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight }; _generateButton = new Button { Text = "Generate Terrain", AutoSize = true }; _generateButton.Click += (sender, args) => { Window.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Util.ReleaseCom(ref _terrain); _terrain = new Terrain(); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = null, LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/", BlendMapFilename = null, HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f, Seed = (int)_txtSeed.Value, NoiseSize1 = (float) _txtNoise1.Value, Persistence1 =(float) _txtPersistence1.Value, Octaves1 = (int) _txtOctaves1.Value, NoiseSize2 = (float) _txtNoise2.Value, Persistence2 = (float) _txtPersistence2.Value, Octaves2 = (int) _txtOctaves2.Value }; _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _camera.Height = _terrain.Height; _hmImg.Image = _terrain.HeightMapImg; Window.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }; var labelPadding = new Padding(0, 6, 0, 0); _lblSeed = new Label { Text = "Seed:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtSeed = new NumericUpDown() { Value = 0, AutoSize = true }; _lblNoise1 = new Label { Text = "Noise:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtNoise1 = new NumericUpDown { Value = 1.0m, DecimalPlaces = 2, Minimum = 0m, Maximum = 10m, Increment = 0.1m, AutoSize = true }; _lblPersistence1 = new Label { Text = "Persistence:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtPersistence1 = new NumericUpDown { Value = 0.7m, DecimalPlaces = 2, Minimum = 0m, Maximum = 10m, Increment = 0.1m, AutoSize = true }; _lblOctaves1 = new Label { Text = "Octaves:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtOctaves1 = new NumericUpDown() { Value =7, AutoSize = true, Minimum = 1, Maximum = 20, }; _lblNoise2 = new Label { Text = "Noise:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtNoise2 = new NumericUpDown { Value = 2.5m, DecimalPlaces = 2, Minimum = 0m, Maximum = 10m, Increment = 0.1m, AutoSize = true }; _lblPersistence2 = new Label { Text = "Persistence:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtPersistence2 = new NumericUpDown { Value = 0.8m, DecimalPlaces = 2, Minimum = 0m, Maximum = 10m, Increment = 0.1m, AutoSize = true }; _lblOctaves2 = new Label { Text = "Octaves:", AutoSize = true, Padding = labelPadding }; _txtOctaves2 = new NumericUpDown() { Value = 3, AutoSize = true, Minimum = 1, Maximum = 20 }; _hmImg = new PictureBox() { Image = _terrain.HeightMapImg, MaximumSize = new Size(64,64), MinimumSize = new Size(64,64), SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage, BackColor = Color.White }; _panel.Controls.Add(_lblNoise1); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtNoise1); _panel.Controls.Add(_lblPersistence1); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtPersistence1); _panel.Controls.Add(_lblOctaves1); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtOctaves1); _panel.Controls.Add(_lblNoise2); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtNoise2); _panel.Controls.Add(_lblPersistence2); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtPersistence2); _panel.Controls.Add(_lblOctaves2); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtOctaves2); _panel.SetFlowBreak(_txtOctaves2, true); _panel.Controls.Add(_lblSeed); _panel.Controls.Add(_txtSeed); _panel.Controls.Add(_generateButton); _tblLayout = new TableLayoutPanel { Dock = DockStyle.Top, AutoSize = true }; _tblLayout.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); _tblLayout.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); _tblLayout.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); _tblLayout.Controls.Add(_panel, 0,0); _tblLayout.Controls.Add(_hmImg, 1, 0); Window.Controls.Add(_tblLayout); }
public override bool Init() { if (!base.Init()) return false; Effects.InitAll(Device); InputLayouts.InitAll(Device); RenderStates.InitAll(Device); Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device); _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/", 5000.0f); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = null, LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/", BlendMapFilename = null, HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f, Seed = 0, NoiseSize1 = 1.0f, Persistence1 = 0.7f, Octaves1 = 7, NoiseSize2 = 2.5f, Persistence2 = 0.8f, Octaves2 = 3 }; _terrain = new Terrain(); _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _camera.Height = _terrain.Height; AddUIElements(); return true; }
public override bool Init() { if (!base.Init()) return false; Effects.InitAll(Device); InputLayouts.InitAll(Device); RenderStates.InitAll(Device); Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device); _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/", 5000.0f); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = null, LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/grass.png", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/hills.png", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/stone.png", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/snow.png", Material = new Material() { Ambient = Color.LightGray, Diffuse = Color.LightGray, Specular = new Color4(64, 0, 0, 0) }, BlendMapFilename = null, HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f, Seed = MathF.Rand(), NoiseSize1 = 3.0f, Persistence1 = 0.7f, Octaves1 = 7, NoiseSize2 = 2.5f, Persistence2 = 0.8f, Octaves2 = 3, }; _terrain = new Terrain(); //_terrain.DebugQuadTree = true; _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _camera.Height = _terrain.Height; _camera.SetLens(0.25f * MathF.PI, AspectRatio, 1.0f, 1000.0f); _ssao = new Ssao(Device, ImmediateContext, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, _camera.FovY, _camera.FarZ); _whiteTex = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(Device, "Textures/"); _sMap = new ShadowMap(Device, SMapSize, SMapSize); _sceneBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), MathF.Sqrt(_terrain.Width * _terrain.Width + _terrain.Depth * _terrain.Depth) / 2); _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera); _sphereModel = new BasicModel(); _sphereModel.CreateSphere(Device, 0.25f, 10, 10); _sphereModel.Materials[0] = new Material { Ambient = new Color4(63, 0, 0), Diffuse = Color.Red, Specular = new Color4(32, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) }; _sphereModel.DiffuseMapSRV[0] = _whiteTex; _sphere = new BasicModelInstance(_sphereModel); _unit = new Unit(_sphere, _terrain.GetTile(511, 511), _terrain); FontCache.RegisterFont("bold", 16, "Courier New", FontWeight.Bold); return true; }
public override bool Init() { if ( ! base.Init()) return false; Effects.InitAll(Device); InputLayouts.InitAll(Device); RenderStates.InitAll(Device); _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/", 5000.0f); Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = "Textures/terrain.raw", LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/", BlendMapFilename = "textures/", HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f }; _terrain = new Terrain(); _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _camera.Height = _terrain.Height; _txMgr = new TextureManager(); _txMgr.Init(Device); _treeModel = new BasicModel(Device, _txMgr, "Models/tree.x", "Textures"); _treeInstances = new List<BasicModelInstance>(); for (var i = 0; i < NumTrees; i++) { var good = false; var x = MathF.Rand(0, _terrain.Width); var z = MathF.Rand(0, _terrain.Depth); while (!good) { if (_terrain.Height(x, z) < 12.0f) { good = true; } x = MathF.Rand(-_terrain.Width/2, _terrain.Width/2); z = MathF.Rand(-_terrain.Depth/2, _terrain.Depth/2); } var treeInstance = new BasicModelInstance(_treeModel) { World = Matrix.RotationX(MathF.PI / 2) * Matrix.Translation(x, _terrain.Height(x, z), z) }; _treeInstances.Add(treeInstance); } BuildInstancedBuffer(); return true; }
public override bool Init() { if (!base.Init()) return false; Enable4XMsaa = true; Effects.InitAll(Device); InputLayouts.InitAll(Device); RenderStates.InitAll(Device); _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/", 5000.0f); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = "Textures/terrain.raw", LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/", BlendMapFilename = "textures/", HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f }; Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device); _terrain = new Terrain(); _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _randomTex = Util.CreateRandomTexture1DSRV(Device); _flareTexSRV = Util.CreateTexture2DArraySRV(Device, ImmediateContext, new[] {"Textures/"}, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); _fire = new ParticleSystem(); _fire.Init(Device, Effects.FireFX, _flareTexSRV, _randomTex, 500); _fire.EmitPosW = new Vector3(0, 1.0f, 120.0f); _rainTexSRV = Util.CreateTexture2DArraySRV(Device, ImmediateContext, new[] {"Textures/"}, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); _rain = new ParticleSystem(); _rain.Init(Device, Effects.RainFX, _rainTexSRV, _randomTex, 10000); return true; }
public override bool Init() { if (!base.Init()) return false; Effects.InitAll(Device); InputLayouts.InitAll(Device); RenderStates.InitAll(Device); Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device); _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/", 5000.0f); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = null, LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/", BlendMapFilename = null, HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f, Seed = 0, NoiseSize1 = 3.0f, Persistence1 = 0.7f, Octaves1 = 7, NoiseSize2 = 2.5f, Persistence2 = 0.8f, Octaves2 = 3, }; _terrain = new Terrain(); _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _camera.Height = _terrain.Height; AddUIElements(); _camera.SetLens(0.25f * MathF.PI, AspectRatio, 1.0f, 1000.0f); _ssao = new Ssao(Device, ImmediateContext, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, _camera.FovY, _camera.FarZ); _whiteTex = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(Device, "Textures/"); _sMap = new ShadowMap(Device, SMapSize, SMapSize); _sceneBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), MathF.Sqrt(_terrain.Width * _terrain.Width + _terrain.Depth * _terrain.Depth) / 2); _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera); return true; }
public override bool Init() { if (!base.Init()) return false; Effects.InitAll(Device); InputLayouts.InitAll(Device); RenderStates.InitAll(Device); Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device); _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/", 5000.0f); var tii = new InitInfo { HeightMapFilename = null, LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/", LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/", LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/", BlendMapFilename = null, HeightScale = 50.0f, HeightMapWidth = 2049, HeightMapHeight = 2049, CellSpacing = 0.5f, Seed = 0, NoiseSize1 = 3.0f, Persistence1 = 0.7f, Octaves1 = 7, NoiseSize2 = 2.5f, Persistence2 = 0.8f, Octaves2 = 3, }; _terrain = new Terrain(); _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii); _camera.Height = _terrain.Height; _camera.SetLens(0.25f * MathF.PI, AspectRatio, 1.0f, 1000.0f); _ssao = new Ssao(Device, ImmediateContext, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, _camera.FovY, _camera.FarZ); _whiteTex = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(Device, "Textures/"); BuildScreenQuadGeometryBuffers(); _sMap = new ShadowMap(Device, SMapSize, SMapSize); _sceneBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), MathF.Sqrt(_terrain.Width * _terrain.Width + _terrain.Depth * _terrain.Depth) / 2); _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera); _sphereModel = BasicModel.CreateSphere(Device, 0.25f, 10, 10); _sphereModel.Materials[0] = new Material { Ambient = Color.Red, Diffuse = Color.Red, Specular = new Color4(32, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) }; _sphereModel.DiffuseMapSRV[0] = _whiteTex; _sphere = new BasicModelInstance {Model = _sphereModel}; _spherePos = new Vector3(float.MaxValue); return true; }
public void Init(Device device, DeviceContext dc, Terrain terrain) { _device = device; NumPatchVertRows = ((terrain.Info.HeightMapHeight - 1) / Terrain.CellsPerPatch) + 1; NumPatchVertCols = ((terrain.Info.HeightMapWidth - 1) / Terrain.CellsPerPatch) + 1; _numPatchVertices = NumPatchVertRows * NumPatchVertCols; _numPatchQuadFaces = (NumPatchVertRows - 1) * (NumPatchVertCols - 1); if (device.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_11_0) { _useTessellation = true; } if (terrain.Info.Material.HasValue) { _material = terrain.Info.Material.Value; } D3DApp.GD3DApp.ProgressUpdate.Draw(0.60f, "Building terrain patches"); if (_useTessellation) { CalcAllPatchBoundsY(); BuildQuadPatchVB(device); BuildQuadPatchIB(device); } else { BuildPatches(device); } D3DApp.GD3DApp.ProgressUpdate.Draw(0.65f, "Loading textures"); _heightMapSRV = terrain.HeightMap.BuildHeightmapSRV(device); var layerFilenames = new List<string> { terrain.Info.LayerMapFilename0 ?? "textures/null.bmp", terrain.Info.LayerMapFilename1 ?? "textures/null.bmp", terrain.Info.LayerMapFilename2 ?? "textures/null.bmp", terrain.Info.LayerMapFilename3 ?? "textures/null.bmp", terrain.Info.LayerMapFilename4 ?? "textures/null.bmp" }; _layerMapArraySRV = Util.CreateTexture2DArraySRV(device, dc, layerFilenames.ToArray(), Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrain.Info.BlendMapFilename)) { D3DApp.GD3DApp.ProgressUpdate.Draw(0.70f, "Loading blendmap from file"); _blendMapSRV = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device, terrain.Info.BlendMapFilename); _blendMapSRV.Resource.DebugName = terrain.Info.BlendMapFilename; } else { _blendMapSRV = CreateBlendMap(terrain.HeightMap, device, terrain); } if (DebugQuadTree) { D3DApp.GD3DApp.ProgressUpdate.Draw(0.95f, "Building quadtree debug vertex buffers"); BuildQuadTreeDebugBuffers(device); } D3DApp.GD3DApp.ProgressUpdate.Draw(1.0f, "Terrain initialized"); _walkMap = new WalkMap(this); }
private static void SmoothBlendMap(HeightMap hm, List<Color4> colors, Terrain terrain) { for (var y = 0; y < terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapHeight; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapWidth; x++) { var sum = colors[x + y * hm.HeightMapHeight]; var num = 0; for (var y1 = y - 1; y1 < y + 2; y1++) { for (var x1 = x - 1; x1 < x + 1; x1++) { if (!hm.InBounds(y1, x1)) { continue; } sum += colors[x1 + y1 * hm.HeightMapHeight]; num++; } } colors[x + y * hm.HeightMapHeight] = new Color4(sum.Alpha / num, sum.Red / num, sum.Green / num, sum.Blue / num); } } }
private static ShaderResourceView CreateBlendMap(HeightMap hm, Device device, Terrain terrain) { var colors = new List<Color4>(); for (var y = 0; y < terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapHeight; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapWidth; x++) { var elev = terrain.HeightMap[y, x]; var color = new Color4(0); if (elev > hm.MaxHeight * (0.05f + MathF.Rand(-0.05f, 0.05f))) { // dark green grass texture color.Red = elev / (hm.MaxHeight) + MathF.Rand(-0.05f, 0.05f); } if (elev > hm.MaxHeight * (0.4f + MathF.Rand(-0.15f, 0.15f))) { // stone texture color.Green = elev / hm.MaxHeight + MathF.Rand(-0.05f, 0.05f); } if (elev > hm.MaxHeight * (0.75f + MathF.Rand(-0.1f, 0.1f))) { // snow texture color.Alpha = elev / hm.MaxHeight + MathF.Rand(-0.05f, 0.05f); } colors.Add(color); } D3DApp.GD3DApp.ProgressUpdate.Draw(0.70f + 0.05f * ((float)y / terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapHeight), "Generating blendmap"); } SmoothBlendMap(hm, colors, terrain); SmoothBlendMap(hm, colors, terrain); var texDec = new Texture2DDescription { ArraySize = 1, BindFlags = BindFlags.ShaderResource, CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None, Format = Format.R32G32B32A32_Float, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0), Height = terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapHeight, Width = terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapWidth, MipLevels = 1, OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None, Usage = ResourceUsage.Default }; var blendTex = new Texture2D(device, texDec, new DataRectangle(terrain.HeightMap.HeightMapWidth * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Color4)), new DataStream(colors.ToArray(), false, false))) { DebugName = "terrain blend texture" }; var srvDesc = new ShaderResourceViewDescription { Format = texDec.Format, Dimension = ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2D, MostDetailedMip = 0, MipLevels = -1 }; var srv = new ShaderResourceView(device, blendTex, srvDesc); Util.ReleaseCom(ref blendTex); return srv; }