        private IEnumerable <ExcelImportError> ImportUsersTransaction(DataTable userTable, int organizationId)
            var errors = new List <ExcelImportError>();

            var newUsers = userTable.Select("[Column1] IS NULL OR [Column1] = ''").AsEnumerable().ToList();
            var firstRow = newUsers.FirstOrDefault();

            // if nothing to add then abort here
            if (firstRow == null)
                errors.Add(new ExcelImportError {
                    Message = "Intet at importere!"

            // unresolved rows are orgUnits which still needs to be added to the DB.
            var unresolvedRows = new List <UserRow>();

            var rowIndex = userTable.Rows.IndexOf(firstRow) + 2; // adding 2 to get it to lign up with row numbers in excel

            // preliminary pass and error checking
            // and the new rows that the users has added to the sheet
            foreach (var row in newUsers)
                // a row is new if the first column, the id, is empty
                var id    = StringToId(row.Field <string>(0));
                var isNew = (id == null);

                var userRow = new UserRow()
                    RowIndex = rowIndex, // needed for error reporting
                    IsNew    = isNew,
                    Id       = id,
                    Name     = row.Field <string>(1),
                    LastName = row.Field <string>(2),
                    Email    = row.Field <string>(3),
                    Phone    = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.Field <string>(4)) ? null : row.Field <string>(4)

                var foundError = false;

                // error checking
                // firstname cannot be empty
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userRow.Name))
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = userRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "B",
                        Message   = "Fornavn mangler",
                        SheetName = "Brugere"
                    foundError = true;
                // lastname cannot be empty
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userRow.LastName))
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = userRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "C",
                        Message   = "Efternavn(e) mangler",
                        SheetName = "Brugere"
                    foundError = true;
                // email cannot be empty
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userRow.Email))
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = userRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "D",
                        Message   = "Email mangler",
                        SheetName = "Brugere"
                    foundError = true;

                if (isNew && !foundError)


            // do the actually passes, trying to resolve parents
            var oneMorePass = true;

            while (oneMorePass && unresolvedRows.Any())
                oneMorePass = false;

                var resolvedInThisPass = new List <UserRow>();

                foreach (var userRow in unresolvedRows)
                    var userEntity = new User
                        Name          = userRow.Name,
                        LastName      = userRow.LastName,
                        Email         = userRow.Email,
                        PhoneNumber   = userRow.Phone,
                        IsGlobalAdmin = false,
                        Password      = _cryptoService.Encrypt(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")),
                        Salt          = _cryptoService.Encrypt(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"))

                    // if user dosnt exist create a new one.
                    if (!_userRepository.Get(x => x.Email == userEntity.Email).Any())
                        // fetch user to ensure we're using the correct information
                        userEntity = _userRepository.Get(x => x.Email == userEntity.Email).First();


                    // if adminRight exists, no further action is needed
                    if (_orgRightRepository.Get(x => x.User.Email == userEntity.Email && x.OrganizationId == organizationId).Any())

                    // create the adminright within the organization
                    _orgRightRepository.Insert(new OrganizationRight
                        OrganizationId = organizationId,
                        UserId         = userEntity.Id,
                        Role           = OrganizationRole.User,
        private IEnumerable <ExcelImportError> ImportOrgUnits(DataTable orgTable, int organizationId)
            var errors = new List <ExcelImportError>();

            // resolvedRows are the orgUnits that already has been added to the DB.
            // the key is the name of the orgUnit;
            var resolvedRows = new Dictionary <string, OrgUnitRow>();

            // unresolved rows are orgUnits which still needs to be added to the DB.
            var unresolvedRows = new List <OrgUnitRow>();

            // preliminary pass and error checking
            // split the rows into the old org units (already in db)
            // and the new rows that the users has added to the sheet
            var rowIndex = 2;

            foreach (var row in orgTable.AsEnumerable())
                // a row is new if the first column, the id, is empty
                var id    = StringToId(row.Field <string>(0));
                var isNew = (id == null);

                var orgUnitRow = new OrgUnitRow
                    RowIndex = rowIndex, // needed for error reporting
                    IsNew    = isNew,
                    Id       = id,
                    Parent   = row.Field <string>(1),
                    Name     = row.Field <string>(2),
                    Ean      = StringToEan(row.Field <string>(3))


                // error checking
                // name cannot be empty
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orgUnitRow.Name))
                    errors.Add(new ExcelImportOrgUnitNoNameError(orgUnitRow.RowIndex));
                // ean must be valid
                else if (isNew && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.Field <string>(3)) && !(orgUnitRow.Ean.HasValue && orgUnitRow.Ean.ToString().Length == 13))
                    var error = new ExcelImportError()
                        Row       = orgUnitRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "D",
                        Message   = "EAN værdien er ikke gyldig",
                        SheetName = "Organisationsenheder"
                // name cannot be duplicate
                else if (unresolvedRows.Any(x => x.Name == orgUnitRow.Name) || resolvedRows.ContainsKey(orgUnitRow.Name))
                    errors.Add(new ExcelImportOrgUnitDuplicateNameError(orgUnitRow.RowIndex));
                else if (orgUnitRow.IsNew && orgUnitRow.Ean != null && _orgUnitRepository.AsQueryable().Any(x => x.Ean == orgUnitRow.Ean))
                    errors.Add(new ExcelImportOrgUnitDuplicateEanError(orgUnitRow.RowIndex));
                // parent cannot be empty on a new row
                else if (orgUnitRow.IsNew && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orgUnitRow.Parent))
                    errors.Add(new ExcelImportOrgUnitBadParentError(orgUnitRow.RowIndex));

                // otherwise we're good - add the row to either resolved or unresolved
                else if (isNew)
                    resolvedRows.Add(orgUnitRow.Name, orgUnitRow);

            // do the actually passes, trying to resolve parents
            var oneMorePass = true;

            while (oneMorePass && unresolvedRows.Any())
                oneMorePass = false;

                var notResolvedInThisPass = new List <OrgUnitRow>();
                var resolvedInThisPass    = new List <OrgUnitRow>();

                foreach (var orgUnitRow in unresolvedRows)
                    // try to locate a parent
                    if (resolvedRows.TryGetValue(orgUnitRow.Parent, out var parent))
                        // since a parent was found, insert the new org unit in the DB.
                        var orgUnitEntity = _orgUnitRepository.Insert(new OrganizationUnit
                            Name           = orgUnitRow.Name,
                            Ean            = orgUnitRow.Ean,
                            ParentId       = parent.Id,
                            OrganizationId = organizationId

                        orgUnitRow.Proxy = orgUnitEntity;

                if (resolvedInThisPass.Any())
                    oneMorePass = true;
                    // save repository - so the ids of the newly added org units are resolved

                    foreach (var orgUnitRow in resolvedInThisPass)
                        orgUnitRow.Id = orgUnitRow.Proxy.Id;
                        resolvedRows.Add(orgUnitRow.Name, orgUnitRow);

                // if there's still some unresolve rows left, try again
                unresolvedRows = notResolvedInThisPass;

            // at this point, if there's is any unresolvedRows, we should report some errors
            errors.AddRange(unresolvedRows.Select(orgUnitRow => new ExcelImportOrgUnitBadParentError(orgUnitRow.RowIndex)));
        private IEnumerable <ExcelImportError> ImportItContractsTransaction(DataTable contractTable, int organizationId)
            var errors = new List <ExcelImportError>();

            // select only contracts that should be inserted
            var newContracts = contractTable.Select("[Column1] IS NULL OR [Column1] = ''").AsEnumerable().ToList();
            var firstRow     = newContracts.FirstOrDefault();

            // if nothing to add then abort here
            if (firstRow == null)
                errors.Add(new ExcelImportError {
                    Message = "Intet at importere!"

            var rowIndex = contractTable.Rows.IndexOf(firstRow) + 2; // adding 2 to get it to lign up with row numbers in excel

            foreach (var row in newContracts)
                var contractRow = new ContractRow
                    RowIndex           = rowIndex,
                    Name               = row.Field <string>(1),
                    ItContractId       = row.Field <string>(2),
                    Esdh               = row.Field <string>(3),
                    Folder             = row.Field <string>(4),
                    Note               = row.Field <string>(5),
                    ConcludedText      = row.Field <string>(6),
                    IrrevocableToText  = row.Field <string>(7),
                    ExpirationDateText = row.Field <string>(8),
                    TerminatedText     = row.Field <string>(9),

                // validate that name exists
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractRow.Name) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contractRow.Name))
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = contractRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "B",
                        Message   = "IT Kontrakt Navn mangler",
                        SheetName = "IT Kontrakter"

                // validate Concluded is a date
                    // is something entered?
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractRow.ConcludedText) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contractRow.ConcludedText))
                        contractRow.Concluded = DateTime.FromOADate(Double.Parse(contractRow.ConcludedText)).Date;
                catch (Exception)
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = contractRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "G",
                        Message   = "Indgået er ikke en gyldig dato",
                        SheetName = "IT Kontrakter"

                // validate IrrevocableTo is a date
                    // is something entered?
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractRow.IrrevocableToText) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contractRow.IrrevocableToText))
                        contractRow.IrrevocableTo = DateTime.FromOADate(Double.Parse(contractRow.IrrevocableToText)).Date;
                catch (Exception)
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = contractRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "H",
                        Message   = "'Uopsigeligt til' er ikke en gyldig dato",
                        SheetName = "IT Kontrakter"

                // validate ExpirationDate is a date
                    // is something entered?
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractRow.ExpirationDateText) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contractRow.ExpirationDateText))
                        contractRow.ExpirationDate = DateTime.FromOADate(Double.Parse(contractRow.ExpirationDateText)).Date;
                catch (Exception)
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = contractRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "I",
                        Message   = "Udløbsdato er ikke en gyldig dato",
                        SheetName = "IT Kontrakter"

                // validate Terminated is a date
                    // is something entered?
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractRow.TerminatedText) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contractRow.TerminatedText))
                        contractRow.Terminated = DateTime.FromOADate(Double.Parse(contractRow.TerminatedText)).Date;
                catch (Exception)
                    var error = new ExcelImportError
                        Row       = contractRow.RowIndex,
                        Column    = "J",
                        Message   = "'Kontrakten opsagt' er ikke en gyldig dato",
                        SheetName = "IT Kontrakter"

                _itContractRepository.Insert(new ItContract
                    Name           = contractRow.Name,
                    ItContractId   = contractRow.ItContractId,
                    Esdh           = contractRow.Esdh,
                    Folder         = contractRow.Folder,
                    Note           = contractRow.Note,
                    Concluded      = contractRow.Concluded,
                    IrrevocableTo  = contractRow.IrrevocableTo,
                    ExpirationDate = contractRow.ExpirationDate,
                    Terminated     = contractRow.Terminated,
                    OrganizationId = organizationId,

            // no errors found, it's safe to save to DB
            if (!errors.Any())
