public static LibraryIssue GetIssue(DotnetLibrary library) { if (library.Name == "Ninject") { Version ninjectVersion = new Version(library.ProductVersion ?? library.Version); Version validVersion = new Version("3.2.2"); if (ninjectVersion.CompareTo(validVersion) <= 0) { return(new LibraryIssue("Ninject 3.2.2 and below have a known bug that causes a crash with .NET profilers, including Contrast. You must upgrade your version of Ninject or use a known workaround. More information available on our documentation at")); } } else if (library.Name == "ServiceStack") { return(new LibraryIssue(string.Format(unsupportedFrameworkMessage, "ServiceStack"))); } else if (library.Name == "Nancy") { return(new LibraryIssue(string.Format(unsupportedFrameworkMessage, "Nancy"))); } else if (library.Name == "Castle.Monorail") { return(new LibraryIssue(string.Format(unsupportedFrameworkMessage, "Castle.Monorail"))); } else if (library.Name.StartsWith("Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) { return(new LibraryIssue("SignalR framework is not currently supported for Assess or Defend rules.")); } return(null); }
public static List<DotnetLibrary> GetGACLibraries() { var gacList = new List<DotnetLibrary>(); try { var assemblyEnumerator = new AssemblyCacheEnumerator(); var assemblyName = assemblyEnumerator.GetNextAssembly(); while (assemblyName != null) { var assemblyDescription = new AssemblyDescription(assemblyName); string name = assemblyDescription.Name; bool probablyMicrosoftPackage = (name.StartsWith("Microsoft") || name.StartsWith("System")); if (!probablyMicrosoftPackage) { var gacLib = new DotnetLibrary { Culture = assemblyDescription.Culture, ProcessorArchitecture = assemblyDescription.ProcessorArchitecture, Name = name, Version = assemblyDescription.Version, Filepath = assemblyDescription.Path, }; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(gacLib.Filepath); if (fi.Exists) { gacLib.Filename = fi.Name; FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(gacLib.Filepath); bool isDllFile = fvi.FileVersion != null; bool isMicrosoftCopyright = fvi.LegalCopyright != null && fvi.LegalCopyright.Contains("Microsoft Corporation"); if (isDllFile && !isMicrosoftCopyright) { gacLib.FileDescription = fvi.FileDescription; gacLib.Version = fvi.FileVersion; gacLib.ProductName = fvi.ProductName; gacLib.ProductVersion = fvi.ProductVersion; gacLib.Copyright = fvi.LegalCopyright; gacLib.Language = fvi.Language; gacLib.SHA1Hash = GetFileSHA1(gacLib.Filepath); gacLib.Md5Hash = GetFileMD5(gacLib.Filepath); gacList.Add(gacLib); } } } assemblyName = assemblyEnumerator.GetNextAssembly(); } } catch(Exception ex) { Trace.TraceWarning("Could not load DLL list from the GAC. Error: {0}", ex.ToString()); Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not load DLL list from the GAC."); return new List<DotnetLibrary>(); } return gacList; }
private static List<DotnetLibrary> GetLibsForApp(string appPath) { var libs = new List<DotnetLibrary>(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(appPath, "bin")); if (di.Exists) { foreach (FileInfo fi in di.GetFiles("*.dll")) { if (!fi.Exists) continue; var lib = new DotnetLibrary(); lib.Filepath = fi.FullName; lib.Filename = fi.Name; FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(lib.Filepath); bool isDllFile = fvi.FileVersion != null; if (!isDllFile) continue; lib.FileDescription = fvi.FileDescription; lib.Version = fvi.FileVersion; lib.ProductName = fvi.ProductName; lib.ProductVersion = fvi.ProductVersion; lib.Copyright = fvi.LegalCopyright; lib.Language = fvi.Language; lib.SHA1Hash = GetFileSHA1(lib.Filepath); lib.Md5Hash = GetFileMD5(lib.Filepath); //get .net metadata try { var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(lib.Filepath); lib.Name = assemblyName.Name; lib.Culture = assemblyName.CultureInfo.Name; lib.Version = assemblyName.Version.ToString(); lib.ProcessorArchitecture = Enum.GetName(typeof(ProcessorArchitecture), assemblyName.ProcessorArchitecture); var bytes = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken(); if (bytes == null || bytes.Length == 0) { lib.PublicKeyToken = "None"; } else { string publicKeyToken = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.GetLength(0); i++) publicKeyToken += string.Format("{0:x2}", bytes[i]); lib.PublicKeyToken = publicKeyToken; } lib.AssemblyVersion = assemblyName.Version; } catch(Exception ex) when (ex is BadImageFormatException || ex is FileNotFoundException || ex is NotSupportedException || ex is FileLoadException) { Trace.TraceWarning("Could not load assembly at {0}. Error: {1}", lib.Filepath, ex.ToString()); Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not load assembly info for {0}", lib.Filepath); continue; } libs.Add(lib); } } return libs; }