internal List <Guid> loadPinnedContracts(List <Guid> gID) { List <contractContainer> temp = new List <contractContainer>(); List <Guid> idTemp = new List <Guid>(); foreach (Guid id in gID) { contractContainer c = getContract(id); if (c != null) { if (c.listOrder != null) { temp.Add(c); } } } if (temp.Count > 0) { temp.Sort((a, b) => { return(Comparer <int?> .Default.Compare(a.listOrder, b.listOrder)); }); foreach (contractContainer c in temp) { idTemp.Add(c.contract.ContractGuid); } } return(idTemp); }
private void onParameterAdded(Contract c, ContractParameter cP) { contractContainer cc = contractParser.getActiveContract(c.ContractGuid); if (cc == null) { return; } var missions = getMissionsContaining(cc.ID); for (int i = missions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { contractMission m = missions[i]; if (m == null) { continue; } contractUIObject cUI = m.getContract(cc.ID); if (cUI == null) { continue; } cUI.AddParameter(); } }
private string stringConcat(List <Guid> source) { if (source.Count == 0) { return(""); } List <string> s = new List <string>(); for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++) { contractContainer c = getContract(source[j]); if (c == null) { continue; } string i; if (c.listOrder == null) { i = "N"; } else { i = c.listOrder.ToString(); } bool show = c.showParams; string id = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", source[j], i, show); s.Add(id); } return(string.Join(",", s.ToArray())); }
internal void addContract(Guid id, contractContainer c) { if (!masterList.ContainsKey(id)) { masterList.Add(id, c); } else { DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Contract Already Present In List"); } }
internal void loadContractLists(string s, int l) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { if (l == 0) { showList = new List <Guid>(); } else { hiddenList = new List <Guid>(); } } else { string[] sA = s.Split(','); List <Guid> gID = new List <Guid>(); for (int i = 0; i < sA.Length; i++) { contractContainer c = null; string[] sB = sA[i].Split('|'); try { Guid g = new Guid(sB[0]); c = getContract(g); if (c != null) { gID.Add(g); } else { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { DMC_MBW.LogFormatted("Guid invalid: {0}", e); continue; } c.listOrder = stringIntParse(sB[1]); c.showParams = stringBoolParse(sB[2]); } if (l == 0) { showList = gID; } else { hiddenList = gID; } } }
/// <summary> /// A method for returning a contractContainer object. The contract in question must be loaded by Contracts /// Window + and may return null. All fields within the object are publicly accessible through properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="contract">Instance of the contract in question</param> /// <returns>contractContainer object</returns> public static contractContainer getContractContainer(Contract contract) { try { contractContainer c = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid); return(c); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to get a Contract Container object: " + e); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// A method for manually resetting locally cached contract notes. /// </summary> /// <param name="contract">Instance of the contract in question</param> /// <param name="notes">The new contract notes</param> public static void setContractNotes(Contract contract, string notes) { try { contractContainer c = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid); if (c != null) { c.Notes = notes; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to assign new Contract Notes: " + e); } }
//Initializes all missions that were added during the loading process internal void loadAllMissionLists() { if (missionList.Count <= 0) { addFullMissionList(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < missionList.Count; i++) { contractMission m = missionList.At(i); if (m == null) { continue; } if (m.MasterMission) { m.buildMissionList(); List <contractContainer> active = contractParser.getActiveContracts; int l = active.Count; for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { contractContainer c = active[j]; if (c == null) { continue; } m.addContract(c, true, false); } masterMission = m; } else { m.buildMissionList(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// A method for returning a parameterContainer object. The contract and parameter in question must be loaded by /// Contracts Window + and may return null. All fields within the object are publicly accessible through properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="contract">Instance of the root contract (contractParameter.Root)</param> /// <param name="parameter">Instance of the contract parameter in question</param> /// <returns>parameterContainer object</returns> public static parameterContainer getParameterContainer(Contract contract, ContractParameter parameter) { try { contractContainer c = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid); parameterContainer pC = null; if (c != null) { pC = c.AllParamList.SingleOrDefault(a => a.CParam == parameter); } return(pC); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to get a Parameter Container object: " + e); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// A method for manually resetting a locally cached contract title. /// </summary> /// <param name="contract">Instance of the contract in question</param> /// <param name="name">The new contract title</param> public static void setContractTitle(Contract contract, string name) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } contractContainer c = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid); if (c != null) { c.Title = name; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to assign a new Contract Title: " + e); } }
/// <summary> /// A method for manually resetting locally cached contract parameter notes. /// </summary> /// <param name="contract">Instance of the root contract (contractParameter.Root)</param> /// <param name="parameter">Instance of the contract parameter in question</param> /// <param name="notes">The new contract parameter notes</param> public static void setParameterNotes(Contract contract, ContractParameter parameter, string notes) { try { contractContainer c = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid); if (c != null) { parameterContainer pC = c.AllParamList.SingleOrDefault(a => a.CParam == parameter); if (pC != null) { pC.setNotes(notes); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to assign a new Parameter Notes: " + e); } }
//Adds all contracts to the master mission private void addAllContractsToMaster() { contractMission Master = null; for (int i = missionList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { contractMission m = missionList.At(i); if (m == null) { continue; } if (!m.MasterMission) { continue; } Master = m; break; } if (Master != null) { List <contractContainer> active = contractParser.getActiveContracts; int l = active.Count; for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { contractContainer c = active[j]; if (c == null) { continue; } Master.addContract(c, true, true); } } }
internal contractUIObject(contractContainer c) { container = c; showParams = true; order = null; }
internal void addContract(Guid id, contractContainer c) { if (!masterList.ContainsKey(id)) masterList.Add(id, c); else DMC_MBE.LogFormatted("Error Adding Contract; Already Present In Master List"); }
private void buildParameterLabel(parameterContainer cP, contractContainer c, int level, int id, int size, ref Rect r) { string paramTitle = cP.Title; bool active = cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Incomplete; bool greenState = cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Complete || cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Incomplete; bool redState = cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Incomplete || cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Failed; GUIStyle pStyle = paramState(cP); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5 + (level * 5)); r.x = 5 + (level * 5); r.y += r.height; //Note icon button if (active && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cP.Notes)) { r.x -= 2; r.y += 4; r.width = 12 + (size * 2); r.height = 14 + (size * 4); if (!cP.ShowNote) { if (GUI.Button(r, new GUIContent(contractSkins.noteIcon, "Show Note"), contractSkins.texButtonSmall)) cP.ShowNote = !cP.ShowNote; } else { if (GUI.Button(r, new GUIContent(contractSkins.noteIconOff, "Hide Note"), contractSkins.texButtonSmall)) cP.ShowNote = !cP.ShowNote; } GUILayout.Space(12 + size * 2); } /* FIXME - Disabled For Now; Need to Figure Out Changes Made In 0.90 */ //Editor part icon button //if (cP.part != null && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) //{ // if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(contractSkins.partIcon, "Preview Part"), contractSkins.texButtonSmall, GUILayout.MaxWidth(18 + contractScenario.Instance.windowSize * 4), GUILayout.MaxHeight(18 + contractScenario.Instance.windowSize * 4))) // { // EditorLogic.fetch.Unlock(lockID); // editorLocked = false; // EditorPartList.Instance.RevealPart(cP.part, true); // } // GUILayout.Space(-3); //} //Contract parameter title if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cP.Notes)) GUILayout.Box(paramTitle, pStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(208 - (level * 5) + size * 28)); else GUILayout.Box(paramTitle, pStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(220 - (level * 5) + size * 30)); r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //Parameter reward info if (WindowRect.width >= 270 + (size * 30)) { if (r.yMin >= (scroll.y - 20) && r.yMax <= (scroll.y + WindowRect.height - (30 + size * 6))) { Rect rewardsRect = r; rewardsRect.x = 230 + (size * 30); rewardsRect.y += 4; scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, cP.FundsRewString, cP.FundsPenString, Currency.Funds, size, greenState, redState); scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, cP.SciRewString, "", Currency.Science, size, greenState, redState); scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, cP.RepRewString, cP.RepPenString, Currency.Reputation, size, greenState, redState); } } //Display note if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cP.Notes) && cP.ShowNote && active) { GUILayout.Space(-6); GUILayout.Box(cP.Notes, GUILayout.MaxWidth(320 + size * 60)); r.height += GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().height; } if (level < 4) { foreach (parameterContainer sP in cP.ParamList) { if (sP.Level == level + 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sP.Title)) { if (active) buildParameterLabel(sP, c, level + 1, id, size, ref r); } } } }
internal parameterContainer(contractContainer Root, ContractParameter cP, int Level, string PartTestName) { root = Root; cParam = cP; showNote = false; level = Level; paramRewards(cP); paramPenalties(cP); title = cParam.Title; notes = cParam.Notes; if (level < 4) { for (int i = 0; i < cParam.ParameterCount; i++) { ContractParameter param = cParam.GetParameter(i); addSubParam(param, level + 1); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PartTestName)) { if (PartTestName == "partTest") { part = ((Contracts.Parameters.PartTest)cParam).tgtPartInfo; DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Assigned For Stock Part Test"); } else if (PartTestName == "MCEScience") { if (contractAssembly.MCELoaded) { part = => p.partPrefab.partInfo.title == contractAssembly.MCEPartName(cParam)); if (part != null) DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Assigned For Mission Controller Contract"); else DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Not Found"); } } else if (PartTestName == "DMcollectScience") { if (contractAssembly.DMLoaded) { part = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(contractAssembly.DMagicSciencePartName(cParam)); if (part != null) DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Assigned For DMagic Contract"); else DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Not Found"); } } else if (PartTestName == "DManomalyScience") { if (contractAssembly.DMALoaded) { part = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(contractAssembly.DMagicAnomalySciencePartName(cParam)); if (part != null) DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Assigned For DMagic Anomaly Contract"); else DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Not Found"); } } else if (PartTestName == "DMasteroidScience") { if (contractAssembly.DMAstLoaded) { part = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(contractAssembly.DMagicAsteroidSciencePartName(cParam)); if (part != null) DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Assigned For DMagic Asteroid Contract"); else DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Not Found"); } } else if (PartTestName == "FinePrint") { part = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(contractAssembly.FPPartName(cParam)); if (part != null) DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Assigned For Fine Print Contract"); else DMC_MBE.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Part Not Found"); } else part = null; } }