private void describe_() { describe[Controller.Index] = () => { Mock<IContainerInfoService> mockContainerService = null; string handle = "container-handle"; InfoController controller = null; IHttpActionResult result = null; before = () => { mockContainerService = new Mock<IContainerInfoService>(); controller = new InfoController(mockContainerService.Object); }; act = () => result = controller.GetInfo(handle); context["when the container exists"] = () => { ContainerInfo info = null; before = () => { info = new ContainerInfo(); mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetInfoByHandle(handle)) .Returns(info); }; it["returns info about the container"] = () => { var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to<JsonResult<ContainerInfo>>(); jsonResult.Content.should_be(info); }; }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetInfoByHandle(handle)) .Returns((ContainerInfo)null); }; it["returns not found"] = () => { result.should_cast_to<NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; }
private void describe_() { describe[Controller.Index] = () => { Mock <IContainerInfoService> mockContainerService = null; string handle = "container-handle"; InfoController controller = null; IHttpActionResult result = null; before = () => { mockContainerService = new Mock <IContainerInfoService>(); controller = new InfoController(mockContainerService.Object); }; act = () => result = controller.GetInfo(handle); context["when the container exists"] = () => { ContainerInfo info = null; before = () => { info = new ContainerInfo(); mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetInfoByHandle(handle)) .Returns(info); }; it["returns info about the container"] = () => { var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <ContainerInfo> >(); jsonResult.Content.should_be(info); }; }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetInfoByHandle(handle)) .Returns((ContainerInfo)null); }; it["returns not found"] = () => { result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; }
private void describe_() { Mock <IContainerService> mockContainerService = null; Mock <IContainer> mockContainer = null; string handle = "container-handle"; ContainerInfoService service = null; Mock <IOptions> mockExternalIP = null; before = () => { mockContainer = new Mock <IContainer>(); mockContainerService = new Mock <IContainerService>(); mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(handle)).Returns(mockContainer.Object); mockExternalIP = new Mock <IOptions>(); service = new ContainerInfoService(mockContainerService.Object, mockExternalIP.Object); }; describe["GetInfoByHandle"] = () => { ContainerInfo result = null; int expectedHttpPort = 1234; int expectedSsshPort = 4567; string expectedMachineIP = ""; before = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.GetInfo()).Returns( new IronFrame.ContainerInfo { Properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Keymaster", "Gatekeeper" }, { "ContainerPort:8080", "1234" }, { "ContainerPort:2222", "4567" } } }); mockExternalIP.Setup(x => x.MachineIp).Returns(expectedMachineIP); }; act = () => { result = service.GetInfoByHandle(handle); }; it["returns info about the container"] = () => { var portMapping = result.MappedPorts[0]; portMapping.HostPort.should_be(expectedHttpPort); portMapping.ContainerPort.should_be(8080); portMapping = result.MappedPorts[1]; portMapping.HostPort.should_be(expectedSsshPort); portMapping.ContainerPort.should_be(2222); }; it["returns container properties"] = () => { var properties = result.Properties; properties["Keymaster"].should_be("Gatekeeper"); }; it["returns the external ip address"] = () => { var extrernalIP = result.ExternalIP; extrernalIP.should_be(expectedMachineIP); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(handle)) .Returns((IContainer)null); }; it["returns not found"] = () => { result.should_be_null(); }; }; }; describe["GetMetricsByHandle"] = () => { ContainerMetricsApiModel result = null; const ulong privateBytes = 7654; const ulong cpuUsage = 4321; const ulong diskUsage = 9641; before = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.GetMetrics()).Returns(new IronFrame.ContainerMetrics() { MemoryStat = new ContainerMemoryStat { PrivateBytes = privateBytes }, CpuStat = new ContainerCpuStat { TotalProcessorTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)cpuUsage) } }); mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentDiskUsage()).Returns(diskUsage); }; act = () => result = service.GetMetricsByHandle(handle); it["returns memory metrics about the container"] = () => { result.MemoryStat.TotalBytesUsed.should_be(privateBytes); }; it["returns cpu usage metrics in nanoseconds"] = () => { result.CPUStat.Usage.should_be(cpuUsage * 1000000); }; it["returns disk usage metrics about the container"] = () => { result.DiskStat.ExclusiveBytesUsed.should_be(diskUsage); result.DiskStat.TotalBytesUsed.should_be(diskUsage); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(handle)).Returns(null as IContainer); it["returns not found"] = () => { result.should_be_null(); }; }; }; }