public void Print(BenchmarkCaseGroup group, BenchmarkCaseGroupResult result) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(group.Info); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var cs in result.Cases) { Console.WriteLine("Items {0}", cs.Key); var table = new ConsoleTables.ConsoleTable( "Logger", "Total(ms)", "Create(ms)", "Write(ms)", "Dispose(ms)" ); table.Options.EnableCount = false; foreach (var bc in cs.Value) { table.AddRow( $"{bc.LoggerInfo}", $"{bc.BenchmarkResult.TotalTimeMs}", $"{bc.BenchmarkResult.CreateTimeMs}", $"{bc.BenchmarkResult.WriteTimeMs}", $"{bc.BenchmarkResult.DisposeTimeMs}" ); } table.Write(); } var resultTable = new ConsoleTables.ConsoleTable("Logger", "Rank"); resultTable.Options.EnableCount = false; foreach (var place in result.Ranks) { resultTable.AddRow($"{place.Key}", $"{place.Value}"); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Results:"); Console.ResetColor(); resultTable.Write(Format.Alternative); Console.WriteLine(new string('#', 50)); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void PrintTable() { List <string> columns = new List <string> { "Visual Skin" }; columns.Add(""); ConsoleTable table = new ConsoleTables.ConsoleTable(new ConsoleTableOptions { Columns = columns, EnableCount = false }); var maxVariation = Variations.Keys.Last(); int variationValidMax = int.MaxValue; for (int v = 0; v <= maxVariation; v++) { List <string> row = new List <string>(); row.Add("V" + v); if (Variations.ContainsKey(v)) { table.SetColor(1, v, (v >= variationValidMax) ? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.Green); row.Add("ok"); } else { if (v < variationValidMax) { variationValidMax = v; } table.SetColor(1, v, ConsoleColor.Red); row.Add("--"); } table.AddRow(row.ToArray()); } table.Write(Program.ConsoleTableFormat); }
private static void UpdateConsole() { while (true) { Console.Clear(); var Uptime = DateTime.Now - Startup; string msg = $"Startup Time: {Startup.ToString()}"; msg += Environment.NewLine + $"Uptime: {Uptime.ToString()}"; var games = Program.Games; int gameCount = games.Count(); msg += Environment.NewLine + $"Number of Games: {gameCount.ToString()}"; Console.WriteLine(msg); var table = new ConsoleTables.ConsoleTable("Game GUID", "ChatId", "Phase", "Round", "# of Players"); foreach (SixNimmt game in games.ToArray()) { if (game.Phase == SixNimmt.GamePhase.KillGame) { Bot.RemoveGame(game); continue; } try { table.AddRow(game.Id.ToString(), game.ChatId.ToString(), game.Phase.ToString(), game.Round, game.Players.Count().ToString()); } catch { // no game? } } table.Write(ConsoleTables.Format.Alternative); Thread.Sleep(2000); } }
public void PrintTable() { int columnsCount = ColorsCount; if (columnsCount == 0) { return; } List <string> columns = new List <string>(); columns.Add("V\\C"); for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) { columns.Add("C" + i); } ConsoleTable table = new ConsoleTables.ConsoleTable(new ConsoleTableOptions { Columns = columns, EnableCount = false, }); int variationValidMax = int.MaxValue; int colorValidMax = int.MaxValue; var maxVariationIndexGlobal = Variations.Keys.Max(t => t.V); for (int v = 0; v <= maxVariationIndexGlobal; v++) { List <string> row = new List <string>(); row.Add("V" + v); for (int c = 0; c < columnsCount; c++) { if (Variations.ContainsKey(new VarIDColID(v, c))) { table.SetColor(c + 1, v, (v >= variationValidMax && c >= colorValidMax) ? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.Green); row.Add("ok"); } else { if (c < colorValidMax) { colorValidMax = c; } if (v < variationValidMax) { variationValidMax = v; } table.SetColor(c + 1, v, ConsoleColor.Red); row.Add("--"); } } table.AddRow(row.ToArray()); } table.Write(Program.ConsoleTableFormat); }