Run() public method

Start console prompting and processing.

Immediately before processing begins, the event OnRun is called. Immediately after processing has ended, the event OnQuit called.

public Run ( ) : void
return void
文件: Program.cs 项目: nerai/CMenu
        static void DisabledCommands()
            var m = new CMenu ();

             * In this example, a global flag is used to determine the visibility of disabled commands.
             * It is initially cleared, the 'enable' command sets it.
            Enabled = false;
            m.Add ("enable", s => Enabled = true);

             * Create a new inline command, then set its enabledness function so it returns the above flag.
            var mi = m.Add ("inline", s => Console.WriteLine ("Disabled inline command was enabled!"));
            mi.SetEndablednessCondition (() => Enabled);

             * Command abbreviations do not change when hidden items become visible, i.e. it is made sure they are already long
             * enough. This avoids confusion about abbreviations suddenly changing.
            m.Add ("incollision", s => Console.WriteLine ("The abbreviation of 'incollision' is longer to account for the hidden 'inline' command."));

             * It is also possible to override the visibility by subclassing.
            m.Add (new DisabledItem ());
            m.Run ();
文件: Program.cs 项目: nerai/nibbler
		static void TreeInitialization ()
			 * It may be useful to create complex menu trees using collection initializers
			var m = new CMenu () {
				new CMenuItem ("1") {
					new CMenuItem ("1", s => Console.WriteLine ("1-1")),
					new CMenuItem ("2", s => Console.WriteLine ("1-2")),
				new CMenuItem ("2") {
					new CMenuItem ("1", s => Console.WriteLine ("2-1")),
					new CMenuItem ("2", s => Console.WriteLine ("2-2")),
			m.PromptCharacter = "tree>";
			m.Run ();

			 * You can also combine object and collection initializers
			m = new CMenu () {
				PromptCharacter = "combined>",
				MenuItem = {
					new CMenuItem ("1", s => Console.WriteLine ("1")),
					new CMenuItem ("2", s => Console.WriteLine ("2")),
			m.Run ();
文件: Program.cs 项目: nerai/CMenu
 static void ImmediateMode()
     var m = new CMenu ();
     m.ImmediateMenuMode = true;
     m.Add ("foo", s => Console.WriteLine ("foo"));
     m.Add ("bar", s => Console.WriteLine ("bar"));
     m.Run ();
		public void Run()
			var menu = new CMenu();
			menu.Add("view", (name) => RenderSystem(name));

			Console.WriteLine(">>>> DONE");
文件: Program.cs 项目: nerai/nibbler
		static void Main (string[] args)
			Console.WriteLine ("Simple CMenu demonstration");

			var mainmenu = new CMenu ();
			mainmenu.PromptCharacter = "main>";
			mainmenu.Add ("tutorial", s => new Tutorial ().Run ());
			mainmenu.Add ("tree-init", s => TreeInitialization ());
			mainmenu.Add ("disabled", s => DisabledCommands ());
			mainmenu.Add ("passive", s => PassiveMode ());
			mainmenu.Add ("immediate", s => ImmediateMode ());
			mainmenu.Add (new ExamplesMenu ());

			mainmenu.CQ.ImmediateInput ("help");
			mainmenu.Run ();
文件: Tutorial.cs 项目: nerai/nibbler
		private void Basics ()
			// Create menu
			menu = new CMenu ();

			// Add simple Hello World command
			menu.Add ("hello", s => Console.WriteLine ("Hello world!"));

			 * If the command happens to be more complex, you can just put it in a separate method.
			menu.Add ("len", s => PrintLen (s));

			 * It is also possible to return an exit code to signal that processing should be stopped.
			 * By default, the command "quit" exists for this purpose. Let's add an alternative way to stop processing input.
			menu.Add ("exit", s => menu.Quit ());

			 * To create a command with help text, simply add it during definition.
			menu.Add ("time",
				s => Console.WriteLine (DateTime.UtcNow),
				"Help for \"time\": Writes the current time");

			 * You can also access individual commands to edit them later, though this is rarely required.
			menu["time"].HelpText += " (UTC).";

			// Run menu. The menu will run until quit by the user.
			Console.WriteLine ("Enter \"help\" for help.");
			Console.WriteLine ("Enter \"quit\" to quit (in this case, the next step of this demo will be started).");
			menu.Run ();

			Console.WriteLine ("(First menu example completed, starting the next one...)");
文件: Program.cs 项目: nerai/CMenu
        static void PassiveMode()
            var m = new CMenu ();
            m.Add ("passive", s => {
                m.CQ.PassiveMode = true;
                Console.WriteLine ("Passive mode selected. Input will be ignored.");
                Console.WriteLine ("A timer will be set which will input 'active' in 5 seconds.");
                new Thread (() => {
                    for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
                        Console.WriteLine (i + "...");
                        Thread.Sleep (1000);
                    Console.WriteLine ("Sending input 'active' to the IO queue.");
                    m.CQ.ImmediateInput ("active");
                }).Start ();
            m.Add ("active", s => {
                m.CQ.PassiveMode = false;
                Console.WriteLine ("Active mode selected.");

            Console.WriteLine ("IO is currently in active mode - you will be prompted for input.");
            Console.WriteLine ("The 'passive' command will turn passive mode on, which disables interactive input.");
            Console.WriteLine ("The 'active' command will turn active mode back on.");
            Console.WriteLine ("Please enter 'passive'.");

            m.Run ();