public override PlatformData Create(string path, Game game, ProgressIndicator progress) { PlatformData data = new PlatformData(this, game); data.Session["path"] = path; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Exceptions.Error("An RBN archive must be a file."); } if (File.Exists(path)) { try { RBA rba = new RBA(new EndianReader(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read), Endianness.LittleEndian)); data.Session["rba"] = rba; SongData song = HarmonixMetadata.GetSongData(data, DTA.Create(rba.Data)); song.ID = ImportMap.GetShortName(song.Name); AddSong(data, song, progress); } catch (Exception exception) { Exceptions.Error(exception, "An error occurred while opening the RBN archive."); } } return(data); }
public static SongsDTA GetSongsDTA(SongData song, AudioFormat audioformat, bool idioticdrums = true) { SongsDTA dta = HarmonixMetadata.GetSongData(song); dta.Downloaded = true; if ((dta.Decade == null || dta.Decade.Length == 0) && dta.Year.ToString().Length > 2) { dta.Decade = "the" + dta.Year.ToString()[2] + "0s"; } dta.BaseName = "rwk" + dta.Version.ToString() + dta.BaseName; dta.Genre = ImportMap.GetShortGenre(dta.Genre); dta.Song.Cores.Clear(); dta.Song.Pans.Clear(); dta.Song.Vols.Clear(); foreach (SongsDTA.SongTracks track in dta.Song.Tracks) { track.Tracks.Clear(); } dta.Song.TracksCount.Clear(); var maps = audioformat.Mappings.Where(m => m.Instrument != Instrument.Preview).ToList(); foreach (AudioFormat.Mapping map in maps) { dta.Song.Cores.Add(map.Instrument == Instrument.Guitar ? 1 : -1); dta.Song.Pans.Add(map.Balance); dta.Song.Vols.Add(map.Volume); SongsDTA.SongTracks track = dta.Song.Tracks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == HarmonixMetadata.InstrumentToString(map.Instrument)); if (track != null) { track.Tracks.Add(maps.IndexOf(map)); } } if (idioticdrums) { // For safety with customs messing with mix and not knowing what they're doing SongsDTA.SongTracks drumtrack = dta.Song.Tracks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == "drum"); while (drumtrack != null && drumtrack.Tracks.Count > 0 && drumtrack.Tracks.Count < 6) { drumtrack.Tracks.Add(drumtrack.Tracks[drumtrack.Tracks.Count - 1]); } } return(dta); }
public override ChartFormat DecodeChart(FormatData data, ProgressIndicator progress) { if (!data.HasStream(this, ChartFile)) { throw new FormatException(); } Stream stream = data.GetStream(this, ChartFile); Midi midi = Midi.Create(Mid.Create(stream)); data.CloseStream(stream); ChartFormat chart = new ChartFormat(NoteChart.Create(midi)); DecodeLeftHandAnimations(chart.Chart, midi); ChartFormatGH2.DecodeDrums(chart.Chart, midi, true); ChartFormatGH2.DecodeOverdrive(chart.Chart); ImportMap.ImportChart(data.Song, chart.Chart); return(chart); }
public override ChartFormat DecodeChart(FormatData data, ProgressIndicator progress) { if (!data.HasStream(this, ChartFile)) { throw new FormatException(); } Stream stream = data.GetStream(this, ChartFile); Midi midi = Midi.Create(Mid.Create(stream)); data.CloseStream(stream); DecodeCoop(midi, data.Song.Data.GetValue <bool>("GH2ChartCoop")); ChartFormat chart = new ChartFormat(NoteChart.Create(midi)); DecodeDrums(chart.Chart, midi, false); DecodeOverdrive(chart.Chart); ImportMap.ImportChart(data.Song, chart.Chart); return(chart); }
public override bool AddSong(PlatformData data, SongData song, ProgressIndicator progress) { FormatData formatdata = new TemporaryFormatData(song, data); DirectoryNode dir = data.Session["songdir"] as DirectoryNode; int delay = 0; bool eighthhopo = false; int hopofreq = -1; AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(); FileNode songini = dir.Navigate("song.ini", false, true) as FileNode; if (songini != null) { Ini ini = Ini.Create(songini.Data); songini.Data.Close(); string value = ini.GetValue("song", "name"); if (value != null) { song.Name = value; } value = ini.GetValue("song", "artist"); if (value != null) { song.Artist = value; } value = ini.GetValue("song", "album"); if (value != null) { song.Album = value; } value = ini.GetValue("song", "genre"); if (value != null) { song.Genre = value; } value = ini.GetValue("song", "year"); if (value != null) { song.Year = int.Parse(value); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "version"); if (value != null) { song.Version = int.Parse(value); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "delay"); if (value != null) { delay = int.Parse(value); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "eighthnote_hopo"); if (value != null) { eighthhopo = string.Compare(value, "true", true) == 0 ? true : false; } value = ini.GetValue("song", "hopofreq"); if (value != null) { hopofreq = int.Parse(value); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "tags"); if (value != null) { song.Master = string.Compare(value, "cover", true) == 0 ? false : true; } value = ini.GetValue("song", "icon"); if (value != null) { song.Game = GetGameFromIcon(value); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "diff_band"); if (value != null) { song.Difficulty[Instrument.Ambient] = ImportMap.GetBaseRank(Instrument.Ambient, int.Parse(value)); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "diff_bass"); if (value != null) { song.Difficulty[Instrument.Bass] = ImportMap.GetBaseRank(Instrument.Bass, int.Parse(value)); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "diff_drums"); if (value != null) { song.Difficulty[Instrument.Drums] = ImportMap.GetBaseRank(Instrument.Drums, int.Parse(value)); } value = ini.GetValue("song", "diff_guitar"); if (value != null) { song.Difficulty[Instrument.Guitar] = ImportMap.GetBaseRank(Instrument.Guitar, int.Parse(value)); } } format.InitialOffset = -delay; FileNode album = dir.Navigate("album.png", false, true) as FileNode; if (album != null) { song.AlbumArt = new Bitmap(album.Data); } FileNode chartfile = dir.Navigate("notes.mid", false, true) as FileNode; NoteChart chart = null; if (chartfile != null) { ChartFormatRB.Instance.Create(formatdata, chartfile.Data, null, 0, null, null, 0, false, true); chart = NoteChart.Create(Midi.Create(Mid.Create(chartfile.Data))); chartfile.Data.Close(); } if (chart != null && eighthhopo) { song.HopoThreshold = chart.Division.TicksPerBeat / 2 + 10; } else if (hopofreq >= 0) { // TODO: This } List <Stream> streams = new List <Stream>(); foreach (Node node in dir) { FileNode file = node as FileNode; if (file == null) { continue; } string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name).ToLower(); if (extension != ".ogg") { continue; } string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name); Instrument instrument = Platform.InstrumentFromString(name); RawkAudio.Decoder decoder = new RawkAudio.Decoder(file.Data, RawkAudio.Decoder.AudioFormat.VorbisOgg); for (int i = 0; i < decoder.Channels; i++) { format.Mappings.Add(new AudioFormat.Mapping(0, 0, instrument)); } decoder.Dispose(); file.Data.Close(); streams.Add(file.Data); } format.AutoBalance(); if (streams.Count > 0) { AudioFormatOgg.Instance.Create(formatdata, streams.ToArray(), format); } else if (chartfile == null) { return(false); } data.AddSong(formatdata); return(true); }
public override void SaveSong(PlatformData data, FormatData formatdata, ProgressIndicator progress) { string path = data.Session["path"] as string; SongData song = formatdata.Song; progress.NewTask(8); int i; string songpath = null; for (i = 0; i < 0x1000; i++) { songpath = Path.Combine(path, song.ID + (i == 0 ? "" : i.ToString())); if (!Directory.Exists(songpath)) { break; } } Directory.CreateDirectory(songpath); AudioFormat audio = (formatdata.GetFormat(FormatType.Audio) as IAudioFormat).DecodeAudio(formatdata, progress); progress.Progress(); ChartFormat chart = (formatdata.GetFormat(FormatType.Chart) as IChartFormat).DecodeChart(formatdata, progress); progress.Progress(); Stream chartstream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(songpath, "notes.mid"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); chart.Save(chartstream); chartstream.Close(); Ini ini = new Ini(); ini.SetValue("song", "name", song.Name); ini.SetValue("song", "artist", song.Artist); ini.SetValue("song", "album", song.Album); ini.SetValue("song", "genre", song.Genre); ini.SetValue("song", "year", song.Year.ToString()); ini.SetValue("song", "diff_band", ImportMap.GetBaseTier(Instrument.Ambient, song.Difficulty[Instrument.Ambient]).ToString()); ini.SetValue("song", "diff_guitar", ImportMap.GetBaseTier(Instrument.Guitar, song.Difficulty[Instrument.Guitar]).ToString()); ini.SetValue("song", "diff_bass", ImportMap.GetBaseTier(Instrument.Bass, song.Difficulty[Instrument.Bass]).ToString()); ini.SetValue("song", "diff_drums", ImportMap.GetBaseTier(Instrument.Drums, song.Difficulty[Instrument.Drums]).ToString()); Stream inistream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(songpath, "song.ini"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); ini.Save(inistream); inistream.Close(); if (song.AlbumArt != null) { Stream albumart = new FileStream(Path.Combine(songpath, "album.png"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); song.AlbumArt.Save(albumart, ImageFormat.Png); albumart.Close(); } JaggedShortArray encoderdata; var instruments = audio.Mappings.GroupBy(m => m.Instrument == Instrument.Vocals ? Instrument.Ambient : m.Instrument); encoderdata = new JaggedShortArray(2, RawkAudio.Decoder.BufferSize); int count = instruments.Count(); Stream[] streams = new Stream[count]; IEncoder[] encoders = new IEncoder[count]; ushort[][] masks = new ushort[count][]; i = 0; foreach (var item in instruments) { string filename = null; switch (item.Key) { case Instrument.Guitar: filename = "guitar.ogg"; break; case Instrument.Bass: filename = "rhythm.ogg"; break; case Instrument.Drums: filename = "drums.ogg"; break; case Instrument.Ambient: filename = "song.ogg"; break; case Instrument.Preview: filename = "preview.ogg"; break; } streams[i] = new FileStream(Path.Combine(songpath, filename), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); masks[i] = new ushort[2]; foreach (var map in item) { int index = audio.Mappings.IndexOf(map); if (map.Balance <= 0) { masks[i][0] |= (ushort)(1 << index); } if (map.Balance >= 0) { masks[i][1] |= (ushort)(1 << index); } } encoders[i] = new RawkAudio.Encoder(streams[i], 2, audio.Decoder.SampleRate, 44100); i++; } if (audio.InitialOffset > 0) { AudioFormat.ProcessOffset(audio.Decoder, encoders[0], audio.InitialOffset); } else { for (i = 0; i < encoders.Length; i++) { AudioFormat.ProcessOffset(audio.Decoder, encoders[i], audio.InitialOffset); } } long samples = audio.Decoder.Samples; progress.NewTask("Transcoding Audio", samples, 6); while (samples > 0) { int read = audio.Decoder.Read(); if (read <= 0) { break; } // TODO: Apply volumes to each channel for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { audio.Decoder.AudioBuffer.DownmixTo(encoderdata, masks[i], read, false); encoders[i].Write(encoderdata, read); } samples -= read; progress.Progress(read); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { encoders[i].Dispose(); streams[i].Close(); } progress.EndTask(); progress.Progress(6); progress.EndTask(); }
public override ChartFormat DecodeChart(FormatData data, ProgressIndicator progress) { if (!data.HasStream(this, ChartName) || !data.HasStream(this, SectionsName)) { throw new FormatException(); } progress.NewTask(6 + 8); Stream chartstream = data.GetStream(this, ChartName); Stream sectionstream = data.GetStream(this, SectionsName); PakFormat format = NeversoftMetadata.GetSongItemType(data.Song); SongData song = NeversoftMetadata.GetSongData(data.PlatformData, NeversoftMetadata.GetSongItem(data)); Pak chartpak = new Pak(new EndianReader(chartstream, Endianness.BigEndian)); // TODO: Endianness based on format? FileNode chartfile = chartpak.Root.Find(song.ID + ".mid.qb.ngc", SearchOption.AllDirectories, true) as FileNode; QbFile qbsections = new QbFile(sectionstream, format); QbFile qbchart = new QbFile(chartfile.Data, format); NoteChart chart = new NoteChart(); chart.PartGuitar = new NoteChart.Guitar(chart); chart.PartBass = new NoteChart.Bass(chart); chart.Events = new NoteChart.EventsTrack(chart); chart.Venue = new NoteChart.VenueTrack(chart); chart.Beat = new NoteChart.BeatTrack(chart); progress.Progress(); DecodeChartFretbars(song, qbchart, chart); progress.Progress(); DecodeChartMarkers(song, qbsections, qbchart, chart); progress.Progress(); for (NoteChart.TrackType track = NoteChart.TrackType.Guitar; track <= NoteChart.TrackType.Bass; track++) { for (NoteChart.Difficulty difficulty = NoteChart.Difficulty.Easy; difficulty <= NoteChart.Difficulty.Expert; difficulty++) { DecodeChartNotes(data, song, qbchart, chart, track, difficulty, data.Song.Data.GetValue <bool>("GH3ChartCoop")); progress.Progress(); } } progress.Progress(); DecodeChartDrums(song, qbchart, chart); progress.Progress(); DecodeChartVenue(song, qbchart, chart); ImportMap.ImportChart(data.Song, chart); progress.Progress(); data.CloseStream(chartstream); data.CloseStream(sectionstream); progress.EndTask(); return(new ChartFormat(chart)); }
public static bool ImportChart(SongData song, NoteChart chart) { ImportMap import = new ImportMap(song.Game); return(import.PopulateChart(song, chart)); }
public ChartFormat DecodeChart(FormatData data, ProgressIndicator progress, params Stream[] chartstreams) { progress.NewTask(5 + 12); PakFormat format = NeversoftMetadata.GetSongItemType(data.Song); SongData song = NeversoftMetadata.GetSongData(data.PlatformData, NeversoftMetadata.GetSongItem(data)); List <Pak> chartpaks = new List <Pak>(); foreach (Stream stream in chartstreams) { chartpaks.Add(new Pak(new EndianReader(stream, Endianness.BigEndian))); // TODO: Endianness based on format? } FileNode chartfile = null; foreach (Pak pak in chartpaks) { chartfile = pak.FindFile(song.ID + ".mid.qb.ngc") ?? chartfile; chartfile = pak.FindFile(song.ID + ".mid.qb") ?? chartfile; } if (chartfile == null) { foreach (Pak pak in chartpaks) { chartfile = chartfile ?? pak.FindFileType(0xa7f505c4); } } QbFile qbchart = null; if (chartfile != null) { qbchart = new QbFile(chartfile.Data, format); } StringList strings = new StringList(); foreach (Pak pak in chartpaks) { foreach (Pak.Node n in pak.Nodes) { if (!n.Filename.HasValue()) { strings.ParseFromStream(n.Data); } } } QbFile qbsections = null; FileNode qbsectionfile = null; foreach (Pak pak in chartpaks) { qbsectionfile = pak.FindFile(song.ID + ".mid_text.qb.ngc") as FileNode ?? qbsectionfile; qbsectionfile = pak.FindFile(song.ID + ".mid_text.qb") as FileNode ?? qbsectionfile; } if (qbsectionfile != null) { qbsections = new QbFile(qbsectionfile.Data, format); } Notes notes = null; FileNode notesfile = null; foreach (Pak pak in chartpaks) { notesfile = notesfile ?? pak.FindFileType(0xa9d5bc8f); notesfile = pak.FindFile(song.ID + ".note.ngc") as FileNode ?? notesfile; notesfile = pak.FindFile(song.ID + ".note") as FileNode ?? notesfile; } if (notesfile == null) { foreach (Pak pak in chartpaks) { notesfile = pak.FindFileType(0xa9d5bc8f) ?? notesfile; } } if (notesfile != null) { notesfile.Data.Position = 0; notes = Notes.Create(new EndianReader(notesfile.Data, Endianness.BigEndian)); } NoteChart chart = new NoteChart(); chart.PartGuitar = new NoteChart.Guitar(chart); chart.PartBass = new NoteChart.Bass(chart); chart.PartDrums = new NoteChart.Drums(chart); chart.PartVocals = new NoteChart.Vocals(chart); chart.Events = new NoteChart.EventsTrack(chart); chart.Venue = new NoteChart.VenueTrack(chart); chart.Beat = new NoteChart.BeatTrack(chart); bool gh4v2 = NeversoftMetadata.IsGuitarHero4(data.PlatformData.Game) && data.PlatformData.Game != Game.GuitarHeroWorldTour; string drumconfig = gh4v2 ? "drums3" : "drums2"; chart.PartDrums.Mixing.Add(new Pair <NoteChart.Point, Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string> >(new NoteChart.Point(0), new Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string>(NoteChart.Difficulty.Easy, drumconfig + "easy"))); chart.PartDrums.Mixing.Add(new Pair <NoteChart.Point, Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string> >(new NoteChart.Point(0), new Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string>(NoteChart.Difficulty.Medium, drumconfig))); chart.PartDrums.Mixing.Add(new Pair <NoteChart.Point, Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string> >(new NoteChart.Point(0), new Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string>(NoteChart.Difficulty.Hard, drumconfig))); chart.PartDrums.Mixing.Add(new Pair <NoteChart.Point, Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string> >(new NoteChart.Point(0), new Pair <NoteChart.Difficulty, string>(NoteChart.Difficulty.Expert, drumconfig))); progress.Progress(); DecodeChartFretbars(song, qbchart, notes, chart); progress.Progress(); DecodeChartSections(song, qbchart, strings, qbsections, notes, chart); progress.Progress(); for (NoteChart.TrackType track = NoteChart.TrackType.Guitar; track <= NoteChart.TrackType.Drums;) { for (NoteChart.Difficulty difficulty = NoteChart.Difficulty.Easy; difficulty <= NoteChart.Difficulty.Expert; difficulty++) { DecodeChartNotes(song, qbchart, notes, chart, track, difficulty); progress.Progress(); } switch (track) { case NoteChart.TrackType.Guitar: track = NoteChart.TrackType.Bass; break; case NoteChart.TrackType.Bass: track = NoteChart.TrackType.Drums; break; case NoteChart.TrackType.Drums: track = NoteChart.TrackType.Events; break; } } // Automatic Drum Fills - 1-measure fills every 4 measures, if there's no overdrive overlap FillSections(chart, 1, 4, 3, chart.PartDrums.DrumFills, chart.PartDrums.Overdrive); progress.Progress(); if (DecodeChartVocals(song, qbchart, strings, notes, chart)) { DecodeChartVocalPhrases(song, qbchart, notes, chart); } ImportMap.ImportChart(data.Song, chart); progress.Progress(); progress.EndTask(); return(new ChartFormat(chart)); }