private static void crypto(byte[] key, CipherMode mode, PaddingMode padding, byte[] iv, int opMode, byte[] i, int inOffset, int len, byte[] o, int outOffset) { try { RijndaelManaged cipher = new RijndaelManaged(); cipher.Padding = padding; cipher.Mode = mode; cipher.KeySize = 0x80; cipher.BlockSize = 0x80; cipher.Key = key; if (iv != null) { cipher.IV = iv; } byte[] aux = null; if (opMode == DECRYPT_MODE) { aux = cipher.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(i, inOffset, len); } else if (opMode == ENCRYPT_MODE) { aux = cipher.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(i, inOffset, len); } else { fail("NOT SUPPORTED OPMODE"); } ConversionUtils.arraycopy(aux, 0, o, outOffset, len); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.Message); } }
private void getCryptoKeys(int cryptoFlag, byte[] calculatedKey, byte[] calculatedIV, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { uint mode = (uint)cryptoFlag & 0xF0000000; switch (mode) { case 0x10000000: ToolsImpl.aescbcDecrypt(EDATKeys.EDATKEY, EDATKeys.EDATIV, key, 0, calculatedKey, 0, calculatedKey.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(iv, 0, calculatedIV, 0, calculatedIV.Length); Debug.WriteLine("MODE: Encrypted ERK"); break; case 0x20000000: ConversionUtils.arraycopy(EDATKeys.EDATKEY, 0, calculatedKey, 0, calculatedKey.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(EDATKeys.EDATIV, 0, calculatedIV, 0, calculatedIV.Length); Debug.WriteLine("MODE: Default ERK"); break; case 0x00000000: ConversionUtils.arraycopy(key, 0, calculatedKey, 0, calculatedKey.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(iv, 0, calculatedIV, 0, calculatedIV.Length); Debug.WriteLine("MODE: Unencrypted ERK"); break; default: throw new Exception("Crypto mode is not valid: Undefined keys calculator"); } }
private void getHashKeys(int hashFlag, byte[] calculatedHash, byte[] hash) { uint mode = (uint)hashFlag & 0xF0000000; switch (mode) { case 0x10000000: ToolsImpl.aescbcDecrypt(EDATKeys.EDATKEY, EDATKeys.EDATIV, hash, 0, calculatedHash, 0, calculatedHash.Length); Debug.WriteLine("MODE: Encrypted HASHKEY"); break; case 0x20000000: ConversionUtils.arraycopy(EDATKeys.EDATHASH, 0, calculatedHash, 0, calculatedHash.Length); Debug.WriteLine("MODE: Default HASHKEY"); break; case 0x00000000: ConversionUtils.arraycopy(hash, 0, calculatedHash, 0, calculatedHash.Length); Debug.WriteLine("MODE: Unencrypted HASHKEY"); break; default: throw new Exception("Hash mode is not valid: Undefined keys calculator"); } }
public override void doUpdate(byte[] i, int inOffset, int len) { byte[] data; if (nonProcessed != null) { int totalLen = len + nonProcessed.Length; data = new byte[totalLen]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(nonProcessed, 0, data, 0, nonProcessed.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(i, inOffset, data, nonProcessed.Length, len); } else { data = new byte[len]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(i, inOffset, data, 0, len); } int count = 0; while (count < data.Length - 0x10) { byte[] aux = new byte[0x10]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(data, count, aux, 0, aux.Length); ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, previous); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(key, aux, 0, previous, 0, aux.Length); count += 0x10; } nonProcessed = new byte[data.Length - count]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(data, count, nonProcessed, 0, nonProcessed.Length); }
public byte[] getrifKey(String rifIn, String actIn, String idps) { if (rifIn == null || actIn == null) { return(null); } byte[] result = null; FileStream rifFile = File.Open(rifIn, FileMode.Open); byte[] rif0x40 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] rif0x50 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] encrif0x40 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] encrif0x50 = new byte[0x10]; rifFile.Seek(0x40, SeekOrigin.Begin); rifFile.Read(encrif0x40, 0, encrif0x40.Length); rifFile.Read(encrif0x50, 0, encrif0x50.Length); rifFile.Close(); ToolsImpl.aesecbDecrypt(RIFKEY, encrif0x40, 0x00, rif0x40, 0, 0x10); long index = ConversionUtils.be32(rif0x40, 0xC); // if (index < 0x80) { byte[] actDat = decryptACTDAT(actIn, idps); byte[] datKey = new byte[0x10]; result = new byte[0x10]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(actDat, (int)index * 16, datKey, 0, 0x10); ToolsImpl.aesecbDecrypt(datKey, encrif0x50, 0, result, 0, 0x10); } return(result); }
private byte[] calculateBlockKey(int blk, NPD npd) { byte[] baseKey = (npd.getVersion() <= 1) ? (new byte[0x10]) : npd.getDevHash(); byte[] result = new byte[0x10]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(baseKey, 0, result, 0, 0xC); result[0xC] = (byte)(blk >> 24 & 0xFF); result[0xD] = (byte)(blk >> 16 & 0xFF); result[0xE] = (byte)(blk >> 8 & 0xFF); result[0xF] = (byte)(blk & 0xFF); return(result); }
private byte[] createNPDHash2(byte[] klicensee, byte[] npd) { byte[] xoredKey = new byte[0x10]; ToolsImpl.XOR(xoredKey, klicensee, EDATKeys.npdrm_omac_key2); byte[] calculated = ToolsImpl.CMAC128(xoredKey, npd, 0, 0x60); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(calculated, 0, npd, 0x60, 0x10); bool result2 = compareBytes(calculated, 0, npd, 0x60, 0x10); if (result2) { return(calculated); } return(null); }
private bool checkNPDHash1(String filename, byte[] npd) { byte[] fileBytes = ConversionUtils.charsToByte(filename.ToCharArray()); byte[] data1 = new byte[0x30 + fileBytes.Length]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x10, data1, 0, 0x30); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(fileBytes, 0x00, data1, 0x30, fileBytes.Length); byte[] hash1 = ToolsImpl.CMAC128(EDATKeys.npdrm_omac_key3, data1, 0, data1.Length); bool result1 = compareBytes(hash1, 0, npd, 0x50, 0x10); if (result1) { Console.WriteLine("NPD hash 1 is valid (" + ConversionUtils.getHexString(hash1) + ")"); } return(result1); }
private byte[] createNPDHash1(String filename, byte[] npd) { byte[] fileBytes = ConversionUtils.charsToByte(filename.ToCharArray()); byte[] data1 = new byte[0x30 + fileBytes.Length]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x10, data1, 0, 0x30); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(fileBytes, 0x00, data1, 0x30, fileBytes.Length); byte[] hash1 = ToolsImpl.CMAC128(EDATKeys.npdrm_omac_key3, data1, 0, data1.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(hash1, 0, npd, 0x50, 0x10); bool result1 = compareBytes(hash1, 0, npd, 0x50, 0x10); if (result1) { return(hash1); } return(null); }
public string makeedat(String inFile) { String strAppDir = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase); string path = strAppDir.Replace("file:\\", ""); byte[] CID = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inFile); byte[] contentID = new byte[48]; byte[] contentID2 = new byte[inFile.Length]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(CID, 0, contentID, 0, CID.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(CID, 0, contentID2, 0, inFile.Length); string cid3 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(contentID2); if (path != null) { outFile = path + "/edats/" + inFile + ".edat"; } else { outFile = "edats/" + inFile + ".edat"; } FileStream dat = File.Open(inFile + ".dat", FileMode.Create); dat.Write(pad, 0, 0x10); dat.Write(contentID, 0, contentID.Length); dat.Close(); String input = inFile + ".dat"; DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "/edats"); byte[] flags = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("0C"); byte[] type = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("00"); byte[] version = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("02"); byte[] devKLic = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387"); byte[] keyFromRif = null; EDAT instance = new EDAT(); instance.encryptFile(input, outFile, devKLic, keyFromRif, contentID, flags, type, version); if (File.Exists(inFile + ".dat")) { File.Delete(inFile + ".dat"); } return(inFile + ".edat"); }
private void calculateSubkey(byte[] key, byte[] K1, byte[] K2) { byte[] zero = new byte[0x10]; byte[] L = new byte[0x10]; ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(key, zero, 0, L, 0, zero.Length); BigInteger aux = new BigInteger(ConversionUtils.reverseByteWithSizeFIX(L)); if ((L[0] & 0x80) != 0) { //Case MSB is set aux = (aux << 1) ^ (new BigInteger(0x87)); } else { aux = aux << 1; } byte[] aux1 = ConversionUtils.reverseByteWithSizeFIX(aux.ToByteArray()); if (aux1.Length >= 0x10) { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(aux1, aux1.Length - 0x10, K1, 0, 0x10); } else { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(zero, 0, K1, 0, zero.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(aux1, 0, K1, 0x10 - aux1.Length, aux1.Length); } aux = new BigInteger(ConversionUtils.reverseByteWithSizeFIX(K1)); if ((K1[0] & 0x80) != 0) { aux = (aux << 1) ^ (new BigInteger(0x87)); } else { aux = aux << 1; } aux1 = ConversionUtils.reverseByteWithSizeFIX(aux.ToByteArray()); if (aux1.Length >= 0x10) { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(aux1, aux1.Length - 0x10, K2, 0, 0x10); } else { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(zero, 0, K2, 0, zero.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(aux1, 0, K2, 0x10 - aux1.Length, aux1.Length); } }
public override bool doFinal(byte[] generateHash) { byte[] aux = new byte[0x10]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(nonProcessed, 0, aux, 0, nonProcessed.Length); if (nonProcessed.Length == 0x10) { ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, K1); } else { aux[nonProcessed.Length] = (byte)0x80; ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, K2); } ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, previous); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(key, aux, 0, generateHash, 0, aux.Length); return(true); }
public override bool doFinal(byte[] expectedhash, int hashOffset, bool hashDebug) { byte[] aux = new byte[0x10]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(nonProcessed, 0, aux, 0, nonProcessed.Length); if (nonProcessed.Length == 0x10) { ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, K1); } else { aux[nonProcessed.Length] = (byte)0x80; ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, K2); } ToolsImpl.XOR(aux, aux, previous); byte[] calculatedhash = new byte[0x10]; ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(key, aux, 0, calculatedhash, 0, aux.Length); return(hashDebug || compareBytes(expectedhash, hashOffset, calculatedhash, 0, hashLen)); }
public static NPD createNPD(byte[] npd) { NPD result = new NPD(); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0, result.magic, 0, 4); result.version = ConversionUtils.be32(npd, 4); result.license = ConversionUtils.be32(npd, 8); result.type = ConversionUtils.be32(npd, 0xC); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x10, result.content_id, 0, 0x30); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x40, result.digest, 0, 0x10); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x50, result.titleHash, 0, 0x10); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x60, result.devHash, 0, 0x10); result.unknown3 = ConversionUtils.be64(npd, 0x70); result.unknown4 = ConversionUtils.be64(npd, 0x78); if (!result.validate()) { result = null; } return(result); }
public static byte[] CMAC128(byte[] key, byte[] i, int inOffset, int len) { byte[] K1 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] K2 = new byte[0x10]; calculateSubkey(key, K1, K2); byte[] input = new byte[0x10]; byte[] previous = new byte[0x10]; int currentOffset = inOffset; int remaining = len; //System.out.println(ConversionUtils.getHexString(key)); while (remaining > 0x10) { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(i, currentOffset, input, 0, 0x10); //System.out.println(ConversionUtils.getHexString(previous) + " - " + ConversionUtils.getHexString(input)); XOR(input, input, previous); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(key, input, 0, previous, 0, input.Length); currentOffset += 0x10; remaining -= 0x10; } //System.out.println(ConversionUtils.getHexString(previous)); input = new byte[0x10]; //Memset 0 ConversionUtils.arraycopy(i, currentOffset, input, 0, remaining); if (remaining == 0x10) { XOR(input, input, previous); XOR(input, input, K1); } else { input[remaining] = (byte)0x80; XOR(input, input, previous); XOR(input, input, K2); } //System.out.println(" - " + ConversionUtils.getHexString(input)); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(key, input, 0, previous, 0, input.Length); return(previous); }
public override bool doFinalButGetHash(byte[] generatedHash) { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(result, 0, generatedHash, 0, result.Length); return(true); }
private byte[] writeValidNPD(String filename, byte[] devKLic, NPD[] npdPtr, FileStream fin, byte[] contentID, byte[] flags, byte[] version, byte[] type) { byte[] npd = new byte[0x80]; //NPD Magic //ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0, result.magic, 0, 4); npd[0] = 0x4E; npd[1] = 0x50; npd[2] = 0x44; npd[3] = 0x00; //Version 3 //result.version = ConversionUtils.be32(npd, 4); npd[4] = 0x00; npd[5] = 0x00; npd[6] = 0x00; npd[7] = version[0]; //License 2 ref 3 klic /* 1 network, 2 local, 3 free */ //result.license = ConversionUtils.be32(npd, 8); npd[8] = 0x00; npd[9] = 0x00; npd[10] = 0x00; npd[11] = 0x03; //Type /* 1 exec, 21 update */ //result.type = ConversionUtils.be32(npd, 0xC); npd[12] = 0x00; npd[13] = 0x00; npd[14] = 0x00; npd[15] = type[0]; //No Idea where I get the content_id //ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x10, result.content_id, 0, 0x30 for (int i = 0; i < 0x30; i++) { npd[0x10 + i] = contentID[i]; } //Used to create IV //ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x40, result.digest, 0, 0x10); byte[] iv = ConversionUtils.charsToByte(("FixedLicenseEDAT").ToCharArray()); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(iv, 0, npd, 0x40, 0x10); //I guess it's a full file hash //ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x50, result.titleHash, 0, 0x10); byte[] hash = createNPDHash1(filename, npd); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(hash, 0x00, npd, 0x50, 0x10); //Used to create Blockkey //ConversionUtils.arraycopy(npd, 0x60, result.devHash, 0, 0x10); byte[] devHash = createNPDHash2(devKLic, npd); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(devHash, 0, npd, 0x60, 0x10); //NPD EOF?!?!?! //result.unknown3 = ConversionUtils.be64(npd, 0x70); //result.unknown4 = ConversionUtils.be64(npd, 0x78); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { npd[0x70 + i] = 0x00; } npdPtr[0] = NPD.createNPD(npd); return(npd); }
private int encryptData(FileStream ii, FileStream o, NPD npd, EDATData data, byte[] rifkey) { int numBlocks = (int)((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize() - 1) / data.getBlockSize()); byte[] expectedHashForFile = new byte[numBlocks * 0x10]; byte[] encryptedDataForFile = new byte[ii.Length + 0xF]; // File Format: // ALL HASHES // Encrypted Data for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { long offset; int len; offset = i * data.getBlockSize(); ii.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); len = (int)(data.getBlockSize()); if (i == numBlocks - 1) { len = (int)(data.getFileLen() % (new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()))); } int realLen = len; len = (int)((uint)(len + 0x0F) & 0xFFFFFFF0); byte[] encryptedData = new byte[len]; byte[] decryptedData = new byte[len]; int toRead = realLen; while (toRead > 0) { toRead -= ii.Read(decryptedData, realLen - toRead, toRead); } for (int ai = realLen; ai < len; ai++) { decryptedData[ai] = 0x00; } byte[] key = new byte[0x10]; byte[] hash = new byte[0x10]; byte[] blockKey = calculateBlockKey(i, npd); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, blockKey, 0, key, 0, blockKey.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(key, 0, hash, 0, key.Length); int cryptoFlag = 0x2; int hashFlag = 0x02; AppLoaderReverse a = new AppLoaderReverse(); byte[] iv = npd.getDigest(); byte[] generatedHash = new byte[0x10]; a.doAll(hashFlag, cryptoFlag, decryptedData, 0, encryptedData, 0, decryptedData.Length, key, iv, hash, generatedHash, 0); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(encryptedData, 0, encryptedDataForFile, offset, len); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(generatedHash, 0, expectedHashForFile, i * 0x10, 0x10); } byte[] EDATAVersion = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("4D6164652062792052325220546F6F6C"); o.Write(expectedHashForFile, 0, expectedHashForFile.Length); o.Write(encryptedDataForFile, 0, encryptedDataForFile.Length - 0xf); o.Write(EDATAVersion, 0, EDATAVersion.Length); return(STATUS_OK); }
private int decryptData(FileStream ii, FileStream o, NPD npd, EDATData data, byte[] rifkey) { int numBlocks = (int)((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize() - 1) / data.getBlockSize()); int metadataSectionSize = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0 || (data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0) ? 0x20 : 0x10; int baseOffset = 0x100; //+ offset (unknown) for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { ii.Seek(baseOffset + i * metadataSectionSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] expectedHash = new byte[0x10]; long offset; int len; int compressionEndBlock = 0; if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0) { byte[] metadata = new byte[0x20]; ii.Read(metadata, 0, metadata.Length); byte[] result = decryptMetadataSection(metadata); offset = (int)(ConversionUtils.be64(result, 0)); // + offset (unknown) len = (int)(ConversionUtils.be32(result, 8)); compressionEndBlock = (int)(ConversionUtils.be32(result, 0xC)); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(metadata, 0, expectedHash, 0, 0x10); } else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0) { //NOT TESTED: CASE WHERE METADATASECTION IS 0x20 BYTES LONG byte[] metadata = new byte[0x20]; ii.Read(metadata, 0, metadata.Length); for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) { expectedHash[j] = (byte)(metadata[j] ^ metadata[j + 0x10]); } offset = baseOffset + i * data.getBlockSize() + numBlocks * metadataSectionSize; len = (int)(data.getBlockSize()); if (i == numBlocks - 1) { len = (int)(data.getFileLen() % (new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()))); } } else { ii.Read(expectedHash, 0, expectedHash.Length); offset = baseOffset + i * data.getBlockSize() + numBlocks * metadataSectionSize; len = (int)(data.getBlockSize()); if (i == numBlocks - 1) { len = (int)(data.getFileLen() % (new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()))); } } int realLen = len; len = (int)((uint)(len + 0xF) & 0xFFFFFFF0); Debug.Print("Offset: %016X, len: %08X, realLen: %08X, endCompress: %d\r\n", offset, len, realLen, compressionEndBlock); ii.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] encryptedData = new byte[len]; byte[] decryptedData = new byte[len]; ii.Read(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length); byte[] key = new byte[0x10]; byte[] hash = new byte[0x10]; byte[] blockKey = calculateBlockKey(i, npd); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, blockKey, 0, key, 0, blockKey.Length); if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) != 0) { ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, key, 0, hash, 0, key.Length); } else { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(key, 0, hash, 0, key.Length); } int cryptoFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x02) == 0) ? 0x2 : 0x1; int hashFlag; if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) == 0) { hashFlag = 0x02; } else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) == 0) { hashFlag = 0x04; } else { hashFlag = 0x01; } if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) != 0) { cryptoFlag |= 0x10000000; hashFlag |= 0x10000000; } if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0) { cryptoFlag |= 0x01000000; hashFlag |= 0x01000000; } AppLoader a = new AppLoader(); byte[] iv = (npd.getVersion() <= 1) ? (new byte[0x10]) : npd.getDigest(); bool rresult = a.doAll(hashFlag, cryptoFlag, encryptedData, 0, decryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length, key, npd.getDigest(), hash, expectedHash, 0); if (!rresult) { Debug.WriteLine("Error decrypting block " + i); // KDSBest find out why block 30 errors //return STATUS_ERROR_DECRYPTING; } if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0) { //byte[] decompress = new byte[Long.valueOf(data.getBlockSize()).intValue()]; //DECOMPRESS: MISSING ALGORITHM //out.write(decompress, 0, data.getBlockSize()); } else { o.Write(decryptedData, 0, realLen); } } return(STATUS_OK); }
public string makerif(String inFile, String outFile) { if (!File.Exists(inFile)) { Console.WriteLine(inFile + " not found"); return(inFile); } else { String strAppDir = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase); string path = strAppDir.Replace("file:\\", ""); string actIn1 = strAppDir + "/data/act.dat"; string idps1 = strAppDir + "/data/idps"; string actIn = actIn1.Replace("file:\\", ""); string idps = idps1.Replace("file:\\", ""); FileStream actFile = File.Open(actIn, FileMode.Open); byte[] actid = new byte[0x08]; actFile.Seek(0x08, SeekOrigin.Begin); actFile.Read(actid, 0, 0x8); actFile.Close(); string cid = GetSubstringByString('\\', ".", inFile); if (path != null) { outFile = path + "/rifs/" + cid + ".rif"; } else { outFile = "rifs/" + cid + ".rif"; } byte[] content_id = new byte[0x30]; byte[] encrif0x40 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] rif0x40 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] rif0x50 = null; byte[] keyFromRif = getKey(inFile); DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "/rifs"); FileStream o = File.Open(outFile, FileMode.Create); o.Write(rif_header, 0, 0x08); o.Write(actid, 0, 0x08); byte[] CID = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cid); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(CID, 0, content_id, 0, CID.Length); o.Write(content_id, 0, 0x30); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(RIFKEY, rif0x40, 0x00, encrif0x40, 0, 0x10); o.Write(encrif0x40, 0, 0x10); long index = 0; byte[] actDat = decryptACTDAT(actIn, idps); byte[] datKey = new byte[0x10]; rif0x50 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] signature = new byte[0x28]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(actDat, (int)index * 16, datKey, 0, 0x10); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(datKey, keyFromRif, 0, rif0x50, 0, 0x10); o.Write(rif0x50, 0, 0x10); o.Write(rif_footer, 0, 0x10); while (o.Length < 0x98) { o.Write(rif_junk, 0, 0x1); } o.Close(); return(outFile); } }
public override void doUpdate(byte[] i, int inOffset, byte[] o, int outOffset, int len) { ConversionUtils.arraycopy(i, inOffset, o, outOffset, len); }
public string makeedat(String inFile, String outFile) { if (!File.Exists(inFile)) { Console.WriteLine(inFile + " not found"); return(inFile); } else { String strAppDir = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase); string path = strAppDir.Replace("file:\\", ""); StreamReader sfoFile = new StreamReader(inFile); string pkgname1 = GetSubstringByString("temp/", "/PARAM.SFO", inFile); string pkgname = pkgname1.Replace("temp/", ""); // FileStream sfoFile = File.Open(inFile, FileMode.Open); string ciddat = sfoFile.ReadToEnd(); if (ciddat.Contains("HG\0\0")) { if (ciddat.Contains("Library")) { byte[] result = new byte[ciddat.Length]; string cid4 = GetSubstringByString("HG\0\0", "Library", ciddat); string cid5 = cid4.Replace("HG\0\0", ""); int found = 0; found = cid5.IndexOf("\0"); int cid1 = cid5.Length - found; int cid2 = cid5.Length - cid1; sfoFile.Close(); string cid = cid5.Replace("\0", ""); //byte[] contentID = ciddat; if (cid2 > 35) { byte[] CID = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cid); byte[] contentID = new byte[48]; byte[] contentID2 = new byte[cid2]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(CID, 0, contentID, 0, CID.Length); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(CID, 0, contentID2, 0, cid2); string cid3 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(contentID2); if (path != null) { outFile = path + "/edats/" + cid3 + ".edat"; } else { outFile = "edats/" + cid3 + ".edat"; } FileStream dat = File.Open(cid3 + ".dat", FileMode.Create); // byte[] pad = new byte[0x10]; // Random rand = new Random(); // rand.NextBytes(pad); dat.Write(pad, 0, 0x10); dat.Write(contentID, 0, contentID.Length); dat.Close(); String input = cid3 + ".dat"; DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "/edats"); byte[] flags = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("0C"); byte[] type = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("00"); byte[] version = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("02"); byte[] devKLic = ConversionUtils.getByteArray("72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387"); byte[] keyFromRif = null; EDAT instance = new EDAT(); instance.encryptFile(input, outFile, devKLic, keyFromRif, contentID, flags, type, version); if (File.Exists(cid3 + ".dat")) { File.Delete(cid3 + ".dat"); } if (input.EndsWith(".Dec")) { File.Delete(input); } System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("C00 list.txt", true); file.WriteLine(pkgname, true); file.Close(); return(cid3 + ".edat"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Content_ID not found."); sfoFile.Close(); return(""); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Content_ID not found."); sfoFile.Close(); return(""); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Content_ID not found."); sfoFile.Close(); return(""); } } }
public string makerif(string inFile, string outFile) { if (!File.Exists(inFile)) { Console.WriteLine(inFile + " not found"); return(inFile); } string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase); string str2 = directoryName.Replace(@"file:\", ""); string str3 = directoryName + "/data/act.dat"; string str4 = directoryName + "/data/idps"; string path = str3.Replace(@"file:\", ""); string iDPSFile = str4.Replace(@"file:\", ""); FileStream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] buffer = new byte[8]; stream.Seek(8L, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(buffer, 0, 8); stream.Close(); string s = this.GetSubstringByString('\\', ".", inFile); if (str2 != null) { outFile = str2 + "/rifs/" + s + ".rif"; } else { outFile = "rifs/" + s + ".rif"; } byte[] dest = new byte[0x30]; byte[] o = new byte[0x10]; byte[] i = new byte[0x10]; byte[] buffer5 = null; byte[] buffer6 = this.getKey(inFile); DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory(str2 + "/rifs"); FileStream stream2 = File.Open(outFile, FileMode.Create); stream2.Write(rif_header, 0, 8); stream2.Write(buffer, 0, 8); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s); ConversionUtils.arraycopy(bytes, 0, dest, 0L, bytes.Length); stream2.Write(dest, 0, 0x30); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(RIFKEY, i, 0, o, 0, 0x10); stream2.Write(o, 0, 0x10); long num = 0L; byte[] src = decryptACTDAT(path, iDPSFile); byte[] buffer9 = new byte[0x10]; buffer5 = new byte[0x10]; byte[] buffer10 = new byte[40]; ConversionUtils.arraycopy(src, ((int)num) * 0x10, buffer9, 0L, 0x10); ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(buffer9, buffer6, 0, buffer5, 0, 0x10); stream2.Write(buffer5, 0, 0x10); stream2.Write(rif_footer, 0, 0x10); while (stream2.Length < 0x98L) { stream2.Write(rif_junk, 0, 1); } stream2.Close(); return(outFile); }