static void Main(string[] args) { //INITIAL LOAD GameData.DataBuild(); //UI LOAD DialogBoxTopLine.Append(SpecialChars.DoubleLineLeftTop); for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++) { DialogBoxTopLine.Append(SpecialChars.DoubleLineAcross); } DialogBoxTopLine.Append(SpecialChars.DoubleLineRightTop); DialogBoxBottomLine.Append(SpecialChars.DoubleLineLeftBottom); for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++) { DialogBoxBottomLine.Append(SpecialChars.DoubleLineAcross); } DialogBoxBottomLine.Append(SpecialChars.DoubleLineRightBottom); DialogBoxCurrLine = 0; DialogBoxIndex = 0; currentMap = GameData.AllMaps[2]; p1 = new Player("Nemo", 'P', ConsoleColor.Cyan, 10); p1.SetHealthTo(6); PlayerInventory = new Inventory(); PlayerArmory = new Inventory(); p1.EquipStartingWeapon(new Weapon("Fists", "Just your bare hands", 1, "Fist")); //Stopwatch for debug purposes sw = new Stopwatch(); currentMap.TerrainData[currentMap.SpawnPoints[0].YVal, currentMap.SpawnPoints[0].XVal].SpawnCharacter(p1); Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.WindowWidth = ConsoleWidth; Console.WindowHeight = ConsoleHeight; Console.SetBufferSize(ConsoleWidth, ConsoleHeight); ConsoleLockdown.Lockdown(); //ASTAR PATHFINDING TEST - BROKEN //currentMap.AICharacters[0].Path = Pathfinding.AStar(currentMap.TerrainData[currentMap.AICharacters[0].Position.YVal,currentMap.AICharacters[0].Position.XVal], currentMap.TerrainData[10, 10], currentMap); //INTRO PrintCenterLine("Welcome to the game."); PrintCenterLine("For best results, please right-click on the title bar and set your font to Courier New."); PrintCenterLine("Thank you for playing my game."); PrintCenterLine("Press any key to begin"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); //PLAYER SET UP PrintCenterLine("~~CHARACTER CREATION~~"); PrintCenterLine("Firstly, what name would you like your character to have?"); Console.CursorVisible = true; p1.Name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.Clear(); PrintCenterLine($"You shall henceforth and forever be known as {p1.Name}"); PrintCenterLine("Press the enter key to start the game."); Console.ReadLine(); //STORY BEGIN ScreenTransition.Transition(); PrintCenterLine("You aren't entirely sure what has happened, but you find yourself in a ruined prison."); PrintCenterLine("Apparently, some goblins ambushed you while you were sleeping and imprisioned you."); PrintCenterLine("You probably didn't plan on your adventure starting like this, but here you are."); PrintCenterLine("This is actually quite fortuitous, because these goblins are mere pests."); PrintCenterLine("They shall serve as a whetstone upon which to sharpen your skills. A tutorial, as it were."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); DrawEverything(); //TURN CYCLE while (p1.Health > 0) { PlayerInput(); CharacterAI(); DrawEverything(); } }