/// <summary> /// Indicates whether the current <see cref="SessionXrefRecord" /> instance is equal to another <see cref="SessionXrefRecord" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="that"> /// The <see cref="SessionXrefRecord" /> instance to be compared against this instance. /// </param> /// <returns> /// True if both instances are considered equal; otherwise, false. /// </returns> public Boolean Equals(SessionXrefRecord that) { Boolean result = true; result = result && (this.Id.TrimOrNullify() == that.Id.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Lock.TrimOrNullify() == that.Lock.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.CourseId.TrimOrNullify() == that.CourseId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.ActId.TrimOrNullify() == that.ActId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Real == that.Real); result = result && (this.Element == that.Element); result = result && (this.Mandatory == that.Mandatory); result = result && (this.InvPrint == that.InvPrint); result = result && (this.Currency.TrimOrNullify() == that.Currency.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Price == that.Price); result = result && (this.BlockPrice == that.BlockPrice); result = result && (this.PriceBc == that.PriceBc); result = result && (this.BlkPriceBc == that.BlkPriceBc); result = result && (this.Vatcd.TrimOrNullify() == that.Vatcd.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.RevCode.TrimOrNullify() == that.RevCode.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.CostCode.TrimOrNullify() == that.CostCode.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.DoNotInv == that.DoNotInv); result = result && (this.ShowSales == that.ShowSales); result = result && (this.NoInSet == that.NoInSet); result = result && (this.RetailPrice == that.RetailPrice); result = result && (this.CostPrice == that.CostPrice); result = result && (this.RetPriceBc == that.RetPriceBc); result = result && (this.CstPriceBc == that.CstPriceBc); result = result && (this.RetPricBc2 == that.RetPricBc2); result = result && (this.CstPricBc2 == that.CstPricBc2); result = result && (this.PriceA == that.PriceA); result = result && (this.PriceB == that.PriceB); result = result && (this.PriceC == that.PriceC); result = result && (this.PriceD == that.PriceD); result = result && (this.PriceE == that.PriceE); result = result && (this.Default == that.Default); result = result && (this.PlId.TrimOrNullify() == that.PlId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Ticket == that.Ticket); result = result && (this.GroupQty == that.GroupQty); result = result && (this.GroupDte == that.GroupDte); result = result && (this.GroupQtyId.TrimOrNullify() == that.GroupQtyId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.GroupDteId.TrimOrNullify() == that.GroupDteId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.QtyMin == that.QtyMin); result = result && (this.QtyMax == that.QtyMax); result = result && (this.ValidFrom == that.ValidFrom); result = result && (this.ValidUntil == that.ValidUntil); result = result && (this.BeforeDays == that.BeforeDays); result = result && (this.Chargeable == that.Chargeable); result = result && (this.MainSession == that.MainSession); result = result && (this.EttId.TrimOrNullify() == that.EttId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.GrpSgId.TrimOrNullify() == that.GrpSgId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.StrmSgId.TrimOrNullify() == that.StrmSgId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.GridStart.TrimOrNullify() == that.GridStart.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.GridEnd.TrimOrNullify() == that.GridEnd.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.SessPnts == that.SessPnts); result = result && (this.MastSess == that.MastSess); result = result && (this.Selected == that.Selected); result = result && (this.CountDel == that.CountDel); result = result && (this.PayPnts == that.PayPnts); result = result && (this.Code.TrimOrNullify() == that.Code.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.ActxrefId.TrimOrNullify() == that.ActxrefId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.ProdId.TrimOrNullify() == that.ProdId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.PlName.TrimOrNullify() == that.PlName.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.PrsId.TrimOrNullify() == that.PrsId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Member == that.Member); result = result && (this.StartDay == that.StartDay); result = result && (this.EndDay == that.EndDay); result = result && (this.LstPrice == that.LstPrice); result = result && (this.Student == that.Student); result = result && (this.BomId.TrimOrNullify() == that.BomId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.EpId == that.EpId); result = result && (this.ValidDate == that.ValidDate); result = result && (this.Region.TrimOrNullify() == that.Region.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.CsgId == that.CsgId); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="SessionXrefRecord" /> object instance that is a shallow-copy of the current object instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The shallow-copy of the current <see cref="SessionXrefRecord" /> object instance. /// </returns> public SessionXrefRecord Clone() { SessionXrefRecord record = new SessionXrefRecord(); record.Id = this.Id; record.Lock = this.Lock; record.AddDate = this.AddDate; record.AddBy = this.AddBy; record.ModDate = this.ModDate; record.ModBy = this.ModBy; record.RcvDate = this.RcvDate; record.RcvFrom = this.RcvFrom; record.CourseId = this.CourseId; record.ActId = this.ActId; record.Real = this.Real; record.Element = this.Element; record.Mandatory = this.Mandatory; record.InvPrint = this.InvPrint; record.Currency = this.Currency; record.Price = this.Price; record.BlockPrice = this.BlockPrice; record.PriceBc = this.PriceBc; record.BlkPriceBc = this.BlkPriceBc; record.Vatcd = this.Vatcd; record.RevCode = this.RevCode; record.CostCode = this.CostCode; record.DoNotInv = this.DoNotInv; record.ShowSales = this.ShowSales; record.NoInSet = this.NoInSet; record.RetailPrice = this.RetailPrice; record.CostPrice = this.CostPrice; record.RetPriceBc = this.RetPriceBc; record.CstPriceBc = this.CstPriceBc; record.RetPricBc2 = this.RetPricBc2; record.CstPricBc2 = this.CstPricBc2; record.PriceA = this.PriceA; record.PriceB = this.PriceB; record.PriceC = this.PriceC; record.PriceD = this.PriceD; record.PriceE = this.PriceE; record.Default = this.Default; record.PlId = this.PlId; record.Ticket = this.Ticket; record.GroupQty = this.GroupQty; record.GroupDte = this.GroupDte; record.GroupQtyId = this.GroupQtyId; record.GroupDteId = this.GroupDteId; record.QtyMin = this.QtyMin; record.QtyMax = this.QtyMax; record.ValidFrom = this.ValidFrom; record.ValidUntil = this.ValidUntil; record.BeforeDays = this.BeforeDays; record.Chargeable = this.Chargeable; record.MainSession = this.MainSession; record.EttId = this.EttId; record.GrpSgId = this.GrpSgId; record.StrmSgId = this.StrmSgId; record.GridStart = this.GridStart; record.GridEnd = this.GridEnd; record.SessPnts = this.SessPnts; record.MastSess = this.MastSess; record.Selected = this.Selected; record.CountDel = this.CountDel; record.PayPnts = this.PayPnts; record.Code = this.Code; record.ActxrefId = this.ActxrefId; record.ProdId = this.ProdId; record.PlName = this.PlName; record.PrsId = this.PrsId; record.Member = this.Member; record.StartDay = this.StartDay; record.EndDay = this.EndDay; record.LstPrice = this.LstPrice; record.Student = this.Student; record.BomId = this.BomId; record.EpId = this.EpId; record.ValidDate = this.ValidDate; record.Region = this.Region; record.CsgId = this.CsgId; return(record); }