public XmlReaderScope ProfileSearch(string searchQuery, bool isSecure) { string spName = "usp_GetPersonList_xml"; XmlReaderScope scope = null; try { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "xMessage", DbType.Xml, searchQuery); if (isSecure) { db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "isSecure", DbType.Boolean, isSecure); } XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlDataUtility.logit("---- ERROR==> " + ex.Message + " STACK:" + ex.StackTrace + " SOURCE:" + ex.Source);; throw ex; } return(scope); }
public XmlReaderScope GetProfileNetworkForBrowser(int profileId) { string spName = "usp_GetFlashNetwork_XML"; //This is a good debug tool. You will need to add a flag to your web.config to enable it. See method for flag name. XmlDataUtility.logit("- line 1: NetworkBrowserDA.GetProfileNetworkForBrowser(" + profileId.ToString() + ")"); XmlReaderScope scope = null; try { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "personid1", DbType.Int32, profileId); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); } catch (Exception ex) { //this is a good debug tool. //XmlDataUtility.logit("- GetProfileNetworkForBrowser MESSAGE==> " + ex.Message + " STACKTRACE==>" + ex.StackTrace + " SOURCE==>" + ex.Source); bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Log Only Policy"); if (rethrow) throw ex; } return scope; }
/// <summary> /// populate business entity object from xml stored proc xml input parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="xml">input parameter in xml format</param> /// <param name="ds">an instance of typed dataset derived from xml schema</param> /// <returns>populated typed dataset from xml storeproc</returns> public static DataSet FillXmlDataSet(string spName, string xml, DataSet ds) { using (XmlReaderScope scope = ExecuteXmlReader(spName, xml)) { ds.ReadXml(scope.Reader); return(ds); } }
/// <summary> /// Get xml in xmlreader by xml parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="spName">xml storproc name</param> /// <param name="id">input xml paramter of sp, null indicates parameter-less sp</param> /// <returns>XmlReaderScope that encapsulates xmlreader</returns> public static XmlReaderScope ExecuteXmlReader(string spName, string xml) { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "xMessage", DbType.Xml, xml); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); XmlReaderScope scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); return scope; }
/// <summary> /// Get xml in xmlreader by xml parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="spName">xml storproc name</param> /// <param name="id">input xml paramter of sp, null indicates parameter-less sp</param> /// <returns>XmlReaderScope that encapsulates xmlreader</returns> public static XmlReaderScope ExecuteXmlReader(string spName, string xml) { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "xMessage", DbType.Xml, xml); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); XmlReaderScope scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); return(scope); }
public XmlReaderScope GetMatchingKeywords(string keyword, string queryID, bool exactKeyword) { string spName = "usp_GetMatchingKeywords_xml "; XmlReaderScope scope = null; // Defaults bool returnXML = true; try { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Keyword", DbType.String, keyword); if (queryID.Length > 0) { db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "QueryID", DbType.String, null); } else { db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "QueryID", DbType.String, DBNull.Value); } db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ExactKeyword", DbType.Boolean, exactKeyword); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ReturnXML", DbType.Boolean, returnXML); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlDataUtility.logit("ERROR==> " + ex.Message + " STACK:" + ex.StackTrace + " SOURCE:" + ex.Source);; throw ex; } return(scope); }
public XmlReaderScope GetMatchingKeywords(string keyword, string queryID, bool exactKeyword) { string spName = "usp_GetMatchingKeywords_xml "; XmlReaderScope scope = null; // Defaults bool returnXML = true; try { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Keyword", DbType.String, keyword); if (queryID.Length > 0) db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "QueryID", DbType.String, null); else db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "QueryID", DbType.String, DBNull.Value); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ExactKeyword", DbType.Boolean, exactKeyword); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ReturnXML", DbType.Boolean, returnXML); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlDataUtility.logit("ERROR==> " + ex.Message + " STACK:" + ex.StackTrace + " SOURCE:" + ex.Source); ; throw ex; } return scope; }
public XmlReaderScope GetProfileNetworkForBrowser(int profileId) { string spName = "usp_GetFlashNetwork_XML"; //This is a good debug tool. You will need to add a flag to your web.config to enable it. See method for flag name. XmlDataUtility.logit("- line 1: NetworkBrowserDA.GetProfileNetworkForBrowser(" + profileId.ToString() + ")"); XmlReaderScope scope = null; try { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "personid1", DbType.Int32, profileId); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); } catch (Exception ex) { //this is a good debug tool. //XmlDataUtility.logit("- GetProfileNetworkForBrowser MESSAGE==> " + ex.Message + " STACKTRACE==>" + ex.StackTrace + " SOURCE==>" + ex.Source); bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Log Only Policy"); if (rethrow) { throw ex; } } return(scope); }
public XmlReaderScope ProfileSearch(string searchQuery, bool isSecure) { string spName = "usp_GetPersonList_xml"; XmlReaderScope scope = null; try { SqlDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() as SqlDatabase; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "xMessage", DbType.Xml, searchQuery); if (isSecure) db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "isSecure", DbType.Boolean, isSecure); XmlReader reader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(dbCommand); scope = new XmlReaderScope(dbCommand.Connection, reader); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlDataUtility.logit("---- ERROR==> " + ex.Message + " STACK:" + ex.StackTrace + " SOURCE:" + ex.Source); ; throw ex; } return scope; }