static void Main(string[] args) { IDataAccessLayer dal = new JsonFileAccessLayer("C:\\"); //CreateTestAccounts(dal); AccountHolder ach = DemandAuthentication(dal); Command userCommand = null; while (userCommand == null || userCommand.Inquiry != TransactionTypes.Quit) { string amount = ""; string direction = ""; userCommand = PromptUser("Please select one of the following commands:", ach.AvailableCommands); if (userCommand != null && userCommand.Inquiry != TransactionTypes.Quit) { Account chosen = null; if (RequireCountAndDirection.Contains(userCommand.Inquiry)) { Command takeOneAcount = new Command(string.Format("return only 1 account."), TransactionTypes.ListAccounts); Command takeFiveAccounts = new Command(string.Format("return 5 accounts."), TransactionTypes.ListAccounts); List<Command> howManyAccounts = new List<Command>() { takeOneAcount, takeFiveAccounts }; Command oneOrFive = PromptUser("How many accounts would you like to list?", howManyAccounts); amount = oneOrFive == takeOneAcount ? "1" : "5"; Command takeTopAccounts = new Command(string.Format("view the top {0} account(s).", amount), TransactionTypes.ListAccounts); Command takeBottomAccounts = new Command(string.Format("view the bottom {0} account(s).", amount), TransactionTypes.ListAccounts); List<Command> possibleInquiries = new List<Command>() { takeTopAccounts, takeBottomAccounts }; Command topOrBottom = PromptUser("Which accounts would you like?", possibleInquiries); userCommand = topOrBottom; direction = userCommand == takeTopAccounts ? "desc" : "asc"; } if (RequireAccount.Contains(userCommand.Inquiry)) { chosen = ChooseTargetAccount(dal.LoadAccountsForUser(ach.Id)); } if (userCommand.Inquiry == TransactionTypes.GetAccountAtDate) { chosen = ChooseTargetAccount(dal.GetAllAcccounts()); } if (userCommand.Inquiry == TransactionTypes.ChangeCurrency) { Command useDollars = new Command(string.Format("view currency in {0}.", AvailableCurrencies.CurrencyList[0].Name), TransactionTypes.ListAccounts); Command useEuros = new Command(string.Format("view currency in {0}", AvailableCurrencies.CurrencyList[1].Name), TransactionTypes.ListAccounts); List<Command> possibleCurrencies = new List<Command>() { useDollars, useEuros }; Command dOrE = PromptUser("Please choose a currency: ", possibleCurrencies); if (dOrE == useEuros) amount = AvailableCurrencies.CurrencyList[1].Name; else amount = AvailableCurrencies.CurrencyList[0].Name; } if (RequireMoney.Contains(userCommand.Inquiry)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount."); amount = Console.ReadLine(); } if (userCommand.Inquiry == TransactionTypes.GetAccountAtDate) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a date to view account balance for."); amount = Console.ReadLine(); } InquiryResult result = ach.PerformInquiry(chosen, userCommand, dal, amount, direction); foreach (string s in result.Response) Console.WriteLine(s); if (chosen != null) dal.SaveAccount(chosen); } } // Say goodbye to the user. Console.WriteLine("Goodbye {0}!, press enter to conclude your session.", ach.DisplayName); Console.ReadLine(); }
public InquiryResult PerformInquiry(Account selectedAccount, Command toPerform, IDataAccessLayer dal, params string[] parameters) { List<string> responses = new List<string>(); List<string> followUps = new List<string>(); switch (toPerform.Inquiry) { case TransactionTypes.ListAccounts: List<Account> foundAccounts = new List<Account>(); int numberToLoad = 5; int.TryParse(parameters[0], out numberToLoad); bool descOrder = true; if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 1 && parameters[1] == "asc") descOrder = false; if (descOrder) foundAccounts.AddRange(dal.HighestAccounts(numberToLoad)); else foundAccounts.AddRange(dal.LowestAccounts(numberToLoad)); foreach (Account act in foundAccounts) { responses.Add(string.Format("Account {0} has {1} in it and is owned by {2}", act.Id, act.Balance.ToString(), act.Owner.DisplayName)); } break; case TransactionTypes.GetAccountAtDate: if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 0) { DateTime targetDate = DateTime.MinValue; if(DateTime.TryParse(parameters[0], out targetDate)) { if (selectedAccount.TransactionHistory.Count() > 0) { List<Transaction> allTransInOrder = selectedAccount.TransactionHistory.OrderBy(x => x.Time).ToList(); Transaction lastTransaction = allTransInOrder[0]; foreach(var t in allTransInOrder) { if (t.Time > lastTransaction.Time && t.Time < targetDate) { lastTransaction = t; } } responses.Add(string.Format("Account {0} had {1} on {2}", selectedAccount.Id, lastTransaction.BalanceAfter, targetDate)); } } } break; default: break; } return new InquiryResult(responses, followUps); }
public InquiryResult PerformInquiry(Account selectedAccount, Command toPerform, IDataAccessLayer dal, params string[] parameters) { List<string> responses = new List<string>(); List<string> followUps = new List<string>(); switch (toPerform.Inquiry) { case TransactionTypes.BalanceInquiry: responses.Add(string.Format("Current Balance is: {0}", selectedAccount.Balance)); break; case TransactionTypes.Deposit: double depositing = 0d; if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 0 && double.TryParse(parameters[0], out depositing)) { responses.Add(string.Format("Deposited: {0}", depositing)); selectedAccount.PerformTransaction(new Transaction("Deposited Funds", new Money(depositing, selectedAccount.LocalCurrency), toPerform.Inquiry)); } break; case TransactionTypes.Withdrawal: double withdrawing = 0d; if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 0 && double.TryParse(parameters[0], out withdrawing)) { responses.Add(string.Format("Withdrew: {0}", withdrawing)); selectedAccount.PerformTransaction(new Transaction("Withdrew Funds", -new Money(withdrawing, selectedAccount.LocalCurrency), toPerform.Inquiry)); } break; case TransactionTypes.ChangeCurrency: Currency toSwitch = selectedAccount.LocalCurrency; if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 0) { foreach (Currency c in AvailableCurrencies.CurrencyList) { if (c.Name == parameters[0]) { toSwitch = c; responses.Add(string.Format("Switching to currency: {0}", c.Name)); } } } selectedAccount.SwitchAccountCurrency(toSwitch); responses.Add(string.Format("Completed currency exchange.")); goto case TransactionTypes.BalanceInquiry; default: break; } return new InquiryResult(responses, followUps); }
public InquiryResult PerformInquiry(Account selectedAccount, Command toPerform, IDataAccessLayer dal, params string[] parameters) { return injectedHolder.PerformInquiry(selectedAccount, toPerform, dal, parameters); }