 public SwiperPluginView(
     SwiperPlugin plugin,
     SwiperPluginConfig config,
     Key key = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     this.plugin = plugin;
     this.config = config;
 public SwiperPagination(
     Alignment alignment  = null,
     Key key              = null,
     EdgeInsets margin    = null,
     SwiperPlugin builder = null
     this.alignment = alignment;
     this.key       = key;
     this.margin    = margin ?? EdgeInsets.all(10.0f);
     this.builder   = builder ?? dots;
 public Swiper(
     IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder    = null,
     PageIndicatorLayout indicatorLayout = PageIndicatorLayout.none,
     PageTransformer transformer         = null,
     int?itemCount       = null,
     bool autoplay       = false,
     SwiperLayout layout = SwiperLayout.normal,
     int autoplayDelay   = SwiperUtils.kDefaultAutoplayDelayMs,
     bool autoplayDisableOnInteraction = true,
     int duration = SwiperUtils.kDefaultAutoplayTransactionDuration,
     ValueChanged <int> onIndexChanged = null,
     int?index                   = null,
     SwiperOnTap onTap           = null,
     SwiperPlugin control        = null,
     bool loop                   = true,
     Curve curve                 = null,
     Axis scrollDirection        = Axis.horizontal,
     SwiperPlugin pagination     = null,
     List <SwiperPlugin> plugins = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics       = null,
     Key key = null,
     SwiperController controller           = null,
     CustomLayoutOption customLayoutOption = null,
     float?containerHeight  = null,
     float?containerWidth   = null,
     float viewportFraction = 1.0f,
     float?itemHeight       = null,
     float?itemWidth        = null,
     bool?outer             = false,
     float?scale            = null,
     float?fade             = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(itemBuilder != null || transformer != null,
              () => "itemBuilder and transformItemBuilder must not be both null");
     D.assert(!loop || ((loop && layout == SwiperLayout.normal &&
                         (indicatorLayout == PageIndicatorLayout.scale ||
                          indicatorLayout == PageIndicatorLayout.color ||
                          indicatorLayout == PageIndicatorLayout.none)) ||
                        (loop && layout != SwiperLayout.normal)),
              () => "Only support `PageIndicatorLayout.SCALE` and `PageIndicatorLayout.COLOR`when layout==SwiperLayout.DEFAULT in loop mode"
     this.itemBuilder     = itemBuilder;
     this.indicatorLayout = indicatorLayout;
     this.transformer     = transformer;
     this.itemCount       = itemCount;
     this.autoplay        = autoplay;
     this.layout          = layout;
     this.autoplayDelay   = autoplayDelay;
     this.autoplayDisableOnInteraction = autoplayDisableOnInteraction;
     this.duration           = duration;
     this.onIndexChanged     = onIndexChanged;
     this.index              = index;
     this.onTap              = onTap;
     this.control            = control;
     this.loop               = loop;
     this.curve              = curve ?? Curves.ease;
     this.scrollDirection    = scrollDirection;
     this.pagination         = pagination;
     this.plugins            = plugins;
     this.physics            = physics;
     this.controller         = controller;
     this.customLayoutOption = customLayoutOption;
     this.containerHeight    = containerHeight;
     this.containerWidth     = containerWidth;
     this.viewportFraction   = viewportFraction;
     this.itemHeight         = itemHeight;
     this.itemWidth          = itemWidth;
     this.outer              = outer;
     this.scale              = scale;
     this.fade               = fade;