private void Button_Step1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { global.Email = emailBox.Text; global.Pwd = passwordBox.Password; global.DropboxPath = pathBox.Text; if (global.Email.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Email cannot be empty.", "ConflictReaper"); return; } if (global.Pwd.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Password cannot be empty.", "ConflictReaper"); return; } if (global.DropboxPath.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Work folder cannot be empty.", "ConflictReaper"); return; } if (!global.setBasePath()) { MessageBox.Show(global.DropboxPath + "is not a dropbox shared folder.", "ConflictReaper"); return; } global.setPathPerfix(); = global.Email; Properties.Settings.Default.pwd = global.Pwd; Properties.Settings.Default.dropboxPath = global.DropboxPath; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); if (global.ProxyState == 2) { if (ProxyIP.Text.Length == 0 || ProxyPort.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Input the IP Address of your Proxy Server", "ConflictReaper"); return; } string[] ip = ProxyIP.Text.Split('.'); if (ip.Length != 4) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong IP Address", "ConflictReaper"); return; } if (!(global.checkIP(ip[0]) && global.checkIP(ip[1]) && global.checkIP(ip[2]) && global.checkIP(ip[3]))) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong IP Address", "ConflictReaper"); return; } try { int port = int.Parse(ProxyPort.Text); if (port < 0 || port > 65535) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Proxy Port", "ConflictReaper"); return; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Proxy Port", "ConflictReaper"); return; } global.ProxyHost = ProxyIP.Text; Int32.TryParse(ProxyPort.Text, out global.ProxyPort); } mswin.confirm("Checking if you need to authorize..."); flowMeasureDevicePool = new FlowMeasureDevicePool(); scanFiles(global.DropboxPath); setFileSystemWatcher(); //setOpeningFileHook(); dropboxclient = new DropboxConnection( new DropboxConnectionArg( Properties.Settings.Default.accessToken, global.User, global.Email, global.ProxyState, global.ProxyHost, global.ProxyPort, global.DropboxBasePath)); new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { if (!dropboxclient.IsInitialized) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { mswin.Hide(); if (global.ProxyState != 0) { var settings = new CefSettings(); settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("--proxy-server", global.ProxyHost + ":" + global.ProxyPort); Cef.Initialize(settings, false, null); } var authorizeUri = dropboxclient.getAuthUri(); this.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.CanResize; webView = new ChromiumWebBrowser(); Browser.Children.Add(webView); Width = 1024; Height = 768; Top = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Size.Height - Height) / 2; Left = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Size.Width - Width) / 2; mswin.confirm("Connecting to " + authorizeUri.Host + "..."); webView.Address = authorizeUri.ToString(); webView.FrameLoadStart += WebView_FrameLoadStart; webView.FrameLoadEnd += WebView_FrameLoadEnd; FirstStepGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; Browser.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; webView.Focus(); })); } else { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { Title = "ConflictReaper: " + global.User + "(" + global.Email + ")"; mswin.Hide(); FirstStepGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; AfterAuth(); })); } })).Start(); }
public ConflictReaperWebSocketHandler(DropboxConnection dropboxclient, GlobalUtil g) { client = dropboxclient; global = g; }