public GetConfirmationTemplatesResponse getConfirmationTemplates(GetConfirmationTemplatesRequest getConfirmationTemplatesRequest) { try { Log.Info("ConfirmationsManager GetConfirmationTemplatesRequest: " + (getConfirmationTemplatesRequest == null ? "null" : getConfirmationTemplatesRequest.ToString())); var confirmationTemplateNames = new String[] { "template1", "template2" }; var attributes1 = new Attribute[] { new Attribute("Group", "ISDA"), new Attribute("Category", "OIL") }; var confirmationTemplate1 = new ConfirmationTemplate("OIL.BONITO.EXCH", attributes1); var attributes2 = new Attribute[] { new Attribute("Group", "ISDA"), new Attribute("Category", "OIL") }; var confirmationTemplate2 = new ConfirmationTemplate("OIL.BONITO.EXCH", attributes2); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load(getFilePath("TemplateList.xml")); XmlNode root = xml.DocumentElement; var confirmationTemplates = new List <ConfirmationTemplate>(); foreach (XmlNode node in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { String templateName = null; var attributes = new List <Attribute>(); foreach (XmlNode node2 in node.ChildNodes) { if (node2.Name.Equals("TemplateName")) { templateName = node2.InnerText; } else { var name = node2.Name; var value = node2.InnerText; attributes.Add(new Attribute(name, value)); } } if (templateName != null) { var confirmationTemplate = new ConfirmationTemplate(templateName, attributes.ToArray()); confirmationTemplates.Add(confirmationTemplate); } } var response = new GetConfirmationTemplatesResponse(confirmationTemplates.ToArray()); Log.Info("ConfirmationsManager getConfirmationTemplatesResponse: " + (response == null ? "null" : response.ToString())); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to process getConfirmationTemplates() service call", e); throw e; } }
public GetConfirmationTemplatesResponse getConfirmationTemplates(GetConfirmationTemplatesRequest getConfirmationTemplatesRequest) { try { Log.Info("ConfirmationsManager GetConfirmationTemplatesRequest: " + (getConfirmationTemplatesRequest == null ? "null" : getConfirmationTemplatesRequest.ToString())); var confirmationTemplateNames = new String[] { "template1", "template2" }; var attributes1 = new Attribute[] { new Attribute("Group", "ISDA"), new Attribute("Category", "OIL") }; var confirmationTemplate1 = new ConfirmationTemplate("OIL.BONITO.EXCH", attributes1); var attributes2 = new Attribute[] { new Attribute("Group", "ISDA"), new Attribute("Category", "OIL") }; var confirmationTemplate2 = new ConfirmationTemplate("OIL.BONITO.EXCH", attributes2); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load( getFilePath( "TemplateList.xml") ); XmlNode root = xml.DocumentElement; var confirmationTemplates = new List<ConfirmationTemplate>(); foreach ( XmlNode node in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes ) { String templateName =null; var attributes = new List<Attribute>(); foreach (XmlNode node2 in node.ChildNodes) { if (node2.Name.Equals("TemplateName") ) templateName = node2.InnerText; else { var name = node2.Name; var value = node2.InnerText; attributes.Add(new Attribute(name, value)); } } if (templateName != null) { var confirmationTemplate = new ConfirmationTemplate(templateName, attributes.ToArray() ); confirmationTemplates.Add(confirmationTemplate); } } var response = new GetConfirmationTemplatesResponse(confirmationTemplates.ToArray() ); Log.Info("ConfirmationsManager getConfirmationTemplatesResponse: " + (response == null ? "null" : response.ToString())); return response; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to process getConfirmationTemplates() service call", e); throw e; } }